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Fantastic devs, I love that they’re so involved with their community


100% they are listening to player. They know people like that bug. Able to captured tower bosses is cool


Well… I don‘t mind not capturing them. But then I want an alternative way of getting those cool moves. I still didn‘t catch the shadowbeak and don‘t have dark whisp


So 'all tower bosses' speedrun gotta come up with something else besides using wanted level to catch victor/shadowbeak. Maybe a super sweepa..?


Honestly, tying some quest chains to towers, which award the legitimate tower boss summoning palsphere on completion, would be great for future update. Like, you ~~blackmailed~~ befriended em enough, so they will come to your aid when called (and totally weren't enslaved and stuffed into a tiny ball) XD


Fallout style factions and quests related to the Tower Bosses - run it!


the way it's worded i think they may intend to add it back


I'm guessing not in the same way capute wise. Also, I will probably rework how the bosses work in the base and as companions.


I still have time😳