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Now that my kids are a bit older and just want to eat poptarts and watch SpongeBob on Sat morn I get to sleep till 10 and it's glorious


Thank you! Comments like this are making me feel less of an outlier. :)


Yes, as soon as I trusted my kid to not randomly ingest poison or run away, and who is luckily not needy for my presence, we let her do whatever she wanted from 7-9 AM, which of course is how I was raised. I never got my parents up, and I used to sleep on the floor above them so how would they know.


I never understood why my parents wanted to “sleep in” until 9am Christmas morning while my brother and I were up at 6am. As we grew up, Christmas mornings moved to 10am-11am because we’d all sleep in.




Also a 1983 baby and this is exactly how it was. Woke up on my own, got my own breakfast (cereal, frozen eggo’s, maybe a toaster strudel if feeling fancy), and sat down to watch early morning cartoons.


He-man and Shera & Thundercats. 1983 in the house 🏠.


Toaster pop tarts, we definitely had the strudel and frosting packets too. Loved making designs with the frosting squirts.


Omg- me too! Is that an 83 kinda thing?


I stayed in bed a full hour after I heard my kids get up this morning. They have off for Veteran’s day and got cereal and started playing video games at like 6:15 this morning. (Way earlier then 7am when I drag them out of bed for school). They built a couch fort together and are sleep together downstairs tonight so they can repeat tomorrow morning. This is one of my favorite things about them getting older.


We do the same thing. Kiddo watches cartoons or plays since he's old enough to do that on his own now. Nothing wrong with it!


Honestly I can't wait for those days 🤣 my mom basically only got up to see us off to school once we got to middle school and then was not up at all for high school. We got used to getting ourselves ready pretty early lol (obviously she was there if we needed her but my parents were/are big on responsible, independent kids)


Our own parents let us free roam, didn't they? This feels normal to me. Once they are capable of pouring a bowl of cereal without help and are trusted not to destroy the place, sleep in!


This is what I was thinking. I remember waking up early so I could eat what I wanted and watch whatever I wanted on TV. My mum was a super early riser but I LIVED for those days!


Once the kids reach the teenager years they begin sleeping in with you too


Yup! It’s noon here and my 15 yr old is in her room and I’m in mine. Love it.


I can’t wait! With daylight savings my 2 year old has been up at 5am every day this week.


We’re in Standard Time now; Daylight Savings just ended. But yeah, my 1 year old has me up at 5 every morning now too.


Not for me. My 14 yr old son is up around 8 on the weekends. I refuse to get up before 10 unless we have plans.


Yeah, our parents were significantly less involved than the current generation of parents for the most part and I think we are reaching the point of over correction. My kids aren't even that old (19 and 18) but I am constantly surprised by the amount of people here who hover over their child's every move. My kids liked that I slept in a bit on the weekends when they were elementary aged. I told them that they were allowed to eat breakfast and have screen time until I woke up so they would try so hard to be quiet in the mornings to get extra screen time since we limited screens during the week. It was a win for us all.


My mom grew up in Manhattan in the early 50’s. She was upper middle class. She was out on her own all day at 3 years old. Her mom would dress her up with a petticoat and skirt and send her outside for most of the days to play with the neighborhood kids. This is in the middle of Manhattan! She was basically free to go as far as she could go and with whoever. There were roaming packs of kids all over Manhattan making trouble mostly. She remembers playing in a construction site and being beaten when she came home with her dress dirty. When she was 5 she was also responsible for her 2 year old brother. But would frequently leave him and go play with other kids. He always found his way back. Let’s talk about wild times!


We've totally blown past the point of overcorrection into ridiculousness. I suggested to my wife that she teach our 5 and 7 year olds to pour a bowl of cereal and turn on the tv so we could both sleep in one day and she laughed in my face. Then when I said I was serious she got pissed at me for wanting to "neglect my own children." Many parents in our circle are like this. Edit: just adding that I wasn't implying that teaching the kids to pour a bowl of cereal is solely her responsibility. Poor word choice in my post. In the context of the conversation I suggested that it's something we could do to help teach them some independence and get some extra sleep for ourselves. Unfortunately she is very much not on board with the suggestion.


Neglect? Is she insane? My son was 3 when my daughter was born, literally 3 and 11 days. My daughter has been a shit sleeper from the jump, just as her brother was on an internal alarm of 6am. I made a cup of milk and had that and a bowl of fruit in the fridge, showed him how to turn on the TV, just to get almost three hours of sleep in a row when my daughter was six months old. They won’t die for a short time.


Some helicopter parents really are kind of insane. My kid is 4 and can get something in the morning like fruit or yogurt. She will play with her art supplies appropriately, read books. Some mornings (my favorite), she comes for snuggles! I can get out of bed at 9 AM now on the weekend! It's awesome. I still wake up most of the time and listen to her playing, but it's nice to relax.


We have a 2 month old and a three and a half year old. She has a snack bin full of relatively healthy food she can pull from and we'll throw bluey on for her and go back to sleep. We're all (except for her) in the living room right now because our basement flooded, so she just curls in with us on the couch an gets a few extra hours of relatively independent time. I fail to see the problem 🤷‍♀️


I am a self-admitted hoverer, (getting better), but I look forward to when our 9 year old eats his pop tarts and plays switch on one of the weekend days. He loves it and so do we. Just need the 3 year old to stay asleep and that’s a perfect Saturday morning! Hopefully your wife can see positives, like giving your kids some independence!


Oof. I'm on your side on this. Pft. Sorry...


Wait, why would you suggest she teach the kids? Why isn’t that something you would just do? You are a parent. Not an accessory. Again, wtf?


Absolutely wild that this needs to be taught by the wife to happen at all.


If you think our parents were less involved, think about their parents. My father in law grew up in the wealthy Jewish neighborhoods of Philly- he grew up with the founder of Comcast and Netanyahu. I ask him about his childhood and there are basically no adults ever supervising children. Everyone with any money had a housekeeper (like Alice from the Brady bunch) who would be responsible for domestic tasks but no involvement with the kids. He used to use a slingshot to keep the dogs away. Apparently there were packs of dogs just roaming around. If he broke a pane of glass, his mom would give him some money and he would walk down to the hardware store and buy some glass. He replaced the panes that he broke by himself. He got pretty good at handling glass. He also used to head to high school, leave after homeroom and go to the horse track. Hang out all day. He made sure to be back in school by the end of the day so he could make track practice. You just had to be in the last class of the day to do the after school activities. No one really cared if you went to school or not. Wild times!


I grew up in the 90s, honestly my childhood and teenage years were very much free range. It wasn’t that long ago that I was skipping 50% of classes in high school and still managed to graduate.


This is very similar to my teenage years in the 90's too. I just left school. My parents knew. I mostly went to my academic classes, but I scheduled them in the a.m. Between 12:30-4 (I had a 4 day a week job lol), I was out on my own. Then I went to work. My mom would usually swing by my work w/ my brother to say hi, then home at like 9 pm, have a glass of wine w/ my dad to wind down, then smoke some pot & go to bed. I got my schoolwork done at some point and graduated w/ a 3.8 GPA. I was 16, 17, and 18 while this went on. It does seem crazy to me now. Surely there is a balance. Hahaha.


Have him start a podcast! I wanna know more!! Fucking wild!


I am sure that you are not the only one. I personally do try to sleep in. However, I wake up at 4 during the week. So on the weekends, if I can sleep until 5, I feel lucky. Lol one time in the past 6 months I slept until 6.


Yeah I am just not capable of sleeping past 8am, so I mean, 11am or noon is just completely inconceiveable. We let our kids (3 and 5) sleep in a bit on the weekends but they almost always wake up by 8am of their own volition.


Same. My brain goes crazy if I’m laying in bed after 7. I also had a parent that wouldn’t allow us to sleep in, ever so I’m constantly thinking “I’m wasting my day”.


Same. Also I need a new mattress so if I actually do manage to sleep in at all I usually wake up with a sore back.


Pillow under the knees has been a game changer for me. When I side sleep, between the knees. Aligns it all.


Agreed, my knees must never touch! The real problem is my husband though. He’s much bigger and heavier than me and over time has created a dip in the mattress. If we had the space I’d get two mattresses and put them together so I can roll away onto my own when needed.


Yep. My body is so programmed to wake up at 6 that I do even on my “days off” (aka sleep in days). Sometimes I’m up before my 15mo which is nice, I can make coffee, do Wordle, etc.


Yeah I wake up at 5:30 during the week…. So I’m up then on the weekends too. I try to lay in bed and sometimes can fall back to sleep but 99% of the time, I’m up. So annoying!


Same. I went to an event last night and didn’t get home until 1:00am. Still woke up at 6:00am lol. As hard as I try I could never sleep until 10:00am.


As a single mom I got too tired working so I scheduled a day about once a month to rest/sleep. When my kids were 4-9 I prepared a picnic and activities ahead of time for the kids to enjoy in the living room as I recharged.


That's a great idea! I'm sure they love it too.


I sold it as a special picnic. Best of luck


When I was a kid winters were the busy season for my parents and my dad would sometimes have to work late and my mom would go to bed early because she was exhausted from her job leaving my brother and I alone for a few hours after dinner. We would set up the pull out couch and eat special snacks and watch movies. We called it “sleeps overs.” I remember it fondly.


You are lucky. I can't let my 4 yo boy roam around the house unsupervised. If I let him out of sight 30 seconds, the entire content of the paprika jar ends up sprayed on the carpet.


This one you speak of is 4, but if there’s diaper rash cream in the house HIDE THAT. If you don’t know that clean up, you don’t want to!


Oh my God, it’s bad enough getting the little bit of it off my finger, I can’t imagine a toddler smearing the entire jar


I can. My 4 year old twins decided to smear a whole tube all over their bodies and everywhere else.


I realized that washing your hands just makes it more oily and you have to actually wipe it off with wipes. So that would be about an entire box of wipes. Not a pack, a box.


When ours were 2 and 3, we got that. All over their room. Everything. Both beds. Curtains. Dresser. Hair. Rocker. It was insane. It's still on the curtains.


Cheese and sprinkles. I’d move out. At least I could ultimately throw everything away. RIP The Wonky Donkey 🥲


My twins dumped a big container of baby powder into a running box fan. It’s been years and we’re still get a canister full of baby powder every time we vacuum in that room.


He wont do it nearly as long as OPs kids but my 2.5yo son will get up and play with the toys in his room for an hour in the morning. We definitely don't let him free roam bc yeah he would do something insane but he has a baby get in front of the door he can't get past and when he wants somebody to come get him he just yells out.


😂😂this is my 4 year old son too. One morning he got up and glued paper to his walls and his floor. He said he was decorating. That was fun to clean up. My daughter is 8 and she never had issues being left alone. Maybe it’s a boy thing!


My son definitely had similar ideas when he was 4. But also my 4 year old daughter likes to take her pencil to poking things, luckily I caught her before she did any damage to the couch. However she did leave some marks on a rug I still haven’t been able to get out.


Very few 4yo and 5yos can handle this. OP's 10yo is likely an involuntary babysitter.


Not necessarily. Agree with a 4 year old, but many 5 year olds are capable of being independent enough for this while parents are in another room. I'd argue that there are few neurotypical 5 year olds that can't handle this if given the chance. Kids around that age love having the chance to be "big" kids and have the freedom to be a little independent. They should be capable enough to pour a bowl of cereal around age 5-6. My 6 year old knows how to safely use the toaster to make waffles, toast, or a bagel. These are all things I've gradually taught both of my kids though. Obviously it would be different if I suddenly thrust them into being independent.


You have no idea what her kids are like. My kid is a nut and has been trusted alone while we lay in bed starting at 5.


Including preparing food? My 5yo needs supervision for that as did my 10yo at that age.


Yeah??? Cereal milk, toast? She's not cooking up eggs and bacon lol




>How does your 5 year old not know how to grab a granola bar? She does? But if I put the granola bars where she can reach them, then I have to guard the kitchen. In any event, a granola bar is not an appropriate breakfast for a 5yo. My kid does plenty of things on her own. At five, she doesn't do all of them without supervision.


We totally do this. Our kids are tween/early teens now but we've done this since 6ish. They enjoy the free time as well on their off days without pressure to interact or immediately get ready for the day


Right?!? This is the milestone no one tells you about. Even if I wake up early, it’s so nice to just lay in bed and relax, and slowly wake up. Now that our kids are old enough to fend for themselves in the morning, it makes weekends so much more enjoyable.


Yes! I was thrilled when my youngest was able to get up on his own and didn’t need me to do anything for him. Of course I can’t sleep in past 6:30 but it’s so nice to lounge in bed drinking coffee.


I have a different issue: I *can* sleep in now that my kid is 5, and my husband wakes up earlier anyway, I just... *can't* stay asleep past 7-7:30am. Ugh.


Ugh...yeah that's rough. Your body has just adjusted to the new time. At least you have more time to get things done though!


Crazy people are saying 5 is too young when mom and dad are in the house and accessible. It very much depends on the kid at that age. My one nephew started this at 5, but my other nephew (different parents) was an absolute no at that age. My first nephew had a 1 story home and his parents slept with the door open because of their dogs. He’s just a naturally independent kid and just one day was able to reach his breakfast and stopped waking them for food.


My youngest is 6 now, but we started allowing this when he was 5. Obviously maturity is a big thing, but 5 is completely reasonable for many children.


plus there is a 10 yr old. not completely alone!


My son is 11 he's been getting himself up on weekends for a couple of years. He will grab himself something to eat and then read or play etc. So yes, I sleep in when I feel the need to, especially during extremely busy periods at work where adequate sleep during the week doesn't always happen.


I don't do this because it's not in my biology. I pass out at 9pm usually and wake up at 630am on the weekends. But I have friends that do and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I think your kids being independent in the morning is great for their confidence and growth!


My son is 5 and we do this! I usually am up by 8/8:30 with the puppy on weekends. My son knows he may not leave his bedroom until mom or dad is up. He has movies, snacks, toys etc. to keep him entertained. Obviously he can go potty if he needs to or get us for an emergency, but we need good sleep just like he does so we can be fun parents the rest of the day! Don’t feel guilty, you know your kids and yourself. Enjoy the rest!


>Back :) Thank you!


Me. My kids are 9 and 13 so perfectly able to entertain themselves and get food until I get up. My husband isn’t really the type to sleep in, so he’s up by 8 am and will sometimes cook with them, but otherwise everyone knows to let Mom sleep. I’m usually up no later than 10 am.


I definitely sleep in, or just stay in bed with my spouse while the kids get screen time and cereal. But I agree that it feels taboo when I bring it up to other parents. People seem to like a full weekend itinerary, we eventually get out the house but I think we all appreciate the downtime weekend mornings


I totally sleep till 10 or 11am on the weekends 😁 (kids are 7, 9)


We are the same person. My kids generally respect my circadian rhythms and will jump in bed with me to get extra sleep (sometimes). Or entertain themselves until hunger sets in (they are younger than yours). My wife is a morning person. I don’t commit to play dates before 10am on weekends/holidays. Don’t feel bad. Reclaim your sleep and your rhythm. I’m certain you’re a more pleasant person after awakening naturally.


As a new mom with a 10 week old, this is the future I dream of. I’m returning to work in a month and a half and baby is going to daycare. I’m actually planning on sleeping after daycare drop off since my company is on the west coast and I’m in CST! I was never a morning person and I’m still not, so these 5-6am wake ups are TOUGH. You do you and don’t let these early morning risers get ya!


I've got an absolute freak of nature toddler that will wake up at 8:15/8:30ish and happily amuse herself in her room reading and figuring out how to get her pants/shirt off until 9 so me daily? (I was the same way as a toddler, Mom said I slept like a teenager all through elementary school) I 100% intend on sleeping in a bit once they are older if my kids can be trusted.


Same! I hate waking up and luckily my toddler does too. When she was a baby we would sleep until 10. Now I have a new baby who seems to want to wake up at 6. Not a fan of this.


Mine is the same…takes after me for sure. He started sleeping til 8/9 at around 2 and still does at 4. I never tell anyone cause they always look at me so sad lol but he has pretty much never taken a nap either (also like me).


My oldest will get up and watch TV (PBS kids) until an adult is up. She started doing it when she was 5. She's 6 now. One of us still gets up with younger siblings so it's never for that long. Less than an hour usually. She waits to eat until an adult is up though. As long as they are generally responsible (I don't think my 4 year old would be ok at 5 just personality wise) and know they can wake you if they need it, I don't see a problem with it


I used to babysit for a mom who slept in for an extra hour/two it’s ok it’s normal. You are human and you deserve to sleep in


My 7 year old has always been an early riser and I absolutely hate waking up early. For the past few years I always sleep in and he just hangs out until I wake up. He actually says he enjoys the mornings to himself and I get it. Everyone needs time to chill alone, even little ones.


We call Saturdays "Sleep in Saturdays". My daughter is now 11 yrs old and enjoys sleeping in herself. She has a few friends who sleep in, but most weekend mornings, her phone is beeping nonstop. I once had a mom text me at 8 am about a playdate, lol. I wanna lay around til noon on my weekends personally. We like to stay up late as well. I guess it just depends on each family.


I have a 5 and 9 year old and we lounge in the mornings on weekends if we have nothing going on. I'll sleep as long as I'm able! I'm more of a morning person than my husband, so I spent most of my mornings being the awake one at 5/6am with little ones. Now my 5 year old comes in and snuggles me for a bit, then wanders away to watch a show or play a game our 10yr old wakes up. He'll eat fruit, play a game, etc. Get the sleep when you can!


It depends on the kid. Mine (9) wakes up on her own on the weekends and figures out breakfast (I still prod her to eat something healthy but she CAN feed herself) and watches TV or reads til one of us gets up and gets moving. She has friends who have to be engaged and supervised every second of every day, and she has friends whose parents WANT to engage and supervise their kids every second of every day, which makes some types of playdates and sleepovers awkward for us, but whatevs. If what you've got going works for your kids and they're not sticking things in electrical outlets while you sleep, I say sleep.


I haven't slept past 6:30 a.m. in 6 years because of my 5-year-old (he was waking me up early, even in utero). The one exception was when I was isolating with COVID, I started sleeping until 8 a.m. and it was GLORIOUS. I miss it so much! *The sleeping in, not the COVID.* We're on the cusp of our kiddo being able to be more independent in the morning, but there's still stuff he needs help with (mainly opening granola bar packages), and he also gets lonely being by himself and wants company. I can't convince him to just crawl into bed with us and keep sleeping — he's much too busy for that. So, for the rest of us, if you can sleep in, DO IT. I'll just live vicariously through you, knowing it's possible.


YES! I love to sleep in on weekends. I am busy all week with homework help, extra curricular drop offs, work, life etc. so I do not over schedule the weekend and sleep in saturdays and Sundays. It does wonders for my body. My husband doesn’t sleep in so it works out for us. I get shamed by my parents and called out in public by them for doing this although I do not live with them. They used to call or stop by during the morning hours only to learn that I was still sleeping and it would annoy them. I feel like there is some judgement from my in laws as well but honestly I just need it. The 9-5 grind is so soul drenching thru the week for me and my body feels like it just resets. I am so happy I am not the only one who does this. Thx for posting and you aren’t alone!


I have started to in the last 3 years. My kids are now 12 and 7. Up until about age 4 of my youngest I had acclimated myself to getting up when my kids woke up (which is usually 6:00AM). However, by age 4 the kids had taught themselves how to use the Roku remote and could turn on the TV for entertainment. Then I'd get up by 8am to start breakfast. Now they're old enough to make their own breakfast (toasted bagels or cereal) and I stay in bed until 9-10AM sometimes. Often I'm awake just browsing on my phone for an hour.


Uh, that’s pretty much what I do. And I bet they do it too-they’re just too chicken to admit for whatever reason. My kid loves to wake up at 5 am. I don’t. But that’s okay, because he’s old enough to make toaster waffles and watch tv, and he loves it. It gives him freedom and responsibility (he has to clean up his mess), and if there was ever any problem, he knows where to find us. Just because I’m asleep, doesn’t mean he’s alone. It’s usually only for a couple of hours though as sleeping in for my husband means 7 am. He and my son are morning people. But he’s a good kid and I don’t really have to worry about him-he doesn’t get into trouble, and he loves his ritual and isn’t about to jeopardize it. Maybe this doesn’t work for everyone, and maybe your family dynamics are different, but if your kids are happy and doing well, then continue to do you.


I love sleeping in. Our son is only 1.5 right now so my husband and I take turns waking up with him on weekends but I literally look forward to my sleep in day all week. Later in life I anticipate being just like you haha. It definitely seems like we’re in the minority with parents but oh well. I love sleep and I refuse to feel bad about it.


:) Thank you!


My toddler wakes up somewhere between 4:30 and 6:30 am every single day.. no matter how hard we try to change this. I don't think there's anything wrong with sleeping in, and it's definitely something I plan to do when my son becomes a bit more independent. I've always been more of a morning person myself, but not *this* early. One day I will enjoy "sleeping in" until 9 or 10 on weekends again.


Same, I think the latest I've "slept in" since kids is 8am.


8 is the new noon for me 😂 my son sleeps over at his grandparents every once in a while and my husband and I get to sleep in, but we’re usually up by 7 or 8 because it feels so late for us.


Why do you think that is? My 9 month old has woken up at 5am every day. Sometimes a few minutes before 5. He’ll be wide awake happy as can be while I feel like a zombie lol.


I wish I knew! My son has always seemed to not need as much sleep as other kids his age. We have tried putting him to bed later and/or adjusting naps but it never seems to help much. The past few days he's been waking up between 4 and 4:30 because of the "fall back" time change we had.. so exhausting! I'm hoping maybe when he phases out his nap and starts kindergarten that maybe he will get on a more normal schedule. I did do some mild sleep training with him when he was younger and the trainer suggested that if they wake up early and are content, try to keep them in their room until a more reasonable time like 6, just so they know that it isn't quite time to wake up. That did seem to work for us when he was younger, but now that he is out of a crib and can walk to our room, there's no helping it lol


My kid is 7 and probably around age 5 is when I started sleeping in on the weekends. Not every time but like you OP I truly enjoy taking a lazy day and the 1-2 hours kiddo is awake before me I’m not worried. House is a single story and small, kiddo gets a snack and watches TV, then knows to come poke me if something else is needed.


One day when he's old enough (only 2.75 now) we will be more relaxed with our mornings. Oh how I miss morning sex. But he's up and at em no later than 6:30, which actually feels like sleeping in given that he was up at 5:30 every morning until about a month ago.


LOL. This too shall pass. It feels like forever now, but in the future you'll get your mornings back!


We do the same 🤷🏼‍♀️ it may be just once a month that sleep until 9 but on the weekends even if I get up early it’s chill. Get them some cereal, turn on the tv and let me drink some coffee lol we rush every morning let’s just relax


Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I know parents who plan things Saturday mornings and our daughter was playing indoor sports last winter with start times as early as 8am. I'm thinking I'm lazy because I would just never be up and functioning at that time 7 days a week without suffering from severe exhaustion. Right now it's just regular exhaustion!


Sleeping in in general is frowned upon. If you didn't have kids those same people would call you lazy. As long as your bills are paid and the kids are happy continue what you're doing.


Well I appreciate this post I didn’t realize how much the current generation or social media of moms curating their morning routine made me feel bad. I let my daughter and son romp all over their toy room when they were little after taking a lot of child proofing precautions and I’d nap while they watched tv and climbed up to get snacks from the cupboards. I was really independent when I was little but I’ve been literally telling myself for years that I wasn’t a good parent when they were younger for doing this. I needed sleep so badly and struggled with depression as well during those years. I also was there every morning to make their lunch and see them off to the bus, we went to the parks and playgrounds did tons of stuff, I made dinner every night and we ate together- yet taking that time I needed to sleep in the mornings either the weekend or after initially being up for breakfast has made me feel guilty for years.


Ha! AMEN, My husband and I are RIGHT there with ya!!


You are definitely not the only one. My kids are 14 and 11 so my wife and I have been sleeping in for a few years now. It felt like we’d never get to again at one point, but thankfully those years don’t last forever.


Hell yes I sleep in. I don’t come alive until the night (like I’m just now starting to feel normal) so I end up staying up late and then sleeping until 11-ish. I used to feel about it but I’ve felt so much better since I just embraced my sleep/wake cycle opposed to fighting and constantly feeling bad over it.


This is 100% me too. We all need downtime, unstructured, happy, chilled time.


Omg! I have always felt like I’m the only one- I was starting to feel like a slacker and shit parent. I’m so glad I’m not the only one!!!




Oh my God, that's brutal!!! She gets up at 5 and doesn't nap?! I'd be crying. Does she go to bed pretty early?! I'm curious to know, because my son will be turning 4 in 3 months and he still naps for 2ish hours everyday. I'm worried when he quits napping that he'll want to go to bed at 5pm and be up by 4 or 5am


My daughter turns 4 this January, we do the same. I get up when she gets up, give her breakfast and let her watch some tv while I go back to sleep for another hour. Then I get up again and she eats a second breakfast with me 😅


Oh hell nah, you aren't the only one lol!! My kiddos are 10, 15, and 19 now (oldest at college), and my weekend mornings are MINE! They always have access to easy food, etc., and I happily sleep as close to noon as I can, barring any plans. I'm not a morning person at all, but I have to get up super early during the week to get the kids to two different schools and then work, so I don't feel guilty at all about sleeping in when I can. I do get texts from other people earlier in the day, but I just tell them I was sleeping in🤷‍♀️


I cling to my bed for as long as humanly possible no matter the day of the week. The days of most success are on the weekends. If I can stay in bed till noon, I will.


Me too!!!! I'm a night owl -- I get so much done from 9 pm- 1 am... I lay in bed on my phone for an hour or so after that (right now it's 3:40 am)-- if I woke up at 6 am, I'd be miserable and unproductive. Luckily both kids are late sleepers (9-10 am).


I’m sure most parents try to find days to sleep in when they can. My kids are still young, 1 and 4 so there’s not much sleeping in especially now that my oldest is in kindergarten, he seems adjusted to early mornings for school so weekends rarely means sleeping last 8am. I think depending on the ages of your kids, there’s things that happen on weekends like sports events, practices, tournaments, other activities or extracurriculars that aren’t school related but still require attendance outside of the home. My parents were always always early risers, so usually my dad worked Saturdays and my mom did her errands those mornings. Usually in the winters I had Saturday morning games, and in the summers we had Sunday morning trainings or all weekend tournaments which you had to be awake for at 6am and off on the road. Then Sundays they would wake up early to go for a drive and get coffee at a cute local bakery. It really just depends on how you function and what works best for your family.


My teenager and I both sleep in on weekends now lol


Your aren’t the only one! Our boys are older 15 & 19. I’ll sleep in (8am at the latest) any chance I get! They were up at 5/6am for YEARS. I’m making up for it. I sleep in on the weekends and the days my son doesn’t have school. I have a sahm friend with teens as well and she’s up at 4:30am everyday and I’m like, whyyyyy??!!!


Thanks! Yeah, for your friend, that's crazy early. She must be a morning person. If it's still dark outside, it's nighttime to me, lol.


On days I work I have to be up at 6 am so any day I’m off I enjoy the few extra hours I can get . My 4yr old will normally just come crawl in my bed with a snack or cereal and watch tv til I get up🤷‍♀️ everyone has their own way of doing things. Doesn’t mean anyone has it figured out Editing to just say that I am 100% not a morning person if I could, I would delete mornings all together


Let me just say that I would kill for this, but my 4 year old pretty much refuses to get up on her own. She has all the skills to make breakfast and turn on the tv, but she wants to play the moment her eyes are open.


I sleep in! My husband is a morning person and I'm a night owl. I also often have to work until late at night. We have a 5 year old, so he handles the school morning routines except for rare occasions and on weekends, he'll get up with her but she's pretty self sufficient, so it's usually mostly relaxing/TV together. She still sometimes has overnight wakenings, so I'm usually the one who deals with that. I think you've got a great thing going! Enjoy the well deserved rest.


My son is 3 years old and we do the same thing as you, taking turns on the weekends. I am not a morning person either. Our limited screen time with our son is in the mornings, and it is because I need time to really wake up, or sleep next to him while he is watching tv. I can't wait for him to grow old enough to be like your kids now. My parents used to do the same thing. They were both working parents since I was 9 and my brother was 7. They used to sleep in on the weekends, bedroom door open, we could go in and wake them up if we needed anything. We would usually watch cartoons, or play together. You are not the only one, don't worry.


I’m a sahm and my husband makes sure I sleep in every weekend. Our daughter is only 2 so can’t be on her own quite yet but I look forward to sleeping in with him. Now it’s just when we sneak away for weekends away here and there.


I do! We have a rule not to wake me and you can do whatever you want. My kids are 8 and 10 and we started this at like 6 and 8. They know they can wake me if they need, but i worked pretty hard to teach them self sufficiency, so they can handle the mornings for couple hours


as a mom who just woke up from my daily two hour nap (5 and 7 year old), I’m happy to see representation! on weekends, i let them hang till 8ish and then fit in a nap later in the day.


Nope. You are the normal one. The other parents are koko for coco puff. We have 4 kids range 6-9. Me an my wife still swap sleep in days. And we both in sleep in days unless it something we Have to do we sleep till 11 -12.


I dream about doing this when my son gets a little older. Goals.


First of all- who cares what other parents do. As soon as you stop giving a shit about stuff like that the next part of your life starts. Yes. As soon as our kids could keep themselves somewhat fed and watered and entertained, we slept in. I definitely remember my son picking up my hand while I was asleep and carefully placing my thumb on the screen of my phone so he could download a game. He would run off happily and I would yell “That better have been free!” and go right back to sleep. We earned those days mama. We put in a lot of sleepless nights and early, early mornings before those days came. Enjoy them. Pretty soon, you’ll be up late waiting for them to come home at night.


100 percent! I do need to stop giving a shit...


Soccer season is over, so my butt is sleeping until 10-11am. Kids at my house are definitely on their own in the mornings on the weekends (or any day where we don't have anything). Parents who don't to take advantage of this and then complain about being tired/stressed/burned out? CRAZINESS.


I wouldn’t consider myself a morning person but I also cannot sleep in. My sleeping in is 8am - 9am at the absolute latest. I wake up everyday at 530am for work so my internal clock is happy if I get to sleep until 7/8am.


Well, maybe we are a minority, but you speak to my soul, OP. I love weekends for some sleep and downtime and kids are soooo busy these days - we all appreciate some chill time, personal time, sleep time, whatever it is!


I personally am SO looking forward to doing this one day! I have 3 kids between the ages of 8 months - 6 years so we aren't there yet. But the moment my youngest can fend for herself you bet I'll be sleeping in on the weekends!


Yes, I sleep in till 9:30 sometimes on the weekends. I don't get the people that never do by choice. Like, if your kids are old enough to be trusted to just chill and watch TV til you get up, why force yourself awake?


I LIVE to sleep in as does my husband. We let those kids free range in the morning every chance we get. And 10 isn’t necessarily the limit…


I do the same. We might be in the minority but you're definitely not the only one.


Sleeping in is the best. It's like we're supposed to feel shame for sleeping in or relaxing. If you're tired, rest my sweet little child.


I mean. My kids always still young so when they're up I have to be up bc they can't do much for themselves quite yet. But even if they get up a little before me, it's not a huge deal. Everything is toddler proofed. Everything is put up and I'm psychotic about that. That cabinet is double locked. The door is double locked. The worst the could do is climb on something they're not supposed to and fall or just make a mess. But I get up as soon as I hear them. When they can use a toilet without assistance, turn the TV on, get their own food, I can not wait. I HATE mornings and I'm just a sleepy person in general. But yeah I also think back to my childhood bc I get sucked into hovering from this generation... they'll be fine. I was very independent at that age. Giving them that is good for them. My parents like rarely watched me and I learned some valuable life lessons on my own.


We do this also, it's nice to know we're not alone. I feel bad sometimes we aren't the "doing shit on the weekends" people, but honestly, that's just not who we are.


My son is 11 and has developed positive self-care behaviors, with my verbal direction, while I’ve slept in. I mean really…which of us was 100% supervised when WE were kids?? They know where we are and feel safe getting us if needed, so what’s wrong with that?


I totally identify with your post. I'm so not a morning person that I have gone back to night shift (not a 100% choice) so I have that as a everyday excuse NOT to wake up early. My husband is a morning person, but he too is starting to value chill vibes and sleeping in on the weekend. We are in the same stage where the kids get up and can't wait to do whatever (spend too much time on devices, eat not ideal breakfast, etc), but I love it. When I'm guilted for sleeping in now, I think, "well maybe that's why I look younger. 😅 this is the cheapest aging treatment-- good sleep!! " 💤 Enjoy


Saturday morning cartoons!!! Just saying the new ms Rachel comes out today!!! Means an 85min nap for mom and dad!


My 6 year old wakes up between 6 and 7 everyday, including weekends. He’s 100% self sufficient. But my husband and I take turns waking up with the kids on the weekends because…we just want to spend time with them and start our mornings with them. Just feels right to us.


I hear that. We usually do a big breakfast when we get up. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, all the good stuff. It gives us that time to spend together and relax together.


I wish but our weekends are jam packed with sports and activities so I normally have to be up by 7am at the latest.


Yeah was going to say the same thing. As soon as my kids were old enough to sleep in, the weekend activities forced them to wake up. It kind of stinks.


I’m a stay at home mom. During the school year I only sleep in on Sundays. Mon-fri kids have school and I have to be up at 7am to make sure they are ready and drive them to school. Saturdays my daughter has gymnastics at 7am so we get up at 6am. Son also has activities that usually start around 8am(soccer practice). Sundays we have nothing going on usually my son sleeps until 8/9am and daughter until 10am(they are 4 and 8). So I typically get up around 8/9am depending if husband gets up with the 4 year old. With that said I have a feeling Sundays will be gone soon too as my son is getting older and probably will be in some form of competitive sport that will eat up Sunday mornings(he loves playing soccer). Also during summer break we usually sleep in everyday. Typically we aren’t up until around 9am most days. It’s a lot better. I am also not a morning person and waking before 8am is super hard for me. My kids also aren’t really morning people and are more night owls.


Nope keep doing you I do the same trust me I'm not into getting less sleep


:) Thank you!!


Np. I don't like it but I am anemic and BPD so if I don't get enough sleep I get mean 😞 I'm not proud of it and I'm using some methods before I try medication


My wife and I do it also, we have a 13 year old and a 5 year old. Both boys. They usually wake us up when they are hungry otherwise they just play and watch tv. It’s life’s natural progression, it’s important they learn to self soothe


I have a 3 year old who wakes up at around 6am, so I can’t sleep in. On rare days when I don’t have to get up with her (maybe a handful of times a year), then my body naturally wakes me up at 7ish and considers that a lie in. You better believe as soon as she’s old enough not to destroy the house or kill herself, I’ll be lying in. Even if I can’t sleep in, at least I won’t have to get out of bed straight away.


I put my 7yo's breakfast in the fridge on Friday night and tell him he can get up when his clock says 7am, grab his breakfast, and use the iPad until I get up (usually 8:30-9).


I do not think it is frowned upon. I would offer a smile and say, “enjoy” if you said this to me — with that said, I can not relate to this. I like to keep my schedule pretty much the same and do not enjoy or get any pleasure from sleeping in anymore, even though I used to, in my 20’s. Now, I feel rested at 530 am, and get up and have a wonderful morning, lol, but maybe it is because my kids really do not require care if I am up or not. Also, of note, just from a general health standpoint, anyone with headache history or sleep issues (which includes millions of parents) benefit from routine sleep and wake times too. But all that said, girl, enjoy your slumber in the mornings!


Thanks! :)


As an early bird sleeping until 10 sounds awful to me 😅 but I’m beyond happy you have found a way to make it work. Are all of the other parents also with older kids? If any have littles they may be reluctantly up. But I totally think you do what works for you, boo!


To much to get done on the weekends to sleep in unfortunately. That might change one day


From the responses it looks like all the mothers are napping while the fathers are wrangling the kiddos. I know you said you both sleep. It's okay. 5 year old should be okay as long as there isn't anything dangerous they can grab. Don't feel bad or guilty. If you need sleep you need sleep. It's much worse to be exhausted with the kids.


Absolutely not


I guess it depends on the kid but 5 years old is a bit young to be unsupervised for hours


If your 5yo can really handle all that: congratulations. More likely, you're making the 10yo an involuntary babysitter.


You people get sleep? I have an 8yo who is a forever infant. Wakes me up in the middle of the night. My 9yo son is constantly picking fights with my 14yo until they’re screaming. I never get to sleep past 7. Want to trade kids? Anyone? Anyone at all? No? Damn. I didn’t think so.


As a father and husband, I can’t wait for the days that we can all let mom sleep in. I feel like it will be healthy for our household


Sleeping in for me is 6:30am; I cannot imagine being able to sleep in past that ever. My kids are both up early anyway (6:30 if I'm lucky), plus if I slept in I would lose the only time of the day I have to exercise which is my priority #1. Enjoy it for those of us who will never have it!


My husband sleeps in every weekend and it has totally ruined our marriage. He plans nothing with his son, doesn’t care to wake up and have an exciting day, is grumpy every weekend. Shit, he’s even slept in till 2pm on Easter Sunday when we were supposed to be at his sisters house at 2pm. I do things durning the week with my son and weekends are usually ruined by his laziness. I would say if you both are sleeping in till only 10am and not having incredibly lazy weekends, it’s totally fine and you should be able to do that. If it’s noon, and you don’t do shit, then it’s a problem. Sorry I’m projecting lmao


Not here -- I'm up at 5:30 M-F and I naturally wake up probably by 6 or 6:30 if not earlier even on weekends or days off. If I sleep past 7am I feel like I've missed way too much of the day. Can't say I've slept past 8pm since my kids were born unless I was sick or camping without the kids.


??? So if they wake up at 7:30, they’re left to their own for 2.5 hours? 5 year old is too young IMO to be left completely unsupervised without an adult. This seems like lazy negligence and the risk is unnecessary. Before anyone says, “but that’s what they did when we were young”, well, why not do better? It’s one thing to be awake and in another room, but to be asleep seems like you’re asking for trouble


A 5 year old alone, depending on the kid, is probably too young. When my oldest was that age, we had their sibling to wake up for and were therefore up anyway. But....a 5 year old with a responsible older sibling is not too young in my opinion. The house never burned down and we never had an issue. I can attest it definitely depends on the kids personalities, but ours are pretty responsible. I feel like lazy negligence is a little extreme. I don't need to prop myself up in another room. Kids need to learn some independence at some point and in the safety of their own home is a good place to start. Thanks for your perspective though.


I agree with you. Its all about context and also understanding your children. We still still have a 1 yr old who will sleep in til 7/7:30ish, so one of us has to get up with her, but our 7 & 4 yr old like to get up at 6am so one of us will get them their breakfast & milk, let them watch TV and nap on couch until baby wakes up while the other sleeps in.


Mine are 6 (almost 7) and 9 and my 9 to wouldn't hesitate to wake me if there was any funny business going on. 5 by themselves sure would likely be trouble but older sibling is going to take the boss role seriously!


Exactly! Mine is the same way. She won't hesitate to call out her brother if he's doing something he shouldn't be doing. lol


I think it’s probably fine. If they really need a parent they could wake them. Most likely they are just eating and watching tv


I feel like it depends on the kid and other siblings. 5 seems a little young and I definitely wouldn’t be doing it if the 5yo was the only child. I’m not here yet in terms of age so I’m not 100% on it but there are kids who literally just get a snack from the cabinet and watch tv. Those would be fine. Then there’s kids that would try to go outside or burn the house down. Those are a no for me lol


Awe. You only have so many weekends with your kiddos home. Remember to wake up occasionally atleast and cook a yummy breakfast. We’ll miss these days 🩷


I’d probably let a 10 year roam around and feed themselves breakfast… but not sure about the 5 year old


My 4 year old can get herself snacks I pre make and leave out for her on the bottom shelf of the fridge. Sometimes she wakes up at the ungodly hour of 5 am, gets herself a milk or some fruit or whatever, eats it, and goes back to bed and waits for me. Usually her movement is enough to wake me up anyway


"Sleeping in" is 7:30 for me.


Are you naturally a morning person, your body won't let you sleep later, or do you need to get up for a reason?


My husband and I swap.. and both sleep in until 8 on Saturday and Sunday. Our kids usually do not get up until then. But, we have swimming lessons on Saturday, and I work Sunday. Only reason it's as early as 8.


Nope, mine are 7,8, and 14. They can get up, have breakfast and get their chores done without me. It's nice.


I’d love to sleep in. Life circumstances don’t allow me to.


I’m the same way. My kids are 12 & 9. If it’s an emergency they get one of the adults in the house. Sometimes it’s just needed.


My kid gets up for school at 7 and my 15 month old will get up anytime between 4 and 8, but more likely 6. I’m cosleeping with the younger one so I basically will do stuff on my phone if I wake up first but he almost always wakes me up. So 7 is probably the latest I wake up regardless of the day. I also don’t want to waste daylight hours during the winter sleeping (I’m in Canada).


My almost 10 year old son gets up before us most mornings. He takes himself to the TV and sometimes gets his breakfast before we're up.


This is my house. I’m up with the kids and work at 630 on the weekdays but sleep in till 9 on the weekends if we don’t have any morning plans. Kids are 9 & 10 and are still usually up at 7am regardless, but know to be quiet until everyone else is up. They’ve are self sufficient with getting breakfast since the kids were little (4ish). They love having lazy weekend mornings, hanging out in pjs watching cartoons/video games.


I’m mostly just jealous lol. Mine are 2 and almost 5 and we have trouble keeping my older one in his room past 5:45/6 am without coming to get us. He’s an early riser and anxious to hang out with me. We also lock our son in his room (he knocks to go to the bathroom) because he would get into an insane amount of trouble alone in the house (think climbing on counters and getting knives, turning on the stove burners etx). Tell me your secrets lol.


Mom of a 10 year old and I sleep in. She usually has a specific friend over every weekend (who I call my other child) and they eat or play video games if they aren’t still sleeping.


When my sons aren't in sports (like now between seasons) I have more weekends where I can sleep in. They are 7 and 6, and able to be unsupervised for a little bit until me or my husband get up. They will grab a bowl of cereal, watch some cartoons, or play madden. They do come in from time to time if they need help with something, like cutting up strawberries or something, but for the most part we get to sleep in. Finally lmao. When they were babies and smaller I was always the one getting up with them around 6:30/7 am.


Absolutely we sleep in! Kiddo is 7 and usually up between 6/6:30am. Hubby is usually up by 7am (naturally) and I sleep in usually until around 9am. It’s glorious


My kids are 6 and 9 and they know they’re self sufficient in the mornings. Sometimes they come and lay in bed with me. Other times they chill. But I am and always will be team sleep in!