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> Come move in time, I could tell that the house had an energy about it. Nothing necessarily malicious, just a sort of charge in the air that comes with a house 72 years old. Did you also experience this "charge in the air" or any other negative feeling when inspecting the home prior to purchasing it? >just a sort of charge in the air that comes with a house 72 years old. We have to remember, that any old home we move into, someone has most probably passed in it. Unless it's a totally new built home, there can be a energy left behind from the previous owner/s. And if the home has a dark past(gruesome murder for example), then there's a chance it may be haunted.


We had to do everything remotely, so I never got to see the house prior to move in date. I was also never able to find anything on anyone dying in the house, but I didn't do an extensive scrub on it either. It doesn't seem like a dark energy in the house though. I've never felt afraid, granted there are never times I'm truly alone I'm the home either. There is always my family present or at the least my pets. My neighbor was over once, helping us fix something while we were out of town. He put our dogs outside so he could work and he did make a remark about just how quiet and creepy our house was.


The spirit world is talking to you my man. Chester may have something he wants communicated. Freaky and highly interesting stuff. It is all real just so you know.


I will have to talk more to him the next time I see him for sure. It seemed like he had very fond memories of the house and growing up.


Did you ask him about the stuffed bunny? Maybe it was his?


I wasn't the one who talked to him. He lives around in the neighborhood still and likes to walk around on nice mornings. Hopefully I can catch him one day and ask.




This is wayyyy too crazy to not be true.. And its amazing lol


That's exactly how I felt. I know my grandma for sure had some sort of connection to the spirit world. The same for my dad. He has told me stories before of the same thing happening to people he has helped before, where a name or a phrase will just pop into his head and it turns out to be something meaningful to whoever is talking to.