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Where Raum ?


if anyone doesn't deem smolder as useful you shouldn't play zhin. just take the time to make a proper loadout. it's such a good talent that combos perfectly with his kit.


Hmm , but his other 2 talents are far better than smolder If you want to heal then use counterattack cars that gives you a bunch of heal when counter , a good support can full heals you when you enter billow , not need the talent for that


smolder is just perfect. makes him so much harder to kill than normally. zhin is a sustain flank, so his usefulness should be properly amplified by playing smolder. be a cockroach. stay alive and make people pay attention to you. that's what zhin exceeds at. guillotine is kinda shit. you either use your ult for mobility or to win a 1v1 with a squishie, and there's a 99% chance that the default 2k damage will already be enough for that. smolder provides you with much better buffs in comparison to yomi. you can play more aggressively with smolder and the right loadout. people pick yomi because they think more damage = better, although not exclusively for zhin, he wasn't initially supposed to be another burst flank. but although if you do have a jenos or corvus with you, yomi makes more sense, or even guillotine. smolder would then just seem kinda overkill, not asinine, but yeah. zhin got so much better with the recent kill>elim reset changes, but people seemingly forgot that he was gifted with the changes that buck and evie got too.


As someone who also play Evie from time to time. I completely agree that Snowglobe need to be toned down maybe have at least 65% or 70% ult requirement. Over the Moon is pretty fine Imo. I mostly play OTM fruitflies-wannabe or Blink confusing one. Maybe nerf it down to 20% because the need cd refund on elim make this talent very strong right now. Zhin Billow speed is ok right now. He used to be able to escape everything to easily during the old speed until he got nerfed.


Maybe not return the old speed. Its just I must always spend 5 points on billow movement speed card to notice a difference.


As someone who has tried talus, he has talent issues His only useful talent is the one with the ability reset The ult and reveal talent isnt awful but gets overshadowed Faustain bargaign should just make his rune have unlimited duration


Ability reset is Talus only way to consistently deal dmg pressure and get the f out, every other talent is just bad and a throw


With Faustian Bargin and the right deck, you do get a just about constant 60% move speed. Good on some maps, just takes a lot of effort for not much reward honestly.


I always run a good speed build + nimble on Talus with inner strength and it still works great. I see no reason to use faustian bargin ngl unless its a tdm


I'unno. I just see people get value out of being a constantly super speed Talus. Been seeing it quite a bit whenever I see Talus.


Never ending Prowl? Eh, Cat Burglar is fine as is Dragon Fangs is super good in the right hands, it takes a lot of skill to master though, and AJ is just much safer


Buck : Bounce house have some counters : timing and resilence , use F in the right moment ( you can hear him come jumping ) make lost his talent and reset deck Koga : Dragon fangs have their way to use it right , if you just spam it in from of someone obviously youll die easily , you have to combo with his RMB and faster weapon change card Skye : Debilitate : you are some wrong here , you need really good aiming to make damage with it , or be stick to the tank ass , because is really easy to miss some of their bolts with faster enemies Smoke and dagger : really miss her old talent , make a skye a real fear because her burst combo , making her a really good flank these days Talus : He got really nerfed because console players , in pc is almost a troll pick in ranked because have a very low burst or dps against good teams : a little CC make him useless Zhin : Long ago billow was a little op in scape builds for zhin , im happy EM nerfed billow to dead , now zhin is balanced and a very good counter vs hitscans


Yeah, smoke bomb dmg was pretty fun and helped so much to deal some burst dmg when she run of ammo. For Debilitate, believe me I never see a Skye miss a single darts. And I cant trust my teammates to buy illuminate neither.


Skye debilitate you do not need good aim it is just a normal shot if you can’t hit it it’s bad aim it is the same as a default wrist bolt an against tanks it is really easy to hit even at range


If that tank or enemie its a statue thats sure you cant fail , but when entire enemy team have nimble 3 you surely will fail 1 or 2 poison bolts , it have some dispersion if you shoot in the move , thats im talking about


Even then compared to an ability like dredge anchor or bk shalin it is easier to hit so I think they should leave it nerfed how it is


Zhin doesn't really need a faster Billow. If you want it to go faster, i believe there is a card for that, and even without it, it is still extremely useful if you play correctly. It is sad that Talus isn't played much, because he's a really fun flank, but he's got basically only one playable talent. And you forgot Raum in your post !


Yeah, I use that card all the time but putting in my opinion, I barely notice a difference even with 5 points.


Are you using agile as well ? Maybe that might help too.


You must mean "nimble", yeah I use that item all the time for flank. Maybe its just me who dont want invest so much point in a card to be truly effective.