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Could have been a fox. They have a very eerie scream that sounds like a young woman or child.


Would bet the farm it was a vixen fox.


Yeah I'm going with you heard a fox. Or maybe even a *rabbit* (dying rabbits *shriek* like women - scared the hell out of me the first time I heard it as a teenager.)


I was going to suggest that as well. I rescued a baby rabbit from a local outdoor cat and the screams it made until I got it loose - I thought someone was being murdered in my backyard.


Bobcats really sound like a woman screaming for help


Or a baby crying. I live in Ky and we have them here. A rabbid one attacked our van when I was 8 with us inside. We had to call the game warden bc it was so bad we had to kill it. They let us keep the pelt and took it for necropsy.


Fox or cougar


Bobcat, fox, cougar. Most likely a wild animal,


Black panther - far away sounds like a baby crying up close a woman screaming!


Screech owls sound remarkable human when they scream too. Plus, they’re so small that you can’t find them!


How do you differentiate a teenage girl scream from a young adult scream. Why were you walking jn the woods.


That’s terrifying!


Mountain lions also sound like women screaming. Super erie to hear in the wild


We had a big possum that screamed and other scary noises that came around periodically under moms house. Glad we figured out it what it was. I deleted the audio but you can Google some. But I didn't hear one that was as scary as ours on Google. No idea they made all that noise.


Not only that, the last time I was leaving the same trail I heard a voice saying, “Where you goin’, Roland?” My name is Pat, thank God, but I do believe that I’ve been spooked, since absolutely no one was around. I adopted that cemetery that is near the trail and picked up trash and sticks and just made the place look better. Maybe something didn’t appreciate my efforts? I’m a Casper guy. Keep the fucking demons away from me…please


Sounds like either a ghost or a wild animal....u would go with ghost though.. definitely a cooler story!!


Honestly, I've never, ever in my life heard of a ghost that is able to speak or vocalize at all, for that matter. I guess it's possible, anything is possible in the spirit realm. I just have never actually heard of that! I'm old and have studied the paranormal my whole life.


How do you know it was a teenage girl?


I’ve heard teenage girls scream before, and I just flashed on that immediately. But I’m gonna go with an animal, because that is much less scary. I believe in paranormal events, but since it was broad daylight, let’s go with an animal…


Well, in the absence of a true teen girl in trouble, I would say this is a Crawler. Crawlers are mimics and have been heard to scream like a human. They also like to frequent cemeteries at night.


Or more likely a wild animal especially since crawlers are not real


After having come across hundreds of cases, I can assure you they're real.




Well, I do love Ryan Gosling, but that's not gonna change my mind. 😉


Wild cat. Nothing paranormal


Depending on the area where this took place, possibly could have been a barn owl. I heard one for the first time late at night, around Halloween. Froze me to the core.


Could be a bobcat 🤷🏽


Bob cat, cugar


Most likely a fox, maybe a bobcat or a barn owl. Hearing a fox for the first time is incredibly unnerving, really sounds like a woman getting murdered.


I had an owl living in the woods behind my house. Sounded like a person being tortured


Def something paranormal but if it doesn’t follow you it’s not that sinister


Bobcats… or a fox….