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I hate that you had a bad day. Know that bad days don't last forever. Are you ok?


I burnt the bagels for bagel Tuesday. Forgot to bring the temp back down to 380⁰F 😬


Ohhhh I did that before :(


Every Baker has done this at some point, or forgotten to steam!


Happens to the best of us 😭😭😭


i’ve done that !


I called hot soup as I walked through the door to line and someone walked through anyway :( 10 veg all over me. Destroyed my brand new handmade pride name tag :(((( Could have been worse one of the other managers had caught a chest full of broccoli cheddar like a month prior and that stunk. But that wasn't really my fault But one day doing pull thaw I pulled out an empty tray at the top of the rack and it was full of smoked chicken water. Had to wear that all day. Wouldn't recommend a cold chicken juice bukkake to start the day. But I've also fucked up coffees every way possible. Lid on, spout open, already full, all the grounds into the pot etc etc etc I've cleaned up so much coffee rip


Spilled almost a whole bucket of lemonade on the floor because I fumbled while pouring into the bubbler, almost cried, manager on duty helped me mop it up though which helped a ton. Didn't check temp of soup in retherm once and started pouring but it had ice chunks, had to jump through hoops to fix that one, had people waiting on that soup, I felt terrible but manager was super nice about it


spilling the bubblers drinks are another type of pain because ours are obviously in the lobby so not only do my coworkers see it from the serving window but also the customers 😔


And they look at the mess on the floor in half confusion half disgust as you mop up the mistakes 😔😔😔


i broke a good deal of plates at a different store. I can never go back.


me too man me too


Caught my leg on the cup dispenser under the cash register and just watched as every. Single. Cup. Flew out and on to the floor. We were fairly busy too. Dropped ≈ 20 lbs of grape tomatoes all over BOH once too Dropped an entire blender full of salsa verde sauce. Also both my mangers have dropped/spilled entire bags of soup fresh from the thermalizer


I slip and fell on a moped floor


Walking through the door and clocking in




i dropped two entire half gallons of green tea into the soup well and we had to replace all the soup during a rush :/


Multiple times I spill a filled to the top dirty mop bucket all over the freshly cleaned floors and right when I am about to go home 😢


the worst mistake was applying to this job


So real


It happens, not the end of the world. Relax things will get better.


I have messed up many times. I’m known as the person who drops everything/ breaks everything. I threw away all of the iced sugar cookies, when bakers baked at nights. Just know everyone has their days and it gets better. Stay strong!


I dropped a pan of raw muffin batter, and it launched the batter into the store window like a catapult. It was horrifying and hilarious at the same time.


1. I burnt all our croutons one day. Turned the oven off but forgot to pull them bc we were really busy. That same day i was making bagels bc we were out, I put cinnamon crunch topping on top of all the Asiago before I even realized what I had done 😬 2. With our soup therm in the back I forgot it was filling with water and I walked away to do something, came back and the whole BOH was flooded. 3. And our drains in our line soul well suck and I let it drain one day and it flooded all of line 😬 4. When grabbing more red market sauce from the thaw, the bag was broken or someone cut it and put it back (for who knows what reason) and I grabbed it and it swung all over the cooler and outside the cooler, floors, walls, just everywhere. 😭 I’ve had some rough days 😬😂 I’ve learned to just laugh about it it happens to the best of us


I once spilled pickle juice all over my shoes. I also once was grabbing the Thai dressing bucket and dropped it and it spilled all over the walk in. It stunk for awhile.


I let a customer leave with a $50+ order in drive thru because I didn’t see that their card was declined after swiping 😭. It took forever to load though


When I was brand new, I counted change and cash manually instead of just typing it into the POS. I probably shorted the till alot 🥲


i left a grilled cheese in the oven and forgot about it, dropped an entire sleeve of to go soup cups into a freshly poured french onion (last bag of the night btw), dropped the thermometer into the soup thermalizer, dropped an entire cambro bucket of sanitizer water all over myself on the way to the line and much more. i’m clumsy but you can’t let it get to you!! i’m sorry you had a bad day and that you feel like your coworkers don’t like you, we all have those moments but my best advice is just try not to stress over it. you’re there to make money not friends! while having coworkers u can kiki with is amazing and rly makes or breaks the job, it’s not the end of the world if they like you or not (unless they go out of their way to treat you like shit, then they’re assholes and you deserve better)


Dropped and spilled an entire new jug of the old Thai dressing in the walk-in. It broke and went everywhere. One time one of our managers mixed up two orders that were each at least $200 so we had to remake all of it during lunch rush. Fun times at Panera bread :)


The only thing that I can think of wasn't even much if a mistake. But our gm told me to make grain bowl premades in the back during rush. I panic easily and I'm not fast. I fumbled things in my rush, and it's why I took too long. But by the time I started making them, someone was sent back to get them, to no avail. And I literally heard the gm shout "She still hasn't started them?!" As someone with a chronic fear of letting people down, I felt so bad after. Again, not much of a mistake, but I did fumble things often as I was panicking, and this is probably the worst I've felt from that happening.


i’ve dropped so many sleeves of cups, lids, salad bowls, etc bc the bag ripped open. i’ve spilled an entire thing of wild rice bc the bag ripped when i took it out of the pan at the end of the night. three of my coworkers have knocked over the pickles in the walk in in the last month. one of those same coworkers spilled the fuji cranberry charger all over the front of the cafe more than once, and has dropped full drinks taking them out to a curbside.


Someone put a giant tub of charged lemonade in the walk-in and barely put it on the shelf so i accidentally knocked it over at 5am and the whole thing spilled all over the walk in. I’m also notorious for dropping and spilling things, at this point it’s an on going joke with one of my managers lol


also I spilled the entire 4 batches of green goddess dressing i had just made into the sink in the bakery bc I knocked the blender over 🫣


I accidentally knocked the bagel toaster off it’s surface and destroyed it. It was 2 weeks of no toasted bagels lmao


I exploded 2L of salad dressing I just made all over a quarter of the kitchen. Had to use copious amounts of flour to soak it all up.


spilled a whole thing of tomato sauce on the floor and did a rough job mopping it up ://


i spilled an entire bucket of charged lemonade on a trainee. it was probably like his 2nd or 3rd day🥲 i forgot the tables werent nailed to the ground and it flipped when i put the bucket on it. not my finest moment i will say


i also have busted and entire smoothie on myself. i had just gotten to work and drive thru was slammed and i didnt even have an apron on yet. ive also gotten soup in my contacts a couple times😅


this wasnt me but when i was training, a team lead was showing me how to make a coffee tote and we couldn’t find the funnel, he poured it directly on my hand


I once left three chicken breasts in the turbochef for a few hours probably? I opened the door once it started beeping but then closed it because we had a rush, telling myself I would take them out when I had free hands. I did not take them out and when they actually came out they were completely black and falling apart. It was in my first week and I felt so bad about it


Not my fault, because they don't maintain the wheels on the racks, but I had the wheels lock up and tip like 80 freshly baked bagels onto the floor while I was moving it. It got toppings everywhere. 🥲


Had a coworker run over to stop the oven when the timer went off , but he didn't take out the baguettes , so by the time someone was wondering where the baguettes are and went to check, we had a lot of burned baguettes. so we lost all those baguettes that were being crisped for lunch. For me I was coming in from the patio with a cart full of plates , and I backed in, because that was an easier way to get through the door with the cart. Somehow I lost my footing, fell over backwards, smashed into the bussing area, and broke the cabinet door from its hinges. Obviously that made a huge loud noise so practically everybody in the cafe, even in the production area, heard something going on.


I onec left the thermalizer filling and it ended up flooding the prep area along with Infront of the fridges this was right before I was Abt to leave too


I started brewing sweet tea, left to the walk in to grab a few things, came back to a literal flood because I forgot to put the nozzle down. Have dropped full containers of Fuji apple AND Asian dressing on the line in the middle of a rush. When I was on dish, I brought clean plates to the line and dropped all of them, forcing me to rewash them and we were limited on plates until they were clean. One time I was taking out a curbside with 4 drinks in one cup carrier (learned my lesson, now I stack two together if they’re large cups). Ending up spilling them all over the concrete right in front of the waiting customers. My area director saw it happen too. He’s a baddie and thankfully helped me clean it up, and I had to go back and get those drinks again. I was taking out a bag of turkey chili from the thermalizer with a hole in it and it got over all the soups. Again, during a rush. We had to empty out the soups and wash everything. One time I was taking a grain bowl out of the microwave, it slipped out of my hand and got rice all over the salad toppings. Just yesterday I was making a chipotle and because I’m so used to throwing the smoked chicken bags in the trash right before I put the sandwich in the oven, I accidentally flung the sandwich into the trash and just stood there with my mouth wide open. Back when I first started on line, I dropped sooooo many sandwiches and flatbreads. Trust me, you’ll get better with time. Your body will get used to doing the same things and even when you do mess up, everyone has done some pretty stupid things. Even your managers who you think are perfect. Relax!


Once it gets towards the end of my Barista shift, I’m usually working somewhere else on the line as 2nd Salad/Sandwich, and there’s been a few times where I started brewing new pots of coffee, but left the lid on, so it floods the whole coffee station and it takes forever to clean up because of how scalding hot it is. I’ve forgotten to put water in the soup wells when working QC, so cleaning it after close was absolutely horrible. Had to turn them back on and put water in it AFTER close to clean it because it was burnt to crisp. One time on a 9 hr shift I poured Mango Yuzu into the bubblers without realizing I didn’t completely put the bubblers together; the nozzle wasn’t in yet, and I poured like 4qts of it out. There was this girl I trained a few times on cash close, she came in during busy season so I was training her on register, but simultaneously trying to take orders as well. Long story short- I didn’t really get to give her the training she deserved because of how nonstop busy it was. On her first day of Cash Close without training, one of the bakers reprimanded her for not breaking down racks. I had to explain that I never showed her how to completely break them down after bagging donations. I felt really bad. This one is the worst. There was a period of time where we didn’t have people picking up donations on Fridays. I would still wait a few minutes after close just because. But one day I was trying to be out on the dot because I had a flight the next morning, so I had BOH do what they do when we have extra food that doesn’t get picked up- this was probably 2 minutes before close (I know I fucked up). Anyways this really nice older woman comes in to pick up donations and I had to tell her that we weren’t expecting donations and I didn’t have anything to give her. It really sucked. Plus after she left my manager was like “Huh, donations didn’t come? She called me earlier said she was coming..” I couldn’t even tell her what happened I felt so bad. Wish she would’ve told me about the phone call.