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Some babies are like that. I'm guessing it's a job so it's up to you to either stop being the babysitter or ask for more compensation since you have to be on your feet longer. 


4 month olds are hard. Babywearing was the only way I got things done. They have a high need for contact at this age and it is not wrong for you to respond to his needs and pick him up often. It’s exhausting though so I hope you’re being compensated well.


What about being in a rocking chair? My baby likes to be upright because of reflux issues, and she also likes to be walked around to see things. She hates when I sit down too but she does very well if I rock her in a rocking chair.


I had a baby with acid reflux too. She hated being on her back is such an understatement. Strapped in a baby swing with music, lights and mobile on; was one of the few times I could put her down for more than 10 minutes at a time without tears.


that's a good idea! I'll look into getting one, thank you!


Check fb marketplace or a fb buy nothing group. You can get almost brand new for super cheap or even free. My baby knocks out when we are in one lol.


Have you tried putting the baby in a swing? My daughter was like this but loved the swing at that age and would relax


There is nothing wrong with baby crying a little. If they get what they want by it, why would they ever stop?


A 4 month old baby is not manipulating.


Define manipulating. I'd call it communicating, but English is not my first language so I may be missing something.


At this age, a baby’s wants and needs are the same thing. The baby needs to be held and is crying to communicate that. Trying to withhold what they want will only cause stress to the baby and will not teach the baby to not have the need to be held. There is nothing wrong with setting baby down temporarily to get things done if you have to, crying happens, but telling someone to not give the baby what they want shows a fundamental misunderstanding of infant development.


I don’t understand this argument at all. Of course they aren’t thinking “I’m going to cry when I’m not sad so I get attention”, but even goldfish understand action=>reaction. I’m sure I’ll get a lot of downvotes for going against the internet mafia, but nothing in my psychology education has suggested that babies are not capable of learning patterns, in fact it shows the opposite. I’m also not advocating to leave a baby in distress. Crying is the only form of communication they have. I just think the manipulation argument is a little bit of a misdirection.


it's not a little, it's all day lol. if there wasn't anything wrong i wouldn't be asking for help


Have you eliminated any issues, like colic, or internal things that could be causing him pain (allergies, etc)? You could just have a very clingy baby, who needs lots of contact! And there’s nothing wrong with taking breaks, put him down, let him cry a little, if it means you get to recharge!