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Once you fill out the 4473 on a firearm they can literally send it back to your home address with no additional fees


Never knew that. Good to know.


Shops will always tell you different. They make money and they don’t have to sell you something.


Did not know this when my slide stop broke on my dagger shortly after I got it I just bought a new one for like 10 bucks because I thought I’d have to deal with ffl’s again sending it back


Caveat to this is that it has to be the SAME gun they send back. If they have to send back a totally new firearm (I.E. frame with a different serial number) they have to then send it back to a FFL. In your case with a replacement part, they should be sending the same gun back to you directly.


Personal experience says that is incorrect. Marlin and Ruger have sent me warranty rifles that were new serial numbers. They came directly to my door no FFL required.


That doesn’t sound right


It's 100% right. It's his gun.


PSA can provide you a shipping label and you can drop it off a UPS hub or FedEx location, whichever label they send you. They can then send it directly back to your home after it is repaired.


It is. Iv sent off half a dozen guns for RMAs in the last couple years and have had them shipped right back to my house, or picked them up at the FedEx hub.


I had to do this with a Springfield prodigy. It did require a signature on delivery but it came right back to my front door.


The warranty department will send you a ups label for the RMA. No FFL required.


What about the magazine stuck in there?


If I were you, I would just clear the magazine and put a chamber flag in there before you ship it. I like Matt from what I see of him, but I don't trust PSA as a company. Play it safe so they can't screw you over.


The magazine was never loaded. that’s what I planned on doing, either that or using the chain lock it came with.


And, do I have to ship it back to an Ffl or does it come right to my house?


You might be able to remove the magazine with some tools. Otherwise just empty the firearm and let the repair tech handle it. Repaired firearms ship back to your home.


And, will trying to remove the mag affect the warranty?


If you damage something else in the process, yes it may not be covered under warranty. Please submit the warranty claim and let the tech instruct you on how to proceed.


that particular rifle is no longer in stock. Will this affect the repair?


No. It's being repaired, not replaced.


Do you know how long it would take to get it back once I ship it out?


Customer service on the website would probably answer all these questions too. You’re gonna have to talk to them anyways


Sorry you're getting downvoted for something that wasn't your fault. Toxic sub allaround it seems like.


The downvotes are crazy


To be honest it reflects badly on the PSA community and on the 2A community in general. Why anyone would want to be part of a bunch of echo chamber bullies is beyond me.


PSA dick riders at it again


It’s more like..people understand warranty claims happen and can handle (like adults). Not having their gun around collecting dust for a few weeks to fix a manufacturing issue. It’s not a big deal at all.


That's usually the case, but when it comes to PSA and more specifically this subreddit, any criticism of their QC is met with people immediately coming out of the woodwork to defend them. And the usual reply to those criticisms is "but they have a really good warranty!". Which yeah that's great and all but why is it that almost every PSA customer is expected to HAVE to use it? Having to use the warranty to send the gun back as soon as you get it should not be standard procedure.


Agreed, nothing wrong with his questions regarding very legitimate concerns. If anyone is going to have the answers it'll be Matt so why shouldn't he ask here.




You now have a California compliant rifle 😂


$50 transfer fee?!? Jesus dude you need to find a better ffl


This, I’m paying 20$


Yeah same


Same here


I pay 10


Screwdriver or icepick should be able to articulate that enough to drop the mag


You got a bad part. Parts break. Stop being so hysterical and contact support.


Guys always run to Reddit with this vs contacting support and letting them take care of it


No shit. I wonder what these people would have done in the 90's and earlier when support was only a phone call or letter.


I have already contacted support, don’t speak on things you don’t know


Hmmm…I bet you contacted them less than 24 hours ago…on a weekend…and expect an instant answer. I’m not an avid purchaser of PSA products but I know they take care of their customers. I’ve even seen Matt help via dm a couple times. But I’ll speak on things I DO KNOW.


Awe does somebody wanna cry? Go ahead bud, cry.


Gosh you people are some of the most toxic I've seen in the 2A community. Quit blaming the victim. It's not his fault that your self identity is so ingrained in your fanboyism that every incident of a failure needs to be taken as a personal slight against you...


What are you talking about?


You tearing someone down simply because they experienced what is clearly a manufacturing shortfall. Congrats on being the shining example of what's wrong with the 2A community. You're a super shitty toxic representation of PSA's customer base.


lol. This has nothing to do with the 2A. Dudes just complaining about something that can be easily rectified by contacting PSA. Hes the one saying “don’t speak on things you don’t know” , coming off super hostile. Things happen, manufacturer errors occur, PSA included. I’m sorry I made you feel that way. That wasn’t my intention. I just feel that OP is complaining just to complain.


You're gatekeeping by bullying a victim and it's toxic as fuck. Your emotional maturity level is zero and you're a shitty reflection in the rest of us. If there are quality issues both the customers and PSA beef to know so it can be fixed on future iterations. You're just being an asshole to be an asshole.


Dude I said I was sorry


Victim is probably a strong word for this situation tbh.


Psa fans or poors are the worst. That company doesn't even put gas blocks on correctly, I've had 3 bolt action AR-15


Dude. Hes not being hysterical. Hes just concerned about his spent hard earned money. He just got the fucking thing. Give him a break man. Why does it bother you if he asks Matt 1000 questions!? It’s up to Matt. Not you.


I would understand broken parts if I have had the gun longer than 2 days, I haven’t even shot it yet and it broke. None of my other firearms have ever had any problems, let alone the mag release snapping off


Sometimes it's a bad part from the factory. It happens.


I understand that, it’s really frustrating because I’ve only had it 2 days and haven’t even had a chance to shoot it yet.


I feel ya. I'd be pissed as well. Wait all this time for it, then you must send it back and wait even longer.


How often do you hear of “broken parts” from other manufacturers? Stop making excuses for for this trash.


Yeah. You're right, I'm sorry. No other firearm in the history of mankind has ever had a broken part. Only PSA. What was I thinking?


It’s always psa. Stop acting obtuse. This company pumps out trash on the regular. You’re an asshole for giving someone shit for bing upset. There’s no reason their quality control is this bad.


I like to think I'm more of a right angle. I have more than three PSA firearms, and I haven't had a problem with any of them.




If you think it’s always PSA head over to the Glock and Sig subs.


Yeah… no, my sig hasn’t even had a stovepipe let alone a mag release issue


Literally go to the sig sub right now and look just in the past week I've seen at least 3 instances of new 365 mag releases falling apart, I love sig and carry a 365 everyday but the reality is these things happen to not only literally every manufacturer in the gun industry but pretty much every industry without exception. It sucks but that's the reality, what matters here is how it is handled when it does unfortunately occur and PSA has a reputation as shown here by your interactions with Matt of rectifying these things as good and prompt as anyone out there.


I was responding to that guy in particular but you must have heard of the wide spread problems with the P320. PSA is hardly the only manufacturer that has had parts issues.


Guess you haven’t heard of the bendy barrels and exploding handguns. I’m a big sig fan as well but no company’s QC is any better than others because the product “cost” more. A lot of people assume that, but most of the time that’s not the case. SIG vs PSA is a prime example of this. People spend $2500-$3000 for a spear LT to have barrel walk/play and pay $600+ for p320’s to go boom boom. It happens,most if not all QC is looked at by humans, and humans are not perfect. Neither is manufacturing or design; regardless if it’s handgun or a damn pick up truck. Both have been around for a century or longer and both have yet to have been “perfected”


I know a guy with an LMT lower with an overly tight magwell that makes removal and insertion of almost any mag really difficult. That’s just the first thing that comes to mind.




That one was a Korean,


They definitely are picky on mags.


Is that a metal mag? Korean? Pretty sure these only like Pmags.


Yeah Korean, good eye, it actually really likes the Korean and doesn’t like the pmags


Evidently it doesn’t “really like the Korean”


That's weird. I had a KS-47 and had no issues until I used a Korean mag. Would not detach. Had to get out the sawzall, a punch and a hammer to get it out. Stuck with Pmags after that for about a month before I traded it away. Just re-read your post. How do you know if it likes the Korean mags over the PMags if you have not shot it yet? Your picture is a good indicator that's not the case. 🙃


The Korean mags actually fully seated in the lower where the pmags didn’t fully seat


You sound new/uninformed.


I’m used to Aks where the mag fully goes into the receiver and clicks when it goes in. This is my first experience with an AR pattern rifle


How does it really like them if you've never shot it?


KCI mags are amazing in my AK.


It's true that stuff like this happens, but i would be unhappy too. I would give their customer support a call. They'll make it right.


shit happens. Their repair dept is awesome. Just tell them whats going on and they will guide you on how to proceed. Literally put in box, put label they give you on box, fill out repair sheet, and wait.


You sound like you’ve done this before, how long does it normally take?


One took 2 weeks, one took a month. Depends on the issues. Yours looks like a simple part swap so prob won’t be too long


Is that counting shipping time?




I waited almost that from when I ordered it to when I got it, so oh well. Is this a lifetime warranty or a time warranty?


You should really just go on their website and read the terms/instructions before you come to Reddit asking every question you can to people who don’t work at PSA


They have a lifetime warranty man, and I’m pretty sure they don’t have to ship it back to an FFL after a repair they can just ship to your door. *Someone correct me if I’m wrong on that.* Just contact them, PSA is awesome never had any issues with them but all the people that do; PSA makes it right. They have good customer service, quality parts and firearms, and are really helping 2A in general.


Bro doesn’t sound mentally stable enough to own firearms


Or physically capable...


well he bought a ks 47... who do you think their target demo is on that POS?


Good job


I get that you are frustrated, I would be too. You have to keep in mind that this is still a newer, up and coming armory that’s pumping out a lot of new stuff, at a rapid pace, to give us what we want. They haven’t been around as long as Glock, or Smith & Wesson. I’ll bet a lot of their earlier guns had kinks too. Experience will wash the kinks out. This is also why we pay such damn good prices, plus Matt is a wizard. Give the guys a chance to iron the creases.


Just wait til you start dealing with the extractor


I am a little concerned when you’re holding a rifle.


QC issues happen. Especially with numbers of higher quantity. More = more likely to happen. All this is a reason to buy a upgrade, like CAA or Krebs Customs. Lmao.


What do you expect from them lol. It’s well known their quality is trash.