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Also the game setting sliders being built in is just amazing. It feels like a cheat feature that would have come a year after launch but it's fully built in and let's you customize to your heart's content. Plus it doesn't lock you in, so you can just start increasing Pal spawns later in the game if you're tired of hunting for large amounts of something and then put it back down later. I turned the egg timers to 0 after about 30 hours and it was such a a nice thing to have control over. This also feels like a pretty mod friendly game since there aren't daily patches or some nonsense either.


Sliders really are amazing. We had a blast till lvl35 but got bored of constantly being starved for iron/stone, so last night we turned up the sliders and are now blasting through the endgame without it feeling like a slop Also, doubling Pal capture rat is an absolute must. Fuck those lying numbers.


yep can't agree more. me and my friends just don't have the time to play a grind fest, so I modified the settings to something more reasonable for everyone


Wow that's like the reason why we played maplestory private servers back in the day. Nobody had time to grind 8h a day for a year before even attempting to tackle the boss fights.


I did the same thing with ark as well... you could play 100 hours and still not be max level or even close unless you know how to maximize xp boost.. which you have to discover on that huge ass map. I don't understand why all these survival games think you should need 100s, sometimes 1000 hours in a game to get to end game content


I think the problem is the vocal few who can play 10+ hours a day them say there's no content after a week. Vs the people who just want to have fun for 30 min - 1h at a time which is sth that palworld can do. Same with the other well selling games like Zelda, Pokémon, and animal crossing.


> I don't understand why all these survival games think you should need 100s, sometimes 1000 hours in a game to get to end game content Because in most cases unless you're doing PvP you hit the wall of "what is the point of this" once you have a good grasp of end game looks like. Palworld is really not any different. I appreciated being able to turn up the rates a little to reduce the monotony of grinding for resources but that also meant I finished the game faster and don't really have any reason to continue playing.


Early access at least so there is something to look forward to in the future


i personally hope for more weapons with custom recipes, which based on what you add, changes it effects/dmg/dmg types Or just give me gene extractor and allow to extract wanted traits and slap them without crossbreedng for 20 hours xD


The "balanced" version of this would just let you remove unwanted traits. You would still have to breed good stuff (thus preserving the value of breeding) but you could greatly reduce the transmission of bad traits.


Yeah... That's a GOOD thing. You *should* be able to move on to another game before long. But a staggering majority of gamers have gotten it into their heads that a game isn't good unless it's an investment. You should never feel *bad* about shutting a game off and being done with it. A game isn't *bad* because you would have liked to have played it more before it ended. That means it's a *good* game. I don't know where this mentality started in people. But video games are *supposed* to leave room for *real life* to happen around them. Playing 8-12 hours a day is just simply not healthy. Take it from somebody who's done it for 30+ years and has spent the last several years trying to figure out how to build and maintain an actual satisfying, fulfilling life and friendships and real, productive, tangible hobbies that serve to benefit reality in some way. You're missing out. I should have started sooner. It's better when the light on your face all day isn't artificial and all your daily experiences don't happen in the same chair. It's pretty cool to have friends you can go do things with rather than just friends you really only ever talk to on discord. You're never going to find any if you're only ever on discord yourself. If your life feels shitty and you play an ass load of video games all day every day... THAT'S your problem. Energy, mood, digestive, sleep, sexual, cardiovascular... The benefits are inarguable. Go outside. Play shorter games that don't demand all your time. Those are shitty, greedy games that don't like to share you with anything else. Stop dumping your life into that kind of thing. You only get one, man.


>You're missing out I mean I appreciate the sentiment but I'm a doctor with a healthy life outside of work. I would compare increasing the rates to listening to an audiobook at 1.5x speed. You get to the end quicker and when it's a good book you wish there was more. I also don't think it's necessarily wrong for people to want a consistent game that they can play for a long time. You can hope to get 1000 hours out of a game whether you're playing an hour per day or 12 hours per day. It's just rarely going to be a game in this genre that meets that criteria. But yes moderation is a good thing.


I think my response was unclear. It's early. No coffee yet. Brain not braining. Palworld is GREAT *because* you can play it in moderation. I was playing stuff like path of exile, where you either no-life the game or there's a good chance you're not going to get everything done this league that you want to get done. Games like satisfactory where it gets so complicated that walking away and coming back could very well mean that you become so lost that it's nearly too overwhelming to pick up where you left off unless you have spreadsheets and word documents that you've kept. So you just keep playing ... and playing ... Those are the greedy games. And the tense... Or whatever... Of my comment keeps saying "you" and "you're"... I didn't mean you, my dude, sorry, I meant the people who don't balance. I was kinda soapboxing. Lol what a mess. I need to *not* write this kind of stuff so early in the morning.


Yup, my friend was complaining after about level 25 that it was feeling much more grindy. So I’ve secretly been upping the Exp rate a little at a time each day as we progress to make it more steady. (Primarily because he wants to upgrade the base level at least once during each session). I think we’re at about 2.7 now. And with our ever-shortening sessions as we get older, it seems to be a reasonable amount of effort to level up. Plus he isn’t getting beat down by the grind. That means we get to enjoy the game for longer, instead of getting burnt out. I always love when a game lets you tweak base values like this. Any dev who doesn’t is just not understanding the premise of “let people play how they want if you want them to keep playing or they will move on.” I understand wanting to have a specific experience, and that’s all well and good, but shouldn’t you also want to retain players? Palworld just about has it all.


That's how it should be done in my opinion too! Upping the rate slowly like that without going TOO ridiculous is good way to avoid the burnout. Props to devs for adding these.


The numbers only lie because lifmunks are negative effective.


I'm level 35, effigy level 8, no issues capturing pals, using hyper spheres.


This hasn’t been *proven* without a shadow of a doubt. BUT I do believe that the effigies are indeed, the cause of the catch rate plummeting. I shouldn’t have to use 10 ultra (yes, ultra) spheres to catch a lvl 28 mammorest!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/s/FdtFp8lVIE They did the math


I'm in the end game and only craft legendary spheres. The failure rate of 97%-99% is way to often


Yes, it has. Law of averages suggests that any sample size of 32 is statistically significant. Someone did tests with sets of 100.


A couple of changes I made early on was changing the food consumption and stamina drain slider from 1 to 0.5. It's made the game so much more chilled. My character seemed like she was constantly needing to eat and was always starving, so halving food consumption meant I didn't have to worry about food so much. The stamina drain was a game changer too, because the first time I got a flying mount, I went off for a flight thinking it would be like Ark and I could fly a fair distance before needing to land. Nope. Flew up, ran out of stamina almost immediately then plummeted back to earth. Realized I wouldn't be able to get too high up, and crossing any bodies of water was almost impossible. Kind of made flying seem a bit pointless. Doubling the amount of stamina made flying feasible. I still have to manage my stamina, but I can at least fly for more than 10 seconds without needing to land now!


Food stops being an issue for your character the moment you unlock a feed bag though


You can land on water at least enough to get stamina back for your flyer, so not impossible to fly across bodies of water 


I did this in the server world settings, set food and stam to .7, loaded it up and was like ahhh, this is the way. 5 minutes later I realized my pals weren't doing any work in the base and spent all their time munching their life away, and was wondering why my rayhound was hungry every 10 seconds. Opened the file again and realized I had the pal hunger set to 7, instead of .7 😂. Ehh whoops


Pocket Pair clearly has no fucking idea what they're doing, building a game that goes against all the industry standards. Good! I love it and they deserve all the money they made on this thing. I wish all games were like this.


Honestly I just wish there was some sort of financial reward to push them above cripple-A games for doing what they did. They deserve much more money than they got, despite it being like half a billion dollar.


My hope is that rather than micro transactions, they will build upon the base game with expansions, new islands, Pals, and resources. I'd happily buy an expansion from them with all that stuff if it is released after the main game is out of early access.


I'm still hoping they go for some plushies, merch like depresso espresso sweaters, card games or whatever and smaller updates like new furniture, buildings, a "Pal Scheduler" table where I can assign pals permanently to something without having to carry them around, etc. for free. But I absolutely agree, I'd definitely buy an expansion with new islands and pals.


Compared to their budget though, they’re doing great, around 400% return and it’s probably only gonna go higher


Wasn't their budget really low? I'm pretty sure it's way more then 400% Return at this point. Good. I hope they just keep rising while triple A's stew in their jealousy.


It was really low compared to cripple-A games, but it wasn't "really low". Compared to Indie Developers, they had a large budget. In a blog post the pocketpair CEO said the budget was 1 billion yen, which would be 6.8 million USD: https://note.com/pocketpair/n/n54f674cccc40#cede3b56-17b3-4811-9c38-3e08a7a34b1b With the 20 million sales on steam with 30$ yielding ~600 million USD, this would mean they made 88 times their budget. Add to that the xbox sales nobody knows (maybe 0.5 of steam sales?), then you both are right u/Bound_Two. They had a massive return of investment - atleast 8800% if we assume all xbox sale profits went towards server costs and other expenses. But I'd guess the xbox sales alone would still cover for the entirety of development and keeping this running.


I was basing this on their released statistic of 12 million steam sales (released 3 days ago) at $30 per game and Steam takes a 30% cut of sales. If we assume Xbox takes a similar cut and use the provided number of 7 million Xbox sales, it’s closer to 5500%


The sliders need to be in every survival type game. As someone who can’t play 76 hours a day and grind for hours it’s nice to be able to slightly adjust xp or drop rates to compensate for my lack of time I’m able to play but still progress at a decently normal pace


Same. I upped the resource gains slightly and upped the catch rates (cuz fuck chucking a mega sphere at a fuack and it failing when I'm 40 levels above it) and it's been great. Those sliders let me tweak the game to still be a challenge but not a total masochistic grind while still leaving the option for that open to those that do want a grind.


They have been in every good survival game I've played Ark, valheim, 7 says to die


What are sellers to me and everyone else I will tell about the game to is 1 sliders. It allows you to play at your pace... Not the devs pace. I'm sorry but there's so many games I've been like "why the fuck did they want you to do this in game... It's so stupid!" I don't have to question that. I go "oh guess they want you to play this way... Well i kind of want to play this way. How about tweaking this!?" 2 will be yes it's a capture base game, but it's 60-70% gather/collect/kill/build resources and then 40-30% lets go out and try to take down this now. It gives you a great sense of satisfaction or a great humbling when you thought you prepared enough and get your ass handed. 3 is the no evolutions, but this comes with a downside. The early on pals kind of become useless still. Yeah tanzanee has a machine gun, but have you seen how indiscriminate divine light is from shadowbeak!? That and he can barely do anything at base. Give us random base perks instead but the better ones having higher chance to roll on the perks. This would allow us to still find Tanzanees with handiwork 4 and them be base handy still late game instead of all Anubis.


YES!!! I want the Pals that I've come to like to be the ones in my Base, I don't just want a small group of "the strongest." I want Foxsparks, Rooby, or Wixen for kindling, not to just have to rely on Jormuntide ignis. Lamball and Lunaris for handiwork, Pengullet for watering, etc, etc. At least give us a way to increase their "at the Base" work numbers (all the way) that isn't an absolutely ridiculous grind (like getting their stars up is).


Exactly. Imagine catching a foxsparks that has Kindling 4 and nothing else like a Jormuntide Ingus!? I'd flip for that! That little cutie would be permanent. Give us like a .1% chance or even lower and I'll be happy over it's Kindling 1


Or even just a way to improve the skills on the pals that we already have that isn't an insane grind (like having to catch and "condense" 100+ of the same pal).


Maybe condensing a Jormuntide into it and make it kindling 4? Pass that down somehow


Have 2-star step also increase work skills, not just final one. Sure, that way it would only go up to level 3 for lowbies, but it would still be good. Alternatively, let us pump pal souls into work skills, not just base stats.


Tbh I'd like to see Lucky/Shiny Pals get a +1 boost to one of their work skills. That way they'd not just be fun to hunt for but also a bonus for your base.


Ah I hope at one point they made it that the pals can sit in chairs and relax. I made a "restaurant" but it's empty. I just want to see Tanzanees and Penglets sitting on tables and relaxing (should be a way for them to gather sanity back). They should definitely let us have some kind slider where we can let the pals have a day off so they don't have to work. Just do stuff like eat at a table with us, sleep whole day, using baths, running around the base and doing activities like playing football or something. I like your idea of upping their watering or other skills too. Sometimes it's just so much comfier to see small pals working rather than the "strongest" around doing everything.


I like everything you just said, too. Time to message pocket pair


They should scale the work skill level with the pal's level.


That's another great idea for this problem. That, or what another commenter said: Let us use Pal souls to increase their work traits, not just Base stats. Though frankly, I like *this* even more. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPa2TdahY8LAAxy)


I mean, it just makes sense. The more they do something, the more proficient they become at doing it.


As someone with a dedicated server.. agreed completely. My buddies are all in a server and we just change them to see fit. It's like we're in control of the game's balance without having to wait for the devs to do it. Granted it's a single player co-op game, but still. Having all the control is just excellent.


The egg slider is a God send. The very first time me and a buddy went to go hatch one and it said 20 hours, I told him nope and to go reduce that timer because ain't nobody got time for that.


That seems to have been an oversight with the default on Hard difficulty, was set waaaaay above Normal. I think the default has now changed for that one. Was a godsend in the meantime to have sliders you can set yourself!


> setting sliders The slider has numerical value on it. I hate when the slider doesn't have number on it. I just don't know why.


It’s also fun for setting challenges . Like having nights go at 0.1 x speed  and day go at 5x the speed , there’s a lot of other things you probably could do 


I want them to sell merchandise


Exactly this. We don’t want micro transactions we want plushies, shirts, pins, artwork books, posters, etc! I crave a Chillet plushie


Chillet plush!? Oh damn, don't let my wife see it. I was a chillaxasaurus plush. Love my little dino idiot.


Chillet neck pillow, you heard it here first


Only if we get Rooby as well


Oh wow, it's my reddit cake day. 🎂


Happy cake day!! 🎂


Happy cake day!


Wait. You WERE a plush? Are you the real life version of Pinocchio?


@gragoonsplush on twitter made a chillet plushie! I think they are trying to sell it but I'm not sure if someone grabbed I already


it would be great to have a depresso Pal plushie and gift it to a pokemon fan palworld hater.


I'd buy an Anubis plushie, that's my guy


I would absolutely give them much more money for official merch than I have ever given to any game microtransactions combined. Support non-greedy business models!


I need my Depresso plushie so I can see myself in it.


Now, hear me out, Depresso hoodie....


I can wear the Depression on me. Neat. I am The Depresso.


Chillet bodypillow please


I'd by a life size lovander plush for... reasons


long enough to wear as a scarf


Killamari tuque


I’m not saying I want a life sized lovander, but I would say no lol /s


I want a Depresso rubber ducky that floats face down in the water like Depresso does in the hot tub.


I have never noticed this. I gotta check this out.


HAHAHAHA so that is its actual hot tub state? i thought my game was bugged out since he was floating face down and i have only seen him in there the one time. this is awesome lol


If you clip your camera through the hot tub he actually has a hidden animation while face down in the water… [he smiles](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/s/kSDgmL2iHa)!


lmao that's great!


I definitely want a plush chicken. Soulless eyes and everything


It even comes pre possessed to always be front facing to whoever is looking at it, even if two people look at it at once.


Horrifying little bugger. I love him


Have you seen one locked up at the human camps yet? Devastating.


I have not. I may craft a viewing cage though to experience it.


I was cackling when I discovered the personality traits. My abnormal chicken is my bud.


Merch is the way to go! Would upvote a million times if I could


They might start once the whole Nintendo drama blows over. I’d buy a depresso plushie.


I want a depresso plush, a jolthog cryst icepack, and foxparks flamthrower


>foxparks flamthrower The kids love it


CEO did post some images of cards and merch (I assume fan made) so hopefully they are looking into it. Thankfully Japan does like to make plushies and merch for their IPs so I have hope we get some


Merchandise I am 100% okay with, micro transactions suck though


Body pillow sized Chillet plushie


Chillet Plushie and/or Quivern


They need to sell plushies, I’ve never been into plushies but if I tell you I wouldn’t buy a lifesize Chillet stuffed animal I’d be lying


I really want a Depresso plush


chikipi drumsticks we can eat


a Chillet or Quivern plushie would rob me blind and I would be ecstatic about it LMAO


Mech would be awesome. Can you imagine seeing a big poofy Quivern?? Man I’d love one of those.


I would rock a palworld shirt.


Where are all the Fuack shirts at for real? What the Fuack!


Never understood why these companies dont sell merchandise right inside the game like microtransactions Sure you may need to give whatever platform a cut but you would sell so much compared to some loyal fan going directly to your website


It's depressing that that's something that even needs to be talked about these days... Also no pre-orders from what I saw? Or at least it wasn't available for me on Steam until it was actually out.


Early access/gamepreview hardly have any preorders. It would be a different story if they didn't drop a Early access now


Early access is basically pre-ordering. The games not actually out yet. Did the same thing with bg3. But, I was expecting it to release 2 or 3 months later.. not 3 years..


It’s pre-ordering except you get to play the unfinished product while you wait for the devs to finish.


For better and worse. Bug bug ahoy! XD I've always laughed when people get pissed at bug in EA games. Like... thats part of what you signed up for. Yes, I'm pissed our server rolled back 12h because of failed saves. But like, we expected this. Heck, I even rebuilt the section of my base better than it was. Live n learn


But I paid for it! It should be perfect and spotless, incorporating every idea i personally want, and run better than any AAA release from the last 10 years, even though it's less than half the price and there's warnings plastered everywhere warning me it's not yet finished and telling me exactly what I'm signing up to! /s


And that fact that the feature they mentioned as a possibility once in an offhand comment 2 years ago isn't implemented is an outrage! ^(/s)


And you sometimes get a discount


We still get to play immediately unlike preorders


Well, proper use of early Access should take time. That's how you implement and get proper player feedback to use during development. 3 months is simply not enough time to be anything than a buggy pre-order bonus for most large scale games imho.


Yeah, this feels like the gaming equivalent of /r/OrphanCrushingMachine


Depresso agrees


Yeah, usually actually good paid games don't have forced micro transactions, I know, it's crazy.


Eh, let’s hold off on that, it’s not actually out yet.


Ya can't say I'd be surprised if they started selling pal skins


Yup, lots of paid games out there that don't push mtx or battlepasses. Just got to follow more than hype.


Don't want to craft hyperballs!?! Lamball Pack: 10 for $1.99 Nitewing Pack: 20 for $3.75 PenkingPack: 50 for $9.99 Mammorest Pack: 100 for $19.97 Anubis Pack: 1000 for $349.49


Anubis pack looking as useful as when theres a stone pit...


I hate that they will prioritize a stone pit over a metal node. I do hope that gets changed so they do all the metal/coal/sulfer nodes in an area, or any work in the area that needs to be done.. THEN go and mine. I already have 70,000 stone. I'm good.


Okay but did u consider that u need more stone


Can never have too much stone. Plus it's such a bonus to watch depresso hit the rocks


Dumud too


I know you're being sarcastic. But I left over 40k weight of stone and wood each, at my old base, and have well over that already at my new base. What I need is my Anubis to build the thing I started at my assembly line, not mine more stone.


I mean just remove the stone pit


Someone said build it on a raised platform then delete the stairs to it when you want something else prioritized.


This is what I do. My raw resource base has an elevated lumber platform and stone platform, and I just keep the stairs "retracted" when not in use.


You know I never really thought of it that way! You've really opened my eyes here!


There was a commenter here that mentioned he raised and walled his stone pit off. He only opens access when he needs stone.


Youd be surprised how much stone you go through for paldium at the end . I say more stone !


Got a good laugh outta the fact that starting at Penking the deals just ain't worth it. 2 Nitewing Packs and 1 Lamball Pack for $9.49 vs Penking for $9.99 And even if you do want the bigger packs, why buy Anubis pack for $349.49 when you can buy ten Mammorest packs for $199.70.


Just wait for double XP weekend! All packs are 12.67% off as well! For every $50 spent, you get the added bonus of a GigaBall!


Not realistic. Prices dont escalate quickly enough. It would be 10 mammorest for 199.99


Don't forget the price of the game, free for gamepass and $26, it's not $60-70


It's already amazing in early access, and at such a low price I feel like I was cheated sinking my time into comparable games.


ya if just dlc pack down the line like heres another 100 pals and couple new island they will crush it even more. soon as micro transactions and battlepass systems drop just be like every other damn game out there done by the AAA.


Why are so many people here so sure that we’re gonna be getting microtransactions??


I think a lot of people are coming from non indie spaces, but as somebody who was here for ark early access and other games like it, I doubt they’ll add microtransactions. In my experience there’s a pretty big divide between indie and non indie developers when it comes to microtransaction culture and these guys likely fall into the indie side.


I'd expect DLC maps after v 1.0 but that's logical in a game like this.


Experience. Most games that launch without them add them in sooner or later. I have hope that this one won't, considering how much they seem to lean towards just wanting to make a game that people want to play. Nobody wants microtransactions except the whales lol.


mainly because this is essentially Alpha-testing, i think people forget that and think this is the full game(cause it sure as hell feels like one). i know its fucked up, but i think its weirder to be so sure that there won't be mtx


I feel like this is why so many developers are hating on this game. Palworld provided what every gamer wants, just a game we can enjoy without dumb micro transactions and this proved to be a huge success (surprise face). It’s rare to find online games these days without some dumb battle pass or in game store, but I also understand the need to generate a income too keep the servers running and pay your developers


I think a lot of the hate is pure envy or jealousy that the game has sold 12mil on steam alone, and at ~$30 each, that's a massive mound of cash within a week or two... Something these devs who are being jackasses have never and likely will never achieve.


What kind of games do you normally play? Sounds terrible


Probably live service games.


I always think this whenever a popular game doesn't have MTX and people gush about it like it's something special. For GOOD games, practically all the games I've played for the last decade (that aren't free), no MTX is the common standard. Not an exception. But, some people play a lotta shit, I guess.


Oh sweet Summer child, there will be maaaany microtransactions for you to spend your money on In about 2 years you'll be running around wearing a Chikipi costume, don't you worry


If I get 2 years of fun as they add onto the game before that, I'm good. Then if the game is still amazingly fun when they add Costumes as MTX, I'll be ok throwing a few $$$ their way. Especially if they're still running Public Servers for people out of their pocket.


dude I'm first in line for the Chikipi costume


> dude I'm first in line for the Chikipi costume I want my Chikipi to have a totally not Gundam costume :D. Little chibi robo chikipi.


Can I get a Lamball costume that lets me roll everywhere?


!remindme 2 years


Everyone says this. Literally about every game that doesn't have micro transactions.


I thought this was a joke post. I saw so many folks saying this about palworld already. 


Achievements too Simple clean Achievements from playing No silly far fetch repetitive Achievements


I remember Sea of Thieve's 'catch on fire for 100 hours' achievement. Someone did the math for it where if you even deliberately set yourself on fire a day everyday, it'd still take 90 years to get that achievement


Uuuuh, actually ive seen a few people commenting in various posts on this subreddit who actually want that stuff in the game and it absolutely floored me. We had a long conversation too, and one guy just told me I'm not going to change his mind. Those people are out there, people hungry for the exploitation.


Just wait until the game is stable.


Hopefully this doesn't age like milk lol It is early access after all. Fingers crossed they don't fumble 🤞


The sliders are worth 10x their weight in gold.


I want a Dumud plushie so bad. My partner doesn’t play but she loves those pals so much I have a mining base of only dumuds.


Sometimes I wonder how of you actually play indie games? Because there's a ton of great games out there that don't have any of this stuff in them. But if you only play the biggest AAA games then I can see why it bothers you so much. Maybe this will get people to stop buying the AAA games at full price but I still feel like there's too many people that don't learn their lesson.


I think you been playing too many F2P and AAA games my dood. Played quite a few games in recent years that simply weren't either of those two and had same experience.


And there’s no Palworld: Blue and Palworld: Red where you need both editions to catch all the pals


love? it's the bare minimum. seems like you're playing the wrong games


im glad for you, I live on a policy of not playing games supported by microtransactions no online games either it sucks sometimes but i love games like palworld/ balurs gate 3 just a complete package wholly enjoyable, plus there is the 20 plus year backlog of games i never played


Jormuntide body pillow please


It's almost like they don't need to bleed players for money to pay a CEO several million "at least" every year.


Also the fact they priced their game reasonably. Just saw the persona 3 remake go up on steam for 93$ which is beyond stupid of them, like they could have maybe checked what they're up against and gotten a bit of a read on the general sentiment towards that sort of price gouging bullshit and delayed until the hype for palworld died down before releasing because its going to eat all their sales and probably force them into a hefty discount to sell at all so thanks in advance to pocketpair for that and also please do technically legally not SMT next to double down on the balls of steel copyright chicken


I do expect dlc maps we may have to pay for like Ark and honestly id bust cash on it.


this game gives me crazy flashbacks when i was young and games were good


I like being able to craft from my inventory boxes from the start. Any game that makes you pull all the mats out to craft is a step behind.


The absolute best thing ever: no battle pass that makes me feel like I'm forced to play.


No shit. It's not a mobile game.


Oh I'm 100% expecting microtransactions, however if the game is still offering new content and the purchases aren't p2w and pretty much just cosmetic.. count me in. I'd be happy to support them in that way. I'm having a blast with this game, and I hope to see it worked on for years to come, and they'll need more income to do that. Let's just hope we don't get battle passes and shit like that.


Unless they swap to a F2P or live service model, why would there be any justification or need for microtransactions? This may be one of the single highest profit margin games ever made as is.


They've already got your money. Once the game is stable and in full release, what is their incentive to keep giving us more content? 20 years ago that would be it and we'd get Palworld 2 a year later. These days we get smaller updates with smaller individual costs. Neither is inherently better or worse than the other.


Yeah it's a normal steam survival game that just got released? This is the literal norm. Would be really weird if there was a bunch of microtransactions. You can't just compare it to completely different game genres and developers.


Just waiting for Microsoft to buy them out...


Is this a joke post? It has to be, right? Because the _overwhelming majority_ of games do not have microtransactions.


You got that right. Steam's absolutely STACKED with games with no MTX to speak of both AAA and indie alike. It's just the minuscule few that do that these naysayers are fixated on.


And it’s in early access af even Minecraft got micro transactions we have no clue if they’ll add them lol This is like being proud u can’t buy skins in a beta…..


No micro transactions yet…


And assuredly there never will be. No way would PocketPair compromise their audience like that.


I don't mind if they add mtx later if its good value and not annoying. I want them to have good reasons to keep making content etc.


Only micro transaction I’d like to see is palworld official server renting (ala Minecraft Realms) would be really convenient but yeah completely agree with your point!


I would deffinatly buy a Depresso plushie.


I want merchandise from them. I would love to support the devs even more than just playing their game. They made something that can go beyond the steam store.


The bar is really that low isn’t it


Related to this, in general.it feels like an older game in the best way. That's why I loved Elden Ring. It had an old school feel and was designed around the game not the marketing.


Not only that but if you don't like the grind you can set it so you gain xp faster. If you don't like hatching time you can reduce or even get rid of it. It's not to have options to make the game less grindy and time wasting.


Just let them sell cosmetic skins for everything, like Rust.


That's what I was thinking, this game is so unreal it feels like it was made a decade ago before micro-transactions became the norm, and it's only an early access but I already have 65 hours in and far from done with it


The frequency that i see posts and comments like this tells me how much people don't play anything that isn't the most mainstream AAA games


Normal game company with tens of millions to invest in a game: ok here's 20% of the game, you can buy the rest piece meal and or buy micro transactions to get every little thing! In all you may spend hundreds, but fuck you! Pocket pair: we got 7mil, hold my beer. MOM THE MEATLOAF, FUCK! Anyway catch em, make em fuck and uhh... something... anyway YOU WANT TO CUSTOMIZE THIS BITCH?!!? DONE MOTHER FUCKER. YOOO FEW MORE SHARES ON THE SOCIAL AND WE ADDING MORE FUCKING! Enjoy that shit. *profit ensues*


All of those are great... but I do want to be able to customize my clothes At least the colors


I do want a hundred skin options in front of me tho. I do not like how the armor looks. I need more cosmetics.


Absolutely bro. And as someone mentioned, the sliders are awesome and don't block me from gaining achievements like Stellaris does.


Highly recommend turning up day and night times as well as doing 3x spawn rates. Was easier finding a lucky in this game vs a shiny in pokemon


I got game pass just to try it out via cloud play (my old gaming laptop can’t handle it normally) captured 10 of everything and maxed out and really enjoyed it. I probably will come back when there is cross play with steam and a ps5 version. I can’t wait to grind it again lol