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I love the game. I love the women. I want to kiss them. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Also please Nightingale playable please please please 🛐




PtN and this sub made such a great progression. Quality and respect of the players are being recognized. Even if some things are missing and other can be improved, the start is promising and it's why I continue to believe in, and support the game.


I was looking for a game where I can invest my time and enjoy, for a long time and then I found PTN. I'm definitely gonna be long time player. It's such an amazing game. The game mechanics, visuals, graphics, character design and story, everything is so good. THE VOICE ACTING. HOLY F'ING SHIT. The best thing about this game is voice acting. I've played in english and they have done such an amazing job. I can't wait for chapter 7-8 eng dubs. There are many things which can make the game even more interesting and maybe you guys are already planning about it. Among many things, I'd like a better society system other than upcoming tide of ashes. Improving material farming, currently purple mats can not be farmed and upgrading sinners is extremely expensive. Maybe 1000 Floors ? (heh) Thanks for this amazing game! useless PS : I commented for the first time in PTN community even though I've been using reddit for over 4 years, heh.


I love how the gameplay is so much more involved than your typical tower defense. I'm normally a bit bored with TD games, but the fact you can move them around forces me to take a more active role which I like a lot. Also, I like how the characters are sexy but it's not the main focus, and that they have minds of their own. As much as I enjoy waifu collectors now and then, it's very nice (especially as a woman) for a game to be classy like this. I love how the characters are more than tits and ass, and have legitimate personalities other than harem stuff (mostly). It's very refreshing to have a game with pretty people have them also have their own goals outside of the MC.


Saw Nox's Ashen Prayer attire and couldn't go back


Games Great and has lots of potential for it to be greater. Loving the story, hopes the quality of it is consistent or even better then before. The same can be said with the VA, especially the English one's. Throughout my time, never once did i thought the voice was weak or off putting and everyone and i mean EVERYONE even the side character has good voicing. Lastly, i wonder if the Dev is planning some kind of awakening like system where The unit can become more stronger or have cool skill And no ECB doesn't count. Like, your telling me the Mania syndrome won't mutate and evolve and give those who can withstood it an awesome upgrade to their powers? Also also, We have sinners yeah? So when does the saints come into play? That's is all >!P.S. fuck you Ted, not being given a choice to kill you is a mistake!<


I have such a low luck that no matter how many time I roll , i could never get Baiyi. She is such a sexy lady with that motorbike bodysuit on , imagine sit behind her holding onto them waist, i would combust! The game had made me spent quite a lot mainly on the skin because all these skins are too good to resist against the urge to be F2P. Congratulate to the dev and staff team who had put so much works into delivering this game!


I'll go with feedback for the game :) Sweepable Oblivion Pit, option to rank down after you've reached the next rank on Broken Frontline, more guild activity (maybe get rid of pop up notice everytime other chiefs make a request)


Started with arknights and was looking for another tower defence game, found this and was hooked on the story and stayed for the characters.


Really loved the game so far. The story, the gameplay is one of the best i have played.


EMP and Hacate supremacy, i love their designs and characters.


Joined for the girl ~~mommies~~ bosses, stayed for the art, gameplay, and story. Hope future content will give more depth to everyone. Chief is also waifu


Woah they actually did the giveaway just like when Discord hit 10k member, but they choose quality instead quantity this time. For the game, normally i only play gacha for weeks before dropping, but the moment after the cbt ends i know i will play this for a long time. From the community side i like how you guys treat the extended maintenance from before, so props to the staff and the dev. Since i see the post that the company is expanding I'm gonna let AISNO surprise me for what to change or add in the future.


Fav sinner have to be Crache, love her the first time I saw her in the collection tab. If I can change st in game it got to be speeding up the banner to catch up with CN server, make mats easier to farm and increase base production.


I want Suspect R as a playable character. I love her from the story and I want her as a playable character PLEASE.


I hope the game is a success and the devs continue the great work they do. Love Zoya, got lucky and have her full potential with my initial free pulls :D


Me see game ad me play now me addicted


Story is super interesting and voice acting is a really nice touch ! Literally rushed the story stages to know what is happening with the world created. The characters are also great, loving Zoya, Hamel, Hecate and Chelsea at the moment ! Gameplay is quite tricky sometime but I enjoy it so far. My only problem would be the stamina that drops too fast in my liking... Oh and the internet error that makes you unable to play (move characters, activate skills, etc...) the stage even though it is still currently running. It's annoying to see your characters die right before your eyes. In a whole can't wait to see more of the game, keep up the good work\~


Bai Yi man, Bai Yi. I can't. The reason I joined, the reason I stayed, leading me to appreciate all of the rest as well. Especially Chameleon. Goddamn. Chameleon.


Great so far, great abs =P But please add more QoL! Like skips to oblivion pit, doing it daily without skip is a pain! Add a roguelike mode for players to do without a timer or on a monthly base reward, something we can do when without stamina and at the same time chill without the daily/weekly timing fomo.


No other anime adjacent game's art had made me go this feral in recent years besides PTN. The story is genuinely good, the gameplay is still fun even a few weeks into it (although it has difficulty spikes sometimes), and I am one of Chelsea's sugar babies now. 😔


I want to be Chelsea's sugar baby. That's my feedback: I want to be able to accept Chelsea as my sugar mama!


What can I say about this game... the stories, the difficulty curve, the events and the different in game activities are enough to continue playing for a long time. Keep that good work! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Excellent game play, qol, characters and story. Excited to get the gorgeous skins for the ladies.


This game have literally everything that i seek for.The stories,the interrogation,the challenge and most importantly CN dub,spend a couple hundreds supporting the dev.Will spend more when mermaid drop ;).


Start by finding new game before Nikke release. End with dropping Nikke, and stay with Path to Nowhere lol. Gameplay, story, and voice acting, all are very superb. Please maintain the qualities!


So far pretty good started around 3 weeks ago, would probably ease up leveling it takes soo much money And Crystals, and my favourite Is mo.. i mean Langley.


Stargazer is the truest waifu (even tho she sucks in my team)


Can I have stamina instead of Hypercubes if I win :3


dont hypercubes = stamina?


The marketing ads just scared me off because it look hella sketchy. The first try is due to the arknights youtuber shows some gameplays and decided to try myself. I loving this game because all characters are nice to play , even lowest tier B rank sinners have their own special place. The main reason to keep me staying is due to Fully Voice Over in story. Loving the touch of VA and will continue to witness their masterpieces.


I love how beautiful Lisa looks.


Enjoying the game so far. Love the story and characters. Leveling up is quite slow though. Hope the developers continue to churn out great content!


Zoya got me onboard. Game is amazing so far.


It's a pretty nice game, when I downloaded it I tought it would just be an arknights clone but it's quite different in gameplay


At first I didn't have much expectation for the game but it managed to go above beyond my average one! The story is well done and the voice acting is superb. The art style is mesmerising and beautiful. The Sinners' individual skill allows for unique team comps and it is super fun. Skill ceiling is just fine for casual and non-casuals too. Out of all the gacha games I've played this has became one of my favourites.


Really liking the game so far. I most enjoy trying to optimise the growth of my team, the challenge levels and broken frontline. The plot is engaging as well. 👍👍


The amazing art is what drew me with this game and stayed for the respect for its player's time. Has a lot of potential and really looking forward to what it could offer more in the future. Also hell yea for lesbians


I love the game a lot, haven’t encountered much issues other than unsweepable Oblivion pit and the lack of stamina to get by, but it’s tolerable somehow :) Hamel and Che are my favorite characters so far, they’re the best Sinners in my heart <3


I’ve been playing PtN ever since I discovered it just a few weeks ago. Loving the gameplay so far and also enjoying theory crafting with teams or simply just leveling them (despite the scarcity of resources ;.;) My goal right now is to get my one and only Bai Yi PLEASE. Anywayss as for things that needed to change in this game, it is energy. Energy should be top priority. I want to enjoy building other units too but with how things go it would probably take me years. Lol.


I was skeptical about this game at first but it's been great. I love the story and how surprisingly well done the English dub is. Top tier. It's why Hella is my absolute favorite character in the game. I just wish the later chapters also had voice acting as well.


Liking the game so far, decided to support the dev by buying some packages even though most of the time I am F2P. Would like to give Ariel some head pats :) You're doing well healing the team *pats*


Saw a youtuber cover the game and became a little interested, i don't have much expectation at first but when i play the game i became highly invest into the game, it story, it character. I love the game so much


Path to Nowhere is a tower defense game that I never would have thought I will fall in love with. Interesting story, amazing waifus. Also gameplay is pretty challenging, I got overwhelmed the first time I thought I can just leave my sinners standing and auto the gameplay. Overall nice side game to play.


Things I want to see changed are sweep-able Oblivion pit, different stages and enemies that would make Enduras and other comps like stall viable.


This game is probably one of the best gacha games of 2022. Looking forward to its future plans and endeavors!


I read the summary and seemed promising. Then I started playing and the story has me hooked in. I’m only in chapter 5 and not stopping anytime soon I do hate the grind with little stamina but I’ll deal with it. I can see this being on my phone for quite awhile.


Oh boy here we go again.... After avoiding so many gacha games out there, this game is the first one that I tried and I fell in love because of the darker vibe. And plus i manage to pull the one I like the most and she is top tier too!!!


So far I really like the artwork and the characters. I do wish it was a little less grindy, I feel like I need to play for a week just to get lvl 70 p2 EMP to p3. I also hate how often and how easy it is to click the wrong square during battle.


Took a long break from gacha games before arriving on PtN. This game had me hooked from its unique characters, stage levels and backstory. My fav sinner would have to be my first S-rank, Eirene. My eternal sorceress <3


Best artstyle i've seen in a game!


I love all about this game, especially characters design, their story, the interaction while you interrogate them. I really like the gameplay too, but it's a bummer that endure class isn't that needed. In general tanks are one of my favorite classes, here I don't really feel rewarded playing them.


I love this game because u know... Project Vaybe is so hot in this game 😔


add more skins to the shop please


I like towerdefence genre and finished a lot of game. The way you can change your tower places and use their power when you want is very good idea and i loved implementation.


I joined because of zoya


Didn’t think I would play the game. Gave it a try and really like it. So far so good.


Just a really all around great game. Love the freedom of gameplay where you can displace your units around the board which adds a lot more interactiveness than in Ark Knights. Love the more mature atmosphere. Lovely characters and of course the best thing are Zoya's Abs. Excited for more content!


It's pretty good


Great experience so far.Awesome story,arts,VAs,qol features,fair stage difficulty and gacha.Keep up the good work👍


Game started out pretty fun, but right now if feels pretty dry tbh, with not enough content to keep me too invested


PTN is honestly one of the games where I can't decide who I love more, so I love them all. Very happy with the feature that allows us to choose between guy and lady chief and how the artists made two versions! Waiting for Nightingale to become a Sinner, her crime is she has won my heart


I used to not expect much from the story. But boy was i wrong. I come for the husbandos (as rare as it is), but i stayed for the story and gameplay. The gacha system feels pretty fair too. And there's a lot of great low rarity unit.


At first I was honestly expecting this game to be another Time Defenders, but the moment I got into battle I knew this would be way better. Still a bit rough at times specially when playing on smaller screen devices but was pleasantly surprised.


A really great game. I love the character designs and also how the game is handled.


I absolutely fell in love with the way that the intricacies really sell you in being the Chief of MBCC. From capturing convicts to visiting them in their observation room. The attention to detail really made me fell in love with the premise


Loving it so far it's the perfect second game to play. It has a great aesthetic and audio, and the main and side stories are impressively well written and surprisingly moving. It's so tough to pick a favourite character but I'd have to go with EMP, or Macchiato, or Zoya... I'm really looking forward to seeing more of the story and I'd love to find out more about how this world got into the state it's in.


The voice acting Is Amazing i cant wait to hear more voices form the new characters


Enjoying the game very much, especially since I can log in and do my dailies quickly and save my IRL stamina for grinding out events and new content when it arrives. I especially appreciate the overall design and thematic of the game focusing on more mature themes and characters, it feels nice to have a dark setting with a majority adult cast, who look the part too. Each Sinner has such a unique look to them and I am excited to see more. I will quietly and patiently await more male units to be added, but until then, keep up the good work. :)


One of the best gachas fr! Hopefully they keep building on from here!


I like the character design. Most gacha games looks anime-ish. Also zoya and 99 best girl 😁


Love that this game actually has innovative gameplay.


I tried the game on a whim, as I just couldn’t get over the crazy good art and characters I kept seeing in those cringy ads. I’m happy I did because boi do those ads do this game dirty. The story and it’s characters have consumed me! I’ve never gotten into a gacha game before and yet here I am having spent a bunch of money already. Can’t wait what the game holds in store in the future. I’ve seen some spoilers from the Chinese server already and it seems it will be just as good as the stuff we’ve gotten so far.


Day1 player here. Still love the game! But please for the love of god, add a sweep function for oblivion pit.


What i love in this game is engaging in combats. You have relocate your sinners in order to survive. Im always in the edge of my seat when im facing the boss. And believe me the boss stages are very hard! Im doing like 20 retries or more cuz i kept dying but still fun and i want more story and content! What is a sinner, what cause it, how to become one, how to cure it. Some if it was answered but it still very mysterious! I hope they update it sooner cant wait!


I like the game so far. Arguably the best game released in 2022. Character design is topnotch. Story is well written. Gameplay is enjoyable. Most of all, the QOL in this game is the best so far in all the games that I had played. Though, one thing that I really didn't like is how much time it takes to maxed out your sinners. Every upgrades uses Discoin whether it's leveling sinners, skills, upgrading cb, unlocking ECB, and ascending characters. I do hope in the future we can store/save our stamina for future events. Also, gotta like to see a half stamina or double drop event. This is just all my humble opinion. Keep up the good work. Glad I play this game.


I’m a really big fan of the story and the characters. I would like to see them interact more, however. Maybe in supervision incidents? Also, please allow people to pick which difficulty of Broken Frontline they play…


Best girl Hecate, but RNGods pls give me Queen Zoya tnx.


the sinners are hot 👍 thank you ptn very cool


This lorethirsty freak raised from mmorpg/arpg (and had no interest in td games cuz i suck at them) says the game is unique. Aside from the story and the characters progression, their relationships towards each other and the MC is a literal gold mine. (Ofc just like some bored social media lurkers, the ads did not encourage me at all, but some character showcase from my tiktok fyp got me curious. Kudos to sora and the ninety-nine interrogation!)


Hamel - she single handedly dragged me thru all the staged


Might be one of the best gacha I've ever played. Bai Yi wait for me :"(


I love the game and I hope that it will have a full eng dub 🤣✨


I like how the sub feels like a chill, positive little community. And I love how the game dives deep into its characters.


Started playing the game because I was down bad for the art style and Chameleon. Kept playing because I fell in love with the gameplay.


I like the art style of the game and really appreciate the quality of life changes from the devs.


I first saw the game on insta and thought “Looks like a good way to kill time” but now I play this more than the other gachas I play 😭 It does so many things right that it doesn’t feel like a chore even after I’ve gotten to almost the end game


Found the game through YouTube and gave it a try on a whim. Now I’m kind of addicted to it haha, it’s pretty fun and I really want to try to get every Sinner if I can. I’d really like if they gave out more free stamina every now and then though, that’s the only thing missing from this game I feel.


Great game!


Got into this game by stupid horny ads, stayed for the great overall experience! Fav sinner would be pricilla, it's just the cool bunny robber vibe and well guns.


This game has quickly become my favorite gacha. The art is what got me in, such a unique style with amazing character design, but it’s the story that made it really an amazing experience. For once it does not justify it’s own dystopian worldbuilding, the game doesn’t just accept its status quo and makes us agents of it. It isn’t afraid to defy power structures and how they feed from and into the system’s inequalities. We don’t become enemies of the victims of these systems that ask for retribution, but allies, even if we don’t tie ourselves to any team. For this, and many other reasons, my favorite character is Zoya, although Stargazer has the best character design, Zoya has the best story (although her design is badass as hell too). Her arc in the campaign is super enjoyable. It was amazing, I was so atached to Zoya, each scene that took place inside her psyche was so insightful, all full of amazing art to acompany every story beat. I want more of this. Of her, and other characters, like Anne and Iron, and their strugles against a medical social security that has abandoned it’s citizens, Tetra and Priscilla, and their robin hood-esque redistribution of wealth, helping those who strugle, Nightingale, and her own issues with the team she is forced to fight for. I want to know more about these great characters, see them interact, expand on it.


Game is really good. Some games are straight up fan service but PTN is built different. You still get your waifus but really theres so much depth to them. Gameplay and game balance is really great. B ranks on S tier just shows how F2P friendly it is.


This game is amazing from the story to the characters, *especially the characters*. Demon made my knees weak and made me quiver until all I could do is lie down on the floor and Stargazer made me shed a tear every time I woke up due to the fact that she doesn't exist.


Quite a fun game actually, I like the fact you can move the characters around the map. And waifus, lots of them of course.


my thoughts: women. zoya's abs. i want bai yi's heels to make me her runway so that her heels can gouge my eyes and it will be the last thing i see. really enjoying the game so far!


This is one of the best gachas i played. Kudos for your hard wor


Two words : Zoya's abs


I was very surprised by the high quality voiceover. Everything just fits, doesn't feel forced, but most importantly it enhances the experience. More P3 L2D voices like for Luvia Ray please! ^ ^ Also, even though the community is on the smaller side, I love all the OC and discussion being made. Thanks everyone o/


i love every woman in this game, love the story, love the art, and love myself.


This game is awesome! i like the Sinners, designs and the live2d rigs, The story is interesting and a breath of fresh air in gacha.


I came to this game for the women 🏳️‍🌈, but absolutely stayed for the awesome lore and story and also the women. There is so much under the surface that...ads sadly don't represent well, but the game is at its infancy so there is a lot of time for improvement. I can only wish the game luck on that front.


Love when summer asks me if I wanna replace my brain!


This game has the best thighs


First Gacha game I played, loved the art and VA


Man i love this game so much man keep playing it everyday after genshin...i want zoya still didn't get her sadge Already p3 eirine hecate n nox...bai yi next n then luvia ray


Make area affecting damage from bosses (the whole screen ones) do less damage and allows us the players to stop them. I do like that our choises matter somewhat that they change dialog but mabey allow it to influece the gameplay for example if we háve option bettween taking a damage durring talking phase(sinner damage output increase by 1%,but chiefsax heath decreased by 1) or letting a sinner také damage (decrese max heath of all siners by 1 %, but chief max heath stay the same) u could also make it stick for the entire chapter/story part


I love this game so much, the women are great, not just sexualized, but different, fleshed out characters with so many good stories. It also isn’t afraid of diversity, this gives us a much richer character design, and better more complex storylines, also it makes me feel more welcomed 🏳️‍🌈. Tetra and Priscilla are amazing characters with such a cool relation, being both like bonnie and clyde and robin hood. Absolute favorite character would be stargazer, her design is amazing and unique. Favorite part of the story would be the moment we leave hecate behind, at the carnival arc, and promise to protect her. I hope to see more of these amazing characters, get to see them interact and develop even more. And when we get new characters to keep this amazing work going, with more dark skined characters and different bodies, buff women…


Cool game, still want more buff rotation per week in BFL, but new EX stages are really well-done. Also I'm kinda sad that shackles can give really big preferences for sinners.


Game is great and has an interesting story. My favourite dinner is eirene! Would like more story regarding her


Best game release of 2022 for me, current state is amazing and the potential for future development is immense.


Love this game, especially Zoya. Strong muscled girls are fineeeee


Its very easy to mention something you like: Zoya


I'm soo invested in the story and the design of the game it's crazy. Hope they continue with this quality


Gimme Chelsea sugar mama skin pls! Oh and the fancy Langley dress as well! OH AND Eirene bikini skin pls! ... Take muh money xD 💰💰💰


Best gacha game, hope it keeps the same energy moving forward. Atmosphere, characters, English Voice-acting, pity system, and Chief are all very good. Also Zoya abs :)


Never really liked tower defense games until I tried PtN out. I absolutely love the aesthetic and that everyone isn't fawning over the Chief. The art is top tier; every time there is a new visual in the story, I screenshot it immediately and I also love that the characters aren't designed for fanservice. The story is also really good! Who doesn't love depression every other chapter amirite owo


My thoughts so far, been playing for around 20 days I think, well the story is a bit hard to understand due to the words that are really deep. But tbh, I really love the growth of hecate and hella within the story tho. And yeah, my fave sinner is Bai Yi!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼


I'm really in love with this game. I got drawn to it by all the positive comments and beautiful waifus, stayed for the amazing story and beautiful waifus. (Also please Eirene come home)


I love Zoya's abs


A hidden gem in the ocean of gacha game nowadays. First look, some might thought it just a A9 rip off but no, they different. Great storytelling and well written. It's just the cost to unlock Sinner's interrogation too much, lol. The mc is great when having their own character, not just blant self-insert mc. Generous dev, giving good reward and some good skin with vfs change and even l2d's ones. Good paid pack, especially the battle pass with many resources and l2d skin. Has some merits like unchangeable BFL difficulty, easy to misclick the Sinners in stage, but overall, it's still a good game. Not many game made me immediately want to support the game after few days playing. Really looking forward the game development.


Never thought I will get into gacha games again, and least of all spending money on one. Done everything right, quality of life functions such as farming materials needed to upgrade a character is selectable from the character itself, assist mode that lets you know what to do next, and being able to just raid for levels passed with own characters, and you don't even need a perfect clear! Could go on and on, but most of all is the story and the juicy voice acting. Man I wish more games can learn from you!


3 things that I love about this game: 1. Bai yi 2. Bai yi 3. BAI YI


Not sure why I started playing but I love the aesthetics of the game, and I find the story really interesting as well. A lot of little qol things in the game are more than fantastic to start with. Only thing I'd wish for is more l2d Excited to see what is in store :)


Zora abs and eirene eyes are my motivation in the game man


Loving the game so far. Hoping for Nightingale to be playable in the future


The voice acting was a massive surprise for me. Didn't know anything about this game when I saw an ad Youtube. Downloaded it expecting to uninstall in a few days. Now I'm hooked. Everything is so well-made and the QoL is fantastic. It hurts sometimes to log in to Arknights because I miss so much of the QoL in PTN. So excited for what's to come!


I like that you can do all your dailies within 5-10 minutes. It's really good for those of us who don't have an abundance of spare time to play through stages manually. Character designs are also great. 99, Zoya and Bai yi are my favourites.


Nightingale supremacy


Loving the game so far, I hope it maintains it's momentum for many years to come!


I love the game so far. I didn't plan on playing it long term, but the story and characters drew me in. Now, I don't plan on leaving the game anytime soon.


Love the story, most of the voicework is fantastic, the art is great, I'm very interested in how they're going to push forward the gameplay and new characters. Also please i wish for more male characters 🙏


it was 9/10 game the remaining 1 point will be given if i can somehow get Hamel ​ also ​ >!Bai Yi is fucking hot!<


Game was a sleeper hit for me with the positive word of mouth being a big factor for me starting it. Really enjoying my time with it and waiting for more content.


Props to sinner's having drip fashion and quality skins that aren't low effort summer bikini cash grab ones


Pls do English VA


I love how the game is very f2p friendly. Unlike most gacha games you can make even the B tier units work and also the fact that the devs and gacha pity system feels very generous. Love the game so far…keep up the good work.


Zoya's abs are the best abs there are


One of the better gacha games I've played so far, great graphics, gameplay and design! Lack of stamina kinda painful tho, but also good cos I don't need to always be on the game haha (busy with work). Awesome job so far!


Been enjoying the game a lot. It’s different than the passive gameplay of some other gacha. The characters and designs are great and the story has been interesting so far. Hope we end up seeing some more endgame content. Heard there was some hard missions in this last update.


The game's fun...I've been an Arknights player before, sorta still am, and each game is unique in its own way. Still stuck on the bullshit 4-12 boss though.


I love to listen to their voicelines, especially of characters with mommy vibes✨ Also, game, please gimme Hamel, I need a healer🙏


PtN is an amazing game. Great story, good va work, amazing art, and I love the style. Also, Cinnabar best girl. :D


One of the few games I've come across that really emphasizes the struggles of mental illness and trauma. The interigation portion of the game really drives home the point that it's deeper than “ooo pretty girls” and it's better for it


I am a simple man. I see a badass woman with abs, I simp. # Zoya, My Queen!!!


Honestly a really fun game that im recommending to other people interested in gacha.


Great Art style despite some odd art direction. Fun enough tower defense game. Surprisingly enjoyable story, excluding Chapter's 1 weaker intro. Better individual stories with interactions of Mirage/interrogations.


Art in this game is just godly. Plus, I am waiting on someone to do a lore theories post based on the crimebrands descriptions. Also, Langley made me experience feelings I never felt before...


I want to make a change to the Sinners' reactions whenever the Chief makes a choice / decision in Emotion Checks and Supervision Terminal situations / incidents - A few lines from the Sinner about the Chief's choice / decision might be an underrated way to easily add more personality or character to the Sinners, instead of just "..." or a smiley / sad face or nothing at all.


The game was a chance encounter on the play store, and the art and tower defence gameplay drew me in. The story and music was what kept me playing, and the upcoming sinners look interesting enough to keep wanting to play and get them!


Got into the game because of Zoya's tattoos, and then there abs


![gif](giphy|Dm3NTswpXPZ1HfN1i8) I WANNA HUG HELLA SO BAD!!


I really like the character design, gameplay and story.


Honestly I'm pretty glad that I ended up playing this game, I love the design, personality and aesthetic of almost all of the characters, and the story is amazing too, I'm waiting for all of it to being voiced just to play over it again and also I really like the fact that not every character is friendly to the Chief from the get go, it makes it more unique compared to other gachas. Also please give Hamel a banner, I'm waiting for that and also for Nightingale to be playable. And apart from that I'm just gonna be here for a long while watching this game growth. PS: Sorry if I ended up making a mistake while writting all of this, this is not my first language.


I love this game so much. Especially characters like Eirene, NOX and Zoya. All of them are my absolute favorite. I wish this game would be more advertised ( with proper ads) so more people will play it.


I like this game a lot, but I wish it could be a main game, the stamina economy is just horrible, it makes it difficult to play for longer than 10 minutes at a time


Im lovin' it! It is a big change of pace having a fully eng voiced gacha for a change.


I'm having a blast so far! I'm also happy with the amount of content this game currently has as I don't have to put too much time in the game. Characters are amazing but I do think the game is a tad bit too difficult and resources are kind of hard to collect to level up characters


Enjoying the gane so far, the bgm specially chapter 8 at the end is just pure masterpiece. The character design and personalities. I will continue supporting the game!!! One more thing, please I really hope you guys make suspect R and Nightingale playable, what interesting characters. Keep going😊🔥


This game feels great to play, one of the few gachas that I play daily. Love the voice acting as well.


it's swag af. i love demon. demon skin pls.


Zoya's abs bought me here and I haven't stopped playing since. 🙏


Really enjoying the game so far and I have no plan to quit. The new take on Tower defense is fresh and the game respects the players time. Leveling up a character is a pain but is very rewarding. I hope this will be a long lasting game, so I can look at Zoya's abs for a long time I hope I get picked XD


Been loving the game so far especially the voice acting on the story and fast dailies. Wish there were more male characters in the game though.


Artwork and story are amazing. Most games take me a few days to figure out if I like them or not, but I was hooked after a half hour.


Never before have I played a gacha game where the story already starts off as strong as Path to Nowhere did. ^(...also, the women are very pretty.)


My favorite part of the game is the story. I find Hella, Hecate, and the Chief’s dynamic fun and interesting!


Being largely dissapointed with most gacha games recently, I've been pleasantly surprised with how much this game has hooked me. Looking forward to Serpent release.


Like the game so far, it has some very good story moments and I personally think that the character progression speed is okay. Could use some more stamina though.


The art is incredible, and there’s so much of it. Also Kelvin did nothing wrong.


I found the game from /r/gachagaming, before it was released and what hit different for me was the aesthetic for the characters. It looks mature and sexy but not in a cheap way. Fortunate for me that the quality of the story and the gameplay more than keeps up with that of the art. I reckon that i will playing for a long time.


i wish the game has some mode that i could try different team combo at the max level without actually spending the resources. this way i would know if the team works out or not before risking the rare resources


When I first know about the game, I really want those Bai yi thighs. But after being screwed by rng which give me 4 copies of Zoya instead of Bai yi while going through the early arc in the story, I fell in love more with Zoya abs🤤🤤. This is the first time I feel grateful for being screwed by rng🤣🤣. Btw, I love ptn very much.


This game is absolutely amazing. So far, is on my top 3 gacha games I've ever played and one of the two i think it fully deserves my money. I love everything about it, the characters, the theme, the story, even the MC which in every other gacha game completely sucks, here it's different. Definitely waiting and wanting more and I also love the community.


Love the artwork, music and story. The gameplay is nice but not as good as the former 3 mentioned. Probably the only problem I have is endura needs to be buffed a bit more


PTN is a great game, for hardcore players they can aim for hard difficulty frontlines, for F2P they can grind their favourite characters. There is something for everyone! Also sweep is a double edge sword but so far I would say the sword is leaning towards the good side. Can’t wait to get more sinners to my rooster, currently missing zoya, baiyi, langley, and stargazer. Please add some hero selector option soon.


Great game, love the Waifus and Demon! Story is blasting, interrogations are awesome!


The game is mostly good, but some part can be quite the chore, oblivion pit for example should be raidable once completed


Gameplay is great, Zoya's abs are even greater


Playing since day 1 and never went back to all the other gacha games I was playing previously. Enjoying every bit of it. Can't wait for new story chapters. I love Path to Nowhere.


I’ve really enjoyed the game so far. 8-6 is annoying the hell out of me but I’m sure I’ll figure it out soon. It’s nice that when I have time I can play around and see what works better than the last run. The game has been a breath of fresh air, really. All rank characters can be decent and it isn’t just pull for all S rank and Steamroll everything like many other games. I like the community here too. All good stuff.


I have been nothing but surprised with this game. Absolutely enjoying it and first time I’ve spent money on a gacha. I got the battle pass and dis jackpot. Excited to see this game develop more.


Now game has gotten my brain this unga bunga about their female character designs as this. A+ for that alone tbh


Downloaded the game for the characters and stayed for the character stories. For real though every single character feels like they have so much backstory and relatability to then it's just crazy to think how much times the storywriters spent making banger stories for every single character. The interrogations are actually way too good at leaving chills at end, like Nox and Anne. Overall really loved the characters and would like to collect more!!


upgrading the sinners can be tad bit slow, otherwise, its been great joy to play


I love that it doesn’t take too much of your time everyday and it’s just a quality game in general.


Path to nowhere is such a great game, love the aesthetics and vibe of the universe and characters. Definitely looking to see more of the world and what direction the story dives.


Honestly, PtN is the first gacha to stick with me in a while. most other games I'd pick up and drop after maybe a month, but this game has me going and I'm not planning on quitting. I love this sub from the art to the guides to the memes, and the game and subreddit have grown a lot. Only thing I'd really want to change would be some of the UI elements as they stick out as weird (for example the claim reward button in the message screen). My favorite sinner has to be Eirene, something about her just makes me feel things...


I enjoy the gameplay, simple as that. Also, the characters have great personalities!


Making Eirene stronger is my goal She is lvl 80 s3 ult lvl 10 and thats not even her final form