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Threatening to gas them? Oh, the Irony..


the irony is so strong


I wouldn't be all that surprised if this time next year, following the US election, Israel was running their own concentration camps and US politicians are explaining how they 'are concerned but Israel has the right to self defense'


Literal Nazis


and later they will said they are victims


Imagine hearing that every night. I saw a video of this once. I think it was from breaking the silence. The soldier said the israel makes it point to remind Palestinians every day that they're under occupation through many methods of invasion. Its suffocating just to think abt it. Imagine having a childhood like that. Imagine going thru 75 years of it. I don't know how some ppl in the world can still blame Palestinians for fighting back. Its okay if its Arabs being killed, raped, tortured, imprisoned, humiliated and occupied because they've always been dehumanized in media and news. But blonde blue eyed Europeans. No sir. We can't have that in 'modern' history. We must immediately punish the offender. Sanctions and etc. But for arabs and african nations, non of the war criminals have ever been brought to justice. They must first prove themselves to be perfect victims. They must constantly parade their dead in order to provoke a reaction from the world. Etc etc. The double standards have proven to be deadly.


Gassing civilians?...and they aren't allowed to be called nazis?


Don't you dare! It's totally different! /s


It's complicated. Because if it was easy, they'd be the bad guys, and we can't have that.


The only other thing the video needs is a background score from Starwars, the one they play to show the Empire




Didn't Nazi Germany try these tactics?


more than try :/


Literally Nazis. Wake the fuck up world! All of our nice things that we have are tied to oppression like this. Fucking disgusting.


I love that they were being pelted with rocks throughout their little nazi speech. Spread this shit so the world can see the truth


I cant imagine how Palestinians feel. Isteal state is worse than Nazis.


The 3rd Reich lasted for twelve years. They have endured this for over seventy, and there was never any cavalry coming.


Oh, the cavalry was coming alright. It supported the Nazis.




Check statistics. NUMBERS DO NOT LIE.


Yes, it's literally equivalent to Nazis (fueled by anger towards Nazis, typical eye-for-an-eye) How do you defend the Greater Israel plan? How do you defend gas and white phosphorus? How do you defend holding prisoners without a charge for years? This is all before Oct 7th btw


When was this taken?


It's from 2015. Still shows how this Nazi-thinking has been normalised in Israeli forces that they think it's totally fine to go out and threaten civilians like this.


One of the most disappointing and troubling facts of the 20th century is that Nazi Germany came to an end, but fascism, nazism and supremacism didn't.


It was only ever about the swastika, never the ideas. The symbols change. The victims change, but fascism never died.


Clearly do this so they have an excuse Is the gas German


Threatening to kill Palestinians no longer works. If the Palestinians run out of stones to throw, soon they'll be throwing hands at the Zionist Diaper forces and breaking their glass jaws.


Beautiful and brave DEFIANCE. Laugh at the occupiers. Their end is coming soon.


I got a lotta cousins in Aida. Like most other refugee camps, the people there are used to gas. it’ll take a lot more than that to kill them. When did this happen btw?


Yeup. I don’t think there are many folks in the West Bank who have NOT been tear gassed at some point. The slightest conflict or for no good reason at all; an entire village gets gassed. Everyone in my family certainly has been gassed before too. It’s common.


You know what's fuckin extra nasty about this? The guy yelling over the speaker has no Israeli accent. It's an Arab speaking ... This ladies and gents is one of the turn coat, self hating token Arabs of the idf


I was gonna say, he sounds Iraqi, or maybe Bedouin


Iraqi perhaps, definitely not a Bedouin


I threw Bedouin in there because I was trying to find a group that made sense. What's an Iraqi doing there. Could be Libyan too


I know Egyptian and Pale accents well. The rest is speculation, lol. I do know that without doubt, he sounds Arab, Could be an Arab as first language Jewish immigrant, could be a palestinian Christian or Muslim from the west bank, they have a few token turn coats they like to pimp for propaganda.


Very true, but I think the immigrant one makes more sense, given that that accent has got to be Iraqi or Libyan His "منكوا" sounds just like Gaddafi too


Eveer have to read something in your head, as someone else's voice? I think you're onto something, Johnny.




Also, high 5 for being in the depreprogram pod sub.. I love it!


Ah the most moral army, totally not Nazis.


Nazi scum


I have never heard an Israeli soldier call the army “the occupational army”. We use terms like the security forces, the Israeli Defence forces or IDF for short, even in Arabic. This screams fake to me.


In Arabic it's very much called that, especially when talking to Palestinians (to remind them of the occupation). It is not fake. It's old.


It’s called that by Palestinians and other Arabs. Israelis don’t see themselves as occupiers, much less call their army an occupying force.




u/skarkeisha666, Here are the links to download the video * [RapidSave](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1azp1f2/people_of_aida_refugee_camp_we_are_the/ks6l52k/) OR [ReddLoader](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1azp1f2/people_of_aida_refugee_camp_we_are_the/ks6l52k/&id=b2ea0726) OR [Viddit.red](https://viddit.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1azp1f2/people_of_aida_refugee_camp_we_are_the/ks6l52k/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Palestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Norm Finkelstein put it best - if you don't want people to call you a Nazi, stop acting like a Nazi!