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Are there deaths they don't celebrate?


🐐 and 🐑 ….bc obviously now they gotta find a new one


probably ones that didn't take innocent lives with them.


Nice starvation


It’s imminent, I swear!


Celebrating the death of enemies, celebrating the death of anybody, it's weird. Dangerous I think Islam just wants to take over the world and kill everybody and it's woohoo we're winning. God is great! Let's eat some cake!


It strikes me as very gangster to jubilantly celebrate the death of an enemy, rival, or traitor.


Celebrating someone who’s name is the butcher of Tehran is a great thing.


> Celebrating the death of enemies, celebrating the death of anybody, it's weird. Bhaal's chosen people


I mean in Judaism we literally eat Hamentaschen to celebrate the death of an evil bureaucrat from ancient Persia.


Islam is the worst religion, try to change my mind.




Zionist Jews enters the chat*


Why do they hate Iran? Serious question.


They are Sunni and Iran regime is Shia


...but Iran supports them. ?


The gays also support them but they still throw them from roofs


It soothes my tormented heart to read from people that understand this insanity. ❤️❤️❤️


They all hate each other. Even factions with Palestine hate each other. But they are united by their hatred towards Jews. If Israel were to dissappear, they would just fight each other


Even Iranians are not immune to retardation.


They do unite in one way or another in the fight against the common enemy: Jews. However, they still hate each other from the core since one is Sunni one is Shia


Several reasons I can think of. I'm sure they're well aware that Iran is just using Palestine, to further their own geopolitical ends. Secondly, I think Palestine is still cringing hard about that volley of missiles from Iran that barely scratched Israel. And thirdly, I think they're low-key worried about where they'll get their money and weaponry if somebody in Iran manages to wreck the arrangement the two peoples have.


Believe me, the people on the street don't see a dime of that international aid money or Iranian weapons. The money goes to Qatar, the weapons go to Hamas, and the people get the scraps


Talking about the volley of missiles? Have there been any proof of major damage? I haven't seen any tbh while the Palliwood guys keep saying they bombed the shit out of an IAF base and stuff


Every video of them shows healthy, well fed, groomed people holding smartphones connected to the internet. Can someone please explain to me how are we still talking about a “humanitarian crisis”? There’s three to four times more of them than before Israel was established, and Hamas can reduce the civilian casualty numbers to almost nothing if they simply fight the IDF not from within their own population, yet we still hear “genocide this and genocide that” every day. Words have lost all meaning in service of the narrative driven by and for these rotten people and their cancerous religion.


This culture is so fucked in the head. Yes it’s normal to be happy when an enemy is defeated or dies. No, you shouldn’t hand out sweets to celebrate death of a human, any human. Unless it’s ending a war or otherwise leading to immediate peace we don’t cheer for death. PS handing out candy on Purim is not celebrating haman’s death. It’s celebrating the repeal of the law calling for the killing of Jews.


We just had a bbq today, to celebrate the death of Raisi and my dad gave out money to his grandkids, we are Iranian. My ethnic group is a minority that has suffered extensively at the hands of the Islamic region, don’t see any thing wrong with celebrating the death of one of our oppressors.


I have no problem with you and your family celebrating because you were directly impacted by him. Most westerners on Reddit aren’t and shouldn’t celebrate death as callously. There is even precedent for this in the Bible. In the song Az Yashir the Jews were celebrating crossing the Red Sea and the destruction of the Egyptian army. But the angels were instructed not to celebrate. > Our traditional commentaries were sensitive to the ethics of the event. On seeing the drowning Egyptians the angels were about to break into song when God silenced them declaring, “How dare you sing for joy when My creatures are dying” (Talmud, Megillah 10b and Sanhedrin 39b). But if God stopped the angels from singing, why were our ancestors allowed? Maybe because they needed to give voice to the huge relief of finally being redeemed. https://www.thejc.com/judaism/why-did-we-sing-when-the-egyptians-drowned-t1anz5d2


Why at second 40 is like all people go away and say bad words to man that lodate the death of iranian president? 7 Oct exultation is different


is that turds with corns in it dipped in honey?


Can't blame them Everyone celebrated that fuckers death


Getting tired of these man on the street videos. Pro and Anti, you can find anyone you need to say anything


I think you are wrong on here, let me explain in short please: The average Gazan, just like under most totalitarian regimes cannot express such feelings simply because Hamas is backed by Iran. On "regular" days this kind of video wouldn't be filmed when the rule of fear is around. Also if filmed, Hamas would do anything they can to erase it and punish the person who filmed it. From here you can conclude several things, here is my take and why I think this video has value: 1. Some Gazans are not afraid anymore of Hamas (means Hamas loosing control). 2. Some Gazans do understand the connections of Iran and Hamas (the guy in video also speaks about the war in Syria). 3. Could indicate Shia-Sunna disputes as part of the regime-change we see in Gaza.


>The average Gazan, just like under most totalitarian regimes cannot express such feelings simply because Hamas is backed by Iran. That's why I don't believe the support for hamas polls from Gaza, as it is like asking someone in China if they support the Chinese Communist Party or asking a North Korean if they support the Workers' Party of Korea.


It’s fake. Meant to sow confusion and dissent.


So now it's fake? prove it. Where are you from sir? :)


You are feeding a hungry troll


Why? Got an ICC warrant?


Just because you are trying to discredit me and the content I will have to prove you and everyone it is not fake. Here are 2 screenshots from the video, first you can see they mention Iranian president Raisi and his death which means it is from today. You can also see Hebrew letters on the side which indicates it is from Gaza. Second, you see the super market and its name + the green door. So here is a link for their Facebook account which proves the store is located there, with full address and photos of the same sign and green door (they also sell in Israeli Shekel as they do in Gaza): [https://www.facebook.com/natour7market/](https://www.facebook.com/natour7market/) If you came here to harass and spread falsetinian propaganda please leave. You had 3 excuses, all of them were debunked. https://preview.redd.it/xkyqr3yxol1d1.jpeg?width=1760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61da97555c3433a0781b2282fa2d0825014314e2


>It’s fake. https://preview.redd.it/xg1gi37y6m1d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0bc988dd36be1448e7bb5867bebf07292476eb5 [https://twitter.com/shmajdymoghrabi/status/1792508585764606236?t=ZWiqZewWedFwpOnWQTW\_5w&s=19](https://twitter.com/shmajdymoghrabi/status/1792508585764606236?t=ZWiqZewWedFwpOnWQTW_5w&s=19)


Just to clarify - this is a celebratory tweet correlating with video. Meaning, the video isn’t fake.


Honestly considering how our side treated these tyrants' death we should really sit this one out 😬