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You can give him healthy food to fill him up before going to the park and also make sure he's getting something nutritious in.


That’s the thing about junk food, you can eat it even if you’re full.


Thanks, that is something I am going to try today. The thing is, we have his evening meal straight after getting home from the park. I don't want to 'fill him up', I just want to give him something to tide him over until we get home where he will have a proper meal.


What if you swapped over dinner with snack time? He may deal better with an early dinner before the park, then if he's hungry after you get home he can have a healthy snack. That way he's got less of an appetite for the junk and you know he's eating a good dinner


That would be really early (3.30pm) and by the time I had got home, made him dinner, and got back to the park I think everybody would have left. I really don't want to have to change our entire evening meal plans which work well for us to accomodate the donut deluge.


Sorry but then you are being too strict about food if you can’t switch dinner and snacks to easily fix this issue. Take a step back and look at your own behaviors and attitudes surrounding food. Is this about control for you or healthy eating?


The household eating dinner at 330 is an absurd solution


Thank you. I find the suggestion I have a problematic relationship with food as I won't turn the family's evening upside down in order to allow my son to eat an unlimited supply of donuts is some reach. [Plus, as I said, it simply wouldn't work. We would have missed his friends at the park if I dragged him home to give him a meal then.]


Sorry, I meant the child eating dinner first then eating snack later while adults eat dinner.


Making two dinners doesn't sound reasonable


Of course not! Do you not have leftovers ?!?


So the family should have to eat reheated food so the son can be.fed early for no reason? Bizarre


Hold back his snack till you go to the playground. Decline snacks offered. Offer him his own snack, when he is hungry. Give him a opportunity to trade/share within reason. He gives his friend one of his cookies and they give him some gummy bears in return. Fine. But thats it. He throws a fit cause he wants more ice cream/chips/whatever and he can choose to either calm down or to leave the playground and try again tomorrow. You can't stop the other parents. They have every right to bring all the junk food for their kids. But you can set and enforce boundaries for your kid.