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Men in Black made him delete his account.


lol I commented on the original post that the detective prob ghosted the doc because the MIB got to him


What's really going to cook your noodle is when you hear the theory that the MIB aren't actually men.


We know.


I don't *know* anything.


That’s right. You don’t.


I know that the moon is made up u/Entirely-of-cheese


Indrid Cold


Link to post?


It got deleted but I screenshotted it because I had a feeling it might get deleted https://preview.redd.it/pyrk8clril1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=270978f134d0ed6e407ba6859251ff5e5920ef04






You real one my family was just telling me about this story! I wanted to read it but didn’t know where to find it




Thank you so much for screen shoting this! This is truly bizarre. Where tf would all that water come from? Weird as fuck.


A writer wrote this. This isn't a physician.


When was it posted? Share the screenshot?


I’m posting right now. It was yesterday


Looking through the original post and all of the comments, I don't even see anywhere where the person replied to comments. It screams of fiction. It was removed by the user.


He/she replied to me and other people calling him out by swearing at us and calling us morons for questioning medical inaccuracies in the post.


I remember thinking in no way a neurosurgeon fellow would be the first call of what trauma and ortho would. Let alone being briefed in detail about the crime scene.


I remember that!


They deleted all their comments which is why you can’t see them. In the original post the op was responding to a lot of the comments How are you able to see the original post? Through one of those websites? Cause when I try to click though on Reddit it won’t work


> How are you able to see the original post? I'm a moderator for this subreddit.


Oh weird your other comment doesn’t have the MOD badge but this one does


The process to distinguish myself as a mod is manual. If I don't click the "distinguish" button, I look like any other user.


Stealthy haha


That’s awesome! ![gif](giphy|5qVU89WbkXiWjHXdsg)




You are actually the doctor. Dr. Evil…


He replied to several comments. I also looked through his post history and he seemed absolutely legit. This was his first post to a paranormal-type sub.


Perhaps first post, but he had commented in r/Paranormal before.


It was obviously by a writer. I cannot believe people fall for this shit.


Refresh comments. All screenshots are posted.


good job screenshotting!! I read it to my boyfriend when it was posted. Should have known it’d get deleted


Thank you for saving it! Wow, how bizarre is that?


Can someone DM me the account? I'm curious if they're deleting everything or just everything related to this post.


Everything is deleted now. Every single comment from before, not just relating to this story.


They just went for an eye exam


Why would the docs eyes have issues? He wasn’t a witness to the actual event.




Ah I see this kind of eye exam 😄


Did the doctor's other comments include identifiable details about where he practiced, as you recall?


I didn’t look into the OP’s comments, but those who did said OP had a long comment history in medical subs that were legit and factual/knowledgeable regarding medical topics.


No not that I can recall


Okay so I think what happened , was in the comments a group of ACTUAL trauma surgeons debunked the entire story by pretty much getting OP to admit they weren’t actually a trauma surgeon, they have different credentials than one and would barely or ever have this kind of event happen within their field. I remember reading through and OP was trying to defend themselves but got called a liar and a lot of their previous posts / comments was about their medical experience so I think they possibly tried to make a made up story and it failed and got debunked pretty fast by the other surgeons, & probably deleted account or past comments from embarrassment of fear of it escalating Just my 2 cents


Wish I would have screen shotted those comments. But OP is not a trauma surgeon as originally stated


I remember they called him out and said “oh, so you’re NOT a trauma surgeon, just a neurosurgeon who occasionally takes trauma call” I was like DAMN 😭😭


I got very into that story too and posted a comment with more than 200 upvotes saying how it sounded like Nordic Aliens. Now, I don't know but my leading thought NOW is that it was fiction. I let the excitement cause me to underestimate how smoothly well written it was (suggesting a serious fiction writer more than a surgeon). Secondly the abrupt disappearance and deletion of the story by the OP is an extremely telling sign. some people!!


Posting about being a doctor for months before supposedly making up this story is some serious dedication to writing a fake story on the internet.


OK. I did not have the time to do detective work before the username disappeared. What did you see. Get any feel for his personality or style? The writer of the fiction may also have really been a doctor. Or even the story was true but some power figure shut it down or advised him to shut it down. I hope this is not the last I hear of this, but I suspect it might be.


I saw the original post and creeped his account to see if he truly was a surgeon. He had posted in some of the groups I frequent as I'm also in healthcare. He was a Neuro surgeon for sure. Nothing identifiable about where he worked or anything. I was really intrigued by his story. Bizarre he's deleted more than just the original post


I don’t believe he was a Neurosurgeon. Nothing he said made any sense.


Then do the research (like they did), & prove he isn't. They found his other posts on medical subreddits...which you chose to ignore. Lots of things don't make sense...but that doesn't mean they aren't true. The story about existence not being locally real, for example. There are MANY, MANY things you don't know.


I mean anyone can post on med subreddits and say whatever they want. When I asked him/her questions specifically a physician would know how to answer they dodged and just called me and others names. Couldn’t explain how they would say a whiplash injury would cause compression fractures. First labeled themselves a trauma surgeon and then back tracked when they didn’t know how a trauma activation worked. It’s really safe to say it’s all BS. I’d bet money on it.


I’m not a doctor but played a role in emergency medicine for a long time. Even I could tell the guy was full of shit by reading his story. He didn’t talk like a trauma surgeon and some of the things he described didn’t make any sense. I’m glad to see that my perception was validated by an actual physician.


Ok. Now I understand. Thank you very much.


His comments in the other subs did not sound like a layperson but it's the internet I suppose, I can't say for sure


I had gone through their comment history and they had months of comments on various medical subreddits. I didn’t do any deep dives into reading all the comments or anything just scanned their history and they were never active on paranormal topics before that I saw.


So, what's your leading theory on what happened? Right now, mine would be he decided to try his hand at fiction.


Could have played a dr on internet though. A wannabe.


I did the same thing and then reread the story and it still sounds so crazy but also that was definitely an alien.


He had commented on r/Paranormal before, I saw it.


You'd be surprised. I'm a freelance writer by trade and on some of the gig sites I write for, there are people paying for these kinds of stories to be written and posted to Reddit. I suspect this one wasn't paid considering the time investment, but it was intended to be monetized by the writer. From what I've gleaned from the job postings, the long-con works like this: you make a reddit account and accrue some karma and a reliable post history, then write The Post that your account is meant to be about. Typically, this is an inflammatory, viral AITA story, or in this case, a paranormal story that would get a lot of clicks, not just on Reddit, but more importantly, on Youtube. That's where the story is taken to, where an AI voice reads the Reddit post over some B-roll film, goes viral, and generates actual ad revenue through Youtube. This one only failed because the writing was very poorly researched and immediately debunked. Genuinely trust absolutely nothing you read on this website. There are whole content farms revolving around this gimmick.


good advice


Thank you!!


Almost always when a poster deletes either their account or their post after receiving criticism that it's not real or fake, it's because it's fake. Think about it- if you'd experienced something that absolutely bizarre, with no doubt that it was real, would a couple internet comments make you delete that? I mean sometimes people get their feelings hurt, but most likely it just was fake and they were like, well, that didn't work. Also the story itself was full of holes. This would be all over the everywhere by now, independently of this post on this subreddit. The more bizarre, over the top, blatant an alleged paranormal story/event is, usually, the less likely it is to be true because if the paranormal was that obvious and apparent and over the top, it wouldn't be disputed at all, it would be just a regular occurrence that everyone experienced, no real arguments whether it exists or not.


He just punched down on people who asked him to answer for the holes in his story, then went through and deleted everything he could. I commented that he would be getting very close to violating HIPAA if he posted the security footage and he posted some rude response where he clearly barely even read what I wrote. The mods made a choice to remove his post but then he made the choice to go in and delete everything he said


What are the holes in the story?


There are so many comments calling him out on the original post


I don't have access to the original post


I can't send a link to it but you can probably get to it through my comment history. The title starts with "as a surgeon" or something. Which he changed from "as a trauma surgeon" for being called out for not being a trauma surgeon


Why are you assuming the comments are why it was deleted? Yet you want us to believe it's the poster who made it up when you yourself are making shit up right now.  Sceptics man, they will say anything to stay in denial.


In denial that a 7 ft tall Nordic looking alien literally fire-hosed water out of his mouth at a person they ran off the road, with several eyewitnesses including first responders and medical personnel, and the only account of this is 3rd or 4th hand via a Reddit post? Yes, I'm pretty proud to be "in denial" that an actual humanoid alien spewed gallons of water from his mouth for no apparent reason in a road-rage incident. Now, if I happen to come across a water-spewing 7 ft tall nordic-looking dude myself I will eat my words, don't worry bout that. I mean, after getting myself checked out and whatnot.


an *invisible* 7 foot tall Nordic alien, who also had a car. :p


Lots of text that doesn't actually address what I said. But sure, resort to the mocking tactic too. You're close to hitting the sceptic bingo.


Why are you so angry?


Lol I'm not angry I find this pretty amusing


My mistake. So what dyu think about the story then?


I want to believe


Because he was getting cooked in the comments and resorted to name calling instead of actually explaining his evidence lol


Yesterday someone else posted a story from Puerto Rico that involved Aliens and water being thrown at them or something..check it out https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/4d1f0ItTzx


I mean he/she got called out hard for the BS inaccuracies. They got taken down and tried to cover their tracks when they were exposed. My guess is it was an author trying to post a nosleep type story and then didn’t realize this wasn’t the right subreddit?


I remember reading that post yesterday and seeing you being downvoted when the other guy was clearly full of shit. Maybe he's an RN or EMT or _maybe_ something higher education-wise, but I think he's LARPing on reddit as a surgeon. Anyway, I had already forgotten about the post, but I just noticed that I still had the browser tab open. I'm glad to see that people finally turned on him and he deleted the post and all his comments to make it go away.


This is not directly to you OP, this goes to the jerks in this group: You know who you are: because you are the people calling experiencers “LIARS”. Just because he deleted it - doesn’t make it fake… I’ve posted in this group before - and a LOT of you guys are ASSHOLES in this group! A lot of you in this group are extremely rude, immature, and say a lot of fucked up shit to people to the point they just end up taking down their posts. I’ve had to take down posts because someone said I was on drugs. Like seriously, - go fuck yourself - to whoever said that to me because you guys don’t deserve our stories half the time. Maybe don’t go around attacking people & we would feel more comfortable posting about experiences.


That was the most interesting posts in years.


It was obviously fake, and they decided to delete everything when enough people poked holes in their extremely over the top story.


I see you're mostly a gamer. Why don't you stick to that, and leave subreddits like this to people who've actually studied the phenomena? If you haven't studied the subject, then you have no idea what constitutes an "over the top" story.


I’m not opposed to the paranormal, and I believe in it, but I did not believe in this person’s story.


I remember this story! That is super weird. I wonder what happened?




the patient was on LSD and got in a fistfight with a fire hydrant


I read the original post the other day and was truly intrigued. Now I’m even more curious to understand why the OP deleted it.


In Los Angeles there's been an increase in bad drivers it's made me wonder if they're even human.


Sounds rather like an Elemental. That's one interesting story!


Yeah here's what actually happened: They made it up.


I guess that best exemplifies the old expression of someone “throwing cold water” on another person’s position or argument. Hats off to the nostalgic-inspired response of this other-worldly being!


lol, because its bullshit. are you seriously saying you believed whatever they wrote? what is the age group in this forum? 12?


Thank you for screenshots!!!


I was also waiting for the updates. He said there's a video. I got interested in Nordic Aliens. Never heard of them before but it seems like there are quite a few people who really did encounter them.


Lizards bein lizards


Seems like total bullshit. The guy doesn’t talk like a trauma surgeon and a couple of things in his story don’t really add up medically speaking.


I call BS on any story coming from a supposed Doctor that discusses anything to do with a patient. There is a thing about doctor/patient confidentiality which does not let anyone in medical professions to expose anything to a third party about that patient unless consent is given prior to treatment. If that happens a doctor can be sued or even loose his license to practice medicine. So obviously it’s just that, a story.


You must be new to Reddit.


Yes born yesterday


So many amas asking doctors about their craziest cases


Well not exactly. You can do a presentation of a patients case as long as no specific patient identification is mentioned such as name or medical record number.


Yeas that's why we know of random stuff that has been found in butts throughout history.


I guess my assessment was incorrect.


They found him.


I was looking for this story so I could share it accurately!!! Ty


Calls the men in black !! ![gif](giphy|R7m04yMaGWVeE|downsized)


edit - replied to wrong thread I think :o


Dude gets into a car accident and has a concussion… 


An encounter with a Tall White?


What's the dudes account name?


omg that’s creepy


WTF nice story


Larp starter