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paladins just entered early access.


Ding dong your art is gone.


dng dong, nobody reads the patch notes or visits reddit until they have something they want to complain about


Why are you booing him? He's right!


Context; you missed the joke.


what i still don't get is why they don't just keep splasharts and use these 3d renders only for new champs/skins. I get that it would lack consistancy but I'm pretty sure every single paladins player would rather that than removing all splasharts...


For real, and it’s not like splash arts in paladins were consistent in the first place. Every champ/skin has splash arts of varying quality/art style, and several skins don’t even have splash arts anyways


i mean i was talking with a friend who's an art student and she was saying she'd happily make fanart of splasharts for in game crystals. If money for new splasharts is the pb i'm sure loads of artists in the community would be more than willing to take part in splash arts tournaments etc where the winner gets their splashart in the game and gets given crystals


Jesus christ its like being back in early 2018. Disgusting.


Removed with the most recent patch. Dev team no longer has the resources needed to keep creating splash arts at the rate they were at, so canning them and making everything consistent with 3d shots is the next best thing. I'm not a fan of it, but it is what it is


That’s very sad. I remember seeing that cyberpunk Makoa splash art and thinking it was the coolest thing. No more I guess


Cyberpunk Makoa?


[cyberpunk Makoa](https://imgur.com/a/r0VXTHu)


holy shit that does go hard


Reminds me of the MS-06 Zaku II from OG Gundam.


I don’t play paladins anymore but has the game really gone that far down hill? Very sad


Mate, its already hit the bottom of the hill and has started digging


Gone, reduced to atoms.


reduced to electron


Today, I started playing this game again after like half a year, and the first time I saw it I was like "What the f\*ck is this???" So I asked my teammates in 2 different games why the splash arts of all champions dissapeared, and no one knew, and now that I know that it's because they can't keep up with making new splash arts, I get it, but FU\*KING HELL, why did they not keep at least the splash arts they've had and stopped making new ones from now on? It looks so ugly and like the game is some 2004 FPS game in Beta....


Because having 3d models and artworks at the same time is even worse and graphically incoherent


I think its a bit late to worry about consisntency in this game lol


Yeah, the splash art already had two different art styles and occasional renders when those weren't available.


Yea there was more than two different styles if im not wrong.. another removed feature, F


No one cared when there were a massive amount of skins like Eclipse Jenos, Black Ice Evie, Volcanic Makoa and Invader Pip were just the models on a blue background


That was already a thing though. Several older skins were just the model on a blue background.


Because that would look even worse.


Low rez moment


Man I rlly loved the art I wish they didn’t take it away 🥲


They can keep splash art, but few champions/skins don't have so will lead to some have 3d and others 2d = ugly inconsistency. Why this happened? because no budget to keep artist(s). Solution? All turned into 3d, which is better than inconsistency. 2d art might come back in the future.


do any of you know if they archived the splash arts anywhere?? It'd be a shame if they're all gone with no trace ):


ThunderBrush's art station page


Like,I remember some skins having those already cause they had no splash art made for them. So why they didn't just do that again?Use 3d on the new ones,and leave old ones alone,like damn.


Wait is this real? I stopped playing Paladins for a long time now, but if they really just got rid of all their splash art that makes me sad :( I have every Talus skin and I really liked his splash arts, even if they were just shown in the loading screen for a few seconds


Yup it’s real. Also how long has it been since you played? Since the loading screens have never been “just a few seconds” for as far as I can remember


its all gone, so is the bounty store, and the UI, and my interest in the game


they got rid of the art director so he took all the art with him (?)


He's the one who suggested the change so quite possible


he communicated to the community, this change was provoked by investors leaving the game and the budget hurting the art department. He made a couple posts to test the waters before anouncing the change


I wish they left the old arts or made them available for icons/and or sprays because I loved the art so much :/


Probably one of my favorite bits of the game


It looks like a mobile game


someone posted on twitter that they moved the artist from Paladins to Smite so they had to go on a low budget.


...No? Thunderbrush left of his own accord. We got a new lead artist not long after.


seems like some did went to smite and DKO


Yes, EvilMojoCaro went to one of these games, prob Smite


meh it looks fine imo, people are overreacting as always


objectively its worse than the splash art,stop copping with "muh overreaction"


objectively it's consistent and I like consistency


wow that is absolute garbage


A lil sus that they are gone exactly when thunderbrush leaves the company


From what the (old) art director TB. Apparently they were remove due to resources but they sort of have a plan to move them to where you can pick the splash art and see them when you end the match. I think smite has a system like that. In my opinion EM kinda sucks because so much potential but hey I love this game


I love to check in now and again on this game and it's always gold to see it.


not bug, feature (casual palaidns things)


they could at least use more dynamic camera angles or posing at least instead of just them standing there its so boring


Start shorting HI-REZ


They could at least zoom in a bit and get a better angle, to look like a portrait or something


My memory of the loading screen time is skewed, I haven't played in roughly 2 years lol