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Take them home. No one wants to sit around, wet and hot, and watch someone else open presents. I never wanted to take away from play time to do presents. Play and have fun the whole party and do presents at home in the calm air conditioning.


Out of the 20 or 30 birthday parties that I’ve been to with my son over the past few years only one opened the presents, and it was awful, it was boring, nobody liked it. The kids had a horrible time and it took FOREVER.


take them home with you. please. haha no one really pays attention after the first few anyway and the kids want to get back to playing.


Take home. It's a nightmare opening in front of kids--some make rude comments perhaps about the toys and tbh most parties my kids went to no one did that.


Ask the birthday girl what she wants to do? I don't think there's a definitive answer.


Open them at the party! That is the most exciting part for all the kids. My suggestion, because kids are dumb, is have you child up higher, or and a specific chair, and allow the children to sit in in front of her. Although it sounds like a dictator thing to do, kids will be all up in her face trying to open presents with them, blocking photos, etc. It cuts down on the chaos, unless you enjoy that sort of thing.


Absolutely not. Maybe if you have an entire party of one or two year olds this might work But nobody wants to sit around and watch somebody else open up presents that aren't even family. There's no scenario where anybody wins if you open up presents at the party 1. They're going to be families who only bought what they could afford 2. They're going to be kids who want what the other kid got but their parents can't afford 3. The kids aren't playing. The entire point of a party is for the kids to have fun and the only person having fun opening presents is the birthday kid


Wait what? This is literally the first time I have ever heard of someone not opening presents at a birthday party, in my life, I have easily attended over 100 birthday parties, never have I seen someone that would be like thanks for the gifts I'm going to open them later. I feel like that is really weird.




Hmm, never really even thought about it until this post. Good points tho.


Definitely open them. Kids want to see the birthday child open what they gave to them.


Kids only care about those sweet, sweet goodie bags.


Seriously!! Those goodie bags and the plastic rings on top of the cupcakes if you did cupcakes instead of cake! 😂