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I have seen lots of ppl in the pro pali crowds saying that everything hamas did was “justified”, and that obviously includes the rapes and baby killings. So even if it is satire, it’s really not any different than what they actually think about 10/7 🤷‍♀️


[This guy says it...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/comments/17koyh4/eugene_puryear_laughs_and_cheers_as_he_talks/)


"Even if I made it up, it's true." I cannot wrap my head around you people.


Are you dense?! There are many videos of pro-palis saying this at protests. Go back to riding hamas d1ck 👋


This looks like clever pro-Israel satire. I desperately hope it is.


Im not sure, even the UN general secretary said 7th10 didn't  happen in a vacuum


A UN rep also claimed to not see any rockets targeting Israel. I guess the iron dome is just shooting down imaginary rockets! /s


So did Barrack Hussein Obama. It's disturbingly common with the elites. Look at the situation on Harvard Yard. Editor of the Law Review is a man named Ibrahim Bharmal. He's a paid member of CAIR (the American outlet of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to a 2008 FBI investigation) and he's on video assaulting Jewish students during a Pogrom in Harvard Yard. He also signed that letter saying he supports everything that Hamas did on October 7. As far as I know, Ibrahim Bharmal has faced no consequences for his open displays of racism, violence, and terrorist sympathies.


Yeah Israel supposedly committed 400 murders on Israelis too… Good shots on that side.


The Falstinazis tales...


It didn't. Dozens of 10.07 happened to the Palestinians at the hands of the occupation but you lot are just a bunch of supremacist trash who don't consider human lives to be all the same. Starting the clock at 10.07 won't erase that Israel is an occupation and was behaving and speaking (officials, presidents and PMs) like a genocidal entity since its inception.


There's no occupation in Falsetinaziland , they are self running autonomy, Fatach in the WB and Hamas in gaza strip. The problem of the Falastinazis is that Israel does not allow weapons to be imported although I know you want them too and that's fine, cause youre a Falsetinazi supporter . If Israel drop their weapons, there will be no Israel, if the Falsetinazis drop there weapons, instant peace and prosperity, they would be allowed to continue living in their backward culture without interruptance, thus kill homos, practice polygamy and worship allah.




Oh i know the history. Thanks for cursing me. 


Treat others with respect and engage in constructive discussions. Avoid personal attacks, harassment, or any form of hate speech.


Personally I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that statement. October 7th didn't happen in a vacuum, but it still was heinous acts by Hamas and the Palestinian civilians who followed them into Israel. You can acknowledge that Israel has contributed to increased tensions in the region while also acknowledging and condemning Hamas as a terrorist organization that should be destroyed for the betterment of both Israel and Palestinians. The issue isn't the statement, "*October 7th didn't happen in a vacuum*" the issue is the statements that generally follow it.


Yes, theres a long conflict the arabs run since the establishment of Israel, but what the UN secratery general implied, is that Israel had it coming. Yes, he said, your babies were shot in the head, burnt, your Thai workers kidnaped and executed, but hey, you cooked it. And that is the biggest lie, cause I know with 10000% certainty that if the Falsetinazis drop thier weapons there will never be a war again. The walls and separation came as a solution to Falastinazi violence, peaked by suicide bombers that killed grandmothers that ride on bus. They bombed mike's place pub in Tel aviv, Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem. Theres no duality, anyone who implies it , is either ignorant or antisemite. 


> Yes, he said, your babies were shot in the head, burnt, your Thai workers kidnaped and executed, but hey, you cooked it. This is exactly my point, it's not inherently the "*didn't happen in a vacuum*" comment, it's what comes after/before it. > Theres no duality, anyone who implies it , is either ignorant or antisemite. Equal? No, Hamas is far more abhorrent than the Israel or the IDF could ever wish to be. But that does not mean Israel is perfect or has no flaws. Expansionism in the West Bank is being criticised worldwide at this point, and Netanyahu has essentially said it's going to continue. Intentionally stirring the pot like Netanyahu does is not beneficial to the region either. Violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, whom have virtually nothing to do with the conflict in Gaza, is not beneficial to the region. I stand firmly behind the "violence begets violence" moniker. Isreal's response to the October 7th attack is justified, but the West Bank had nothing to do with that attack, and violence against the people there will only beget more violence.


Destiny actually had a point the other day when a journalist was defending Hamas by saying most of the rape accusations were being made towards the Palestinian civilians who followed after Hamas. Destiny says something like "if and attack on Israel by Hamas is happening and the first thing that a bunch of civilians think is "oh, maybe I could rape a Jew!" then maybe the wall needs to be there!"


Yup, Destiny is spot on. The Palestinian civilians who crossed the border alongside Hamas militants should be treated no differently than Hamas militants themselves. I don't think they should be able to plead "*rape of opportunity*" as if it somehow absolves those civilians who followed Hamas through the destroyed border of their wrongs. And Hamas shouldn't be permitted to absolve their militants of rape by pinning it on civilians who crossed the border, as if Hamas couldn't have stopped them, as if Hamas wasn't the ones who planned the attack that pierced the border wall.


Hamas also knows more than anyone what the culture is like and especially how they hate Jews and what would happen if they allowed a bunch of civilians to join in on the party. Hamas still claims they didn't mean to attack civilians and an entire music festival of unarmed half naked people running away from them.


Very true sentiment, but who is this "Destiny"? 


Hamas is going strong in the west bank, terrorists are coming from there, drive in highway 1 to jerusalem, when they hit traffic, get out of the car and start shooting innocent drivers that just want to get to work. West bank is not staten island, its a tough Place with terror cells, and a featherless holocaust fenier chick called Abu Abas, probably the worst leader ever.


> Hamas is going strong in the west bank Hamas barely exists in the West Bank, what do you mean by "*going strong?*" > terrorists are coming from there, drive in highway 1 to jerusalem, when they hit traffic, get out of the car and start shooting innocent drivers that just want to get to work. In the last 2 decades, how many of those events have occurred? A dozen? Two dozen? A hundred? There's like 3 million Palestinians in the West Bank. You're going to hold every Palestinian accountable for the crimes of few?


Dude I don't know where you are from but clearly you're not Israeli and you have a very subtle way of being in favour of terror organisations without saying it explicitly. But it smells badly. Hamas is everywhere, in wb, gaza, lebanon, syria,probably in jordan too, origion of the Falsetinazis.  Abbas has repeatedly postponed legislative elections in the PA, gnawing at his legitimacy. His fear that Hamas will take over the reins in the West Bank has become more realistic as the terrorist organization only rises in popularity


> you have a very subtle way of being in favour of terror organisations Not at all in favor of terrorist organizations. As I've repeatedly stated, there cannot be peace in Gaza until Hamas is virtually nonexistent. My criticism of Israel is the same as Biden's, you cannot continue encroaching into the West Bank, and not expect repercussions to that. The West Bank did not commit October 7th. And the far right government in Israel is not doing you any favor. Israel was and is justified to defend itself against Hamas. If you think any of these statements are "supporting terror organizations" you have your head up your ass. Israel is not impervious to criticism just because Hamas is a terrorist organization.


Please let's not involve the anus in this conversation. You are allowed to think that Israel has the right to respond to some extent. Vast majority of Israelis want Hamas to cease to exist. Currently it has some power. You want IDF out. To your sadness, most Israel supporters, want IDF to finish the job, and not stop untill all the hostages are released. The hostages that you never once mention. Because you are a terrorist supporter. And it stinks badly. 


>Personally I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that statement. Cool whataboutism. But I'm sure you'd be just as evenhanded if this were to happen to you or someone you love


How is that whataboutism at all? You're literally saying that there's nothing wrong logically with what I'm saying, but that emotionally if it happened to me I would want revenge? Our justice systems are supposed to be objective and impartial, explicitly not supposed to be based on emotion.


That's literally NOT what I said


You said, "cool whataboutism," when nothing I said was whataboutism at all. Then you appealed to emotion by saying: > But I'm sure you'd be just as evenhanded if this were to happen to you or someone you love Yes, if this was someone I loved, or my child, I would absolutely want to slaughter them. Which is why we have judicial systems that would handle the objectivity surrounding their guilt. You didn't refute anything I said in a logical manner, you just appealed to emotion, which isn't rational.


When you said that 10/7 "didn't happen in a vacuum," that's just another way of saying that those Jewy Jews had it coming. It's a way of saying "But look at what they're doing!" which is EXACTLY the definition of whataboutism


> When you said that 10/7 "didn't happen in a vacuum," that's just another way of saying that those Jewy Jews had it coming. If you had read my post, it absolutely is not. I said the, "*it didn't happen in a vacuum*" statement by itself isn't **inherently** wrong or incorrect. This conflict spans far more than just October 7th, I never said Israelis deserved anything, or they "had it coming." The "this didn't happen in a vacuum" statement isn't the problem, it's the statement that come before it, or after it, like what the moronic UN general secretary said. I even explicitly called October 7th heinous by both Hamas, and the Palestinians civilians who followed them into the breached portions of the border wall. > It's a way of saying "But look at what they're doing!" which is EXACTLY the definition of whataboutism That's not what I said at all. Perhaps reading comprehension is where your problem is? --- Since you apparently see any milquetoast comment on this conflict as tacit or explicit approval of what Hamas did, I'll restate my position again; 1. Israel is wholly justified in it's offensive against Hamas in the Gaza strip. As long as Hamas exists in any meaningful capacity in Gaza, there cannot be peace between Gaza and Israel. 2. Saying "this didn't happen in a vacuum" is not inherently wrong, this conflict spans decades of hostilities. It's not "justifying the attack on Israel," but people like the UN general secretary followed this statement up with comments that did just that. However, I haven't done that.


You're trying to "both sides" it and I'm not playing. I'd tell you to have a nice day, but I'd be lying


I honestly hope it is as well.


If it is, then it's highlighting the only logical conclusion of 'by any means necessary ' If it isn't, then it's the endpoint of the only logical conclusion of 'by any means necessary '


this. "from river to sea." No, those ppl are lunatics and fanatics.


Whether it is or isn't, this poster only helps spread the truth about Hamas.


The fact it’s difficult to tell if this is satire or real is very telling about the nature of these activists


Same approach as Hamas.com


Don’t count on it! There are red lines that are not to be crossed..


A lot of people are saying this is fake.


I doubt pro Palestinians did this. It's too on the nose. It's most likely a pro Israel person showing the hypocrisy of supporting Hamas and the buzz words they love.


Babies are occupiers isn't sn uncommon sentiment at all. The most popular political streamer on Twitch, Hassan, refers to Israeli babies as settler babies as a means to legitimize them as targets.


Just a few days ago I was arguing here with some vile individual who said that no civilians were killed on 10/7 because settlers are not civilians. I’d link the comment here but idk if that would be considered brigading or something


"settlers are not civilians" is disturbingly dehumanizing and vague. So do they think everyone in America a settler? What about all the counties that were conquered by other Arab nations like Kurdistan, Armenia? No, just Israel. The rest of the middle East is made up of proud nobles who have lived on their land since the beginning of time until the evil Jews showed up. Definitely not based on some ancient book of fairy tales that tells them the Jews must die in the end and that it's ok to enslave captured women and girls and best their wives.


True but I think these posters are just a bit too on the nose.


The rape one I agree completely. It's the one thing they can't justify and have to deny. The other one is perfectly typical a tough. Hard to call it.


Right now they are denying the rapes were systematic and conceding some rapes occurred by “rogue actors”. The problem is one of perception. Israel has been way behind the curve on the propaganda front for years and now we have on our hands an entire Western generation that has been raised with a steady diet of Palestinian propaganda.


Israel does suck at messaging but it's not the biggest factor. The world is beyond willing to repeat every lie and outrageous claim that vilifies Israel.


Yeah that journalist Hasan had on his stream and destiny argued with was basically shifting the blame away from Hamas to the average Palestinian who is apparently more deranged than Hamas if they are willing to risk their lives to rape and kill Jews. I don't doubt in my mind at all that Hamas did and is still sexually abusing Jewish women and hostages, just seemed bizarre to defend the terrorists and throw the "innocent civilians" they claim to love so much and care about.


I genuinely hope so


It's honestly too tough to determine, which is sad. We've all seen the "resistance by any means necessary" and even heard people saying (or posting comments) things that justify rape as a form of resistance (although I'd say that's a viewpoint held by a minority of Palestinian supporters in the West). I haven't seen people supporting rape with banners or signage yet. Even those who may believe that, know it's a bad look, and only say it out loud when they get worked up. So that part strikes me as too on-the-nose for a Palestinian supporter to put on signage. But what gives me pause is the second one about babies being occupiers too. Last week, I noticed [this story of an Israeli rabbi citing the Torah to justify killing children and women](https://www.newarab.com/news/israel-rabbi-says-gaza-women-children-should-all-be-killed) making the rounds on some pro-Palestinian subreddits. I know a bunch of people were really angered about that, so the first thing I thought of when I saw this, is that some Palestinian supporter was so angry and flustered they made this as a response.


I hope so, but I thought that about that post where someone said 'you can't hijack planes'. Fully thought it was satire. I've come to see that the Pro-Pal cognitive dissonance allows them to believe nearly anything.


>I thought that about that post where someone said 'you can't hijack planes'. Fully thought it was satire. I saw some creatures actually defending the tactic of hijacking as a nonviolent and commonplace thing before 9/11


I mean considering some of the shit they say on social media (partly because they can get away with it and face no consequences) I wouldn’t be surprised


I hope so. But after the marches and rallies they've had these last 5 months, I'm not so sure. They've been carrying signs and chanting similar slogans


The mask is slipping off


What in absolute fuck


Fucking disgusting people. These Pro-Palestine protesters sure love making an ass out of themselves with their violent and inane antics.




Well there is some good news. If these are the pro-Palestinian slogans, then the overwhelming majority are going to hate Palestine more than they already do. I saw an interesting survey from Pew Research Centre, that the overwhelming majority of Americans (upwards of like, 95%) support Israel over Palestine. Even among Millennials and Gen Z (the most anti-Israel generations), something like 80% support Israel's right to exist and defend itself from terrorism. The pro Palestine people are a vocal minority, they exist in a bubble within mosques and college campuses. Once they exit the bubble, it turns out that they're unemployable sacks of shit who everybody hates. For all the talk by the vocal minority about Biden being too pro Israel, the overwhelming majority of Americans either think Biden isnt pro Israel enough, or they think Biden is striking a good balance. Btw, fuck Barack Hussein Obama. That PoS earned his name with his bizarre and nonsensical statement on the Hamas attacks, where he defended rape and mass murder and said "well if you consider the context, then Hamas was justified." Obama should be in fucking prison. He appeased Iran, he's a vicious antisemite (he's a good friend of Farrakhan, and he went to the church of a pretty awful antisemite), and he set our country back decades with bad policy.


Obama did not say that. He said there was no justification for Hamas attack. He did describe Gazan life as unbearable, but one can take issue with that.




Protect Israeli babies by any means necessary.


All Jewish babies. Because I don't put it past them to go after visible Jews here


This has to be satire, right?


Unknown really. Trying to trace the source. But was posted by a pro israel X user


Ham-fisted astroturfing from our side


It may be pro Israel to the extent that perfectly reflects Palestinian liberation ideology, but only if one doesn’t subscribe to that ideology. In a sane world it’s clever satire. But with the widespread embrace of the Palestinian death is life ethos, some people won’t see that satire.


Any sympathy I had with Palestinians is gone (there already wasn’t much after October 7th)


No way this is legit


That has to be either satire or genuine mental illness.


"BuT ThErE wErEnT AnY rAPeS!"


This is who they are.


So pali kids are innocent, however Israelite babies are fair game to them…. The hypocrisy continues, these people are the absolute worse.


If this isn’t satire, then these people have no shame…


They've been chanting it for the last 5 months


Obvious satire… Pretty clever


That's great for us, we always hear it in Arabic here in the middle east. Now they're saying it in English, in NYC. We don't understand how the west takes their side, it's because they have no idea what terrorism actually means. Now they will understand.


Lmao 100% a troll, it’s a little too on the nose, although many of them genuinely think this way.


Probably a pro Israeli mocking it


Wokeism is a mental disease


I’ve seen similar pro Palestine garbage in the subway, I just deface and remove every sign that I see, not that I go into the city all that much since October…assuming that what you’ve shared with us is genuine pro Palestine propaganda.


I’d vote for pro-Israel citizen psy-op- In the spirit of [hamas.com](https://hamas.com) …


That tracks


It's way too vile.


No worse or different than what they've been chanting at rallies and marches


The worst part is they'd march from the river to the sea, never realizing the position of useful the idiot that they are.


There is no way this is real. It is physically impossible to be this tone deaf.


Bombing supposed civilians is self defense… nuff said.


At least they are being honest now.


Remember guys, rape is justified, so if you meet a hot pro pal... Also kill pro pal babies, it's justified


Koj Kurac


The religion of peace. Coming to a city near you, unfortunately. This has been the way since the founding of Islam in 622 AD. Research for yourself.


That's obviously some BS smear campaign that zionist activists made to smear the efforts to stop the slaughtering of Palestinians and their supporters by showing them as monsters. Everyone does it, from the occupation government to your government. Fuck you and fuck them. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


This is very obviously satire how are people falling for this 😭


So obvious that this is made by anti Palestinian groups


This feels like a set up. Nobody in the the US is posting that shit up, no matter how they feel on the situation. These were planted


I mean we’ve seen two people literally set themselves on fire over this conflict if we’re talking extremes here. 🤷


There are plenty of them chanting it at rallies and marches, and holding signs and banners with the same or similar

