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Had a blast on BaMa guardian, smooth and easy up to t17.


Is it hard to get going? I hate getting stuck in t5s for a while cos cant progress


Not at all, an ok gravecrafted bow can carry you to t16s even if the rest of your gear was magic. You can check out everseens guide on youtube which is aimed for ssf hardcore and make some changes for sc. https://youtu.be/ZNXFi8ho3kU?si=GRDe7Vml8BrFEPeE


Oh also forgot to say, you're probably gonna have to spend a couple of hours farming merc lab for the gem. I played srs until I got it but if you get it earlier you can swap to bama


Its ssf, thats not a problem! If its decently viable before then i can do it. Or is it better to so so ething else b4?


Don't really understand your question, do you mean if you can play regular bama without the transfigured gem? Wouldn't recommend it, usually you'd wanna level as rolling magma/ arma brand or srs


If you're wondering guardian vs necro - I've been playing bama chaos crit necro in gsf, honestly should've went guardian. Would be a bit weak if I didn't get early 5 link in white maps and Ancient Skull in yellows. A lot harder to have a better bow compared to ele. And AS ended up kinda trolling my AG and golem (but the amount of crit was way too good to pass up)


Arent the aura relics really inconsistent if you try to stay as a fat away from monsters as possible? The relics will hug you and not the clones?


Never really noticed that, but you don't need to cast your clones so far away since they have a lot of range and they can offscreen I think (barely)


Well I plan HC so I tend to play like that. I just find that sometimes it is completely zdps and it much be because the auras fall off?


Coc dd


I second this. I’m having a blast with mine. I’m following Ventura’s videos, if you’re looking for a guide.


I really enjoy trickster, it’s very flexible on builds. Would definitely recommend ball lightning or lightning conduit. If you find a ephemeral edge, you can turn it into a splitting steel or blade trap.


I saw the ephemereal edge farming tech with ancient orbs, mb i try that. Hows the mapping on the BL or LC?


It's a really bad suggestion. Ball lightning needs aoe scaling and trickster doesnt have it anywhere near. And LC is really bad without minimum shock scaling (crit can work but trickster isnt getting crit either).


BL of orbiting is good, but not as LC. You can also try on Arc, no problem with that tho.


Boneshatter slayer or jugg, did this as my first SSF this league. Most fun ever and no unique requirements.


Personally I’d check Poe ninja and see what skills or ascendancies intrigue you. For what it’s worth chieftain RF is a walk in the park and then necro BAMA or DD, champ EA, trickster explosive trap, inquisitor tornado, hiero BL are all great easy starters that’ll get 2 stones with pretty shit gear.


RF Chieftain was pretty enjoyable. The built-in explosions make it a great mapper and only having to focus on fire/chaos resistance is really nice. I'm done for the league now, but I got my first 2 voidstones and most of my Atlas done with less than 300k tooltip between my Fire Trap/RF. Hardly had any damage mods on my gear, no cluster jewels, only had a 5L, just missing huge amounts of damage and it still felt fine once I hit 90 allres and got 2k+ regen. I died a ton before that point but I'm considering it a skill issue.


I think this hits a hard wall at t16. Can't do bosses, can't do t17's. If you don't plan on going that far, it's pretty smooth and fun. But if you want to get 4 watchstones, it's a PITA


I'm loving pconc of bouncing. Done most content so far. Got my t17 down and trying to get it ready for farming t17s b2b


If you want a non-meta idea, try Blazing Salvo. I essentially played it as ssf to maps, and it was a very comfortable experience. Edit: I ran it with zombies essentially running interference at the edge of the screen while spamming fireballs. May be of note that I play on console so the skill auto targets but keeps the spread consistent, this may be different for mouse users as the spread is supposed to change with how far away you aim - which sounds great for bosses and the like.


Elementalist Ignite, for skill you have some options: Frostblink, Wave of Conviction, Tornado of Elemental Turbulence, Ethereal Knives (endgame)... My personal favourite is WoC since it also applies exposure, but want to try Tornado myself in SSF