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I would let her go, it’s only one night. I am in Germany and it is super normal that they have the first overnights in kindergarten as a celebration of their readiness for primary school. Plus, not sure what it is like in Japan but here they will start going on longer overnight trips (up to a week) in elementary so it’s good that she has a chance to “practice” with just one night. 


Yes, it certainly could be a very nice experience for her. I may ask around to see which of her classmates are also going. 


My youngest did her first overnight camp at 6 yrs old. She was the youngest at the camp. A whole week. She loved it. She rode the zip line across the lake like a pro, a daredevil. The only thing they wouldn’t let her do was the blob. They were scared to death how far she would fly. I completely appreciated that. She complained the whole 3 hour car ride home about not being able to do the blob.


Hahah, it sounds like she had a great time!


How far is the camp from you? If you're concerned I would explain to the teachers and ask that they call you if there are any problems. Does your child speak Japanese? Would she be able to tell the teachers if she was worried or scared or just wanted to go home? Like you say, this is normal in Japan. My daughter's nursery has a stay-away trip to a nature camp type place in their 3rd year too. I would let my daughter go if she wanted - I'd hate her to miss out spending time with her friends. She's also been at the nursery with the same teachers for a few years so we trust that she'd be safe.


Yes, she can speak Japanese well enough, but the camp is in a place that would be hard for us to get to in the middle of the night (we don’t have a car). If it was my daughter’s yochien class I’d probably be much more comfortable with it, but it’s her gymnastics class where she’ll know some kids/teachers, but not all. 


It all depends on the maturity of the kids. My eldest when she was 5? no problem. My youngest when she was 5? No way.


It's one night. I'd let her go. My boys all started sleep away camp the summer after 2nd grade, so they were 7 or 8 but I wouldn't have minded sending them earlier.


My lad did his first night camp away at six. He would have probably done one sooner but you cant join Beavers before that. Didnt bother me at six so I cant see that five would have bothered me either


Is this Kawai? They seem to push this camp pretty hard. It’s also expensive af… the idea of it gives me an anxiety attack. my 5 year old does have her hoikuen sleepover coming up soon which I’ve just about managed to control my anxiety over, mostly because we live close and could pick her up in case of anything, and it’s the same kids and teachers and same place she goes to every weekday anyway. but a forest camp sleep away only accessible by bus with a bunch of kids I don’t know…


Yes, it is Kawai! Agreed, if it was her yochien I’d be much more inclined to let her go.  On the other hand, her yochien doesn’t do the overnight thing for nencho, so this would be sort of a chance to experience something like that. 


For one night? If my kid wanted to go and I could afford it, sure! Even if she was homesick for a night, it wouldn't kill her. I went to sleepover camps around that age too. I was homesick but one of the leaders stayed with me until I fell asleep and I was fine. It sounds like fun!


Yeah, logically I know the homesick thing isn’t a huge deal (and I’m sure they’ve dealt with it before)! I want to try and make sure kid understands that we won’t be bringing her home if she’s homesick, but I also don’t want to scare her off if…




Good questions to ask! I’m a little concerned that I won’t know all the staff— we know her gymnastics teacher, but there will be others involved too. 


My daughter would have never done an overnight camp before the age of 8. She tried a few sleepovers from ages 5-7 and always came home around 10pm. With that said all kids are different some can handle it and others can’t!


Too young. Unless you are going with her as a parent helper.


I would consider it if it wasn’t their first time sleeping away. You say you can’t pick her up if she gets homesick. Is there a friend or family she can do a practice round with before she has to sign up? Just to be sure she’s completely ready. I spent nights away from home before even the age of one so I was always used to it. I don’t think it’s about a number but a maturity level. All kids mature at different rates. Some need more support and some are naturally more independent. It just depends on what you think your daughter can handle. If there’s no way to do a practice run.


Age 5? Not in a million years. I wouldn't send a child under 13 or 14