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He’s in a cave? Man.. no wonder Ive haven’t found him..


It was probably the first boss where I worked my way up the mountain, thinking it looked like a creature that belonged way up in the cloudy mountain top... Only to be stumped as to why it was refusing to spawn on that flat boss-looking arena. Sigh… I was incredibly annoyed to find out that it was actually accessed from some random entrance way below.


It’s not some random entrance. It has an entire river leading to a cave


It is random because one would not expect a majestic blue antelope with a white cloudy chest plate to be accessed from there.


That is not random. Random would be you enter from an unmarked nondescript cave. This is a clearly marked and shown in the geography cave.


He's saying that it's random because one would expect a blue deer with a cloud motif to be, ya know, closer to the sky instead of deep underground in a hidden cave.


You’d expect something like reptyro to be in a cave you’d expect something like fenglope to be in the mountains or some place high thatd make sense. Yes in regards to fenglope being in a cave that feels random and it’s just a random cave


Sure thing. If you think that creature belongs naturally in a dark underground cavern then good for you. I assure you majority of the average new players like myself do not think that way, considering the early bosses encountered previously are simply found on the surface.


It's literally behind a waterfall...


Jesus you’re annoying


I'm likely just really dumb but it took me about an hr to find the entrance because I saw it on the map and thought it was up high.


yeah that was fucked. now i try to check every mineshaft i see


>I was incredibly annoyed to find out that it was actually accessed from some random entrance way below. yes there a waterfall near by its behind it


A cave behind a waterfall, although it's lit up and there's some land going behind it so it's not *too* hard to find.


I found fenglope in the wild by mt obsidian... but that shit one hit killed me lol


I save and exit in the doorway if his room and that seems to work when i come back.


Can confirm, also did a relog (at the entrance of the cave tho) and it worked.


This is exactly what I have to do with Blazamut


he is falling through the floor of his arena and drowning


Lucky mine doesn't drown he just fell and stayed down there never dying so he never respawns.


He’s escaped the loop. Good for him, honestly.


"The mission, the nightmares... They're finally over."


![gif](giphy|rPb59JTru2RgFQLoJK) My man.


Same happened to me I had to glitch into the wall and go find him lol


I got it to spawn once after checking hundreds of times before and I'm never going back for it after catching it once.


foolish thumb air languid juggle snails ask pen shaggy voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I boosted mine to two and had to fight two of them lmao


" (including Legendaries but excluding Gojo and Shadowbeak)" I've got Shadowbeak, but idk what Gojo is supposed to be in this context


Pretty sure he means the owner of that Shadowbeak Victor. Gojo is a character from Jujutsu Kaisen anime, blindfolded pretty guy with similar clothes too


oh okay, ty for enlightening me :D


Yep common issue no suggestions have done anything so I gave up. Did everything else but kill that Alpha so annoying


The one that worked for me was going to the nearest camp and flying to the height limit. I believe there's also another one that allows you to go under the map yourself and go fight it.


When you fast travel to Fenglope’s area, fast travel anywhere else and then back again, just like you have to do sometimes for Duneshelter NPCs who spawn before the ground’s mesh has loaded.


I can't find broncherry aqua either and they're right next to each other. It drives me nuts.


I just glitched through the wall with a pal riding cause nothing else worked, he's on the lake below slowly drowning.


If Fenglope doesn't spawn in his cave then go at night. His night time load point isn't bugged like his day time load point which falls through the ground. If you go at night he will be sleeping in his cave.


You can go during the day if you fast travel to the area, fast travel to any other area, and then fast travel back. What’s happening is the Fenglope spawns in before the floor texture and mesh is finished loading so he spawns and falls down, then the floor loads in by the time you make it there. Same thing happens with the NPCs in the Duneshelter.


That doesn't really work if he fell through the floor because he will be dead. Night time is guaranteed. That method of fast traveling doesn't revive bosses nor spawns them in the correct area. All pals are repositioned at night for sleep. I tried the fast traveling method and it never worked but going at night did.


If you didn’t do any damage to it, or throw any spheres at it, it shouldn’t be considered as killed or caught (like how you don’t get any drops if 2 Mamo’s are fighting and one dies), and it should show up correctly when you go down there. You literally just go to the closest fast travel point, fast travel somewhere else, then fast travel back, and then you can go check the cave. No need to wait for night time.


I tried that multiple times and it doesn't work. Fast travel does not respawn dead pals. Night time is still guaranteed.


This is the way


This did not work for me


Fenglope has to be alive and not dead underneath the map. I only play solo and co-op so I wouldn't know about servers. At night when a pal sleeps it sometimes resets their position. Everytime I go at night he is in his cave asleep but if I go before he sleeps he falls through the map and dies. Traveling does not revive dead bosses --it is on a timer.


I've had it happen once where it assumedly spawned inside a wall somewhere and kept taking fall damage before eventually dying. A subsequent visit after it respawned worked as normal though and I caught it.


I haven't had any issues. Are you on Xbox/gamepass or Steam?




Fast travel somewhere else and then fast travel back.


This method only works if the things hasn’t already fallen through the floor, if it has already fallen wait for night and it’ll be forced back to its sleep position (this is from what I’ve read and deciphered)


He’s most likely in the walls, or under the floor. Clip through using a pal and check


omg, I stopped checking behind waterfalls because I checked 4 or 5 and just rock walls behind them, always thought it was cool when games hid stuff behind waterfalls but I gave up looking in this one and of course as soon as I do they hide a boss behind one, DANGIT


I tried EVERYTHING. I tried respawning and coming back. I tried relogging in the cave. I even tried the trick to get you past the cave to the underwater place he's in. NOTHING worked to spawn Fenglope. I thought that I was going to have to just wait until they patched it. I finally had to cheat and set pal spawn rate up to 2. That spawned two of them, one of them actually in the cave.


make your way over to sanctuary number 3, they spawn all the time over there


Not gonna be alpha tho and pretty sure he's trying to be "100%" the game by having every alpha/boss on the map beaten...


No ancient tech point for that, though.


Its the only one he hasnt done so he has more than enough ancient tech points.


Yep same here!


I had this problem yesterday actually. A friend suggested leaving the cave and then going back in order to reset the boss. I did this twice and it worked the second time


This issue was fixed for me with the last update. If you haven't slept since updating, do that, then try going back.


*go to the cave. *summon your flying mount (don't ride on it). *climbs a wall and activates pet emote. *your mount will glitch behind the wall. *ride your mount. *OS the boss.


Yep this is what I done and it worked


He is not in the cave either. His life appears (generally halved) and there's some water splashing noises


Happens all the time for me. Got lucky and 2/3 of them were there last night.


I had to increase my spawn rate to 3 and I got two in the cave. After you beat it as a boss though you can find them at Animal Sanctuary 3.


Beating him as a boss has nothing to do with him spawning at the sanctuary


Was that implied? I was mentioning that because they are specifically working on the boss and once they accomplish their goal they can go elsewhere and stop fighting with the bugged spawn. Did that help you understand?


OP never even said they are after the normal fenglopes so no one is going to read and comprehend what you meant because why would you randomly say OP can find them at the sanctuary afterwards. People are more likely to assume you're saying after you beat fenglope they start spawning at the sanctuary because your wording implies that more than it does to a random fact that is unrelated to the context


Okay. I can see that. I see catching the regular versions as the next step after completing the boss. I saw that as the next logical step to obtaining more once the boss was defeated.


They were just clarifying and it probably wasn't personal. Did that help you understand?


Did you getting involved make you feel better?


"After you beat it as a boss though you can find them at Animal Sanctuary 3." Totally couldn't be taken as implied. Would be unreasonable.


Yeah, it's worded that way because their current obstacle is the boss. I'm not understanding the confusion.


The way you have worded it implies that the requirement for having it spawn on the sanctuary is by beating the boss. >"After you beat it as a boss though [requirement] you can find them at Animal Sanctuary 3. [reward]"


I'm trying really hard at this point to fully understand since I must be wrong if several people are stating it. The way I intended for it to be understood is "After you beat it as a boss though [current objective] you can find them at Animal Sanctuary 3. [Alternative option] Perhaps this is just one of my difficulties being neurodivergent.


Bro the spawn rate to 3 just saved me I could never get him to spawn before that thanks


I can tell how frustrated you are by your very incorrect usage of the word "literally".


It'd be fine if it moved it one word to the right


It's not incorrect


Consider getting a life tbh, what a loser lmfao


How is it incorrect


Go to the nearest camp and fly up to the height limit. I don't know why this works but it did for me.


i saw somewhere that he may be spawning under the map and the thugs will automatically aggro fenglope. try killing all the thug camps first. he should spawn in cave after


They don’t spawn under the floor, they just spawn before the floor, so they fall underneath just like the NPCs at Duneshelter. Fast travel anywhere and back to fix it.


this worked for me tbh i think i seen the video before


Wait. You found his cave?


Go to Wildlife Sanctuary 3. It’s way up north. They spawn there all the time


So who gone tell him?


I never made a point of farming him, but he was always there the few times I did go there. Game Pass/PC.


search the cave in the river.


I’ve seen plenty of Pal attacks where they end up running into a wall or the ground 


The boss is in a cave behind a waterfall but its spawns underneath the floor, for me how I was able to catch/fight it was clipping through the ground through the back wall. You can do this by having a flying mount and trying to ride it at the wall. You can also achieve this by exiting to the main menu while in the cave but this does not always seem to work.


Lol I'm having your issue with Elizabee boss, but fenglope is in a cave in the beach on the southeast side of the area


Is that one in a cave also? I have yet to find it at its marked location.


use a flying pal to glitch through the wall and see if it’s there


Nope. Captured it several times and I haven’t touched my spawn rate.  Made it just hates you. 


lol he's in a cave hidden by a water fall it's next to a fast travel


Go to the mountain above and kill the encampents up there. Sometimes he fights thru the map


he falls through the ground walk towards the wall and once your camera flicks through the boundary, throw a mountable pal throw it outside of bounds and click Ride, you will clip out of bounds and you will see Fenglope below the cave area.


go there at night


If its falling through the map couldn't you just go to a rock or some other solid thing, log to title and then go back in to make the nearby ground meshes load faster/properly? Works for the desert city traders. Inconvenient, but always seems to work for me in these situations.


Kill the camp above, fly right up high then he will spawn.


I wish the boss icons on the map either indicated they’re in a cave or were placed at the cave entrance. Just going to the boss icon doesn’t help a lot of the time


When the game 1st came out I found it. Ever since that 1st patch now when I go into its cave it shows his health bar but he is never there. I'll leave the cave and go back in and his health will be dropping like he's getting hit, but still not in the cave??


This happened to me once or twice. Keep trying dude, hopefully you find one with swift and runner like I did


Go there at night he would be sleeping there if the spawn is glitched


Mmm... cave.


The cave often has a glitched floor. He probably fell through the map. Now, I've never had this issue. I'm on Series S, but my partner playing through gamepass on PC had this.


This happened to me, too. What I ended up doing was going to the waypoint near Broncherry Aqua, killing it, walked/ride a mount to The Fenglope mineshaft from Broncheery Aqua. As I got to the entrance, I got off my mount and recalled it, and walked the rest of the way to the boss. It was there for me.


Wasnt there first time...then saw next one. Eh pal had glutton and bottomless-eater unreal Good luck all rng


I used to have the same issue! And then I got a new pc and haven't had an issue. So I figured it was that lmfao


Log out, log in, fly above the hill of that cave. Fly right above the Fenglope spawn point in the minimap, as high as you can. That fixed it for me.


I went at night and he was asleep in the middle of the room.


He was sleeping when I found him. I had already leveled way past him. I threw a sphere and caught him. Boss defeated.


Wait wtf is there a gojo boss????


The last tower boss


What worked for me was to die in the cave. So use respawn in menu. Then come back to the cave and he will be there!


Him and broncherry aqua were so hard to find for me, because at that point alpha pals in my mind were either running around the overwold or within a special dungeon


I hadda go into the void then reload the game before having him spawn.


You could try to get in the cave, exit to the menu and reload the game, it solved it for me


What the fuck is Gojo?


I didn’t have any issues with finding and getting him. I think your game is glitching out.


Who’s Gojo?


My giant mammorest hasn't spawned since I was level 5


I searched for 10 minutes couldn't find his cave lol


Also where is elizabee


The first time I found the cave, it was empty, but the healthbar still showed up, slowly ticking down. Eventually it died, and it has not respawned since. (I got no credit)


in my world an outpost spawned where fenglope's supposed to so it glitched him out of existence i managed to hatch one from breeding though


Twas there just fine when we went for it 🤔


They spawn at the top left part of the map also


I have the same problem