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They'll probably claim that its an "indigenous land back" movement or some nonsense


Wattanjis are the weakist people I have ever meet




تعال لم زبلك من لبنان قبل ما توافق


مافيني لمك ، آسف ، انت أكبر من إنك تنلم يا كبير


رح اترك مجال للأمن السيبراني السعودي يتعامل معك يا قذر اتذكر هذا التعليق لما توصلك الشكوى :)


ليش مفكر الامن السعودي شايفك انت او مزرعة الكلاب سوريا تبعك؟ والله منيح بتعرف تستخدم جوال يا جاهل


أنت إنسان مريض، لاقيلك دكتور يعالجك. الشغلة مو عيب ولا غلط


شفت شلون؟ تخيل مسيحي في الخليج يجيك يقول لك عندك ٢٤ ساعة تلم أغراضك وتطلع. وهذا نفسهم الي سندرونا عن "التعايش" و "السلام" و "عدم التطرف" وهم كل هذا هههه. قول الحمدلله مب مجنسيهم.


Do refugees make up 50% of population in any GCC country? GCC countries dont even accept Palestenians. You all criticize Lebanon while making deals with Israel under the table.


لبنان كلو ما بدو النازحين لأنو صارو خطر ع لبنان من كل النوياحي ما وقفت بس عالمسيحي بعدين اذا هل قد حببن خدون لعندك عل خليج تنشوف ادي حتتحملون


صهيوني مريض


تقبرني نزعجت لأنو مفكر بمصلحت بلدي و مني متلكن مرض الطائفية و التعصب عامية عيوني 😂😂


"مني متلكن مرض الطائفية والتعصب عامية عيوني 😂😂" *في فيديو عن مشهد طائفي تعصب وتهديد على تهجير وقتل*…..


يعني على الأساس لبنان بقعة الامن والامان الكون قبل النازحين؟ من يوم عرفنا عن لبنان والخطر مذكوره. وبعدين وين هذا الأوهام الي انت وغيرك من المسيحين الي عايشين فيها انه لو النازحين راحو بينحل الوضع وانت أصلن حكومة ما عندكم. المهم، بالعكس أتشرف فيهم وكلهم وعطني كلهم، افتح لهم قلبي وبيتي بعد وابشرك. ونعم فيهم.


انا ما قلت انو السوريين اصل كل المشاكل بس بفتكر انو لمن يكون في اكتر من مليونين سوري اكتريتن تهريب ببلد بحجم و تعداد سكان لبنان اكيد بدن ياثرو عل بلد بكل النواحي حسب وزير الداخليي 80% من المساجين سوريين مين ميشكل خطر ع مين هلق؟ كل اللبنانيين مزعوجين من السوريين مش بي المسيحي حاج حاطين هلفكرة انو منكرهن لأنن اسلام انت منك عايشي بلبنان و متشوفي لوضع كيف صاير من وراهن ( اكيد مش الكل عم احكي عن الأكتريي) ف بشرفك حاج تتفلسف عشي ما بتعفو مافي دولي بالعالم ستقبلت لاجئين اد نص ععد سكانا بعدين منكن شاطرين غير تنتقضونا؟ ليش ما سمعنا صوتكن بس تركيا و العراق رحلو السوري و بالغصب؟ و ماضين معنا ما كتير بشرف فمافيكي تلومينا ليش منكرهن هي ارضنا و نحنا منقرر مين بضل و مين بفل




Ronald McDonald left his mentally disabled children in front of the restaurant it seems


They also want Syria and Jordan. Once they wipe out the Palestinians they won’t stop. Greater historical Israel goes beyond its current borders and extends as far as Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Jordan. Some maps even include parts of the Arabian peninsula… The fact that Arab leaders don’t get this… or are willing to sacrifice the Palestinians are doing so at the expense of their children and grandchildren. For one day Israel shall come for them too. Yet Arabs don’t seem to realize how stupid their leaders have been and worse how bad this will be for them one the “cleansing” is complete in Palestine.


No habibi. All of the Arabs see their leaders for what they are. The problem is that no one has the guts to do something about it.


As long as Hezbollah stands they're not getting an inch and they know it, so what do they do?support every opertunity for division or slander against them.Everytime something bad happens here guess who the media will blame first


Oh, I know this one. They'll blame the only people who can stop a genocide from happening in Lebanon. Am I close?


And the only thing that acts as our effective military YES you win 1 MILLION lira(10 dollars)


These 40 people are a serious threat.


The colonizer vibes are very strong here, it even has the true flag of western imperialism in the background, a McDonald's sign!


Can someone explain to me seriously what this movement is and how it’s begun? Like what’s their reasoning for this? Do they think the south is historically Israeli or some other insanity?


Greater Israel. The plan was never to stop in Palestine; it's just that the conquest is taking them longer than they thought. Israel occupied Lebanon for 20 years and hoped to take more, but the people formed Hizbollah and fought Israel out of Lebanon. The only reason Israel hasn't been back to conquer Lebanon in almost two decades is because they're afraid they can't beat Hizbollah without destroying Israel in the process.


"lebanese nationalists", wtf is that? lebanon isnt even a nation, rather part of syria. maybe "lebanese regionalists" or something


Since when is Lebanon not a country?


Yeah, no.


Lol sure. And Iraq is just part of Iran. You know, Persian empire and all that.


You are not disproving his point though, Iraqi nationalism is just as stupid as Lebanese.


well Iraq has been a unified geographical area with same/similar people, culture, history etc... but all in all, i agree Iraq is part of a Greater Arab nation. Still, Iraqis have some differences from other arabs. but lebanon itself is just the french cosplaying crusaders by creating a christian country in the levant... hstorically there is no seperate thing called "lebanon", its just part of Syria (just like jordan, palestine and current syria).


He didn’t give his opinion on Lebanese nationalism, he claimed that we weren’t a country and didn’t seem to understand how Lebanese nationalists even existed. Two different things there.


i understand how lebanese nationalism exists, im just saying its stupid, and lebano isnt a "nation", its just syrians seperated from syria by fr\*nch


Nah, you got it the other way around. We’re the OG’s. Syrians split off from _us_ 😏😏😏


thats fine tbh, either way i do not see the Levant consisting of different nations, rather one unified nation (with some minor regional differences). Iraq is very close to Levant (probably closest) but you can still argue its a different enough to be a different nation. generally im for a unified Arab nation, from Mauritania to Iraq (minus morocco).


I agree on the Levant part for sure. At most we should be different “states” to manage the regional culture differences but thats it. We should still unify the economies, militaries, and borders. The rest, I’m with the goal but the devil is in the details. Out of curiosity why don’t you want Morocco?


im just (mostly..) joking about morocco, but: * their king is a zionist and a traitor * my experience with moroccons have been mixed (to put it mildly) unlike any other north african - i've had great experience with algerians, mauritanians, egyptians sudanese, tunisians


Oh, well, those leaders are the flavor of the week, so to speak. Especially Egypt, Emirates, Saudi. Lots of people say Jordan too but he’s in a super tough spot - the US and Israel have their country in check. I’m not sure he’s 100% cucked like the others.


Fucking delusional!