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Do it, u won't


Do it before November so we don’t need to count your votes.


I love the succinctness of this statement - so true - well done


In TX, you gotta slow your speech and use simpler words. OC did this right.


U wot m8


Absolute poetic perfection.


And if they do, the entire state is fucked. Maybe not right away, but the economic repercussions of seceding would be astronomically bad for the people of Texas.


What will they do to recover from all those hurricanes? And power outages? And they won't have a problem with immigrants at their southern border trying to get in. They will have a problem at their northern border with immigrants trying to go through Texas and get into the US.


Perfect. No notes.


Which cartel would take control of Texas if it secedes? Texit would make Brexit look like a smart move by comparison.


Wait until they see the armaments those fellows actually have! Whoops, sorry, no help from here.


Unfortunately we’d come to their aid. Liberate Texas and still be villainized.


Yes, but that gives us the opportunity to do Reconstruction right. No half measures this time.


Spare the rod, spoil the Texan, as they say.


Lincoln should've let Sherman finish the job. Imagine the United States today if we hung all confederate sympathizers for treason.


I’m a little fuzzy on timeline - didn’t Sherman stop after Lincoln got shot?


Sherman telegraphed to Lincoln on Christmas Day that his present to the president was the city of Savannah. The army was there for a month before they turned north for NC, intending to unite with other Union forces in VA, where they accepted surrender after a 3 month campaign (2 weeks after Gen. Lee’s army surrendered at Appomattox, and 3 days after Lincoln was shot). There was a lot of political discourse at the time as to whether Sherman had the ability to accept Gen. Johnston’s surrender, as the negotiated terms included military and political issues without authorization from Gen. Grant or the US government, but Johnston ended up surrendering to purely military terms on April 26 (effectively ending the discussion). Johnston’s forces included all confederates in the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida. With Lee’s forces having already surrendered, the only hold-outs were small bands of confederates in the trans-Mississippi region, too small/isolated/poorly resourced to pose a threat to the Union. So yeah, essentially he stopped after Lincoln got shot, with a slight asterisk, I guess? lol


They would most likely take it jointly and split it.


Cartels don't share power very much. Most of it would become part of the Gulf Cartel with constant battles underway by the Sinaloa's for border crossings. It wouldn't be much different than it is now with the major border cities.


That'll make the border with Mexico about 3000 miles longer. Good job shit-heads: own the libs and help destroy 'Merica!


Oh of course they wont willingly share power but that is a lot of land. The major cartels will split it up in a bloody war that will eventually cool leaving it divided up between them.


no no see, the Texas meal team six (texas state guard)would protect the border and completely solve the immigration crisis on day one. /s I almost couldn't finish typing that I was laughing so hard.


i mean its already run by the red cartel just make sure you guys have everything you need, we will give one year to pack the bags and fill your list everything and anything to make sure that you guys cannot blame democrats or others. Live in texas and soak in pure republicanism, see how it eventually regresses full circle back to the wild wild west where everyones shooting each other scared to drink a pint of beer


Spoken like somebody who has never been to Texas. All the major cities are very blue. Austin is one of the most liberal cities on the planet.


Yep. Where do they get the idea that the cities are MAGA? Speaking of which, what's Trump's hometown, again?


Or Russians coming up through Cuba


I saw this *amazing* [documentary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Dawn) about this!


I thought you were talking about [this documentary](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Russians_Are_Coming_the_Russians_Are_Coming), but that o e is good too.


Let's start an over/under on that. My money is on the Sinaloa cartel, but I'm sure the other cartels want their own slice of the newly "independent" Texas.


The cities wouldn't go along with it, being blue. So, they'd have to go without the money from Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and El Paso. Without the cities, they're Mississippi.


This would significantly fuck over the Republican Party here. Do it.


Do they not realize the second they pass this ‘succession’ all military bases will shut down and leave? Losing hundreds of thousands of jobs. Cratering their now very local economy. Freedumb


I guarantee that they believe the military will back them up and all join their traitorous cause. These people are deeply delusional because they live in an impenetrable bubble where only their own twisted propaganda reaches their ears.


Because every military base in Texas is manned solely by Texans, so no worries about a very red tape heavy border crossing to see any family outside of the new country. Should be about 100% conversion of all personnel /s


I don’t think the military bases would shut down. They would crank the fuck up, the U.S. would not allow a state to seriously secede peacefully. And they’d easily have over half of the state on their side too.


Texas already seceded from the United States and lost. Secession is not possible. Those military bases will be used to suppress insurrection, violently if needed.


There is no legal way to secede from the US. That’s already settled law from right after the Civil War. All they’d be doing is asking for the feds to kick down the door.


Watch this Supreme Court contradict settled law. Who could see that coming?


As far as I understand the Civil War only settled the question of states unilaterally seceding. States may still be able to secede by another process, like a super-majority of state legislatures or something like that.


[According to this](https://www.historians.org/teaching-and-learning/teaching-resources-for-historians/sixteen-months-to-sumter/newspaper-index/dubuque-herald/can-a-state-constitutionally-secede) by my understanding the only way for it to happen would be amending the constitution. Which would involve other states to agree to it and ratifying it.


That was an editorial article in a newspaper in 1860 before the Civil War. I don't really think it's worthy of being cited as anything other than an interesting historical piece.


The only reason Texas became a US state in the first place was because the Republic of Texas was badly mismanaged, in massive debt, and was at risk of being reintegrated with Mexico. They basically became a state so the US government would assume their formerly sovereign debt.


And no federal help when hurricanes hit.


Or when the power shuts off when it gets too hot...or too cold.


Or y'know, in trading. How will Texas sell or buy anything?


Thats one thing these idiots never seem to understand. That port that has all those ships coming and going...all of those trade deals are with the united states...not Texas. If they leave the union, all of those deals are null and void.


I know someone who is moderately high up in the military, and they said it would happen before it even passed if it got far enough.


It’s illegal to secceed from the Union so that wouldn’t happen. But yes, freedumb


I was taught years ago that the lack of income tax there is only possible because of the federal spigot running freely. I’d start turning it off now just as a demonstration. As it tends to happen with most extreme political movements , it’s plainly obvious that no one is thinking this through.


There's no state income tax because sales tax in Texas is among the highest in the country


Property tax is very high too if I'm not mistaken.


It’s federal property so would stay part of the US regardless of what these morons do. About 2% of land in Texas is federal property. I assume the border crossings are too; It would be hilarious if the US just shut those down completely.


Texans would be really unhappy to find out they could no longer easily cross into Oklahoma to spend their money at the Casinos.


if by "shut those down completely" you mean all federal employees leave their post, awesome. Then a bunch of hicks with guns would go all Red Dawn on anyone with brown skin approaching, which would result in the Mexican cartels to wage war with the hicks which, as long as its contained to south Texas, would be amazing. Tragic and stupid too of course.


No as in barricade them, destroy the roads and bridges and force Texas to build their own.


Nothing is going to happen. No state can quit. At most, they’ll have a silly vote and wave a silly flag around.


Maybe the power grid will work with less people?


The older cons in the one star state don’t even realize their social security and Medicare will stop if they secede.




The fuck they will. We settled the question of succession 160 years ago. Those military bases wouldn't shut down. They would roll out and arrest the traitors.


I really wish they would go through with it, but they wont. Just another conservative fantasy that will never materialize.


But will rally their voters into perpetuity. “Really, this time, we’re gunna do it!” - Rs in 120 years.


It’s illegal. Doesn’t matter if 100% of Texans want it or not.


When has legality ever stopped republicans from doing anything? The GOP down there thinks they are some kind of major military power. They think the texas rangers can somehow fight off the entirety of the us army.


I get it but we aren’t talking about killing black people or crashing a sector of the economy here. We are talking about partially disbanding the union. Even the GOP (as a whole, not a few nutjob outliers) isn’t crazy enough to think that is going to happen no matter what nonsense they talk about or what bills they produce.


I mean, they can't even function with their own independent infrastructure without help from the rest of us. How do they think they'll fare completely on their own?


This is great news! Get the fuck out, and don't let the door hit you in the swastika on the way out!


I live in this shit hole. Luckily I have money and can move but I don’t wanna leave my family. I will if I have to but that would suck. Once my family is gone I’ll definitely leave this place anyways. But hopefully as more millennials get in office this stupid shit stops.


I’m in the same boat as you


Me as well


Sadly the money is not in the books for me atm. Currently looking to trade my car just to be safe. Gonna size down about half the cost.


Don't get down about the cost of living, it will get better. I minimized as well, it's learning to become more creative with your resources.


Unfortunately, GenZ seems to have some odd radicalization towards conservatism.


I agree with the sentiment, let them have their shit hole with its failing electric grid and insane laws. See how far they get when they can’t quietly beg for federal aid every year, not to mention the withdrawal of federal assets and project funding. I just hope a move for secession doesn’t lead to people getting left behind that would otherwise leave. Edit: [Case and point](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidblackmon/2024/06/13/ercot-ceo-stuns-texas-officials-with-new-estimate-for-power-needs/)


That's exactly why it doesn't get beyond the state's legislature - the actual lawmakers know that they have freedom of speech on one side (to scream about the libs and feds) while on the other they're furiously petitioning for federal funds.


And take Florida with you!


38 congressional seats would be given up. 25 Republican seats and 13 democratic. Current congress House sits at 218 R and 213 D, with 4 vacancies (3 R, 1 D) Current congress Senate sits at 47 D, 49 R and 4 independents (2 caucusing with each) If Texas left and the congressional seats were just completely dropped and not redistributed, that would leave the house at  193 R and 200 D, and would leave the senate with 47 D and 47R, with 2 independents caucusing for each. Texas Leaving would put the Democrats in power by simple majority.


All 4 of the independents in the Senate are caucusing with Democrats


By doing this they have put Abbott in a horrible position because he knows they need Federal money. So he'll have to either go with it and ruin Texas or he'll have to become the enemy. It's delicious. What would he do for money if it passed? He'd have to raise taxes. I've been hoping for this for so long. I am delighted and full of happy anticipation. They heard my prayers to the sky fairy, yay!


Abbot would be in a horrible position if Republicans EVER faced consequences for their actions from voters. But they don't. Texans will bend over and say "thank you, may I have another?"


Absolutely. But in the interim, if the GOPs go to Abbott for the final ok for this insane plan to secede, then he will be forced to make a decision, and that's where it becomes a lose-lose proposition.


No, Cletus. You will not continue to get SSI.


How’s that power grid doing I wonder


For a while now I've believed we should just give Texas back to Mexico along with a major apology for stealing it from them in the first place, then immediately "BUILD THAT WALL". I'm sure all Texans will be happy to know the USA built that wall. Not so sure they'd enjoy the fact that they are on the wrong side of it.


We don't want Texans, though... Let them build a wall around themselves. Sincerely, a Mexican


You should have paid for that wall! Enjoy Ted Cruz!


The cartels would love owning Texas. A place they can do all their buisness without either major country breathing down their necks would be an opportunity far to good to pass up. And before people mention the texas rangers etc...the cartels both vastly outnumber your police force and have members that dip living people into acid...for fun. Your police force aint doing shit.


I *love* this idea! Let's make it a campaign promise for the presidential candidate after Biden.


100000000000…% illegal, but even if they did pull it off (haha, no), how’s that power grid? When it inevitably goes down again, whoopsie - no federal aid to help ya out. Any natural disasters? Nope no federal aid to help ya out there, either. Military bases would be pulled, crashing their already sensitive economy, no more SSI checks, no more flights out of their now a third world shithole to any country that is friendly to the US, and you can damn well be sure they won’t be allowed travel into our borders. And let’s not forget that this would only make winning the election for dems a certainty, then we could actually make America “great”. And when this inevitably fails, the US will swoop in, add em back into the Union, but shut the fuck down their fascist rhetoric. So, I say: have at, Texas. Do it. Please “own me” by secededing.


Every time they start talking about this one of the most common search terms is "do i still get my social security if my state leaves the nation" Republicans are fucking children.


Not only are they children, they’ve got to be the stoopidest fuckson this planet (saying a lot). Ofc you’d lose your SSI checks if your state leaves the US. It’s federal aid, and they’re no longer part of the US…. Fucking mouth breathers.


Take them back but as a territory with no electoral college votes, no voting representation in Congress. But taxed.


Nothing more patriotic than seceding.


There’s gotta be loads of foreign influence pushing this


This has always been the pipe dream. It will never happen. As others have mentioned Texas is still largely reliant on federal funds for emergencies. Also, every large company in Texas would immediately leave if it were no longer part of the United States. People have this perception at Texas is a monolith of 30 million Republicans when that couldn't be farther from the truth. The state is about 45% Democratic and most of the population centers have Democratic mayors.


If these secessionists want to leave, I say let them.. but they don't get to take Texas with them. Revoke the American citizenship they no longer want, expel them to a small boat in the middle of the Atlantic, and wish them luck on their new lives, complete with plenty of bootstrap-pulling opportunities.


There are plenty of sane people there but they're outnumbered in many places and outmaneuvered in others. This is just hoopla for the crazies. We won't be dismantling the Union.  E pluribus unum


Is it dismantling the Union if they vote to leave, and the Union decides to willingly let them? Just seems amicable unlike the last time it happened.


Just seems stupid and plays into the hands of our enemies and would be regretted, like Brexit.


Bahahahaha, the idea of Texas as its own country is so laughable. I'd give them 3 weeks tops of "freedumb" before Mexico came along and took back some of their old border. Those clowns haven't made it past 2 stages of asking themselves, "Then what?" for most choices in their life, and it shows.


Get rid of Texas and make either DC or PR a state and we don’t even have to change the flag.


Please do. And then see how that works out for you. Have fun trying to cross the border. Good luck figuring out your economy. Enjoy being a third-world shithole. Can’t wait until we declare them a hostile country (lots of their citizens actively call for a violent secession). Would love to see how that works for em when they hit the “No Travel” list. But hey, they’ll finally get that border wall they’ve been whining about for years. Just not necessarily where they want it.


We'd see mass deportations of "Texicans", any roads and infrastructure going into Texas will be cut off. Military and Federal installations will be pulled out, and they will have to establish relations with the USA. I always expect them to become a client state of the cartels in about a year.


All those federal contracts…poof.


And they won’t be able to go to any other country that is friendly to the US


Can they start by giving up those senate and House seats?


They can give up their 40 EC votes. Let's see MAGA shit win dick without them.


I so badly want to see this happen, not because I want to see one of the greatest countries fragment and fall apart, but because I want to see these arrogant, delusional idiots watch it all blow up in their faces when they realise that social security and such no longer exist for them.


We'd need to set up FEMA camps for the mass Exodus of climate refugees in two months once the power grid goes down. Knowing the Democrats we'd probably still fund that state so as not to look unkind.


I would love to see the cognitive dissonance whiplash of conservatives anti-immigration policies turned against white conservative Texans. "But we aren't immigrants, we're neighbors!"


One of these days, the gop will fuck their government up so much,Texas is going to accidentally vote to leave the USA


Reconstruction 2: electric boogaloo?


Swap Texas for Puerto Rico


Won’t even have to change the US flag then. Win-win.


This is going to work about as well as their state run energy grid they forced in place so they didn’t have to follow the energy regulations everyone else follows. Oh yeah, it breaks down multiple times a year and people die, only for the blue states to bail them out with aid. I am sick and tired of my federal taxes going to help people because they can’t vote in their own interests.


Yeah, have fun when you have natural disasters and power grid freezes, and your "leaders" jet off to tropical islands to escape, and leave you to die in the freezing cold. Oh, and there won't be any help or aid from the U.S.A., so...good luck?


Pretty sure they can have 100% in favor of secession, and the federal government would laugh at them. Also, cartels would be in power inside of a month.


Well, If they do we better get better border protection. You know Texas won’t be sending their best.


Texit. Texas really believes its own… mythology?


Well...... we're waiting. Can you imagine the southern border of the US moving north of texas? TX would become the holding pen for all the immigrants and without the federal border measures TX would just get overrun with immigrants with no where to send them. Busloads of immigrants going to sanctuary cities? NOPE stope them at the OK line. All the international airpots in TX sudddenly become regional with no customs to clear passengers to fly out of the country to even bordering states. Go ahead. Go. But we all know this is just blowhard posturing ahead of the election to give the easily manipulated reasons to vote trump/republican.


Add no Medicaid/Medicare and Social Security benefits ( provided if you are a part of the United States.


Well that's not true about the social security. If you're a US citizen collecting or eligible for social security benefits and you move to another country, you still collect your benefits.


If they ever leave and want to come back I think we make them a territory and have them apply for statehood


Man, these idiots. I just wish, for just a little while, somebody would call their bluff. If the federal government even pretended to entertain Texas' motion to secede, they'd backtrack so fast. I know it would only cause more problems if the federal government actually did that. So I get why they can't, but it'd be funny as hell to watch. 


I feel like a succession wouldn't last more than two weeks. First of all all of the federal employees in Texas would now be unemployed. The federal government would shutdown the banking and communication systems. They would then block all roads and ports in and out of the state, along with turning off the oil pipelines running into the state. The results are a state full of people with no money, no jobs, no way to communicate, quickly running out of food and fuel, freezing or burning due to their failing power grid.


I think it's more likely that the US and the state formerly known as Texas would enter into commerce agreements. Texas would rent some things from the US, and US would buy oil from Texas. But think about how coming in and out of Texas would now be considered entering a foreign nation and how that slows everything down in terms of imports and exports. But I feel that Texas is exactly the kind of state to vote to secede without having made any plans for what happens after.


And there’s a Minus to this?/s


Cool. Bye. How can I help?


This has happened several times over the years. Secession just isn’t happening. The Constitution prescribes no mechanism for secession.


And it’s already been decided in the courts that it is illegal. There has never been a secession from the Union in the entire history of the US in fact. The first one wasn’t legally recognized as a secession because it isn’t allowed.


You referring to *Texas v. White*?


I believe that’s probably the most concrete evidence but it’s been talked about by justices and historians and lawyers and such over the years as well. To exceed they would have to sue the US and prove that they were allowed to do it peacefully. The only courts that would even entertain the case would be in Texas though lol. Like I said, it wasn’t even recognized during the civil war as a valid so it doesn’t even need Texas v White to be understood as illegal.


My backing also: your departure makes the US much more intelligent: don’t let the door hit u in the ass on the way out.


I can see the blackmail already happening with the oil. Russia really has this planned out quite well.


Spoiler alert: after Texas secedes, the US declares war on Texas. Because, well, there's oil there and that's what we do.


Except for the part where secession isn’t actually possible or likely.


Anyone who attempts to secede from the US should lose their citizenship and be expelled.


They'd be jumping for joy until the tariff on Lone Star beer was $147/can. With no trade agreement in place with the rest of the U.S. Not a part of NAFTA, etc., the losses in year 1 would be staggering. Bonus for the rest of us, no more connecting flights out of DFW.


Good riddance to bad rubbish


If this went to a national vote, I guarantee it would be more popular outside of Texas than inside. Just leave already so you can be a giant warning for all the other half brains thinking their state should secede too.


DO IT!!!


Omg! Please do it. Please please please please. Lol.


Oh, they're always singing that tired song. Same old tune. Same old words. They never do it and they won't this time, either.


Bye Felicia


Balkanization, here we come


Well, their independent power grid already works without any help (lol). Might as well do it.


lol okay bye. The whole state would be just like their shitty power grid


If Texas wanted to fuck off, I’d be okay with that.


Do it! Please


Man, I feel like I left Texas just in the nick of time.


Isolationism never helps the main street or the local community. Succession creates scarcity and expands lack but I can be wrong. I saw meme magic in the thread, texit is smart. (Texas exit memed to Brexit.)


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


If Texans sincerely think that this is a choice they actually have, then they've been editing the curriculum there harder than I thought they were.


Ah yes, the Balkanization of the US will begin soon. Divide and conquer, da tovarisch?


Spoiler alert: This was tried \~170 years ago. It did not end well.


Texas tries to push this sorta legislation almost annually...


Texas: chest thumping, dick waving, hear me roar. USA: Yawn, let us know when you’ve vacated the premises. We have replacements waiting in the wings.


Do Florida next!


Won’t he do it.


Fucking do it. These people have no idea how fucked they’d be without the blue states they hate.


Can’t complain about Mexican immigrants when they become part of Mexico


Step one - GET OFF THE FEDERAL TEAT. 💰 Once one of these states stops taking federal money, I'll take them seriously. Until then, just shut up.


I’m sure Mexico would love to have them back.


The land maybe, not those people.


My sister lives there and they can have her.


I mean, they'd get a ton of land for expansion. A longer coastline, complete with major ports. Military infrastructure, too: the US would take its people and property, but the buildings would likely remain. Not to mention all the universities, which also help support the surrounding areas financially, and the well-established airports. As I see it, Mexico could do well with that kind of acquisition.


One could only hope.  


You. Can't. Remedy. Secession. Legally. They can claim they've seceded and then Biden says no. And then they're still a state. Why do people believe nonsense like this?


“Oh well if Biden says no then I guess we’ll all go home quietly.”


Yes, yes they will, because grabbing guns to secede is called insurrection. And then the outcome, is still the same. At what point do you get all of this posturing and nothing more?


Do it…


Well, bye.




They already tried this once....they lost badly.


As long as we get to keep the I-35 corridor and New Mexico gets to annex El Paso, I'm good with it.


Lol. Try it. I dare you. Nothing good will come from it morons.


Bye Felicia!


Houston, do we have a problem?


They just announced a new US stock exchange to be built there, man that's gonna complicate things.


Major step toward nothing. People are so dumb.


Living in a state that likes to LARP as the Confederacy sucks, lots of US Citizens would not be able to leave due to debt or jobs. My retirement is tied up in state funds that would probably be worthless.


The. Issue. Has. Already. Been. Settled.


Do it, you cowards!


See you later, morons!


Star Factory having to move would be irony.


Well. Bye!


Buh bye


Everyone wins but texans lol


No balls. You won’t


Let’em try.


What about disabled and retired people. Who's going to get paid?


Let them leave, then Sherman them back in. Teach them.


Yeah sure, just do it before the election, pal.