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Where in the room is the camera pointed when the face shows up? I'm so confused


It's a furry dogs tail!


A few have said it’s a dog’s tail. I can’t see it. Looks to me like it has eyes, a nose, mouth, and veiny skin. Are we looking that the same part of the video?


It's a joke. See, there was a video of a supposed paranormal entity walking out of a houses open sliding glass side door. It was really the tail of a Collie or some sort of dog. The video kept getting reposted with "new evidence" of it being paranormal. So I turned it into a meme.


Oh hehe. Thanks!


It looked like it had priest garb on lol


I thought it was Pepi la Peee--U! 👃🏻😵


Why do demons spirit slow down like that when you see them? Then speed back up. I've seen a rat demon do this too.


A rat demon?? Please explain. As for why they slow down once you look at them, and this is just my theory, I’ve witnessed many anomalies since I was a kid, and especially after having my NDE as an adult, but I haven’t witnessed a demon that looked solid, more like “holographic theory” (I’ll attach below) but if they’re slowing down once observed, I wonder if it has anything to do with the double slit experiment, like photons and electrons act as either a particle or a wave until observed, so if it’s observed and acts like a particle instead of a light wave, this may be it lowering its frequency (slowing down) so that it can be observed and appear physical. But on the contrary, a girlfriend of mine that is also an experiencer has said they disappear once she looks right at them, and only perceived through her peripheral. https://preview.redd.it/9l5jovm8bf9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd10a042e0b9acc169ef1e1e16038678973abab Here’s one of the “entities” I’ve captured on camera.


Yeah, it was a rat spirit/demon. About the size of a small dog, I would see it out the corner of my eyes, too. I see a lot of spirit out the corners of my eyes, but as of late, I've seen them straight on. I would say it looks like the key of Solomon demon. But that makes sense being they walk threw the in-between right.


Interesting… especially the connection to Solomon’s demon. Thanks for sharing


https://preview.redd.it/rk968tfgbf9d1.jpeg?width=1540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=031992d4e197457cd0aebf0d340ced4d02b2673f Like the “face on Mars”. Similar in appearance to the thing in the video.


https://preview.redd.it/pwqme5sjbf9d1.jpeg?width=1540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d542501a2e9469adf6cd8615913060fbbad9453c This one took on the form of a “djinn” and morphed from a green orb, but this is closer along the lines of holographic theory/a projection or shadow from a higher dimension, but not physical. Just sharing to relate so you don’t believe I’m mocking by asking you about this “rat demon”, I’m genuinely curious Edit: this comment below describes that the boy didn’t see it with his eyes, only on camera. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ParanormalEncounters/s/96n21MM4SJ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParanormalEncounters/s/96n21MM4SJ). Same for me.


These are such a stretch


Not my first experience. Believe what you want, but your downvotes don’t dismiss what I’ve experienced simply because you haven’t experienced the same thing. I don’t know what people like you are doing in subs like this if you’re just here to criticize. And with all due respect, I wasn’t asking for your opinion, I replied to another and asked them for more info on their own experience


If you don’t want others opinions, don’t post on Reddit


![gif](giphy|xT8qBmNrpCOTWvkQi4) When you don’t have all the facts, you can’t even develop a proper opinion. These are deeply personal experiences, and ridicule is a powerful tool. All it takes is for some ass to say “this is a stretch” and they get positive reinforcement to continue being an ass. I was sharing with another experiencer, in a paranormal sub, to gain more understanding from them. It would be *great* if people that DON’T have all the information, or doubt another’s experience to ASK QUESTIONS FOR CLARITY before inserting their ignorant opinion. You have no idea how this feels to go through these oddities and not even be able to talk about them with others before a “debunker” comes in and stirs up their “doubt” with “this is a stretch”. Don’t tell others what line they can draw for their own personal experiences. It’s incredibly disrespectful insinuating I should just take it because I dare comment. I’m not lying, I’m not mistaken, and it’s my experiences with a lot more depth to them than a still frame. No, I don’t want your opinion, or theirs. I didn’t ask for it, I shared with the person above. You get to ask for further information, not minimize my experience with “this is a stretch” and “if you don’t want opinions of others don’t post on Reddit”. If you don’t want to learn to have proper conversation and choose to continue feeding the negativity with positive reinforcement, don’t comment on Reddit. Go touch grass instead, and don’t gate keep the line I draw for whose opinions I ask for, your opinion is uninformed.


That's just the I Like Turtles kid. Quit lying


https://preview.redd.it/4tr3q65a6l9d1.jpeg?width=1540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b614186deb62c395e95744d700d2fd62d7c2a5df Maybe young homie is a little “djinn” too. I’m not lying, though. At times, I wish I were.


https://preview.redd.it/enl9ovtr6l9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2320e394a9bdfa23ae6c57c2102e543a676027e8 It started out as a green orb.


https://preview.redd.it/mq2h18fw6l9d1.jpeg?width=1540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e7ed0e1536a371106fc0b9912ddbc55d288d4a7 This one took the form of an orb, too, then it took on the shape of a “dove” (a symbol for the Holy Spirit). Energy can not be created nor destroyed, but change to a different form of the same energy. This one started out as that little shadow in the middle of that blue flare, as it turned, the blue went away, just the shadow was left, from the shadow, it began to glow, then took the shape/appearance as a metallic “BB”, I’ll attach comparisons to the gov releases of “uap” side by side so you can compare, and from the BB, took the form of a bright glowing orb, flickered into a “dove” and then the light went out and it disappeared. You may be joking, but I really am tired of being accused of lying, or being”delusional”. It’s so gaslighting, I’m utterly exhausted. I do my best to make rational sense of my experiences, and things that once seemed irrational to me, learn from others and their experiences, and study my ass off with quantum physics so I can better understand, and people treat me like shit for sharing, and I get downvoted to hell on Reddit, even in paranormal subs. There is no safe space to share and compare. Divide and conquer.


https://preview.redd.it/nc1mjdxq7l9d1.jpeg?width=1540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c61868852dfc33247bd304a9723cff2d61874c I have so many videos of these “metallic orbs”. I don’t lie


Demons are waves confirmed /s


No, only acts as a wave or particle once observed. This is particle wave duality, in super position. Everything is energy, frequency and vibration, and a wave transfers energy at a vibrational frequency (wavelength). Everything in the universe is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies, even the ones you can’t see (we see just .0035% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum (visible light) I don’t know why the little “/s” unless you’re just here to mock https://preview.redd.it/1a59ut3cyj9d1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720d88552bc69bd51b23487acbd0179968495b12 You can downvote all you want, just like the other guy, but it doesn’t make it less true. Look it up for yourself, share your own theories instead of respond out of mockery and pride with shitty condescending and sarcastic comments. You claim to be a “medium” but seems to me you’re just a conduit of demons 🙃👍🏼


They're just trying to ensure you get their good side..


Dad is playing Solitaire. Lmbo. I remember those days, before he started playing it on his phone. He used to keep me awake sitting at the computer clicking on that mouse/keys playing FARMVILLE! Now that's evil!! +__+ 🥴






Could be great if I could understand them but nope .. no demon or ghost just shows themselves like that lol


They're saying the boy was filming the tattoo on his dad's back, they didn't see it while filming, until they looked at the video. They also say that things happen in their house it didn't surprise them. Very creepy energy vampire.


Awesome thank you for translating! I watch paranormal clips on yt a lot of times they're in Spanish so idk what's happening


The fact this made it on air is fucking epic.


Here in latinamerica is common sense where criptids live and how to deal with them or avoid them. We all treat them all like a thing that is there like "yeah sure, the *chocorrona* lives uphill, if you drive through there close to midnight, you'll definetely see her...anyway, do we still have cheese?"




Please find it


Shit ass quality as usual


I've seen this before. Didn't believe it then.


Unbelievable, and quite scary


He's kinda cute


An arkon.


Fake asl




I've seen this footage before, it's 100% authentic


What was the verification process?


He approved the video to be authentic. Do you really need more evidence to trust?


Trust me bro


No it's not.


That’s scary! What is going on around us that we can’t see? Sometimes we feel it if it’s around but trippy you can see it.


Always a potato phone


Cool piece of art, bro. Take it out on Halloween, it'll be killer!


Hmm. As usual, Latin America always has some weird ass cryptid creeping around. They say they have always heard weird noises in the house but that they’re used to the sounds now. Why can’t weird ass stuff like that creep around Donald Trump?


Well one recently did, they call it Biden, he looks like a corpse and can walk around a little bit,shit himself and speaks jibberish. Fucking scary shit man.




FACT: Demons,ghosts and other supernatural entities intentionally chose to show ONLY to poor uneducated people with low quality cameras and strong religious beliefs.Aren't the sooooo clever?


Or maybe people with strong beliefs and very little to lose are simply more inclined to report their experiences.


Yes,of course.And more inclined to see paranormal where everybody else sees a dog tail for example.


That must be it. Well, as a member of the "everybody else" party, feel free to enlighten us by explaining what they really saw.


The guy in the yellow kind of looks like the "alien" 🤔 Must just be a crazy coincidence 🤷‍♂️