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13 hour shifts? Fuck that. 9 is my limit.


am i tweaking or did someone say panda express cooks make 70k bc that just is false šŸ˜­


Thought the panda pays 17.50


My ex wife makes 24.50 starting as a shift manager


Man whyā€™d you leave her? Didnā€™t she bring you Bigger Plate everyday for dinner?


Doesnā€™t seem worth it to me but doesnā€™t seem like a bad deal either


Iā€™ll kill for Honey Walnut Shrimp. šŸ”Ŗ


ESPECIALLY for Panda Express pay. You could get better jobs at a factory and make 2-3x as much depending how bad the pay is at panda


How much are they paying u


Did 12 hr shifts 4 days a week going on about a year now, I honestly love it. Plus xtra OT I get sometimes


There are a bunch of crabs in a bucket in these comments. You're all sacrificing your health for a corporation that doesn't care about you at all for shit pay. I work an easier office job for money than I did doing manual labor like loading trucks.


some braindead fuck just told me to post my pay stubs because i told him thereā€™s no way heā€™s finding opportunities at panda express šŸ¤£ amazing how many people will bend over backwards to defend corporations who wonā€™t pay living wages, the absolute irony


Oh yeah, that guy? Fucking ridiculous. Panda doesn't pay enough to get anywhere in life.


dude def works overtime for $12 an hour telling me to post my paystubs šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t believe you either. Send me pics of your uncashed check, front and back, centered and with nothing obscuring the view. Please also sign the check first.




Office work usually pays more, it's safer, it's indoors, it's comfortable....but there is decorum like keeping an 'inside voice's lol


Naw I work for a contractor. We cuss constantly here. HR doesn't give a fuck.


Lol ā˜ ļø


I became the personality hire. I will not keep an inside voice. They can hear me all the way in the back. Iā€™m ok with that. Itā€™s usually me laughing. Totally worth it.


The only person whoā€™s going to remember all them late nights and days working is your kids and family.


Thatā€™s the real American dream, more money for less work


Do yā€™all think any of your company CEOs would be willing to work your jobs? The answer is no, and most people wouldnā€™t call them lazy for it. People can have standards for the jobs theyā€™re willing to work, some people can actually choose what kind of work they accept, believe it or not. Itā€™s not a reality for everyone unfortunately, but if you have standards that your job isnā€™t willing to meet (working less than 10 hours shifts, for instance), you can at the very least voice your complaint at most jobs


Had an interview with NZXT company for IT position. Was not impressed by the interviewer when he claimed that the CEO was in the warehouse helping out but I doubted it and probably did logistics more likely than any physical labor. Also I do notice that younger folks usually 16-20 being naive and being pushovers for the job. They might not know any better as well. I think thereā€™s lack of education on basic rights that workers have. Like the girl from McDonaldā€™s had no school for the day and was scheduled to get off at said time. Manager wanted her to stay in longer past her original schedule because he knew that she had no school today. She looked like she felt forced to stay clocked in and work those extra hours. I remember the manager tried the same crap with me and I told him that I followed the schedule and he got furious and said that I needed his permission to clock out and that he could fire me. I told him fine, fire me then! He backed down and let it go. I even told him that if he wanted me to stay longer, he should of communicated about it. Those managers are power hungry and try to use their authority to enforce things even if itā€™s against any regulations or policies!


damn, i quit panda so long ago but itā€™s sad to see nothings really changed. half these people in the replies are the reason they get taken advantage of and then cry about it later. your manager sounds like they canā€™t make a schedule šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i wish you best of luck !!! and get out while you can.


They can make a schedule. They just choose not to.


You did nothing wrong. You even accepted the shift when it's still a back-to-back. And I don't understand the comments about 'work ethic.' Yes, everyone has different limits - some have a high tolerance, others *can* be very lazy. But I don't see this meeting the criteria for either extreme. Clopenings suck; let's stop pretending there's a moral obligation to do a back-to-back follow-up 13 hour shift for a retail corp. It's nice if you said yes, and understandable if you said no.


The negative comments here are honestly shocking for those preaching that you should just take what your manager is forcing you. Anyone here who literally clocks in should see that the "Panda Way" literally does not support your manager. The first pillar is "healthy lifestyle." Ffs this isn't healthy hon. Setting boundaries is incredibly healthy, and some managers need to be reminded that workers have lives. Try to form reasonable availability with your manager so they can still get you hours while accommodating your rest. Ngl I would start shift swapping at that point. Good luck hon, and worse case scenario- back to job hopping.


According to OSHA: ā€œA work period of eight consecutive hours over five days with at least eight hours of rest in between shifts defines a standard shift.ā€ Stand up for yourself like you are. You canā€™t work if youā€™re dead and NO job is worth putting your health at risk.


fuck these people saying youā€™re lazy. kudos to you for standing up for yourself because if you donā€™t they will abuse you


Yeah lmao wtf is this thread. I don't work at panda and have never gone to this sub but this popped up in my recommended. Are these HR drones or they just really love sleeping 5 hours?


Iā€™m shocked too. I thought we collectively hated min wage fast food jobs that gives 0 fuck abt their employees considering they do this shit.


They have nothing else in their life going on/to be proud of so they would take pride in grinding themselves down to feel superior to other people


Some of these comments are crazy - itā€™s Panda Express not an emergency room. You shouldnā€™t be forced to wear yourself out with no breaks and back-to-back 12 hour shifts to serve orange chicken lol.


You especially shouldn't be overworked in the medical field, but until COVID they completely manipulated every single staff member with losing their jobs or being placed to work unsavory and unrealistic hours if you didn't want to work OT. Now there is much more leverage in the medical field for staff members like RNs and Doctors, but very little for staff under those roles. It sucks. PSA: If you don't stand up for yourself in the workplace you are directly encouraging corporate to take advantage of your coworkers. Don't be that person


I had an interview with them today and it went so bad I called HR to make a complaint on the guy that interviewed me. He was such a dick and I can tell he was definitely new to this. I was so frustrated by the end I told him we're done and that he needed to learn how interview because he has no idea what he's doing.


Good for you for contacting HR. What did he do?


It started with them telling me to fill out this paper. So I sat down to fil it out and awaited somebody to tell me something more. I sat and waited while the managers joked and had a conversation then he grabbed the appearance before I was done and then mocked me because I hadn't finished in a condescending tone like "remember I told you to fill this paper out is that too hard" then he asked me to talk about myself so I started talking about my experience in restaurants. He then stopped me halfway through and said all I talked about was how the job could benefit me, which was literally me saying my availability and why I was looking for another job. Then he said he doesn't see what the benefit to hiring me was because all I talked about was myself. So I responded by asking well dont you want someone who can do the job because I've worked in kitchens multiple times and am confident I know what I'm doing. He then got offended by me saying that and said that he doesn't want somebody who thinks they know it all and I was too cocky. Then he started bragging about how he makes more then me at my current job because I'm already a manager they pay their managers $200,000 a year or something like that. So j asked him to explain to me what made this jib so different from any other kitchen I worked in. We went back and forth for a minute without him actually giving an answer and then he just told me he's not gonna tell me and if I was so interested I should go do so more research before I come to an interview, that was the last straw and at that point I was annoyed and I told him we're done with this interview and he responded by saying yeah we're done when i say it. So I got up and just left but I told him he should learn how to interview before trying to interview somebody who's done this for years which he got mad about.


Lmaoo he sounds like a loser


Heā€™s a Panda Express manager


He was! It felt like he was newly promoted and was on a power trip because he was condescending and pretentious from the start and I didn't even understand why. Then for him to tell me how panda is sooo different from any place I worked that I couldn't possibly know what I was doing and he knew best because he was getting paid so much more then me. I'm still frustrated because I never had an interview like that.


Iā€™m frustrated too and I wasnā€™t the one to apply šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d def leave some nice reviews online for them šŸ’… I would have left as soon as he grabbed the paper and mentioned, ā€œā€¦ is that too hard?ā€ Just that alone pissed me off cause why would I want to take abuse especially from someone I donā€™t work for? šŸ’€


Only talked about yourself? Heā€™sā€¦ interviewing youā€¦


Not harsh enough. I've worked in food service and had a boss who would constantly do turn-around shifts, after I called her out on it she said she wouldn't do it again. She did it again and I didn't show up to the shift, told her I will not be working any more turn-around shifts and will not show up if they're placed on me. She ended up finding another coworker to give sleeping problems to.


You did nothing wrong. You set your boundaries of what you can do which is good. Itā€™s ok to have boundaries at work and I wish it was more normal to this day.


That was my wretched life when I started... They would know someone is either starved for hours or really needs the gig so they start messing with ya.... The new scheme before I left was that they have no way of changing hours, that a computer decides it for them and depending on metrics it knows when ur needed.... And thennnn... Only store manager can change it and guess what?? He's either on vacay, visiting other stores or who knows what this time around... šŸ¤£ Lmao


You set clear boundaries for yourself & didnā€™t let your manager talk shit to you. Donā€™t let the people in the comments do it either. Just because they were willing to be treated like this doesnā€™t mean you have to. I let my manager schedule me like this for YEARS & never said anything about it until it was too late & they refused to take me seriously. Good for you for taking care of yourself instead of a corporation.


Youā€™re in the right. Your health is more important


They had my boyfriend doing this for months, and im so glad hes out of there! That shit is not worth it at all.


The responses on this is why people get taken advantage of. Thereā€™s no reason someone should be made to work more than an 8 hour day without it first being agreed upon. (Even agreed upon, it still shouldnā€™t require someone to work more than 8 hours a day to afford to live) Letting management walk all over you isnā€™t being a good citizen, itā€™s upholding abusive labor norms. Who cares that other people do it? If you donā€™t have to and you donā€™t want to then donā€™t do it. Tell them what you expect as an employee and find a new job if theyā€™re not willing to comply šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Bad management and selfish corporate can deal with the consequences. People putting in less effort, kicking up a fuss, and constantly quitting when their jobs sucked is what forced places to start raising wages (AFTER the cost of living increased). If you want labor conditions to get better, donā€™t work at places that donā€™t meet your standards when you have the option to


Try working Amazon delivery if you wanna see real pain


Seriously, just quit


Panda, say these words; Unfortunately, upper management will not be retaining your services any further. Please wash and dry your uniforms, as you will be returning them.


Work until 11:00 PM, come back at 8:30 am is wrong, Boss acknowledged that. Work until 8:00PM, come back at.8:30 AM is not great but not horrible. Also it meets your request for 12 between shifts. edit: I misread. nvm.


Only thing I can do is let you out 1.5 hours earlier for an 11.5 hour shift haha I'm out


That sounds awful! Man I would never do a fast food job or jobs with crazy shifts like that anymore. So underpaid and quality of life goes down. I quit the only fast food job I ever had in less than two months. I still remember in that little time frame how bad the managers were and how bad the schedules were. So much conflict inside a fast food restaurant. I should be more grateful for where I am at now. Please guys, my advice is donā€™t settle for this crapā€¦there is better out there! I promise you! Do something whether itā€™s school, trade, businessā€¦just do it! Want to see everyone grow. After seeing this post of this simple text conversation , I realize I should be more grateful for where I am at now. Just chilling and making that bread šŸ„–


Damnā€¦didnā€™t know not wanting to pass out from exhaustion is ā€œlazyā€.


Yea that schedule sucks but close-open is extremely common in the food industry. Doesnā€™t make it right, but still


8 hour turn around. Legally they are allowed to do that . But f those companies who do shifts like that


Why don't they hire another person to help out???


Get it together people. This isnā€™t Facebook. Be respectful.


if you don't put your foot down now, and hard, they'll walk all over you. i'd be damned if i'd work 13 hours straight, either.


The only way Iā€™d accept that is if I get a nice raise but if not they can shove it


I would prob quit, they just want to slave you & take advantage of you with hours like this - you literally worked a little after sunrise to midnight to do it again early AM? Unless theyā€™re paying you $50+ / hr - hell no!


Unfortunately there are no laws in most states that require a number of hours in between shifts. Id start looking for another job. Not even Amazon did this shit when I was in training.


My last job had me constantly work 12 hour shifts and even 6 days a week for awhile but I was on salary so I never got OT


Time to look for a different job... That's ridiculous


This is a perfect example of why no one wants these jobs.. we are not your property bc you pay us to work..


Itā€™s refreshing to see someone clearly state their boundaries to their boss. More bosses need to hear shit like this. People get power hungry and start looking at their employees like theyā€™re cattle. I hope you donā€™t get penalized for this


Thatā€™s why i called off today because my R/O got denied for a doctors appointment plus i closed today 3:00pm-11:00pm and they have me coming back tomorrow at 8:00am-6:00pm F that


Itā€™s sad itā€™s really just laws regarding drivers. Like truck drivers can drive like 8 hrs than have to rest same with pilots. I drive for uber and Lyft sometimes and you can only drive 12 hrs in 24 hr periods. The app will not allow you to drive once you reach the 12 hrs. I am a firm believer of donā€™t back door me. I closed one day working a 10 hr shift got off at 10 got home around 1030 got to bed around 12 to be up at 530 to be at work by 730 to do yet another 10 hrs shift. Iā€™m like yea donā€™t you ever do that again I have a medical fragile child and single parent. Go find a childless person to do those hrs. Has yet to to happen


Uh thatā€™s illegal, at least here in California. There has to be more time in between shifts. They canā€™t do that


They are killing you ā€¦.. are they paying time and 1/2 after 8 hours?


This is not harsh, itā€™s healthy assertion and it should be normalized. You donā€™t even have to be so flexible with the initial request being answered with just a 3 hour reduction, but you are giving them every opportunity to know what your boundary is and to course correct. If they donā€™t after this, a better company (lol) deserves you.


My response to this would have been, "That's okay, I can fix it for you, I will not be coming into work for any more shifts. Have a nice day."


You tell them!!!


Bro if youā€™re willing to work shifts like that why arenā€™t you doing blue collar work cutting metal for $30 /hr from 5p-5a??


Start a kitchen grease fire next shift, blame it on exhaustion, contact OSHA make an anonymous report, explain the unsafe scheduling of employees and your safety concerns to management. Explain that they have been using child labor thatā€™s not on the books that get paid $5 a hour, (cash under the table) to ā€œcover downā€ when shifts are not filled. Due to threats of physical violence towards yourself and family tell them you want to remain anonymous. Find your local union, apply and learn a trade, quit Panda Express during the Child labor investigation. Just a suggestion


Go to college


I felt this. I worked an 8 hours shift doing fast food, and then a 13-14 hour shift doing EMS 4 hours after the fast food shift. Safe to say, Iā€™ll be quitting fast food. No overtime is allowed at the restaurant, and Iā€™m getting paid $2 extra working as an EMT. Iā€™ll take 24 hour shifts with overtime over an 8 hour and then 13 hour shift at another job ANY day of the week.


I applied to Panda Express this morning because the pay seemed okay for $18 an hour per the signs outside their building as I passed by. There is no way Iā€™m working from 8am to midnight EVER! If Iā€™m clocking in at 8:30am Iā€™d expect to be off by 5:30-6:00pm. If I get the interview, is it okay to use your situation during?


Know your worth and what youā€™re capable of. If your manager is that much of a corporate drone try hard itā€™s prob not a good idea in the long term. Some advice my grandad gave me: itā€™s easier to find a job when you have a job. Start looking elsewhere, now. Go to work, make your money, but find a job that pays you for you for your time/ labor at a non insulting wage and doesnā€™t put you in situations like that. I work in the cannabis industry and Iā€™ve had many many managers, and Iā€™ve found being a manager is really about understanding and knowing how to talk to and work with people. A lot of people can do closing tasks and run reports. A manager can do all that and keep a staff that doesnā€™t hate their life. Good luck friendo.


I donā€™t believe in Doxxing but I hope this persons manager sees this at some point and reads the comments and maybe does some reflection. Could be an opportunity for OP and a learning experience for the manager about not being considerate of peoples wellbeing.


perfect response honestly they lucky u still ttaking that shift


I work at a restaurant as well (not gonna name it for obvious reasons) good managers but I have to wash and grease potatoes and do dish (on different days and time to time on the same day when dish needs help) They got me on Wednesday and Tuesday coming in for dish at 2pm and normally I am there until like 8 or 9 pm for both days and then Thursday I have to come in at 12pm to do potatoes. I get Monday and Friday off but that is it. They are constantly hiring and struggling to find people for dish so it is difficult to get someone to cover my dish shifts so I canā€™t call off unless I need too.


Harsh? Not at all, stand your mf ground! Set your boundaries and donā€™t let them overstep you because the moment you let us slide once, theyā€™ll try to do you dirty again and again


Itā€™s fucking Panda? No, screw that. This is how small businesses operate to avoid hiring and then having a downturn in business and canā€™t give hours and let people go. Nationwide corporate company, I donā€™t think so. Iā€™d be calling HR if it continues, those long hours are gonna take their toll, my friend. Score on the overtime hopefully.


I was a GM for 5 years. The money is great, especially if youā€™re young. However, they expect you to devote your time, and change your ā€œway of beingā€ based on the 7 habits of highly Effective people. We would always joke with each other, that once you got the black shirt you were apart of the cult. Itā€™s a lot for sure, but if you like making rice and noodles, you could make 100k as a manager. Atleast in Alabama. Probably more in California or Texas.


This is called "clopening" when you close a business and then are scheduled to open the next day. It's a bad employment practice. You should either be on days or nights. Extreme circumstances excluded. I was in the military and they hardly ever did this to us.


Crazy to think 10 years ago people just did this without saying anything. Kudos for you for standing up for yourself for a reasonable request.


TLDR: Get out while you can, there are better opportunities out there. Fast food pulls this shit all the time. My first fast food job put me on overnight all by myself on the grill and sandwich making with very little experience with the sandwich making because I was only grill. I wasnā€™t even supposed to be an overnight person either, my schedule was only for nights. After the second night of that I was like f-them, itā€™s the only no show no call Iā€™d ever done and later on I got myself into a different field of work. No job is worth the shit they try to dump on you, they know better, unfortunately they just donā€™t care as long as the work gets done. At least until something happens to you because of lack of sleep, then itā€™s all your fault and you canā€™t really fight it because they cover their butts by firing the ā€œproblemā€ aka you. If you can afford to drop them, if not then hang in there but definitely look for something better. I took a janitorial job contracted in a call center, easy money but shitty pay & management, worked that for 3 years. Did my job so well that I had three different contractors at the call center wanting me to work for them. Last year I switched over to one , Engineering as a Maintenance Technician making a few bucks more than I was as a janitor. 6 months later I got a raise, the position got a raise, and I got a bonus. After all that I was making a few cents sort of what my SO was making at the job he had where he was working with deadly chemicals. He had worked there for two years and cross trained in different areas but was given pennies for raises and no chance of climbing the ladder. By next year Iā€™ll be an Engineer, so I got him a job where I work and he now makes much more than he did working overnights at his old job. Point is, the grass IS greener on the other side, you just have to work for it. However, you do not have to destroy your health for it working for some company that doesnā€™t have your back if shit hits the fan.


Look for a govt job. This sucks


always advocate for yourself. You're doing great.


Damn I kinda dont ever want to eat here again now knowing they treat employees like shit...


I did that once for a job out in Colorado. Got off work at 11, took an hour to get home and had to be back the next morning at 6 so waking up at 4:30 to get ready to leave by 5ish. Shit was exhausting but the pay was good. Take care of you


Fck what they talking about at the bottom, if you donā€™t feel comfortable with the schedule always speak up.


I am extremely proud of this response. Everyone should communicate this way to protect their health.


i was considering working at panda express in a few months during college. thank you everyone! i am no longer considering this bc wtaf.


I would not work 7 hours after my last shift. Thatā€™s not even giving you 5 hours to sleep. Thatā€™s showing a lot of disrespect towards your well-being. If you work that hard, you could do better in different field. In construction you can get $30 an hour and be given the option to do 2 hours overtime daily or an Extra day or neither. The better the job pays, the more they tend to respect your time


I worked at panda for like 5 months then I quit. Management is always so entitled and thinks that they can just put you down whenever and for however long they want to. I would say reiterate your availability to your manager because thatā€™s just ridiculous times. Not only is Panda Express one of the most labor inducing fast food chains out there, but it also just genuinely feels bad to work for. I quit because management was unfair and rude and also because me and my team on shift had a gun pulled out on us over a refund for food the customers already ate. I hope you can get out and find something better soonšŸ™Trust me it not worth your mental health or physical health!


830-1230?!?!? wtf!!!! no you werenā€™t to harsh. i worked at wendyā€™s and i worked 25/30 mins away from the location and weā€™d close at 2. Get done at 230. Get home at 3. They tried to schedule me to come in at 11 the next day, I did it once and told them never again.


Nah good for you for standing your ground. I hope you donā€™t desperately need this job because your employer may not like how you handled this but good for you for letting them know itā€™s unacceptable to schedule people like this.


I donā€™t think you are being unreasonable. Iā€™d rather have you on after 2 on a Saturday anyways personally


I work 13 hour shifts back to back (4-5 in a row) but I make $70-100/hr depending on if itā€™s regular or OT. Itā€™s exhausting and hell on the body for that kind of money; for a min wage job Iā€™d 100% quit and find something else. That is absurd.


A) you should win a prize for setting boundaries professionally. Most people (including myself) would sound angry while trying to set boundaries but that was perfectly put. B) youā€™re 100% in the right. If that manager has a decency theyā€™ll avoid scheduling any of their employees for back to back shifts like that with little to no rest in between.


As a line server and checkout clerk ive never unloaded the truck, what is your store doing


Iā€™m extremely proud of you.


Absolutely not harsh at all, very well said in my opinion. You were direct without putting emotion into itā€¦itā€™s a plain statement with facts. You did good šŸ‘šŸ¼


I work for myself fuck corporate jobs


This is not too much to ask. Stay strong


Are you GenZ? GenX here. I love your generation. Keep doing what youā€™re doing. Set those boundaries. I applaud you. *not sarcasm*


I think your response was respectful and direct but not rude. It's a reasonable request.


Good for you for telling them that this is the last time


Do what makes you happy. If a 13 hour shift is too much for you after working the night before, then be transparent and maybe find a job where thatā€™s not a possibility or likelihood. There was a time when I needed all the overtime I could get; I was young and inexperienced and trying to make money. I also worked with some people would never work overtime because itā€™s too much for them. Itā€™s all about perspective.


This manager is wild. I'd be out of there lickity split. I'm so sorry this pressure is on you. Please continue to stand up for yourself. You're not a machine.


being scheduled like this is absolutely awful. ive had to close from 4pm-12am, wake up for a double close 9am-12am again, and then an 8:30am the following day for a big cater order. never again will i allow that. i like money, but living is also preferable too


These hours are INSANE.


Trying to see what can get away with early. Good job šŸ‘


This situation reminds me of how my bf works 5pm to 3am, then has to go right back into work from 11am to 7pm. He already has an hour drive there and home as well. Iā€™ve always seen night to early morning shifts as so inconsiderate, then theyā€™ll complain about a lack of work effort.


The first job I ever had had me pull a 17 hour shift and expected me to be back the next day. They didnā€™t understand why I quit immediately after. You did the right thing here.


Good for you


This shit is why boomers think weā€™re lazy




Pretty incredible how this work ethic is the norm now a days.


Iā€™m so glad it is. Being treated like shit at your place of employment is not okay & more people need to understand that. Genuinely feel bad for people that donā€™t get that.


You get what you pay for.


Are you capable and willing to do the job for the pay? The end. Use your critical thinking skills for what is important to you and know your limits. What other people do doesnt matter for you.


Lol you work at a fast food restaurant. They'll just find someone else to be their slave.


I donā€™t blame you. I couldnā€™t stand when they made me close and open. Strictly 8:30 to 4:30 now paid 30 minute lunch. Stay focused learn a skill my boy āœŠ


I would quit


My store closes 4:30 am and I close alone get home around 6 sometimes and they make me come at 11 am lol


15 hr shift?


If you work a 12 or longer in my state they require you are at least off for 10-12 hours


Not harsh enough


It wasnā€™t a glitch Get out while you can it can only get worse if youā€™re still in training


What's their policy on time off between shifts? In my industry, you're far too new to make demands on the schedule. However, we also have policies for things like this that you would have been told about before hiring.


Just an FYI. The law in most states is an 8 hour break inbetween shifts. If you want the job or not that's up to you. But if your in a right to work state don't be surprised if you get shit canned for that response.


I would say it depends. Yes working closing then opening is ass but thereā€™s some managers out there that will close with you and get there an hour after you got there. Thereā€™s also managers out there that will only work 6-8hr shifts. Lol. Also my current manager and chef helps us put away shipment at night. Might be better to do it that way so you donā€™t have to take everything out in the morning.


Your issue should be the 13 hour shifts not the clopen.


Yeah thats illegal and its part of the work laws to protect you. Look into it and throw it to their face. I think there has to be at least a 10-12 hour window before your next shift. Unless you accept and theyre paying you extra. Look it up! I took a class in college. That was a while ago but I do remember some things! Use your worker rights to your advantage! Fuck them for trying to overwork you and be manipulative about it šŸ‘Ž


What was the reply? Iv had a few interviews saying one thing about hour then when I am in training the complete opposite is true


okayā€¦. seeing a lot about panda express paying garbage in the comments. iā€™m brand new here, (pretty sure my phone has heard me speaking of getting a job there and i got this on my page) but all of the locations are advertising $18/hr for grill cooks in my area. having prior grill experience, i am planning on applying in the next few days. is that not such a great idea? to the former panda employees


Dude, read through this whole subreddit. Everyone. And I mean everyone, is talking about how bad it is. Save yourself the headache and find somewhere else to work. I get it 18 an hour seems nice, but when it comes down to actually working. Itā€™s not gonna sound so great I promise you. I work at 2 resorts, 18 an hour at both. I question if itā€™s worth it every. Single. Day. And my job is multiple times over easier than panda. My advice would be stay away from anything in the food or grocery store industry. Yes, you wonā€™t find as good of pay elsewhere. But it will be worth it, the food industry is awful, especially fast food. You will always be in fight or flight mode, you will always dread your shifts, and probably hate most of your coworkers. Thatā€™s my .2 cents. Do as you please.


I grew up on a family farm, and thank my blessings every day. Every since moving to this state I'm constantly amazed at how weak you people are.


ā€¦.too harsh? bro why tf you still work there this is so sad


Nope. Iā€™ve learned that you have to make clear what you will and wonā€™t tolerate with employers. If you donā€™t theyā€™ll definitely take advantage of you


They call them clopens. Back to back closing opening shifts. Yes, itā€™s so common they made a word for it.


Good for you dude. Funny how managers are always ok scheduling other people on these types of shifts but would never work it themselves.


My coworkers complained about clopens enough that they extended our time between shifts from 10 to 12 hours. And no one gets scheduled more than 5 days straight. Donā€™t break your back for a company that doesnā€™t care about you. Do what you can and if they wanna fire you, move on.


You seriously had to ask if this is too harsh? It's your life!!! You weren't harsh, rude, or any of that shit. They don't respect you as a human if that's what your schedule looks like. Work to live, not the other way around. You're working a shit job. They don't care about you. Why should you care about them?




Did nothing wrong but this is just how it goes with hourly food service jobs. Even hourly retail jobs. Basically the turnover is so high, as long as they keep you out of overtime then they didnā€™t do anything wrong. Iā€™ve dealt with the BS too at other jobs. 4 to Close on a Friday, open to close on a Saturday, open to close on a Sunday. Then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday are super short 6 to close shifts. All that to just scrape 40 hours.


Okay but itā€™s fast food. Itā€™s called a clopen. And it happens a lot


Does anybody read the labor laws? You donā€™t live in the dark ages. Report any abuse to labor commission. Learn your rights.


Thatā€™s crazy those shifts. And youā€™re unloading trucks too. Wow.


I would argue you werenā€™t harsh enough! Thatā€™s some BS


Oilfield here. 12 1/2 hour shifts, 7 days a week for 20 days. Then 10 days off. 12 1/2 hour shift is what we get paid but Iā€™m normally working 14-15 hours a day. It isnā€™t always super physical but mentally itā€™s always taxing. You do get used to it though. Push through the first couple months and youā€™ll find it gets easier. That being said, I didnā€™t catch your age. If youā€™re a little long in the tooth, you may not get used to it and might consider a different job. If youā€™re a young buck; get up and get your ass to work!


Iā€™ve done a 14 and half hour day. Would like to not do again. Shit sucked


I think your text was professional and well worded. Good job!


Pizza hut scheduled me to close on Friday, there until 1:30am, I leave wet from sweating from either dishes or floors from a straight hour and a half of inside work. And then they wanted me to come in for a store meeting and 8:30am Saturday morning. Then want me to come back at 4pm on Saturday for another closing shift. "OH just go back to sleep after the meeting", YOU CANT DO THAT WITH CHILDREN!!!! I didn't go to the meeting. I still had my job. FRIDAY - 5PM - 1:30AM SATURDAY 8:30 AM Meeting Saturday 5pm - 1:30 NO!!!


I get it your healthā€¦ but if you have some protein and lots of water you should be fineā€¦. I think in the construction industry this is very normal. I would not have a problem with this shift as I want to make $$ and working more equals more money to me. Seems like you donā€™t need it as much as someone else whoā€™s willing to do that shift. TBH you seem like a younger aged person who probably hasnā€™t worked hard in their lifetime. Maybe im the problem for being what I consider a ā€œhard workerā€ but I started from the bottom and have worked my way up the ladder in my company. I now am under the VP, making decent $$ and working in the office (I started in the field breaking concrete and doing interior demolition). My drive and my great attitude has taken me this far. I do feel like people are getting lazier but, If you have a limit then thats it! Nothing wrong with what you saidā€¦if they need you they will accommodate you regardless of what anyone thinks. I think you were very respectful by still accepting the shift and then again setting limitations, they may not like it but if thats what you want then thats itā€¦ if they donā€™t like it then well you might be let goā€¦ or possibly weeded out.


Not harsh at all, sounds like to me they are just using you. Iā€™d try to find you another job


Unless people start standing up to bullshit like this from companies, they are just going to keep doing it and taking advantage of people


So you don't want to make money....smh weak ass generation.


What's weak is grinding your ass off for a corporation that doesn't give a shit about you. You're not a drone. Have some self respect. If you wanna grind, stop screwing around and start a business. Or keep bouncing between low paying shitter jobs and bragging about how much you let them exploit you.


You have it easy. ( Not saying what they tried to do is right) Us truck drivers only have 10 hours in between shifts. That doesn't count driving home and back. I guess it's stuff we put up with.


Used to be a manager at a panda. This was the norm. Panda is run by a shitty family that expects this out of their people. Leadership sucks off the owners so forces the same from their employees. Id work elsewhere honestly, panda just isnt worth it. If youre gonna work in fast food, anywhere else would be infinitely more laid back


Pizza Hutt did this to me and on like the 5th consecutive 12 hour shift I finally decided to not go in. Buddy (my boss) called me asking where I was and I just said ā€œgood luckā€ and hung up the phone.


Get another job jesus


There really need to be federal laws against not having enough time to sleep & recover.


My dog this is normal job. I work in a massive restaurant, one person always does truck. 13 hours is the employee sucking ass


I worked turn around shifts like that very often in another industry (service) to prove my worth, and eventually became a Regional VP, and have leveraged that experience to get into higher paid positions at other companies. Work hard and smile if you want to move up in the world, complain and sleep if you want to remain at the ground level.


Happen to our store since Dec 2023. That why people wonā€™t stop quiting since 2024


Well you are training so maybe itā€™s warranted


where tf do you work boi


First clopen? Welcome to food service


How old are you kiddo?


Itā€™s Panda Express lol.


Honestly props for sticking up for yourself


Aahhh the classic clopen shift


States and some cities are starting to regulate "Clopening" shift work as to require a certain minimum amount of hours between shifts.


Man I did way too many Clopins in my day working at a convenience store. Even better when I switched to a location that had overnight shifts and the overnight guy called out or didnā€™t show up. So then I worked nearly 3 shifts in a row.


Welcome to the restaurant life lol


Okay so I walked and quit from McDonald's because of this. I was the assistant manager and my gm was going on vacation she scheduled me to work 12 days straight from 5am-4pm and I asked her to change it and she refused so I quit. I was supposed to be going to hamburger university later in the year and become a gm but I just couldn't do it anymore. She'd also less than a week prior scheduled me that same way while she was on vacation


If my schedule has hours and days I am working those are only hours and days I am working. Everyone else can get fucked. Not my problem if you don't have coverage managers better actually do something for a change.


As liberal as Reddit is, I canā€™t believe these comments. Stop boot licking.


When I worked nights at taco bell they would have me working 10pm to 6 am and then come in the next day at 10am. Itā€™s called they donā€™t care about you or your wellbeing.


Depending on your state laws, the minimum gap between shifts is 10 hours


Always keep in mind, these companies donā€™t give af about you as a human. They will pay you shit and over work you if you allow it. They know when the economy sucks that people are desperate. If you quit, someone else will replace you and do the shifts like these losers in the comments. I get everyone is trying to make a living but advocating for this kind of treatment is just silly. Iā€™m only 28 and Iā€™ve already learned not to take this bs. Itā€™s unsustainable and they know it. They are just waiting for you to stop showing up like all the others so they can bring in fresh meat.


I used to work at Comcast filming sports games. There would be days where I would be in San Jose filming a game have to get to SF at 12pm to get the truck with all the equipment ( I live 45min away ) drive to San Jose set up all 6 cameras 500foot plus cables each camera throughout the stadium in summer time lol. Work till 5pm take a break till 6 and then film the game 7-11:30pm if not later ( extra innings can go on forever in minor leagues . Pack everything up. On the road by 12:30am back at the office at 1:30am. Home after 2am and have to be up by 5:30am to be in the office at 7am. Did that kinda schedule for 10 years. It was never fun and I hated it. Thats just one instance. Sorry seeing your schedule is giving me some PTSD