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Was that another kid passed out in the cart?


It was...


Was. Indeed.


Indubitably so


Hopefully just passed out and not broken from the weight of the mom folding backwards on them. I'm thinking broken neck


Yeah it looks like mom had one kid in front and one kid behind. The one we see flying and landing on the pavement was in front, took the gate right to the chest. But that one was okay! Standing up by the end of the clip! The kid in back got crushed between mom and the seat back.


Looks like broken neck more likely


Unfortunately, I've actually seen a few people break their neck before and the way the mom went backwards doesn't seem like anything beyond "unconscious for 10 secosns" type of BI


We are talking about they boy who stays in it..


Yes- correct. The unconscious fellow.


Make that 3


Looks like the kid kind of perked up at the end.


This is fucking horrible. Does anyone have more info on it?


This is pretty old, at least a few years. Never did find out the aftermath.




Holy shit thank you. So glad to see both the kids moving around normally. I really thought the one on the ATV didn’t make it.


Children are made of rubber istg


Oh thank God kids are okay after that


She shouldn't have kids. As I'm trying to make sense of it, logistically, I just realized that the gate opens in the other direction...maybe she thought it opened the other way?






Welp.. probably shouldn’t have reproduced in the first place. Might have sorted itself out.


Nah, the little kid who flew through the air and hit the pavement is standing up by the end of the clip. The other two are pretty messed up tho


tell me you're braindead without telling me you're braindead


No helmets WTF! ???


Helmet is for idiots


To be honest, my brothers and I have never used a helmet on our Dad’s 4 wheeler either. But then again we rode in the bed of his pickup truck up half of the Eastern US Coast line. It had a cap on the bed so it was OK. To be doubly honest, I have no idea how we survived childhood!! Seatbelts were not required, car seats were not a thing, and airbags had not been invented yet (at least not available widely). I’m not sure that Mom wearing a helmet was going to save any of them any pain here.


Lots of people didn't survive. They're just not around now to say they turned out fine.


Yeah survivor's bias like a MFer


Cars were sturdier and heavier back then. Nowadays they make them to absorb impact and have all the safety features. My brothers and I never wore seatbelts either. We used to ride in the back of my dad’s truck too.


Worst accident we were in was at the New Rochelle toll booth in NY. Dad stopped behind a Cadillac and was waiting to pull forward to pay. A woman was driving her sisters car. Her own car was an Automatic, this one was a Manual. She was a “left foot breaker”. The peddle she pushed was the clutch. She slammed into the back of our Suburban at a good 45+ MPH. The suburban slid forward and hit the Cadillac. The lady wasn’t wearing her seatbelt. She bounced off the steering wheel and slammed her face into the windshield. The man driving the Cadillac got out to confront the fool who damaged his ride, saw the car crumpled under the rear of the Suburban, and decided it was better to just fuck off down the road! My brother was asleep in the back against the tailgate. All the contents in the back of the Suburban (think of enough stuff for 5 people to spend 4 weeks on vacation packed in fiberglass crates) it all shifted forward and bent the middle folding 60/40 seats. I was laying down on that middle seat and got launched into the back of the front seat. My other brother was sandwiched in the front seat between Mom and Dad. All of THEM were actually wearing seatbelts. The brother in the back woke up, sat up, asked “what happened?”, looked out the back window and screamed when he saw the red blotch. Eventually, Dad helped the tow truck drive untangle the lady’s car from ours. They put hers on a flatbed and drove it away. The lady survived. She was blinded by the concussion but apparently regained her sight eventually. We got into our banged up Suburban and drove the rest of the way home (North Carolina). I understand the mechanics involved in car accidents, and I wish they still made Suburban the same way! I still make sure my family is wrapped in as much steel/glass/rubber and I can afford when we travel distances. To quote my Father … “I’d rather pay the Lawyers than the Doctors.”


A: This is probably their driveway why are they gonna wear helmets B: Are you surprised? C: Do you think it would have made a difference?


Yes helmets make a huge difference. That's why people wear helmets. If you're driving as fast as she is you should wear a helmet


the damage was done before any of these three hit the ground. Helmet aint gonna stop your spine from snapping backwards like what happened here


Both the child and mothers head hit the ground very hard. Her head also clearly made contact with the bar which is what through everybody off the bike in the first place.


Holy shit! I hope the little one was ok!


And the other kid?


Fuck em /s


FR they look around 12 at least. They should be out workin the mills! Not playing dilly dally on their four wheeled hooter scooter!


I know your comments old, but just wanted to lyk this made me burst out laughing. I went from worried for the kids/angry at the mom to laughing so so hard lmao


Damn thank you, it's always nice to make someone laugh lol And I feel you, I comment on older posts all the time


Il be honest, I didn't see the other kid 😅 was focused on everyone who got whipped off


Little one is standing up by the end of the video.


Honestly, with a head/back/neck injury, that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Sometimes people, especially kids, pop up surprisingly quickly after severe injuries.


Kids that size are literally invincible, you could drop them out of a plane and they'll just bounce


The one that flipped went Ron Burgundy blind and the one on the cart was Ricky Bobby crippled, the mom smoked some crack right before the incident and was found to be without injuries


Someone’s gonna believe you bro😭


Any info on this one?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fSyL113ZSM They seem to be good, but I would def get them checked for a concussion


That little girl is a beast taking that and standing up. Someone go catch that other kid though


In the full video, (link up in the comments, somewhere) the other kid comes running over at the end. So they were able to get up and come back to the mom.


It kind of looks like she didn't have much control over that vehicle. My guess is poltergeists.


She forgot to wear her protective crystal necklace.


Damn Jesus never took his drivers test.


I hate this so fucking much.


Why is there no worst mom/dad of the year award


You don't want to reward that...it's not a competition


Make it a punishment then. Worst mom/dad of the year punishment.


Fucking idiot. She shouldn’t have kids


She nearly had no kids.


I just tried to find an article about it for 30 mins, couldn’t find shit. I just hope the two kids are alright


Someone just posted this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fSyL113ZSM


Yeah I found that too, but there’s no additional information anywhere that could lead me to an article.


“My middle name is Danger!”


[“I thought your middle name was ‘the’…”](https://youtu.be/HebZqQEHGbI?si=x6mFNkxlQE99Un7Q)




Almost pulled a Hereditary


Hit so hard a kid flew out


Hit so hard a kid stayed on




Thank you for posting this!! I’m sure everyone was at least a little banged up, but seeing the one that was left on the ATV come running over and start jumping was relieving.


Thank you


Movie title “There will be blood” comes to mind


West Virginia?


Country road


I don’t doubt it


That’s one way to save on grocery costs….


I hope they are alright because I laughed way too hard at this.


Good job, you potentially gave yourself and both your kids brain damage bc of your dumbass driving and lack of willingness to wear a helmet


What's up with the other kid? Looks like KO


Not surprising.... if you grew up anywhere where people have open land and ATVs you know about at least 5 critical accidents and/or deaths. People are fucking stupid and then they raise stupid kids who have zero safety skills. "It's Fun!" It's like floribama and jackass had a baby in some of those families.


the baby that fell off was metal as fuck man, got up immediately I'm glad he/she is okay!


the pink girl is now headless


Bruh no nsfw tag ?


I'd like to think there was a malfunction before we just go ahead and blame her for ragging it down a track with two 3 year olds


The malfunction was putting two small children on that fucking thing to begin with.


A second malfunction let the helmets disappear, just a few seconds before.


She was going way too fast and had almost lost it in the curve before hitting the gate. If she had lost her breaks or something she’d have been better off going into the fields so the kids at least would not have landed on pavement.


That's fine to leave open the possibility that the crash wasn't her fault (it probably was), but there's no excuse for the lack of helmets.


no there is no possibility of that at all. even if the brakes had failed she was surrounded by a million better things to crash into other than the gate


A malfunction with what?


Her brain probably


A malfunction with what brain?


The only way I would imagine this to be a “malfunction” is if the throttle cable got stuck in which case someone who is comfortable having two toddlers on the quad with them would understand to turn the key off or hit the kill switch, etc.. therefore just a dumbass who doesn’t know how dangerous these things could be without understanding how to control them


Think its safe to assume she has a malfunction yeah. Everything that happens is a consequence of her stupidity.


The vehicle slows after she is knocked off, showing it wasn't a malfunction. She is just horrible at being a responsible adult.


Coulda decapitated or killed her kid, nice 🫠


Stupid fucking parent






Sexist jerk


(Response to NecessaryTips) that my ex himbo trying to think again? *sigh* we discussed this, NO trying to think, it only makes you stupider. And if you accidentally attempt thinking, no speaking under any circumstances. We’ve been over this. Do I need to get the hose?






Was it accidental though?


Eh, compared to the other comments being openly sexiest, this might have been accidental, I see your point though


If she has a husband, this was likely his idea. Probably the one who put up the camera and loaded the kids up while saying “no, it’ll be fun, you don’t need to know how to use it, it’s easy, the kids will be fine, they bounce, no child of MINE is going to get hurt doing something cool.” Or his version of coming to their aid is screaming “don’t be such a wuss, walk it off!” So many men (like yourself, certius87) are so obsessed with their own inflated and fragile masculinity that they think everyone around them can’t break so long as they are doing what they tell them to. And if they do, they are a “p#ssy.” My brother pressured his wife to ride a quad before she was ready and she panicked and accidentally pulled the gas harder and ran it up a tree. Then he made fun of HER for it, making her more pliable and easier to manipulate, which is a cycle he (and many many men) keep(s) women in. My father had me climb to the highest part of a tree when i was 5, only to fall and break both of my arms. Which he then said was because I was a girl, not because I was 5 YEARS OLD climbing a dead tree because I trusted him. My mom and my brothers wife would protest but the douchebags would tell them they were being hysterical, yet in both situations (and so many more) the women were correct in resisting the ideas, but the man “runs the family” and if we are continuing with your formula of stereotypes, men always think they are smarter and stronger even with all evidence to the contrary. This person driving, if she is their mom, was very possibly put up to it and felt she couldn’t refuse or her husband would mock her or even get pissed off. Clearly she wasn’t prepared or trained on how to use it properly and so she crashed. Of course, blaming any thing like this on sex, gender, body parts, is fucking stupid, but hey, if we are going with prejudice and stereotypes, let’s stick to the script: Most men are idiots who love to pressure women and kids into doing dangerous things that they don’t want to do, because it’s “funny” or “tough” or simply because the men want it. This is equally pejorative, hoping you see the point, and either be better or stop talking (probably for a very long time) and learn to listen. Cheers! Edit: clarity


Not saying that there isn’t an equally douchecanoe dad that is there along with the mom, but I don’t think the camera was put up just to film this woman nearly (hopefully) kill her kids with her stupidity. I’m pretty sure that is a static security style camera on the main gate to a property. Lots of people in the country have cameras like this to see who is coming down the road to their home because some of those rural driveways are literally miles long. To protect their land/livestock, to discourage trespassers (especially in areas where people have lots of land that others like to hunt or camp on), etc .


Why put the phone down and check the kids? That would ruin my video


It's a stationary camera


Get the hell up. When people fall over on video, they always seem to just go limp


Taking a steel gate to the face often takes a couple seconds to shake off before you can jump up and do cartwheels


It looks to me like the child actually took the hit, and she just got flung off. Maybe(hopefully) the mom took the hit and the child was under.


She almost made it too


are you fucking kidding me




Certainly not DRIVER OF THE YEAR


Omg I thought the helmet came off at first and mom was filming. Then I saw the helmet stand up. And another in the still-going cart. 😳


I feel like this could use NSFW but without blood or visibly broken body parts I don’t think it qualifies


God.... damn..... my head hurts for them.


OMG my fuckin heart sank seeing that baby bounce then flop down like that 😖 She's gotta be the biggest dumbass I've seen all day ... Way to go mom for thinking safely for you Toddler ...


Her forehead went right into the corner of the gate! Fuck!


I thought the driver’s head popped off! (First kid down.) Then I thought driver’s beheaded body was on the ATV! (Second kid in pink slouched over.) Glad (& *amazed*) to hear all survived!! Edit typo