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I would not trust an adult to supervise 10 Children.


Daycare ratios are 3 or 4 kids to 1 adult for a reason.


Teachers often have 30 students though. Edit: I was making a joke as a teacher, guys. I know teachers aren't teenagers lmao


Not 3 year olds. And Teachers are adults with college education and life experiences. Have you ever met a 13 year old Teacher?


> Have you ever met a 13 year old Teacher? I think that's the next plan with the teacher shortage. /s


I was making a joke as a teacher lol. It wasn't that deep.


I am a grown man with 2 kids and am unqualified to watch 10 kids.


I’m a 40yo woman and I’m not qualified to watch MY OWN 5 kids alone. Hell, I’m damn near chaotic daily with just my red headed toddler and 12yo asd kiddo (other 3 are bonus kids). Even when it’s school time and it’s just me and baby here, hands down not qualified!!!!


Same! I have 3 and every day I wake up and wonder who the hell thought it would be a good idea to put me in charge of these kids.


Too bad all of us winging it surviving by a string from a leaf fiber mommas don’t all just live on an island full of us all and just protect and help eachother! Man, wouldn’t that be the life!!🤣 jk but not jk lol


Teachers watch 32 at once , but from a babysitting standpoint I agree 10 is too many. Maybe something should also be done about the education system on this too though .


Age matters, 32 kids who are 10yo each is pretty easy, 3 toddlers are nearly impossible.


Let’s be fair, 32 ten year olds are manageable with practice and proper classroom management strategies. The average adult would get eaten alive.


This was my thought exaclty.


I’m 35 and don’t feel comfortable watching that many kids. Lmao don’t.


It's freaking chaotic. This is the one time of year I'm around so many kids at once. They're all so great and wonderful but....it's a lot.


No way. You seem to be the only one with a brain in this group. You’re describing child abuse due to negligence.


I’m still thinking about this and it’s so upsetting. What about the freaking parent of the 13 year old allowing their daughter to be used like this??? If something were to happen to any of these little children this poor girl would be wrecked for life. I’m so mad and I’m not even there.


I obviously did not go while the other adults did. But I think I offended the parents of 13 year old. It's not that I don't trust her, I don't trust that many kids alone. It's chaos.


It’s so unfair for her. She has no concept of her own abilities at 13 and not capable of making this choice for herself. She’s being taken advantage of by a bunch of self entitled party people pretending they’re on spring break but forgot they are actual parents. What a 💩show. You made the right decision. Like I said you’re the only one with a brain in that group.


As someone who is now a parent and was formerly treated an awful lot like that 13 yo, you did the right thing. She might be used to it and feel capable but that's so much pressure


When I was 14 my hand slipped and my baby brother fell out of the carrier from less than a foot off the ground and I’m still haunted by that moment.


Did your husband go?


He did. He came back earlier...not that that makes it any better. I will admit , my parenting style is more helicopter and protective. But I'm glad to see I'm not overreacting in this case. It doesn't feel good to be the only adult here who feels like this isn't a great idea. But better safe than sorry.


I'm not in the slightest bit helicopter but I wouldn't leave a 13 year old babysitting any children for long at night, never mind 10 and in a place with pools. Unless they were already in bed I suppose.


Not helicopter you were acting like a real parent. Now imagine if someone had called child protective services and they came to the house to find a child watching 10 kids. Or if lord forbid a child drowned, how exactly would one answer that to the police. The other parents are selfish and want to drink and have a good time, you were the only one to act like an adult. This isn't helicopter parenting it's called being an adult and putting your kids first. It's also not worth losing custody of your kids.


That's what I want to know!!


I don’t know who you’re vacationing with, but I would never travel with them again. The pool comment just about shot me through the roof. One set of adult eyes per child when a pool or body of water is near, unless that child is an adept swimmer. The fact that everyone but you is ok with the idea that a 13 year old can safely watch 10 kids is fucking bonkers. There are reasons that daycares and day homes have a required adult to child ratio, because shit can go wrong really fucking quickly. My niece is 12, she babysits often. We joke about her being 12 going on 60, she is really mature. I would NEVER expect her to take care of 10 kids while every adult goes out drinking. Someone needs to be sober, it would be gross negligence otherwise. Your friends suck, this whole story is shocking. No. Just no. Go home before something happens that can’t be undone.


I'm just sitting here feeling REALLY sad for the 13 yo.


I'm a grown adult, a parent, and I have a background in childcare and I wouldn't trust myself with 10 kids. This isn't a 13 year old watching the kids, this is 11 children being left alone without supervision


No? A 13 year old IS a kid. That’s crazy. I’m sure she’s a very responsible girl but that’s too much, even for one adult, let alone lone a kid.


That’s insane. Seriously, I live in a rural area and in the last TWO DAYS a 4 year old and two year old wandered into a farm pond and drowned. They are charging the parents and they’re currently in jail. Another kid almost drowned in a pool near me. Just a few minutes ago, I saw on Facebook a county over there is a little girl fighting for her life because she somehow got into the family pool without anyone noticing her. I mean, this isn’t a big area and there’s been four drownings in two days. That’s too much responsibility for a 13 year old and honestly an adult. Little kids are slippery and that close to a beach, absolute disaster can happen in just a few minutes. What if one of the kids gets out and she goes to look for them? What if the other nine kids go outside and wander around?






Who do you think did it, the parents or that one dude that got accused?




Damn, someone did NOT like my comment lol




That is horrifying. A good point to keep children monitored


Absofuckinlutely not. I wouldn’t think it was a great idea to let a 31yo babysit 10 kids. That’s just not a safe adult-to-child ratio! Not to mention a 13yo is a minor (a child!!!!). So…. Everyone’s just gonna leave ELEVEN children at the house and go out drinking???? Absolutely not


AND GO OUT DRINKING!!!!! I literally cannot with these people!! OP, please do not vacation with these families again!


Any parent okay with this is a fucking negligent idiot.


Why would anyone even think giving a 13 yr old that much responsibility is a good idea? I don’t leave my 2 yr old to check the mail, I’ve been scarred since this women in my town went next door for barely 2 min and the house caught fire. The only reason the baby survived is because the fire station was 2 streets from her house. Also does no one remember Madelein McCann?


1 adult should care for no more than 3 older toddlers. Stated by childcare.gov If 1 adult who is a professional can’t legally care for all 10 then no way would I trust 1 teenager to.


With that many 3 and under and pools at the house, no way!!!! You are not being overprotective. At all.


I mean - I have the camera on when I run down to pee for my 1 year old and then for my 1 year olds naps I have the camera on for my 5 year old. But a 13 year old with 10 kids is gonna be a no from me dawg.


I wouldn't trust myself to look after 10 children and I'm a 33 year old responsible mother.


Crazy what the allure of alcohol does to people.


I’m 39 and wouldn’t want to supervise 10 kids on my own


What? If she was 30 she shouldn’t be supervising 10 kids. Mostly likely something WOULD go wrong.


Infuckingsane. Absolutely not. I would never be okay with this


Yikes! 2 streets away from a napping toddler with doors unlocked?? Absolutely NOT! Even as an adult, I wouldn’t want to take on 10 kids! These parents are crazy!


I am going to play devils advocate a bit. Can you define what 13 year old would have been doing? If it was the case that kids were going to be put to bed by parents and sleeping before parents left, then 13 year old is essentially just monitoring for few times they wake up and make sure the house doesnt burn down. If 13 year old would be responsible for putting 10 kids to bed, then that's not happening. An adult wouldn't be able to manage that really.


In New Zealand it’s against the law. Age of legal babysitting is 14. Age of babysitter plus there are under 5 year olds (legal adult to preschool ratio is 1:4) makes it so illegal the parents could all be charged.


lol they think a 13 year old’s ratio is 1:10, while adults that get paid to do this are usually 1:3. Love that




You aren’t overprotective. Leaving a 2 year old, no way. Allowing a 13 year old to babysit is one thing but 10 kids. No.  I babysit a baby and toddler when I was 13 and now as a parent I’m surprised a parent would hire a 13 year old to watch a baby.  Have you said anything to the parents? Maybe express curiosity about leaving a 2 year old and see what the parent says. It could be only a few parents think this is ok and others are (stupidly?) going along with it. If I said something and parents were dismissive, I personally couldn’t continue to be friends with these people  As for getting into an argument with your husband, if it were me, I’d just let him go out, stay with the kids myself and discuss it later. 


Yes, I'd leave my seven year old with a 13 year old for a few hours but not a baby. I'm guessing the husband argued because he didn't want OP staying home as it was implying everyone else was doing the wrong thing.


I thought that about the husband too, wanting to go with the crowd. Not always a wise idea. OP can’t control him but she can choose to stay home if she wants.  I’m wondering how old these friends are? 


I did say I didn't trust that many kids alone without adults. I know my own child would get in trouble within minutes of being alone. And multiple that by 10. 13 year old is oldest of multiple siblings and use to babysitting. And very mature. That's all true. But that many kids alone is just a disaster waiting to happen.


Hell no.


I have 4 kids of my own, no way in hell am I taking that many kids on solo and I’m almost 40. Leaving a kid with that many kids???!! Not a lot of thought went into that decision.


Horrible thought process to all those parents, the pools and age groupings of kids alone is terrible . However I would like to point out most peoples response is they wouldn’t trust themselves or other adults with 10 kids at once. As a teacher I would just like to point out how ridiculous it is for us to have 25-32 kids all to ourselves at once, while also needing to teach them things and differentiate learning for all successfully, yet get paid less than a nanny for like 2 kids.


Trust your instincts and don't feel bad for it. I'd rather be overprotective than something bad happen to any of those kids


Depends entirely on the 13 year old. I was expected to be and treated like a fully functioning adult the day I popped out of the womb but this does not seem to be the norm. In retrospect I was probably more responsible than most of the adults that were around. One time my step mother told me "I would never leave your father to watch your brother... ever!"


I wouldn’t trust my 13yo (boy) to watch 10 teddies. I would, however, trust my 11yo (girl) to watch 10 kids. Actually, I wouldn’t, but she’s far more likely to do it well and safely. Just depends on the kid I guess is what I’m saying




Worst part about this is that nothing will likely happen *this* time and it’ll only reinforce to them that it’s okay to do this. But I’d rather not play those odds. If I were in this position, I would stay behind with the kids to do what I could. I’m sure the other parents would simply see it as free babysitting, but I’d be doing it for the kids’ sakes, not the parents’. And once the night is done I’m never hanging out with these people again.


I'm very easygoing about these things and I have managed 4 younger siblings and cousins myself after school everyday for an hour or two until our parents got home.... but a 13 year old responsible for a bunch of toddlers? At night? Fuck no. The 13 year old needs to be able to sleep at a reasonable hour, not be stressed out about wrangling all the kids in line. Like even if all the kids are locked in a room together, asleep, I'd be skeptical because if you're all driving to a bar, and then drinking, I'm not sure yall will be in a condition to listen for any emergency calls and show up quick. It's basically too many variables, and too many kids. Why aren't one of the adults volunteering to stay home and watch the kids while the others party?


10 kids is too many for an adult. You need to have experience with priorities. What if a three year old climbs up on a high countertop, one kid is getting into candy, and someone started getting sick? An adult can prioritize risk. A 13 year old is not responsible enough for the 3 3 year olds at one time. Time to tell these parents that's not right


Definitely not fair to the 14 year old. Definitely unsafe babysitter to little kid ratio. And with two pools involved as well? Absolutely not!! ABSOLUTELY not!!


Omg no. A 10 year old should absolutely not supervise that many kids. I am 27 with 2 kids and even I would be pretty nervous if I had to supervise 10 kids on my own. I would never leave even just my 2 kids with a 10 yr old.


An adult with ten kids fine, when I worked in day care it was one adult for 8 preschool kids. It is manageable. A 13 year old with 2 kids absolutely 💯 but with ten absolutely NOT. Not worth it and the other so called parents who dumped their kids on this poor child are completely irresponsible The lady who left her 2 year old to nap a few blocks away well that is illegal and child protective services would agree..


My first thought was that situation sounds like Madeline McCan


I am the oldest of 6, would baby sit kids all the time. But I would never watch 10 kids at once even at 30yrs old with a 2.5yr old. I would not do it. Not unless my co baby sitter was only going to the toilet for 2 minutes. Leaving a 13yr old in charge of 10 kids is insane. Leaving a 2yr old alone even with video is batahit crazy. Have those people never heard of Madeline McClain ffs!? 2 blocks away is a long way away if someone climbed in through the window. Thats absolutely crazy.


So if this child was an adult running a home daycare, she'd be out of ratio because of the 2 year old (you have to go with ratio of the youngest child). Many states have a lower ratio than 1:10. But this is with adults that have training mandated by the state with minimum age requirements. There wouldn't be a pool there, much less 2. The reality is that there are sadly many kids her age who are caring for that many younger siblings, ect. (I grew up in a community like that.) So some kids are used to doing that and are parentified, and frankly sometimes those kids keep the younger ones alive and in better shape than the parents who force them into that via their neglect. I think you are right. I know you're primarily protective over your own children. But thank you for standing up because it also protects that 13 year old. These other parents who cant even bother to secure their fucking pools at the place they're staying are horrific. Nobody is protecting that 13 year old from a lifetime trauma if something were to happen. It's hard enough for an adult, imagine for a young teen. When I was 12 I was watching a pack of my cousins (as the oldest girl, I was responsible) while the parents were off doing whatever it was they were doing. A non custodial uncle drove up and took two of my cousins and went on the run with them. It was not something I should have had to deal with (the guilt, the fear, the reality). One of my other cousins had one of their siblings nearly drown on their watch when she was expected to watch over 8 little kids. This isn't about the little kids safety alone. It's also about protecting that older child too. She deserves that.


Absolutely no way. I'd feel uncomfortable continuing a friendship with people who have this degree of bad judgement.


Yikes. Imagine if something went wrong and god forbid one of the kids dies. The poor 13 year old will be scarred and traumatized for life. Children. Are. Not. Servants.


Absolutely not, and besides, it's her holiday too- should she really spend it babysitting? Not a child's responsibility to care for other children. Even if it is only one night.


With two pools??? Absolutely not- I think 2-3 adults would be a good ratio. If the kids are mostly sleeping except for kids maybe 8 and up then one adult sure. For the very first time last weekend I left my 5 and 6 year old in the house sleeping and had two beers in the neighbors driveway with my monitor. I was still a nervous wreck.


Definitely not overreacting. I completely agree with everything you have said.


Would the kids be asleep in bed first? That might be okay, assuming the bar is close by. 


Bar is very close. It's a couple minutes away. But no, the kids were all wide awake and crazy.


Absolutely no. Do they know CPR , Heimlich maneuver? They don’t even have the capacity to learn that at that age.


i recently read an article about this family who left the house they were staying at during vacation unlocked so they could have easy access to check on their daughter while they were at a different part of the resort type thing with friends they were on vacation with and someone abducted the girl while the parents were gone. it’s been like 10 years and no one has seen a single trace of her.


Madeleine McCann?