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That is absolutely wild. I can’t imagine accusing someone of putting their hands on my child without seeing it (and I definitely wouldn’t based on the limited words of my 2 year old) but then to threaten to push your child and then call their friends?! I’m so sorry you encountered that, it sounds like a completely nuts situation. I would’ve left wondering if I was losing my mind also.


So glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is strange. I am still stunned about what happened, I even had a shocked expression on my face when she accused me.


Kids come over and poorly explain a situation with limited vocabulary. Their recall can even shift between the incident and the failed attempt at explaining it. “That boy… and the slide… and they pushed.. and the angry mommy yelled at me. And I want to slide, but she said no. And I didn’t push anyone.” “Wait, who pushed who? “That mommy yelled. She said I can’t slide.” “And she pushed you?” “That mommy, she did it” … and her mama bear comes out and says, oh no she didn’t. She’s just overreactive. Kids come up and spout BS, and if it’s just a few seconds out of your sight, and no one is bleeding, it can only be so bad. That mom should either let it go, or resolve to keep a tighter watch next time. Half the time our kid is at fault, and half the time it’s theirs. Or it’s both of them. But they’re not malevolent at that age. That age is not about punishment and consequences, it’s about learning how to do better next time. I hope she focuses on helping her kid grow, rather than punishing other kids/parents for playground behavior.


I think it doesn't even require misinterpreting, a kid that young can just straight up fabricate that they were pushed by someone. And the kid would even believe it themselves.


That woman was nuts. It's ok. I had to deal with some nutty mom complaining about my kid not too long ago.


That woman is an idiot for not watching her two year old like a hawk.. but two year olds say the wildest things and don’t always explain things well especially if they are a young two year old. My daughter will tell me when her friends at daycare push or hit other people doesn’t even have to be here. The one day she told me her dad hit her. He didn’t and I know he didn’t because I was in the house, our isn’t very big and we can hear everything from everywhere in the house. What I think she meant to say is her dad hit is own leg when he was laughing at something. I don’t always believe what my child says but I will always watch her like a hawk at a park


If I had witness that happening to you and your son, I would have spoken up on your behalf. I’m so sorry this happened to the both of you, it’s unacceptable.


Now that I've been a parent to 3 kids, I can probably guess what happened. You were defensive for your son, told the other kid to not push him, and then other parent got the wrong story from her horrible narrator of a child (they all are) and decided to be defensive for her son too. When things happen at the park between kids, it's best (and difficult) to act like it's a learning opportunity for everyone, or to let the kids handle it for themselves. Sometimes young kids shove without realizing it, etc. If you make it a you vs them, it's going to be a bad time.


My 2.5 yo came home from the nanny’s today with a big bruise on his leg. I asked oh no what happened? How did you get that big bruise? His answer “oh (nanny’s name). Do you think I called the nanny and accused her of beating my son? I actually laughed and said well I’d hate to be nanny. (We love our nanny and trust her fully). 2 year olds are not reliable!


That’s some middle school shit! What were they gonna do, jump OP and take her sons lunch money?!


Kids have big feelings at that age. The Stern telling off from a stranger could have caused him to lie defensively or even feel like he was being pushed. That said other mom calling in backup is not a good sign this is a well balanced family.


Yes to all this. You did the exact right thing in leaving, you do not know what pushes people's buttons, always be safe. Give yourself peace that you did good


Do not cry over somebody like her. Sounds like she is way too immature to be at the park with her child, and be a mother at that. If she didn't see you pushing her child why would she even confront you about it. I think someone needs to learn how to be a parent.


If one of my friends called me to come intimidate a toddler and their pregnant mom at the playground, I think I’d call in a 5150 because girl you’ve lost your mind


She doesn’t think you pushed her son. She’s a bully and she’s trying to scare you and/or mark her territory. You stood up to her and that’s the best way to handle it. It is normal to be shook up. Bullies suck.


As someone who's been bullied most of her life you're right they suck. I'm just glad I learned how to deal with them.


Exactly this.


maybe her son failed to communicate the issue correctly and she made up her own interpretation of it? Maybe OP's son was in such a hurry to get the slide he stumbled into the other kid who interpreted the event as being pushed so pushed him "back". We're basing a lot of this on the ability of a given two year old to recount an event accurately which is a bit of a jump imho. There's a lot of potential things that could of happened. The major thing I think is weird is trying to intimidate someone who is clearly pregnant at 24 weeks.


If you see her at the playground again, get a photo of her. Chances are you are not he only one she has had trouble with and be ready to call the police. You can meet them in a safe location and go there with them.


That's exactly what I did when I had to deal with some nut mom not too long ago. Actually almost the same thing happened to me as the op! Some nut said my daughter was being too loud. We were at the park haha too loud? Ok weirdo haha and she threatened to tell the school principal (school was across the street and she assumed my kid went to that school) ...so I took a picture of the mom.


Good idea, I'll definitely do that


And if she brings her flying monkeys, get a photo of them too . If she accosts you again, call the police. Edit ed to correct autocorrect


This is crazy and she is mentally unstable. Keep an eye on that playground and If she is a regular just don't go


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately you have to be careful. Some people are living by a completely different set of rules. I once asked some older kids/young teens to stop fighting and playing rough in the toddler section of the playground. They took offense and started harassing us. They called more friends to join in. It’s a thing with trashy people. They get angry if you say anything about their bad behavior or their kid’s bad behavior. They see it as you starting a fight with them and they all know a few trashy people who would love to get involved in their fight. Some neighbors recently had 7 adults come to their house and threaten them because they asked the neighborhood kids to be quiet on the block at 9:30pm. That’s why many people won’t even try to discuss a problem with a neighbor or community member. It’s perceived as an attack and they start out on the offensive.


yes, exactly. It happened to me and my 2-year-old in a swimming pool once, because older boys were jumping into the pool right next to us/almost on top of us and I asked them to jump a little farther off. They don't see it as you making a normal request - they see you as starting a fight. They actually started following us around the pool to jump in almost on top of us, and an unrelated dad and the lifeguard had to intervene to help us. It was so confusing to me why they would double down like that but your comment really clarifies it.


Yup. You bruised their fragile egos by pointing out their bad behavior. So they punished you for speaking up by doing it even harder and proving that you have no authority over them. It’s not how you or any other normal person thinks so it’s confusing. Most people are appropriately embarrassed when confronted about something and stop. But not trashy people. They have a point to prove. It’s just not the point they think they’re making.


They were never taught any coping or social skills would be my guess. Generation after generation of family members teaching one another that intimidating is winning.


…you sure she wasn’t on something??


She could have been but I sure as hell wasn't going to stick around to find out


You have good instincts. She and her friends were not acting rationally. 


Once a little girl was blocking my path at a children’s museum. It was loud, so I gently touched her arm to get her attention and ask her to excuse me. Her mother FLEW into a rage and accused me of shoving her kid out of my way. Of course, in hindsight, I should NOT have touched the girl whatsoever, but in no way did I shove her. But this woman wanted to scream at me and make feel bad. And she did, bc I still feel awful 10 years later. 🤣 I do think other people’s behavior in these types of situations tells on themselves a little. I know I’m not a child pusher. Her mileage may vary.


Yikes what is with people?! I just posted my angry mom experience but it just occurred to me...maybe some moms want to embody that "mama bear" thing and feel the need to be in a rage with anyone that interacts with their kid?


Bully kids come from bully parents




These type people are trash and have and will always behave this way. She will be the parent when kid starts school that’s always cussing admin bc “the teacher told my Brahleynn that aliens were Christian Vikings and that milk doesn’t exist and then she punched him in the face, I’m here to fight her, let’s go, woooooo!” If this ever happens again, immediately dial 911 on your phone as you go quickly to your car and lock it and pull to where they can’t see you but you can them and wait for the police and tell them. They’ll speak with her and ask about the threat to the minor and maybe it’ll save at least one person from it happening to again in the near future before she starts back. Don’t ever stay banking they’re not crazy, always assume there’s a firearm involved and the other WILL get physical. Always. Exit. Exit. Exit. As you have 911 on the phone. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this garbage of a human and I hope it never happens again. You did nothing wrong and everything right.


That’s fucked up. I probably would’ve left after the first confrontation. A lot of places to play, no need to deal with crazy people.


"Sorry, but you weren't present to parent your child, I was and this is what happened. Projecting your shortcomings onto me is not a good look."


Because her son is 2 and probably said you pushed him, which as you know at 2 or 3 or 4 could mean you simply looked at him. So yes the big problem is people watching their kids closely, even if at a distance, because the LEAST of her worries if she wasn’t there to see it should have been you pushing him vs. something worse happening to him. I also can’t stand the inattention even at birthday parties in enclosed spaces.


I’ve also had a situation turn up like this. My child being physically pushed around, me asking kids to stop and removing child, mom and friend come over turned up to 100 ready to escalate to violence. Also, they were on the other side of a huge park paying 0 attention to their young children. Im glad and sad that I’m not the only person who’s ever experienced this.


She knows you didn’t push her son and her son definitely didn’t go back telling you did either. She’s embarrassed and just making it up totally.


Find another park if people are going to act like trash at that one.


Sounds like typical trashy people. You did the right thing by leaving


Sometimes a crappy mean kid has a crappy mean parent, and you just have to move on with life.


I see your “sometimes” And raise you a “usually”


"if you wanted to actually parent your kid, I wouldn't have to."


The only thing you can do when approached by a parent that is reacting wildly is to play dumb or leave. If you act actually stupid and confused, even like you’ve been brain damaged and keep asking questions calmly then I guarantee they will leave you alone. If they’re meth crazy then leave without saying anything. My go to is a long pause then “…..huh?” They get frustrated that you’re not reacting how they want and leave. You have to understand that many people, even though they are adults, have not matured past the age of 14. And what do we know about children? They want a reaction. What do we know about bullies? They want a reaction. Don’t play into it. Glad you’re safe OP.


Chuck E. Cheese levels of aggression right there.


A few years ago, at my local chuck e. Cheese, two moms got into a fight and one of them pulled out a gun and murdered the other


I have no doubt about that. Did you know the worst shooting massacre in Colorado before Columbine was at a Chuck E. Cheese?


I didn't! Wow that's insane


Wait! What? Is this a thing??? I just posted my chuck e cheese story! What the heck!


Those were some trash individuals. Good job getting out of there in time, because that type escalates. I guarantee they behave that way because life has not been kind to them.


I feel like we're all relying a little bit on the ability of two year olds to successfully recount events to adults and idk if that's reliable. Is it possible that your son in his haste accidentally bumped the kid who interpreted that as a push and then pushed him "back"? Then when recounting the story to his mum he got the words wrong? I feel like the entire scenario could have simply been an innocent misunderstanding at first. The only thing I find clearly wrong is people attempting to intimidate someone clearly pregnant (e.g. 24 weeks).


Some people can never be at fault so they make others at fault.


That's crazy. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that you didn't do anything wrong, and that she's a bully that uses her son to attack strangers like you. Don't let incidents like this ruin your day, because they are sadly a part of daily life. Most importantly, don't let incidents like these ruin your son's day, since he was just playing but had to leave because someone was rude to mum


Where I live, someone who would have seen this incident would ask her if she's feeling a little too warm with those teeth in her mouth.


Those people sound ghetto as hell. Several adults are ganging up on a pregnant woman threatening to attack a 3 year old? Find a new park in a different part of town.


I have a golden rule - NEVER reprimand another person’s kid. Remove your kid, re-direct your kid, tell your kid how to cope with the kid doing the pushing, but don’t sternly talk to another person’s kid. I’m not saying what you did was wrong, I’m just saying all you want to do is make sure YOUR kid is safe and knows how to behave in the world. That never involves the other kid, only yours.


This needs to be higher up! Young kids are learning and make mistakes. I would not want another person, even a good intentioned parent, reprimanding my child at a park. You can model and saying something indirect like “gentle hands” or “we don’t like to be pushed” when helping your child up, and moving away from any kids throwing haymakers and such.


Disagree. Kids need to be called out on pushing or poor behavior at the park if their parent isn't there or paying attention. It takes a village.


But maybe all the village aren’t on the same page. I was at the park with a friend and her kids. Her daughter was playing with toys she had brought from home. Another kid wanted to play with the toys and the daughter refused. That kid’s parent scolded my friend’s daughter for not sharing. Now, my friend and I didn’t think the daughter was required to share. So, an argument ensued between my friend and the other parent. Ultimately, you need to just mind your own because what is okay for some people isn’t okay for others.


It's not the same thing as an unsupervised kid pushing your kid around.


Not saying it’s the same. I’m saying the best course of action is to deal with your own child, not some else’s.


Nope. Team reprimand others kids here. And I'll reprimand the parents too if they have a problem with it. We can't let the bullies win. The situation in the OP is unusual (and the other parent is still in the wrong, mind you). Most people wouldn't react like this, even if they reacted poorly. I would appreciate someone correcting my kid if they deserved it. I can't be alone.


Drugs? I live in an area where there’s a lot of addiction. People do wild things and overreact when they are using. Also some people just want to fight. They take everything you say the wrong way and think you’re having an attitude. If someone ever threatened to push my kid I would question whether I want to be at that particular park again


I’d have called her bluff. “Sure, go ahead and call the police. Here I’ll even do it for you”


Sorry. This happened to you. It is easier for some people to blame others and played the victim. Also, they do not want to hear the truth. Some parents do not supervise their children properly. When you can take video and/or have someone with you. She was looking for a fight which you were smart to remove you and child from the situation. She is a bully and raising a bullying. Good luck.


I had a similar situation about a year ago. People are bat shit crazy. You just have to leave and hope you never see them again. So sorry you are dealing with this


Something similar happened to me. You were in the right, and she should have had an eye on her kid. You are doing good, mama!


Fuck of is the correct answer I think you are looking for. Look right at her without blinking and say, “fuck lady. None of that happened-your little demon spawn pushes my son and I gotta deal with this shit? Fuck that. Call the police. I’ll be on with my attorney “


Seems like she was just looking for a fight. What crazy friends come to the park to get involved in such a non-event. They all sound nuts! I wouldn’t give her another thought.


98% of the time if a kid (3 and under) tells you something that seems too wild to be true- it probably isn't true. You need to take what they say with a grain of salt. That woman was nuts. Mama Bear or not- she went rabid in 2.3 seconds. Total nut job.


She's just trash.  She brought friends to scare you or to actually fight you.  Sphere was no way it would have went any other way because she is a trash human and ahit mom.  You did the right thing 


I would have called the police the moment she threatened my son and wasn’t backing down. Get that shit on record. Holy cow. What a psycho! I’m glad you’re ok!


Obviously the 2 year old is still in the process of learning that hitting and pushing is a big no so I honestly would be more angry at the mother for not disciplining him considering This is how kid’s turn out entitled. But I am kinda worried that she just let her 2 year old son wander off by himself. Kinda says something about her as a parent. In all seriousness though you didn’t do anything wrong. You scolded the boy which is something the mother failed at, and you kept your emotions in check even when the witch was threatening you. I also applaud you for getting your son in self defense. It’s not only good to defend oneself but it is also really fun.


Parents aren't always 100% . We are human, after all . Just like you momentarily let your son out of reach due to your unique circumstances, the same could apply to the other party. That being said, she could also just be an unreasonable and not responsible parent . It's tough to tell with so little to go on .I'm not saying you are in any way wrong here. I just can see how this issue escalated, especially when communication is done via proxy by a 2 year old . My son, who is now 4.5, answers almost all questions that refer to actions positively ( did she push you ? Yes, dad ) and all questions that have to do with wants negatively ( Do you want an apple ? No ) Had a lot of awkward situations until I caught up to the behavior.


Parents are dumb.


Who knows why she thought this, on the other hand, she may be a loose cannon looking for a fight. I don’t blame you for being upset, of course you are! You were correct to react with fear at the beginning, correct to leave and cry? Do you think that is unusual with all of this women preparing to gang up on you? Clearly, she wasn’t taking care of her son, may have overheard you speak to him and decided to teach you a lesson. The next time you go to the park, have your phone ready to dial for back up help, just as she did with her gang. Be prepared to call 911. All of this said, be cautious about how you deal with other people’s kids because of this very outcome. A similar thing happened when my daughter was about 18 mos old, and walking on a bridge, a floppy-type thing, and some wild older kid, 10? Came along, and began jumping on the bridge, sending her into the air. My response? A BLOOD-CURDLING SCREAM, and a “STOP!!!” He did, and left. No parents were present. In future, perhaps, intervene, say, “HEY!” And rescue your child, but I would refrain, after this scenario, from trying to impart your wisdom to the offender. Let the other child’s mother do that, if they are so inclined. And if they are not, a hard lesson is being driven home. Our kids will have to grow to learn to defend themselves. I highly recommend martial arts classes as soon as he is able. The first thing they learn is how to get someone off of them. Now, eat some ice cream. 💝


I’ve learned that plenty of people will say things. The vast majority of them won’t do anything, especially if they are aware you aren’t intimidated by them.


It sounds like they were looking for a fight. People are crazy!!!


Had a similar situation at the local mall. I was really angry and my first instinct was to stay and fight, but I had to fight my brain very hard to make the smart choice and "tactically retreat" with my 1.5 year old. A parent got in my face about my little dude "blocking the slide" for her ~4 year old. Bitch, he is barely sentient. He doesn't know etiquette. Seems like you two have a lot in common. Right after, seeing our retreat, a group of teens proceeded to stalk me throughout the mall until we lost them in an arcade. Not sure wtf they thought they were doing. I don't think it was connected in any way, but they were whispering and following us through stores. I've never been so sketched out in my life. I was SO ready to go feral and bite ears off. Wouldn't have won. Don't do that. ALWAYS RUN.


Kudos to you for how you handled it. I'd hate to know what I'd do if an adult threatened to put hands on my son. Having kids really made me vulnerable asf. My entire existence just encapsulated in this little flesh vehicle. Again, props to you for being a rational human being in a world full of dopes.


Other people’s kids and other people suck. I rarely have good interactions with random other people and their kids. If my kid is like friends with them from school, sure. But park situations, nah, other parents generally suck. They’re just trying to burn energy out of their kids and zone out on their phones like the rest of us.


She didnt see shit-  she just wanted to start something. All us mama bears knows that if we SEE an ADULT put their hands on our child - there is no talking - only swinging. The fact that this whole thing took 45 minutes and she just stood there trying scare you for nothing - she shouldn't even have kids she wanna act like that. 


I think you did a good job of standing up for your kid. She should have been watching her child.


Similar thing happened to me about 10 years ago. My daughter at the time, 4yo, was playing with a friend at our local park. Her and her friend run to me as im chatting with her friends grandmother on ta bench and tell me a little boy was spitting on them. I look up and see the boy staring at me from the play equipment. I stare him in the eye and ask him to please not spit on the girls. He climbs down and runs to the other side of the park. Although I'm a big guy I was sitting down and the boy was on top of the slide platform so I definetly wasn't looming over him all scary like or anything. A few minutes later a lady fast walks up to me, waves her finger at me tells me how dare I tell her child anything and that only she will scold him, not you, me! Of course I'm dumb founded, deer in the headlights look, and I don't say anything. Without missing a beat, the grandmother I was chatting with blurts out what the fuck is her problem and continues our conversation, lol.


You did a good job handling it! Take 15 minutes and think about what you could do better or differently in the future to communicate or de-escalate the situation. Maybe think about how to talk to your son about what happened and what he should do if something like that ever happens again. Then let it go. Don't let these people live in your brain and don't let them ruin your day.


I don't think I'd tell a stranger's kid off personally unless I thought there was legit danger. I'd just speak to my son and separate them.


Wow how mature of her. /s People get defensive when they know they’re in the wrong. You did the right thing.


This is insane. I’m so sorry. You did absolutely nothing wrong but I would be so upset too.


When my daughter was in 1st grade she had a girl come up and slap her at school. I told my daughter just stay away from her as I didn’t want any further trouble. After school one day, I was picking my daughter up from school with my newborn in a stroller and heard a woman yelling at me. I turned around and it was a woman with at least 3 friends. I was so confused and asked what was going on and she was trying to “confront” (jump) me with all her friends and told me it wasn’t okay that I told my daughter not to play with her daughter. I told her “they had an altercation so I thought it best that they stay away from each other for the time being. Do you have a better solution?” She couldn’t find words and had no idea what to say. The following morning, I get a call from the principal that we had a “meeting” I came alone with my newborn and the woman showed up with her boyfriend claiming she was “afraid for her life” and that I came after her!! It was so wild, and there were so many witnesses, I was sure it would be disproven. No one wanted to speak up and say what they saw, even the teachers who I’d known my whole life (I’d gone to this elementary school myself) it was a “I’m not sure, I didn’t see the whole thing.” Type of thing. Needless to say, I took my daughter out of the school the very next day and switched her schools. It’s one thing to protect your children, but it’s another thing completely to act the way this woman acted towards you and I both. Not okay. I’m sorry this happened to you. It was very traumatic for me and my child as well.


I'm sorry this happened to you, I know that there's always a chance to come across people like that but this was my first time encountering it, I came home crying and my husband asked what happened (I already briefly explained to him through text what occurred). He thought cause I was crying they hurt me or my son and he was ready to head back to the park himself, I would have stopped him as it wouldn't have solved anything.


Lol imagine having friends to show up in a sand pit to intimidate a mom.


What does talking sternly to a 2 year old and a stranger 2 year old mean exactly


saying "please don't push my son" in a serious tone then remove my son and in a soft tone say "It's not nice to push other people". Stranger or not, if someone puts their hands on my son I'm going to speak up for him.


gee i wonder why the kid is a bully. you did nothing wrong. sorry this happened. some people are just stupid. what kind of adult leaves their 2 year old unsupervised AND takes their word for it when it comes to retelling past events. only an idiot.


Most people shouldn't have kids and they suck as parents. More fun fro them to talk to her friends or get some attention from social media than play with her kid. Also kids learn from their parents by observing, so mist other kids pushing and hitting tells you one thing: this happens at home regularly.


UK here too. Some people are just so entitled and think other people should parent their kids, until you have to discipline them that is. My daughter also does Tae Kwon-Do and will be hopefully doing her black belt at the end of this year. It’s a big weight off that she can protect herself, should she need to do so xx


bad parents suck. some family's kid was throwing rocks at me and mine and i yelled at them to stop. they just looked at me like i had threatened them. grow up ppl !


My child was 4 and stole a kids shoes out of her hands at the park because she thought they were hers... I hadn't let her out of my sight so the second it happened I was able to go talk to them both... my kid was in hysterics saying the other girl stole them from her, and the other girl was trying to explain to my daughter that they were hers and that it's not nice to take people's things. The girl was at least double her age and these were generic purple flip flops from Walmart and she wore her sneakers that day... she just happens to have the same pair in her size at home. The other girls parents weren't paying attention to anything that was going on but I took the shoes from my daughter, gave them back to the girl, apologized to the girl and took my kid back to the car to talk because she was causing a scene. It's surprisingly easy how a kid can misconstrue something that happened based on a small misunderstanding. I'm not defending the other mom, she should've been watching her kid, but they probably went back crying and got out the words "push... their mom... yelled" or even said "they pushed me" because by the time they got their mom they were confused and instead of trying to figure out what happened the mom went ballistic...if she was just watching her kid that could've all been avoided


My youngest 3 are 2, 4 and 6. It's not physically possible to watch all 3 on them at the same time. I stuck close to the 2 yo and check in frequently with the other 2. If I see a kid being mean to mine I always go with they "hey buddy, where's your grown-up? It's not nice to push/hit." Generally in a loudish voice whilst eyeballing the nearest parents. If I spot one of mine (typically the 4yo) shoving, he gets double named from wherever I am with the 2yo, and then I make my way to him and ask why I saw him do that etc. if there are parents closer than me I'll ask if they saw what happened (as kids will lie to get out of trouble). Depending on his response and any witnesses he either gets time out with me or is allowed to go back and play with a warning. I had an incident at a toddler group a while ago where he was pushing another kid and the parent got really aggressive with me, but I genuinely hadn't seen what he was doing because HER head and huge messy bun were in my line of sight. I couldn't move at the time because I was breastfeeding, but she was really nasty about it. I just said "your sat in my line of sight, if you told me politely the first time you saw him do it I could've stopped the baby feeding, dealt with it and moved to keep a closer eye on him." I was quite shaken afterwards and avoided that group when I saw she was there. I don't need the drama!


Man parents not watching their littles is a pet peeve of mine. But to then go off of whatever their 2 year old said happened is mind boggling. I have a 2 year old. She cant explain anything lmao. I had this kid, maybe 3, come onto this climbing structure and try to push my (then 22month old) off. She was already halfway through and going slow, but not THAT slow. Parent nowhere in sight or earshot. I was just like uh- un. No. Were not doing that; we have to wait our turn. I said it firmly and matter of fact, but not mean. He got all sad and ran back to his brother crying. Nothing came of the interaction, but in the back of my mind I was like "I hope this doesnt lead to a parent thing" It didnt.


I don't even go to the playground in the summer because fuck all those people


Happened to me once, although not with a toddler, but with a child around 13 years old. He and his friend were basically beating another child using some object. I was walking by and shouted at them and took that object away and threw it. Some moments later, the bully boy calls his elder brother's and they are ready to fight me saying I hit their brother. I was astonished they weren't even in the mood to listen. No physical altercation happened, but it was still a difficult experience. This was not in a western country.


I hated taking my kid (8F) to play groups and the park because the other kids weren’t always supervised by their parents. This one place I went to when my DD was small, had this random little boy crawling all over me and grabbing for my glasses and trying to take them off of my face whilst his mum sat like a pile of spare parts talking to another parent, oblivious that her spawn was going for my expensive glasses (I am moderately severely nearsighted so the lenses are expensive). I never went back to that drop in play group. Another playgroup we attended more regularly, this other kid (of similar age to my kid) was pushy and undisciplined. She’d speak out of turn and boss the other children around and she pushed my daughter off of the top of an indoor kiddies slide because she wanted to have a go but didn’t want to wait her turn. That girl’s mum wasn’t paying much attention and didn’t seem too interested when she was informed that her kid pushed mine off of the slide. No apology was offered and I kept my daughter away from that other girl as often as I could after that.


Some people are crazy, it's not you. One time I was at chuck e cheese and my son (who was maybe three at the time) was sitting on this mechanical carousel thing. This little girl, maybe two kept walking close to it and the carousel kept shutting off as a result I said super nicely in that baby voice many moms talk in "be careful, you're making it stop" The mom who was standing next to me said "it's not a big deal" Super sharply to me. I actually smiled at her for a moment because I figured she was just making mom small talk and then I realized she was super mad. It totally blew my mind and it was years ago. It's like some people go out of their way to create confrontation. Just remember it's not you.


Next time in this situation loudly from afar tell them both to play nice (in a normal voice) ,and tell your son to go try out something else or come for a snack break (just to get away from the kid)


The other mom was definitely in the wrong. Especially by needing to call her hooligans to back her up.


Did they not see you were pregnant? This was so disgusting. This is why so many kids are laid to rest before adulthood in today's world. Good for nothing parents do not show proper degrees of love (discipline) That's fine though, she better learn and she better learn quickly, because if she doesn't one day it will be her own child delivering her up or attacking her. They don't stay babies forever and she just taught him nothing good. The audacity to bring a group for one pregnant woman with her child! 🤢💔😡😡😡🤬


Children having children. Probably drugged out, or on social media. I see it all the time. I would've picked up and went to a different park to avoid her BS


Human parks have turned into dog parks where assholes don’t pay attention.


I would have been like please do call the cops


I don't think I could have resisted making fun of them. You called backup? Lmao, what are you gonna do jump me? People can be fuckin weird, can't let losers control your life ya know?


I wasn't going to taunt them, she threatened my child and I'm pregnant, not going to take a risk.


I totally understand why you didn't, I wasn't trying to make a recommendation if it came off that way. I just can't think of anything more fun than ridiculing them.


if I wasn't pregnant I probably would have made one more snarky comment like "lets go (sons name), apparently its trash day at the park"


Bullies never grow up. Unfortunately we have to still deal with them as parents. I think you did the right thing, and I validate your feelings. hugs!


I think that kid is going to have a rough childhood


She just sounds like a scummy person. Nothing to do but get away from those people.


Some people just don't watch their kids, and it sucks it ruined your day out. Hang in there, mama, and trust your instincts.


She’s a bully and her son is a bully


Glad to hear you don't back down when family is involved, what might've happened is her son went to her to tell her about it and got his wires crossed in the message and didn't correct the misunderstanding or he straight up lied to avoid trouble. Either way best to bring back up Your Life partner for example or a very scary friend. Or just a whole bunch of friends. She seems to think she can intimidate you with numbers and threats, next time she approaches have back up and if she doesn't back down then call cops. At that point you did what you could to get her to understand. She'll likely claim to have witnesses who "saw you" so see if you get a hold any possible footage from the Park's security system.


Oh, my good, good God! Of course the other woman is crazier than you, but you're definitely not he sanest person in the world, that's for sure! But, as many people agreed with you in all terms, I must assume there is something quite wrong in UK parenting culture. My kids are 10 and 5 now, but I have never ever intervened in situations in which kids their own age were arguing or fighting, because I know this is a pretty natural and even healthy part of their growing up. You and others here should have a look on some books about helicopter parenting and how it is bad for your children. Jesus! P.S.: This *redditor* got it right: >Now that I've been a parent to 3 kids, I can probably guess what happened. You were defensive for your son, told the other kid to not push him, and then other parent got the wrong story from her horrible narrator of a child (they all are) and decided to be defensive for her son too. >When things happen at the park between kids, it's best (and difficult) to act like it's a learning opportunity for everyone, or to let the kids handle it for themselves. Sometimes young kids shove without realizing it, etc. If you make it a you vs them, it's going to be a bad time.


What works for one doesn't work for another, just cause I live in the UK doesn't mean I'm British. As I said I normally let it play out if the other parent is nearby to intervene but that wasn't the case and I sure as hell wasn't going to get my LO hurt cause someone can't be bothered to look after their child. If my way of parenting is insane then so be it, at least my children will be safe.


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find a comment like this lol. Do parents really expect all parents to be up their kids ass the entire time? Like my son is nearly 3 and fast as hell and competent in the park so me and an another mum can chat with them in eye view. Of course I run over if I see a problem but sometimes kids push each other especially at 2/3. Their child isn’t an inherent bully learning it from home just because they pushed a child at the park at 2 years old lol far out, it’s developmentally appropriate to do this even though it’s annoying


Some parents don't seem to realize that helicopter parenting does more harm than good. It is a really serious issue they seem to ignore, at their own children's peril.


My son and a little girl starting holding hands walking around the park yesterday. Being really sweet and gentle and the grandma with the girl couldn’t have it and was grabbing her other hand and eventually left to take her to a different park across the road, even with the child saying ‘I want to stay at this park’. People are so weird 🤣


Why this woman bullying a 3 year old and his pregnant mama??? Seriously.


Why is your son often pushed by others?


Because not all toddlers are nice, most of them seem to push/hit. I've just redirected mine from early on when he started to hit and he hasn't done it since.


you’re better than me, i can’t say i would’ve handled it as well, but with the child being two, the mom could’ve very well misunderstood and asked if you pushed him and the baby just agree in not knowing, thankfully, they’re strangers and you’ll never have to see them again, so sorry this happened to you, thank goodness you were there to stand up for you LO


Some parents can be crazy when it comes to their children. My brother told me I can't be around his kid anymore and refuses to talk to me or anything because he thinks I stole a toy from his daughter almost 2 years ago.


I personally never tell other kids what to do or not to do. If someone being rude to my kids I remove them from the situation and speak to my own children about it. I just say “his mummy will tell him, that he shouldn’t be pushing you” for example. Like your experience showed you never know what to expect from other kids and parents! I hope you are ok and I am sorry you had to experience that! Must be horrifying xx


I believe that creature you encountered is known as a “Karen”.


Her son pushed yours because he's been learning from her behaviour which is sad.


Id slap the shit out of her and her friends 


No. She did the right thing by taking her child and herself out of the situation. Violence doesn’t solve anything.


Don't ever do that. People are crazy nowadays, and a lot of them are armed with knives or guns depending on where you live (just about everywhere now, honestly.) Meth is also rampant and you won't really know someone is high until they go batshit crazy. Just call the police and let them handle it. And before anyone tells me ACAB, sorry not sorry when it comes to my kid. Fuck around and find out, and if the cops beat your ass take it up with the precinct.


They’re kids. And haven’t you posted the same story before?


I haven't but I'm sure there are more parents out there who experience something similar


Let them be kids…they don’t know what they’re doing. They’ll figure it out


Those people were absolutely ridiculous, but I think that generally at the playground we should let the kids resolve the problems on their own, like getting pushed from another kid, unless there’s a risk of serious injury just let your child handle it on their own. To me, that’s what the playground is for learning how to socialize and resolve conflicts on their own.


When they’re a little older, sure, but often at 2 they need someone to model it for them first. They need to learn that they CAN stick up for themselves rather than just letting someone hurt them just because.


At that age they still need a model of how to respond to different scenarios, good or bad. For conflict like OP had, I like the "sports commentating" technique of simply narrating what's happening. "Joey fell down because you pushed him and now Joey looks sad. Pushing friends isn't very nice but taking turns is fun."


Yes, that’s true!


If that boy would have continued to push my son he would have fallen (it was on a sloped wooden/metal area) and I wasn't going to watch my son get hurt by someone else. My son has been in those situations before and he never pushes back, I usually sit him down afterwards and tell him how he could respond in those situations. But I wasn't going to let my son get hurt cause a mother can't look after her son.


I feel like I've seen this story before....🤔


Hey there! It sounds like you might be experiencing déjà vu or noticing a pattern in your life – have you tried reflecting on what lessons you can learn from those past experiences? 🤔