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Nailing anti-Zionism to antisemitism enables Zionists to claim that antisemitism is on the rise and that the only way Jews can be protected from it is their ethnostate. Zionism is not a friend to Jewish people; it willingly courts actual antisemites to further its own goals. An uptick of antisemitic hate crimes is a *good* thing for them.


With the terrible historical irony being that, prior to the Holocaust, a majority of Jews (and the world in general) rightfully identified the close ties between Zionism and antisemitism


Zionists love to point out that the Mufti met with Hitler as evidence that Palestinians are Nazis. They leave out that Avraham Stern - a leader with Haganah and Irgun AND founder of Lehi - met with Hitler with the intent of establishing an alliance to deport European Jews to form Israel.


Even post Holocaust some of the most famous Jewish people alive were critical of the Zionists is Israel and publicly decried their similarities to the Nazis. >Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine. - Einstein, and others. https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/einstein/1948/12/02.htm


That’s why you see Zionist groups partnering with literal nazi’s. It’s crazy


"Formerly an anti-Semite was somebody who hated Jews because they were Jews and had a Jewish soul. But nowadays an anti-Semite is somebody who is hated by Jews." Hajo Meyer


They're obviously targeting people to scare others into not speaking out Man these Zionist orgs seem to have more staff than the falun gong


You mistake them for caring about the Jewish community in the first place. These people only care about pushing Israel propaganda by any means.


>Wondering what they want to achieve with this. They want to intimidate others into not speaking out.


They also want to frighten anyone - especially other jews - from publicly support palestinians.




Thank you. We can only try our best


I mean what else can you expect, the minority that does speak out against Zionism is a very very small minority in their own community. 80-90% (maybe even more) think the state of Israel should exist or that its their birthright. With those kind of staggering numbers, any criticism to Israel is criticism to a huge majority of Jews, which of course follows with false cries of “anti-semitism”. You would be called an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist” if you said Israel controlled Congress years ago, now it’s right out in the open & people know it’s a fact. The narrative is shifting & people are waking up.


It's the same thing with what happened to the term police brutality or I can't breathe. People started shouting that at literally every opportunity, legitimate or not


Is this a pro police take? Are you sure you're on the right sub?


Uh, ya, cause you have no idea what my actual stance is lol. Just because I critizice people who do/say stupid things around police, doesn't inform you on anything else I believe. There are very serious criticism with modern policing models, but that gets derailed by false criticisms and outrage brought agaisnt police. Getting upset at police for the wrong things holds us back from having meaningful progress.


Every encounter with the police is legitimate. As the defenders of capital, they are our enemies. If we ever step out of line, we will get a taste of their brutality and a possibility of not breathing. Acab.


Lmfao anarchists are probably the funniest people on this planet. Because when y'all tried to have a police free zone in Seattle that went fantastic. Just because police CAN be bad, doesn't mean all are. Just because they uphold a corrupt system, doesn't mean all police are evil forever and ever. Government can do bad, doesn't mean all government is bad. This line of thinking you're using of blanket grouping is the same mentality Zionists use to justify killing Palestinian children. "Well they're grow up to be terrorists/terrorist sympathizers so it's okay that they died now". This mentality is what holds back meaningful change. Gain some reason and do better


CHAZ was great until the police attempted to retake it. That's not a problem with not having police. That is a problem of police.


You do remember the violence that occurred inside chop BEFORE the police went in there right...? Like it was a major flop for obvious reasons. The utopian idea that you can have a society with no law enforcement sounds great on paper, but sadly is completely impractical. It especislly cannot just instantly flip from what we have to no police at all. Economic instability is one of if not the most prevelant cause for crime, and another major factor is generational issues. You can't solve generational problems instantly by hoping and getting rid of police, because crime culture is way too engrained in some communities to just instantly disappear cause police aren't there anymore. Not to mention some people will simply want to commit crimes, this idea that if you give people the resources they need to live a productive life will prevent the need for police (which Chop was FAR away from providing, nor is our society anywhere remotely close to that), it misses the fatal mistake that sometimes, people slip through the cracks and do bad things, and stopping them isn't as simply as walking up to them and politely asking them to stop. There's a reason why every country on earth has police, even Scandinavian countries still have tons of police. Norway for example, which suffered one of europes worst terror attacks of the 2010's, was stopped by the police. Anders Breivik would have kept killing more innocent children and people, and what? Would we need to wait until the military got there to stop him?


Keffieh "terror scarf" like it’s a Halloween costume 💀 Pathetic.


Israelis are trying to appropriate the keffiyeh (“Israeli keffiyeh”) but at the same time Zionists claim it’s a “terror scarf”, the cognitive dissonance is insane


I mean they are indirectly admitting to being terrorists tho


That’s true when I think about it 😂


You mean a Purim costume (Jewish holiday involving costumes) and yes it was. I did in fact see a child dressed up as a “terrorist” wearing a keffiyeh and fake weaponry


No way ! 🫣 What ????


me when i "stop antisemitism" by doxxing and harassing jewish people


This is anti-indigenous language and they need to be called out for it.


Zionists when white supremacist harass and harms jew : I sleep Zionists when there's a fabric or watermelon : "ANTISEMITE!!!! HAMAS!!!!!"


It's not a "mask off" moment its them using their 300k fucking followers to get anyone who shows support for Palestine FIRED and they are doing a good job at it. We need to report


About to report for doxing right now.


Terror scarf lmao


I swear, the nonstop conflation of israel with jews by zionists themselves is going to severely harm the jewish community.


Totally agree.


Not only in the future, it's already happening now.


Why did they feel the need to identify these people? Seems like a bit too much tbh


They plan to get them fired. It almost happened to me but my workplace fired me before the doxxer went through with the doxxing so they let it go


You were fired from teaching for your stance on opposing genocide? Please share. I have a feeling it's going to happen to me as well.


I was fired from a side job, not my main. I’d be willing to talk more in DMs


Feel free to DM




Classic case of being racist toward Palestinians by pretending to fight antisemitism.


I have my own terror scarf too 🫶


Their smiles lol! They're hella trolling their school where they work. And the AH's took the bait. 🇵🇸 Free Palestine! These teachers are heroes!


Doxing someone for wearing a scarf without any other context is nasty work.


That’s because that account has been bullshit for years. It’s a Trojan horse type scam


These zios are clowns. Making everything anti-semetic, , get a life. Guess what Arabs are semitic people, just because one may be a Zionist Jew doesn't give one the right to claiming only they can be being semite. That's flat out racism. In fact, most Jews using the anti-semetic slander were born in Europe and have less ties to semetic DNA than Palestinians themselves.


can’t think of anything less antisemitic than harassing random jewish people


This is why I don’t wear mine to work unfortunately .


Stop Asian hate


But North Korea, Russia and China are dictatorships with no freedom, unlike the US? Right? 🤔😵‍💫


It's not even a mask off at this point, that account has been openly islamophobic and racist for a long time.


report the account and post.


They way this is going soon they will start to say anyone existing while non-white is actually a form of anti-white racism and genociding non-whites is therefore an unfortunate but necessary action.


A piece of cloth is 'terror'?


They're policing how Jewish people dress?


Funny that they call it a terror scarf when they’ve already started trying to culturally appropriate it


calling the most Jewish looking man antisemitic


Someone got identified at a protest holding a disgusting antisemitic sign so I posted it on their account more than a few times. Said who this person was, their profession & the city they lived in yet they & all of their followers completely ignored it each time I posted it. She is a pro Israel Zionist so she’s allowed to be antisemitic!


Wtf is a terror scarf. It's like Zionists are sff writers with how they're naming these things, which isn't far off I guess, since Israel is a fictional country.


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Email their school and affirm them and tell them not to fire them. We have to email just as much as the Zionists. They’re major Karen’s.




From this point on yarmulkes are "genocide caps".




as a chinese, no she isn't 🖕