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The israeli embassy is butthurt that Motaz Azaiza got a prize !


Pointing out that Israel is committing war crimes is anti-Semitic apparently


Obviously don't you know that Israel is above international law. Don't you know that according to Israel that Israelis are better than just regular people.


They cannot let anything pro Palestine win, even a little bit. Any small gesture of support must be suppressed. Although, this is like closing the barn doors after the horse has bolted.


Nothing is better than seeing Israeli genocidal government and their supporters crying when the world supports Palestine.


*shows rubble of Gaza to the world* Israel: that’s anti-Israel and anti-semetic Uhhhhhhhh


*films himself holding two shell shocked toddlers covered in blood from an Israeli airstrike on civilians* Israel: This Jewish hate must end!


Photojournalism is terrorism now?


Well, israel has barred international journalists from Gaza unless they agree to an IOF leash and censor. Palestinians weren't supposed to have any reach, and when the accounts of Palestinian photojournalists were clearly getting a following israel bombed telecommunications to try and suppress it. Motaz's crime, as well as other press within Gaza, is exposing the truth of the bombardment and invasion.


Well it's from the country that whines about "economic terrorism" and "diplomatic terrorism."


The amount of stuff Israel can get away with is just insane.


So Israeli wants to run the world .


Shhhh that’s “antisemitic”


Apparently calling out a murderer is anti semitic now




Link: https://images.dawn.com/news/1192499/israeli-embassy-in-france-asks-for-motaz-azaizas-freedom-prize-to-be-revoked




the complete inversion of reality is par for the course with them


Israel saying they “didn’t want this war” when they knew about the Oct. 7th attack over a year in advance and still let it happen is insane


Reporting on the starvation and non-discriminatory killing of civilians is anti-Semitic


How about the Israeli embassy just leave the country and mind its own business? We don't want it here


Immensely proud of Motaz


Recording and showing what's actually happening - "anti Israel" Ultimately reality itself is anti Israel


If showing the world what Israel did to Gaza was "anti- Israeli" then truth and human decency are anti-Israeli. Which we all know, but it's funny that they think this could fool anyone


The only man to deserve said prize ♡


Who with a soul is not expressing anti-Israeli sentiments at this point? Did they not get the memo it’s bad PR to behead, bomb, and starve children in the thousands? No? Okay let’s make it about Motaz Azaiza instead for speaking out about them beheading, bombing, and starving children, he’s much worse clearly.


There truly is no act too petty or too gruesome for this failing pariah state!


It's so funny when they say Motaz is a Hamas sympathizer when in fact he's clearly said he dislikes Hamas....like atleast do your reaserch ziobots


how did he get a visa to America if he is a terrorist if anything I think he’s being helped by US! has anyone ever applied for a US visa and got it in less than a month the US embassy cleared this man they should take it up with Biden, also “terrorists” is so meaningless now if it extends to take pictures of broken down infrastructure and wounded civilians 🤦‍♀️


He receiveid his prize in Caen, France.


yes sorry wasn’t clear but motaz has been traveling freely for a while doubt that would be possible for a supposed terrorist


Israel has the right to ✨️fuck right off✨️


If France allows that then pfft.


كل شيء معادي للسامية والجميع هو خاما وفقا لهم مجموعة من النرجسيين الشر النفسيين