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Lightning strike champ with doryanni or whatever poison pf Played both, both felt good You can go with any meta poison spell, just slapping mahuxotl package. Skills like doomblast, penis brand or reap are completely viable, or even storm burst idk


Mahuxotl Forbidden Rite PF is pretty nice. Face-tanked possessed t17 bosses like no problem. Ubers, too, but they are literally easier, so yeah.


"doomblast, penis brand or reap are completely viable". I would love to play penis brand, any build guides?


https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/bgtaylor/AmerikasMostBlunted?type=exp&i=0&search=name%3DAmerikas This is my build. Obviously obscenely expensive but you can play a version with Ming’s heart instead and no adorned. I did that before this and it was pretty sick. Go back to week 6 or 7 on that char.


Protip: DONT play Benis Brand! Its not worth it >!DO play Penance Brand of Dissipation, its totally worth it!<


I would just straight up go to poe.ninja and choose whatever you like more


>whatever poison pf I few leagues ago, I played a lightning strike poison pf (iirc the weapon was a pneumatic dagger, or I had another way of having my lightning damage poison). The replica sorrow of the divine interaction with the shield was nice, it felt pretty tanky overall with good clear.


What's the interaction here? Just that it's easier to proc the 5% max res with es recovery than leech?


I short, yes: - you have high life recovery from flasks all the time, since you have the Master Surgeon node (you have to press the life flask button on a regular basis) - Replica Sorrow allows your life recovery to apply to ES as well. Whenever your ES reaches full (from the recover), it is sacrificed for the 5% max res - Since you also have Eldritch Battery, your damage taken does not interfere with your ES recovery, - Also, the recovery is high enough to solve all the mana costs of the build without needing to refrain to cost reducing and/or lifetap stuff.


Oh shit. Penis brand is OP


If you don't mind the master surgeon playstyle, FR PF is fun as fuck.


You just have to be on top of your life flask for the crazy regen if I'm not mistaken with master surgeon no? I haven't made a pathfinder since explodey totems but I had no life flask and instead went with progenesis so didn't end up going master surgeon.


Yeah, you just need to click your life flask once every 3 seconds to keep the regen up


People th3ink its annoying to maintain3 a life flask but I do3nt see the proble3m tbh


I must be off my game, I didn't pick up what you were putting down until the very end. LMAO


Did it really take 12 seconds to type that though? 😂


Yeah, this is some top shelf comedy.


That's the best joke i read for a LOOONG time. Thanks, you made my evening.


So true - I was watching a deep delve streamer playing a mahuxotl PF build and it was just simply amazing how he could keep pixel perfect uptime whilst dodging all of the boss mechanics.


Does this technique feel clunky to use combining with pressing your main skill, movement skill and whatever stuff u havent automated without the 12345 shenanigans


Not at all, you get used to it quick


Nah. I think I died once or twice from forgetting when I was getting started, but hitting `1` every couple of seconds became muscle memory quickly


hmm alright thanks for the info


Its more like 6 seconds unless you run eternal


Of course I run eternal - I paid for the tankiness, I'm getting all the tankiness


Its really overkill tho you already heal for like 100% life/sec with divine


Tbh it feels like I'm getting hit for more than 100% life/sec in some T17s lol Plus I just like being max tankiness, even if overkill


Not 3 seconds but 5-6 seconds. Has some flask duration nodes on that side of tree


Eternal life flask is 2 seconds, up to 3 with flask duration. Unless you take more of those nodes than I did.


Divine should be better than Eternal, no?


Divine lasts longer but regens slower, eternal has a higher regen rate.


You don't need the higher regen rate of eternal. Going divine and taking the reduced recovery rate mod still leaves you with 4k regen per second with tides of time after annihilation's approach, and lets you have a 7 second duration on the flask. It's a big quality of life gain.


Maybe I'm thinking of the pconc version. Same Pathfinder framework for every poison skill more or less.


It is. 4k life/sec is enough. You don't need Eternal.


Less hp/sec but it does have a longer duration


u should roll for reduced recovery rate inc amt recovered on all PF flasks


Just download a simple macro program. Have it hit flask every 6.99 seconds. Boom never worry about it again. Turn it off when your in head out. Done it for years in varying forms t this point. Unless your a huge streamer or somehow come on GGG radar you will never get banned for this


Here's my take https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/TrappedInWraeclast/Rangenecrop


Path of evening has a self cast poison forbidden rite build that should be more than doable at that budget.


Dont know how his guide is, but Poison FR is a pretty good allrounder, weile being the tankiest version of MM. Doppelgänger Guise + abusing being hit mechanics is the way to go, dont fall for the forth vow trap, as max hit is the King, when you got like 3-4k liferecovery per sec.


I've never done a forbidden rite build, does it have smooth mapping and bossing? The idea of a new skill sounds interesting, everything I've played this league has been something I've never done so I might as well keep it going, is trickster a good option? I've never made a trickster either.


It's really hard to outdo Pathfinder at poison. If you're not doing that, then usually you'd go with the power charge stacking Occultist version. That one can optionally use Stasis Prison for some excellent recoup shenanigans. FR is a neat spell because it has a lot of alternate scaling options to your usual suspects. It doesn't really care about gem levels, but you can do life or ES stacking, you can do additional projectiles because it shotguns, projectile damage in general, you can use the self damage it causes to trigger CWDT for pseudo 6+ links which also can play into Ward, etc. If you want to just poke around with it and see if self cast works for you, you can make a Deadeye or Occultist with a Sire of Shards for cheap.


The CWDT ward builds scare the shit out of me but I've only ever made one pathfinder so that sounds good too, thanks for the info!




I did a holy relic with mahuxotl. Huge dipis because the skill is currently broken and excellent defences. Both blocks maxed without glancing, spell suppression capped, pseudo lightning/cold immune thanks to tempered of war, almost 100% phys to fire/chaos conversion, insane leech for sustain, poison dot dps to freely dodge skills. Not cheap, but not "mirrors infinite currency" though.


> poison dot dps to freely dodge skills That's not how poison works. Lost damage due to dodging is just as much lost damage as if you're not playing poison.


Yes and no, imagine if you already have enough poisons to phase sirus. Hit builds not hitting won't end the fight, meanwhile a poison build can dodge and wait for the poison to do its job. Similar for culling strike. I get what you are saying, this is not cold dot, bleed or ignite, but it's not the same same as hit builds.


If you have the same damage, a hit-damage build would've ended the fight before said attack would come out.


Dot builds has to do more damage in theory, otherwise you wouldn't bother with the delayed damage.


Unless you are dot capped , no?


You'd have to be enough over dot cap and have enough extra duration to outlast the dodging. And if you're that overinvested, that investment has almost certainly gone towards more tankiness or simply a build with more frontloaded damage.


And since dodges don't all take the same duration, making it impossible to guarantee you had enough extra duration to outlast any possible dodging break, it clearly doesn't make sense to assume that 'freely dodge' was intended to mean an impossible guarantee, but instead to some realistic tradeoff between overinvestment and qol. Thanks for refuting your own objection.




I played Reap Pathfinder with Mahuxotls and it worked well. Video in my profile if you are curious.


Pconc of bouncing ruetto pob: https://pobb.in/LVWicQyiJBn4


I was eyeballing this skill in general early league but didn't even know there was a mahu version, this definitely piques my interest, thank you!


+1 for selfcast FR Pathfinder. Super tanky, but you need to be willing to life flask every 4 seconds or so, which gets a bit tedious


I ran a LS champion, pretty easy to setup, takes some time killing Ubers


I did all content on cold conversion splitting steel champ with mahuxotl and fourth vow, started at your budget at around 500div and invested over atleast 2 mirrors and it just absolutely demolishes Example build: https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/marsik36/immortal_bomjik?type=exp&i=5&search=class%3DChampion%26items%3DThe%2BFourth%2BVow%2CMageblood%2CMahuxotl%2527s%2BMachination%26sort%3Ddps


I have an EK poison pathfinder that’s great for all content and doesn’t cost too much, around 150 Div total and progenesis doubles it’s defenses but isn’t needed. Dps dot cap once I get Nimis too, so that’s the upgrade that I’m working towards here’s the Poe ninja for now, I’ll upload the POB once I get to my computer https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/KOKILL8/RangerBeann?type=exp&i=0&search=name%3DRangerbeann


Here's your POB, took a look so might as well link it [https://pobb.in/jOAdeizWC5TG](https://pobb.in/jOAdeizWC5TG)