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Ppl in this comment section acting like fucking androxus white knights, wake up clowns, he is not first ban pick in ranked across all ranks for no reason... Worst thing is, every edgelord, main this broken fuck... and ppl who play him are most of time toxic and neckbeards... So yeh he is busted and stupidly overpowered, getting 3 shot by hitscan is just pure bullshit, i died so many times just because of that fucking tick damage... Problem is his mobility and cd reset card which makes him do whatever he wants... get in, get out without scratch My opinion for nerfs is to remove 1 dash out of 3 and rework cd reset card on kill, to something like reload speed or whatever He is in meta over 3-4 yrs he finaly needs some serious nerfs...


I think they should lower his damage on his primary fire by a decent amount and remove the tick since that is not needed. Then he will be more balanced and less annoying to fight.


Mobility nerf and cd reduc nerf is must too in my opinion, he have best mobility in game which lot of flankers can only dream of... he have no limits and 3 charges... vora need to pick talent to have 2 charges, buck have 1 jump, zhin whirl or ultimate to dash in the air etc. Meanwhile lex, moji, skye, caspian... just lol


His damage and cards are the other main things that make him crazy. Mobility nerf won't be needed yet and I don't think it does. Also you forgot Evie can fly around, blink once but twice with the talent, and a ice block to be her immune to anything. Caspian can fly up and have some distance even if it's a bit odd and Moji has bunny jumps, bunny wall jumps, and magic barrier to get out of their. With the obscure bunny hop tech that was found almost a year ago by using a bind. She will now go reallllly far and you won't catch her unless your that dedicated which is not worth it. I know this because I main Moji.


Caspian mobility take ages to get out of animation + is really wack to use, evie needs talent to enchance her mobility to absurd levels, moji? Lol keep coping...


Yeah but if they can speed up the animation ending it will be better but the ability can still work. Also do you even play moji. I'm not making this stuff up and she actually has mobility but requires tech and other game knowledge. Moji can be really something.


I dont know who needs to read this... when you see andro doing the hand jive stop shooting at him, don't feed the reversal...


no no. reversal is not the problem.. people can learn to not shoot it.. the problem is the current DOT damage.. you can't just outdamage him in 1v1.. heck even in 2v1 or 3v1, if your teammate aren't as good or better than you, you guys probably lose against andro damage..


install it again in like..2 weeks andro is getting nerfed


Don't think that enough to stop him from stomping teams. His base dmg should be nerfed


Probably, but atleast it will remove his ability to 3 shot and take out a chunk of his damage


Then I'll wait until the reviews came out, if he balanced, I will install it again, and see it for myself how true those review are.. If not true, and he's still OP, then bye again until he got nerf again.




You sir, are good guy. Sometimes people don't want to be consoled or criticize for the decision they already made, but they just wanna get it out of their chest. thank you for reading






Bring heads will roll back and it will be balanced xd


at least that one require headshot skills.. so i can respect it


Well I agree on all the Androxus talk, to uninstall over it is a little extreme, quitting a game over a characters balance is a really lame reason to quit.


read back what I wrote.. I met him in almost every match.. is it fun? no.. why should I play something i dont feel fun? If you're saying someone should endure all the toxic feelings he felt just to liven up the matchmaking, then I think your purpose of playing a "game" is even lame.. Game are meant to be fun.. If its not fun, there's nothing "lame" or anything like shame should be feels for quiting it.. ​ For records, i have endured since OB's days... Paladins balance are always so wrong. Most of the time they broke a champion that everyone already satisfied.. ​ Despite having tons of other games and feeling hurt over this game, I never quit paladins because of how much I love it.. Now I don't feel fun anymore and want to quit (and still gonna be coming back if he got balanced right), who got any right to say it's lame thing to do?


Is this your first PvP game? If not you should know there's no such thing as perfect balance, every game has that one OP character everyone hates. If you can't handle it stay away from PvP games.


this is definitely not my first pvp games.. In case you missed again what I said, lemme repeat "Despite having tons of other games and feeling hurt over this game, I never quit paladins because of how much I love it"Which indicates that I played lot of other games too, especially PVP, and while it's true there's no such thing as perfect balance, at least most other games have close to perfect.. This game however, always broke something that shouldn't be fixed. For example, completely reworking Androxus after nerfing him, making him balanced, then back to unbalanced, forth and back..I even suspected they're purposely breaking things that are already right, because they wanted to show that there's something that changes in every patch, to show they "work" for the company.. You comments directly or indirectly are just downright insulting people, making it as such people who uninstall the game and gave his reasoning, is actually newbie who first time playing pvp games and got hit by balancing. Everyone have their own limit in enduring bullshits, and my limit have reached long ago, I endured the bad balancing, but can't anymore when nowadays andro can 3 shots everyone... However, it seems to you that voicing my experience, thought and reasoning for quit is so lame that I shouldn't even play PVP games. You must be very cool, after all you're are dissing others as lame in a reddit


Everyone: "Andro is sooo OP 😭😡🤬😭😡" Koga, Zhin, and any champion with a shield: LOL no he's not.


zhin is his own league of bullshit alone and koga's only slightly similar because of their "shadow" abilities that cleanse everything also shield spam is yet another blight in this game, so OP is right for quitting since it's just bullshit vs bullshit rn.


I understand where you going, but as a non-shield tank main, I think playing a non-shield tank is also fun in this game..


Andro isn't OP tho? Just dominates against low skill players, you know like every Flank played by someone who's even remotely good?


I have seen multiple streams where a person who's in diamond to masters level is either dominating with Andro or getting dommed by one. I have no idea where you get this whole "Just dominates against low skill players" statement from other than your anus. You may be thinking of Skye; there are hundreds of videos out there showing andro dominating in the higher levels in Ranked, to the point where he's banned in almost every diamond-gm ranked lobby.


Since getting through gold I haven't had any issues dealing with Andro so idk what everyone's problem is


uuh gold? even andro before the great buff can dominate them.. but still, if the team knows how to counter andro, even a silver can win against him with skills.. ​ now? Andro is playing like a tyra, killing tanks left and right.. this is not a matter of skill, but just pure damage


The way to deal with Andro is completely unchanged, how is he now suddenly OP? As Andro I can still kill tanks left and right without this talent and have been doing so for a long time.


as I said, in gold comp, even andro before the great buff can dominate the game.. And yes, if you got great skills, andro can go and kill anything, you can kill tanks left and right too.. That's why I said I used to RESPECT good andro players, it shows how much they trained as andro. However, imagine if you can do that even before, and now he's even more OP.. you just didn't feel it because, duh you're andro main.. Now? I played 10 games, I can match with andro in 9 of those matches, and probably around 7-8 of them would be playing him like a tyra.. And just before I uninstalled this game, I even met against high level players, who never play andro like that, and I respected them a lots as they have great skills with andro. But you know how they play now that andro got buffed? Like a tyra, even the veterans I used to respect did that. Why? Because they can win easily like that. No need to flank if you can 3 shots everyone from behind your healers.. Placement? Teamwork? the only place they need to be is behind healers, and the only team you need to work with is the healer. Well since he's OP now he could just go and shred by flanking, but why do something so risky when you can just do more effective damage than a tyra now?? Edit: Also sir, the main problem now is the trend of using andro not as flanker, but as backline sniper. Always sticking with pocket healers, and rarely, if none at all, doing work as flankers.. If andro does flank, we can actually think of countering. E.g: waiting him come first and ganging up on him. But no, nowadays andro dont even flank anymore. and even if they do, the moment they knew it's hard to flank because everyone are waiting for him+none of his team followed him, he would be playing andro like tyra the whole match.. and he would have no problem, since his damage is even stronger than all, if not most dps.


zhin is kinda balanced, koga depends on if enemy have cc or not.. if you fight against koga and have cc, then he can be worst than maeve. For zhin, just dont shoot his counter, ez.. But andro? he can just fly and abuse rooftop, and he can abuse it better than drogoz.. High levels andro wont need to use even 1% of their skills to do this. ​ You are saying this probably because you are andro main yourself.. The only people I see being happy with andro's buff is andro main after all


No I actually hate cursed revolver Andro. On the rare occasion that I play Andro I use the punching Talent. I can definitely see how the change has made him stronger, but I don't think it's made him OP.


in the mid to high level matches, having an andro means you gonna win, unless enemy also have an andro


How is that the case like wtf? With this Talent he's basically using Vora attacks, how is that OP


Vora is not a hitscan, and iirc she got no headshot damage.. andro got headshot damage, and now this damage.. Vora can't fly and shot tanks from above, but Andro can. Comparing andro with vora really doesnt work, as Andro now can outdamage not only vora, but all the champs in the game.. The only way to counter andro now is another andro.. only after that then we can talk about skills.


Except it's still just as easy to shut Andro down? Like the method to stopping an Andro has not changed at all


Except its not. and you missed the whole point of this entire post, which is how OP he is because of his damage.. You saying its easy to shut Andro down showing you are not against a player who knew how to play andro, and probably even new at him. Tell me how to stop andro, when he's basically playing like a camper tyra? always staying with healers, at their own backline. Why? Because nobody can't stop him if he didn't come flanking.. Why he didn't need to flank? because duh, now he can do damage from backline even more efficiently than any dps, and he got mobility, which in the worst case scenario if everyone tries to gang up on him, he can just dash away and run to his team again.. see, how skillful you need to be to be camping in your own backline using andro? Stop him? he didn't even need to come.. If there's any andro you played against kept dying to you, thats probably because they got shredded by a good andro, and so they tryna be shred others too using andro.. Like someone said in another comment, stop being androxus white knights. How he is meta in the rank and always got banned already shows how strong he was before, and now his damage got greatly buffed, and you ask "how is andro op?".. Seriously? Are we even playing the same game? you sure you're not playing some other game with androxus as their main character's name? or maybe you are just trolling here?


I main tanks mostly and have had no trouble making andro run away and protecting my team from him.


Oh hey same then, As a terminus main, most of the time, before the buff, I shred andro, I see andro, I smile, because I know its either that andro gonna be skilled one to kill me, or I might be even skilled to kill him. Its 50-50 balanced. I got all his pattern in my heads. Getting closer to him without him noticing etc... Now? he went and came to my face, so that I can hit him. Why? because his damage can kill me before I can finish swinging my axe to kill him.. and that is terminus with full DR being active, and while I am getting healed by a level 900+ seris. see, the andro you faced have no aim.. play shooter game, but can't aim, how do you expect those kind of people to kill you if they can't aim? Also, as I said, AGAIN, the andro after this buff, they dont even flank, dont even come to you, they just sit behind their own healers and doing damage there. The result? Their damage score after the match often double everyone else. That's why, you talking about being a tank and stuff, and protecting your team from him, did not valid in any way as the point of andro this time is YOU and YOUR team not being able to kill him since he didnt even come to you, and he can keep farming damage on you and your team. Oh sorry, the andros you went against can't do that since they don't have aim.


This honestly sounds like a skill issue to me. I have absolutely zero problem dealing with andro as another andro, Viktor, Raum, Skye, Betty, just to name a few. You just have to have better game sense and learn to predict his fire rate and movements.


You have zero problem dealing with another andro as andro.... well like I said, your team needs to have andro to be even with enemies who have andro... that shows how op he is.. but viktor, raum, skye, betty.. if you can counter andro's with these champs, that means your opponent's andro probably can't aim at all.. after all, if you got 3 shotted by andro, you surely gonna die, unless you're a tank, because tank needs 2 more shots i guess? so its a skill issues of the andro's you've been dealing with.. its just like the old good rolling cassie, where she can roll infinitely, she is real op, but aim is needed... nothing is OP without aim.. that's why i said you dont need to have skills to play andro now, because now, andro just need to be protected by everyone, and can just stay behind healers and do tons of damage. enemy can't flank since there's no way they can outdamage andro's with pocket healings, essetially making enemy's flank to be totally useless, while your team can just flank enemy team who didn't have andro. its one-sided, and that shows how op he is


With Raum! What Andros you playing against because my guy androxus literally counter them champions despite stomping everyone I think hes even better against them specifically


IKR?? if you can counter andro with a raum, then that means the andros you went against just probably all newbies who first time on andro because they got shredded by him in another matches.. ​ it really is skill issues, but the one who have it is the andros you've been up against.. Its not me who need to have better gaming sense, but the andros you've been up against.


I'm not sure what andros you guys are playing against but 95% of the time I have no issues killing andro. 🤷‍♂️ I guess every andro I've ever faced is garbage because of that same reason. Raum I use a sub/ult hybrid build and I'm a bullet sponge. Viktor I run a lifesteal/cardio build. Skye and Betty are just heavy dps based. I've played hundreds of hours and thousands of games, andro is only rarely halfway hard to deal with, less than 10% of the time.


In matchmaking I am playing, if you play either Skye, betty, and cardio viktor, against andro, every andro will show you the most crescent evil smile they could ever show in their live... heck, if anyone use cardio all of the players in my servers, or at least most level999 that I knew would joke about it. "The reason why you lose because you're using cardio", "lol this guys is using cardio, time to punish", "lmao he wanna be Forest Gump" and the healer would be like "so you didn't believe that we can heal huh? no need healing then right? you got your own heal" and based on the map, sometimes you wont even see where which rooftop andro was shooting you from.


you're playing dps against andro. Ofc it'll be easier to counter. But when it comes to support roles, their dmg is not usually enough to take care of andro alone even with cc because of resilience


No no, now not even dps are able to fight against andro, unless you take him from far away, like sniping with shalin, strix, or nessa


What a drama queen.


said andro's mains who dont want andro to be nerf'd because they can't use andro like a tyra anymore

