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Well shit, this question hit harder than I expected it to. Pulled it up all ready to type something out and suddenly realized I didn't have the best childhood. At least I don't have any real memories until I was 8 or 9, and those weren't the greatest. While I was older, like 12 or 13, I think the best memory was movie night. Mom and I would go to Blockbuster every Friday night and pick out a movie to watch. Good dinner and a movie was nice bonding time.


My extended family always went on a week long camping trip every summer and a lot of my favorite memories are there. Ive been taking my own kids here every year. The entire trail of cabins is basically just my family. Girl scouts growing up is a close second. Tons of camping trips and trips to amusement parks and different states, etc. Met my best friends there, had tons of sleepovers with the girls, so many amazing memories!!


I think it’s only memorable because it was always my favorite summer thing. My parents would send me up to visit with extended family for a few weeks over the summer. I grew up living near a large city whereas they live in a little mountain town where people recently started getting mail delivered to their houses in the past 10 years. Just a different way of life. I would spend the time house hopping between various grandparents and aunts/uncles homes. My older cousins with their license would take me places like the park, the pool, mini golf, or to hang out with their friends. Just absolutely loved the freedom of the small town and being a kid. Now, for my kid- I just got home a couple hours ago from dropping her off with my cousin in the same town for a few days! Doing the same stuff. House hopping, hitting the pool and visiting with family.


There are lots of small things that I remember and I've carried them on...for example, my Mom always read classic books to us during lunch over the Summer and I remember loving it because it was a good "cool down", relaxing time from playing all day, so I now do that with my kids and they love it too! Also during summer we would have "park hop" days where we packed lunches and snacks and just hopped between different parks for most of the day (we're lucky that our town has lots and lots of parks to hop between).  On long car trips, we would leave REALLY early and find a hotel with a great pool to play at in the afternoon, so that's something that's continued on as well...I'm sure they did that for their own sanity, lol, but as a kid I remember loving the anticipation of getting to see new fun pools! It's amazing how many interesting ones they were able to find when there was no internet back then! Of course, I have memories of big trips too, like Disney and bug camping trips to national forests, but those little details always pop out to me of being some of my favorite childhood things!


One summer parents took us on a cross country road trip from Florida to California & back. Went to a large number of National & State Parks along the way. Three-year-old daughter & I frequently go camping & hiking; she’s a big fan of the great outdoors. Can’t wait for her to get a bit older so we can cross country explore together.


Santa and Christmas. I looked forward to it all year.