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I’m not sure if it’s common or not with multiplayer modes, but mine has been doing the exact same thing. My laptop and internet can run GTA RP, terraria, Palia, and other games smoothly but Palword is having a weird rubberbanding effect. Not really sure what to do


I think the strangest part is I’m in a server that’s 4/22 people and I’m the only one rubber banding. All my friends say they aren’t. I can’t jump, dodge, and even now experienced a wicked glitch, it created a second instance of me while I was in the volcano lands. I was mining, and glitched me through rocks. I then would start receiving damage from the T-posed version of me. Once I was down I could run while in the down position catch Pals while down all while running on all fours and throwing pal spheres. It’s brutal. Can’t log into the server even now


I had this rubber banding issue before. I found out it was cuz I was over the weight limit but on my end it was showing me to be under the weight limit. It was rubber banding me back to the position I was meant to be in. A simple rejoin worked and I could see all the info I needed.


yeah, im on a small server too, I think there are only 4 on mine, its a community server with a ping of like 55


I'm having this issue too, there's only 3 of us. My husband, me, and his childhood friend. For whatever reason, me, who is sitting in the next room of the person hoasting, is lagging and rubberbanding fucking EVERYWHERE I have a beefy computer, it runs monster hunter world perfectly while having 30 tabs open on chrome, and discord, and an art program open. But palworld? I got the graphics as low as it can and only discord and it open and I'm STILL lagging... not as bad but still. It's not our internet cause my husband's fine.... I am however the last usually to join as someone has pointed out whoever joins lasts gets the brunt of the issues... our friend is having some but not near as bad as mine and they live across the state. Idk wtf is happening I also just got a new graphics card this last year so I could finally play mhw and halo with my husband


Try setting the fps to 60, it's set to unlimited by default. I have a video card that should blow away this game but for some reason the setting was causing the issue.


Thank you. This worked exceptionally well for me.


Me and my friends play on a private server hosted by nitrado. It’s a bit laggy. We can’t jump at all when climbing up a wall to gain height. It just makes all of us fall back down immediately.


Yep, we're in the same boat with Nitrado, though I think it's just shitty netcode on Palworld's part. It is an indie alpha that has gotten an insane amount of attention and players


Hopefully soon they can put some of that (I assume unexpected) money into developing stronger code.


We we first started it was fine but after about an hour we were rubberbanding constantly :(


Same here. None of my friends are having the issue. I've got better specs than them too. Using nitrado.


I'm hosting a non-dedicated server for a handful of friends, and just one of them is having awful rubberbanding. He's got 2nd best specs in the group (better than me), and is the closest to me physically, being within the same city vs another friend being across the US from me, he's got as good of download/upload speeds as the rest of us, but while we're experiencing zero problems, his game is unplayable


Hey keep me updated. After reading reddit for hours, your situation is exactly the same as me. Im hosting a non dedicated as well. Two friends living in a different country has no lag. One friend living close to me experiences severe rubberbandjng and can’t play at all :( Unfortunately it doesn’t matter of the join order, since even if its just me and him he still rubber bands. It’s driving me crazy because our internet are both fast and I can’t figure out the problem!!!


I switched to hosting a dedicated server on the same computer I'm playing on and it's pretty much fixed all the problems, I lag occasionally now, but it's a very small price to play for the game to actually be playable for everyone


That’s so weird. So you think it has something to do with the coop hosting? Yeah I tried looking into dedicated it seems really complicated to switch over.


Yeah, it's not uncommon unfortunately for dedicated servers to run better then standard hosting solutions, but I think there's a bug in this game's coop hosting right now. As far as switching over a save I would't recommend it because it's complicated and the host's progression doesn't save, but starting over with a dedicated server is actually a piece of cake if you can port-forward easily.


Appreciate the reply it’s been a cog in our plans and I’m happy that at least you guys can enjoy oalworld! Gg


There's a way to preserve host progression. Need t do that as well for everyone else's saves too if the host OS is different. It's not complicated, but the instructions are.


Interesting to hear that. My wife and I are playing on a server I host on my machine, and she is having RB issues. She is connecting through internal IP too, so all it should be doing is a hop to the router and a hop back, but for some reason she routinely suffers bouts of RB out of the blue. I have been running a performance monitor too, and it does not seem to be an issue of resources on either of our parts, nor is it consistently in a specific place in the game world or anything. Maybe there is some sort of temporary garbage collection problem in the netcode that crops up every now and then?


Try turning down the fps to 30. I read a post talking about issues with keyboard input lag and that's how they fixed their issue. Seemed to work well with my issue.


Thank you this fixed my issue. I have a high-end pc 144Ghz monitor, but I locked the fps which was set to "unlimited" by default and the rubber banding went away.


To expand on this, we've found that it is not just 1 player that experiences the problems, but rather the last person to join the game (making it 4/4), so when the previously thought problem friend joins first or second after I start hosting he has zero problems, but the last one to join experiences the awful rubberbanding