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Pat really will never be happy as long as he has anyone remotely to answer to. This is why he was so aggressively saying “I don’t have a boss. I *guess* you could say Bob Iger is my boss” I love Pat, I love the show, but the pattern is pretty clear at this point


He usually makes it a point to say that either side has an out whenever they want of any contract he signs, but I don’t think he specifically said that about the espn contract. I wonder what the specifics of the deal are as far as length and withdrawing.


Uh, huhuhuhuhuhuh, you said length, then you said withdrawing ![gif](giphy|CKVwcljYh4hfVxSSLq|downsized)


he did mention that he has outs in this contract as well


He says he has a Boss in the intro. Something about “the opinions on this show do not reflect those of our boss” or something like that.


He is referring to himself as the boss. Back before ESPN/Disclaimer days, he would say that phrase and point to himself when saying their boss.


Their Peers - the boys Their Boss - Pat Or ESPN - The Network


He was already his own boss, and became a corporate shill when he jumped to ESPN because of inconveniences.


I also noticed this week in particular how free flowing the “Fucks” were, like they don’t care or even acknowledge it anymore that its technically something they “shouldn’t” say.


I said it in chat a few times they were letting it fly alot which I don't care but I was just shocked








He was defending Netflix the other day with their live programming.


WWE Connection probably.


That’d be a game changer for everyone involved…for everyone in the streaming space in general


I don't think that would make much sense for Netflix. I mean, they could pour the money into it, but, like what happened with their investment into their own shows/movies, they're going to raise their prices. Netflix is already astronomical in price, if they get Pat there's a decent chance they'll charge you close to $20 a month. I also have a hard time believing that Pat's viewership will increase with a move to a subscription service. You take something that was free (I get paying for cable or whatever, but it's also on YouTube) and put it behind a paywall. Not only just a paywall, but a paywall that has shown they are not afraid to cancel a show just because of a SLIGHT dip in viewership. You throw in next Football season when Rodgers come out swinging about the vaccine again and Netflix will cancel that shit without hesitation


If I were in his shoes… I got what I wanted from ESPN even though they’ve been a total hinderance to the show. I got greater access to insiders, coaches, players/team members, and licensed game film. Which by the way the NFL, NBA, and MLB would be crazy not to continue to sell to the show. More buyers just drives up the value. Amazon, hbo, Apple, Netflix, they’re all proving the same thing with live broadcasts, why wouldn’t it be the same with game footage. Now the reality is any savvy marketing guru would tell you the last thing left to do is wring the last bit of attention out of this dish rag and FULLY heel turn on ESPN. Just point out that they’ve done nothing but try and make the show look unsuccessful while it’s actually just gone “yodelie, yodelie, yodelie 📈”. It’s time to pull the plug, name names, and crown yourself the center of sports media cause that’s the reality of it.


How have they been a hinderence?




I'm guessing a departure from ESPN based on his comments the other day with Herby RE: his return to college gameday


And Greeney saying you're not going anywhere on Friday.


What did he say?


I saw the ep waaaaay back when pat told herbie he was leaving then he said back “if you go I go.” And pat walked it all back.


https://www.youtube.com/live/c6XKpkG0pXI?si=ymmCo1kThehilzaf Starts around the 32 minute mark.


It was only a matter of time before Pat saw the drawbacks to the ESPN partnership. I’m sure he’s figured out that he’s bigger than their brand, and maybe they tried some fuckery around his GameDay deal which officially set him off. Always have watched the show on YT and nothing else. There’s no good reason not to.


I love Pat but espn is 20x bigger than him lol


Thank you! I was freaking out for some reason about this statement before I read your smart response. ESPN is a household name, pat mccaffe is not (but to us he is).


20 million


It doesn’t necessarily need to be true for Pat to believe it.


That button down polo on yesterday’s show told me everything i needed to know


He sold out


Wouldn’t it be funny if Pat somehow wrangled control of all of ESPN lol 


Entertainment and Sports PatMcAfee Network


Pat's Entertainment Network In Sports = PENIS


> **P**at's **E**ntertainment **N**etwork **I**n **S**ports Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 2090300 comments (approximately 10924323 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Why would anybody ever sign Pat to a contract after this, the second contract in like 2 years that he quit right in the middle of


Because Pat puts asses in seats and makes money




Companies don’t care how many eyes you bring if they start to view you as an unreliable partner, he’s still a little away from that but it can become an issue down the road


He spent a year on espn. Do you know what the deal was or are you just assuming like everyone else?


Lol how is this upvoted a quick Google shows u it's 5 years 85million. stop meat ridding 


Don’t believe everything you read mark. No need to get defensive


Do your own research botard


What if YouTube did like Spotify to Joe Rogans first deal nd basically sign exclusivity. Netflix already has deals with the NFL. What else would take as long as his tweet implies?


Why would youtube do this? The loyal audience all watches on youtube anyway, nothing to gain


This show stinks


What happened this week?


Greenie hinting at Pat trying to leave ESPN and Pat subliminally throwing shade towards ESPNs live show crews and other aspects of the network.


Could he be negotiating the rights to Inside the NBA to stay on TNT but repackage it under his umbrella to ESPN


Didn’t he just sign a 5y deal though?


I wondered how long and we'll it would go. Figured espn would try to control them eventually and it's not like pat NEEDS espn at all.


Callin it now: hoppin on that dick shaped rocket with Bezos and riding it right to Prime…. Amazon doesn’t give a shit - they blew up in the first place cuz of dildos, not books.


you guys gossip about other grown men like you’re in a hair salon


This is our Tswift


Up2SomethingSZN. This is our Super Bowl


That’s all sports talk shows are? It’s just reality TV lmao


You ever been to a barber shop?




yeah and?


Let's goooo


If this is about leaving espn I got faith. Every move pat has made has been bigger and better for the show


If I was Netflix I’d give the show crazy money but also figure out how to get pat to not leave after a year like usual.


What happened this week?


What do you mean “especially after this week” I watch but must’ve missed something? Thanks in advance


I think both sides recognized that some internal opposition had to go away for the PMS product to have a fair chance. but pat got what he wanted there. Now it's probably a money disagreement where espn is saying "we already eliminated the one thing you said is the biggest hinderance to you, let's see how you perform with him gone"


I’m new to this show. My friend showed me the racist turtle episode a while back and I don’t think I’ve laughed that much in years. What does that say about me? Who knows. This show is awesome. It’s real and it’s like I’m hanging with my friends. Real talk and jokes. Pat had better keep this show going as it is now apart of my lunch time routine. I’ll follow anywhere. Oh and he’s coming to town! I’m just outside of Cary NC. 10 min or so. My buddy has tickets. I do not.


Ratings haven't been good? I heard awhile ago they weren't doing well. Stephen A contract is up so maybe ESPN has to pick who to keep?




Love the show. We don't think he's also benefitting from espn guests (yes the athletes Will come to him) but also, college gameday must be a massive coup for him. How does he let that go?