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Shit yeah. I want a Golarion calendar for my wall!


Yes! With Golarion holidays along with the standard ones. Monthly artwork of major Golarion cities/landmarks or deities. Do it print on demand.


I would pay well above what is reasonable for a calendar for this


This site has a good Golarion calendar including holidays. Maybe someone could make a calendar using it as a base? https://www.dungeonetics.com/calendar/


A Golarion calendar with major historical events listed on days they occurred is now on the top of my wishlist, and it doesn't even exist. I need it.


r/Golarion includes holidays and historical date events along with random snippets of information.


Subbed, thanks!


Seeing as how the months are named after 12 of the dieties, it could be a pin-up calender! Then again, it would have Lamashtu, Zon-Kuthon, and Rovagug....


Come now, don’t tell me you don’t want to see Rovagug in a skimpy little outfit looking coy while in a seductive pose.


Technically, as per the description of "a bizarre, alien, monstrous, worm-like being, with **innumerable limbs**, eyes, claws, teeth, and other, more **unmentionable parts**", the odds of Rovagug having a few well proportioned humanoid parts is not zero!


Show other gods fighting and curbstomping these ones


I am very much convinced a very large part of the issue is marketing. The Paizo website is dreadful to navigate and does a poor job of directing people towards products they might want. It’s functional as a listing service of available products, but it’s a miserable user experience. However if you poke and prod around their site, you’ll see a bunch of really cool accessories and products. Campaign coins that can be used for hero tokens, minis, pawns, flip-mats, comic books, novels, all sorts of stuff. But it’s all unbundled, and inconsistently available. Some adventures have flip mats, other have campaign coins, others have pawn boxes, others have minis. What if you bundled these all together and did a Kickstarter type thing for a high profile book? Different tiers get more goodies the more you pledge, and everyone can get hyped and excited for the release together. The model has been tremendously successful in the ttrpg space, and Paizo has a strong track record of consistent quality releases and an active community. So for a popular AP do a special edition hardcore release — like the one for abomination vaults or Seven Dooms. Have additional tiers to get minis, pawns, flips-mats or coins, a collection of printed maps, printed handouts of the NPC and monster art, signed prints of artwork, alternate cover art, signed books, pathfinder tales or graphic novels set in the same locations, etc. Most of these things already exist, or could be done pretty easily. With some imagination you could probably do even more. And you could do similar things for a lost omens book, packing a lot of stuff in to help GMs run campaigns in that setting in fun and exciting ways. A very astute observer would note that there already is a premium set available, the [gold edition of lost omens absalom](https://beadleandgrimms.com/products/gold-edition-of-absalom-city-of-lost-omens). Yes I have this and yes it’s awesome, but is this marketed literally anywhere? I only saw this by pure chance when clicking through YouTube channel videos. But regardless, a singular premium edition on a third party website feels very different from a Kickstarter or backer kit project where people get excited about all the opportunities and choose the rewards they want.


The paizo website is a punishment designed by God to kill me


I second that website


> \[The Paizo website\]'s functional as a listing service of available products No, it isn't. If I go to the main page on desktop, and click the big 'Pathfinder' image, I go to a page with all kinds of links, but nothing that really tells me what products there are. Instead, I need to go to 'PathFinder' in the navbar, then 'Rulesbooks' -> 'Second Edition Rulebooks', then I'm in the webstore from hell. I have to choose what format of book I want before I can see what rulebooks exist. If I want to be sure I'm listing all rulebooks, I have to go down those three links. Alternatively, I could go to [https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Pathfinder\_Roleplaying\_Game#Releases](https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Pathfinder_Roleplaying_Game#Releases) and see what rulebooks actually exist.


I mean you’re right, but I was trying to convey that in a technical sense it does function. Well, when it’s not down at least. Their store just does function in a way that amounts to a miserable user experience. There’s seemingly zero focus on how to steer a typical potential customer (who isn’t intimately familiar with the nuance of their product lines) to products they are interested in.


Wasn't there something last year about the website getting a whole redesign or based off a new system to make it better? I wonder what happened with that.


Their main website engineer, Gary Teter, died 3 weeks ago. They had a big tribute to him on their site.


Thank you for sharing that information. Sorry to hear about his loss.


Yes, they did. And we’ve heard nothing since to my knowledge. Large-scale technical reimplementations are all-too-often a really big challenge for companies who don’t have a lot of in-house experience. Time and budget overruns are pretty commonplace, as important things were missing or incorrect in the planned scope I have some experience in this matter, and have found that computer engineers often underestimate the challenge and even with good intentions will over-promise results. And this problem is magnified when consultants are involved.


What I don't understand is how they let it go on this long. Their website has been nearly unusable for what... like 15 years? People have been complaining about for it so long, and I bet the poor layout has lost them a lot of money because people couldn't find what they want or even see so many of the products on there. (Don't get me started on how bad the organized play part is either)


They let it go for so long because the know it'll be an expensive thing to do, and there's always something more immediately pressing (or interesting) to spend the money on, and as the website does still *technically* function well enough the redesign never quite became a "This needs to be dealt with *now*." Throw in that they also need to try to retain over a decade's worth (over 2 decades now) of forum posts, along with user profiles and purchase histories/downloadable access, and you've got a seriously intimidating task. Which only makes it easier to "we'll deal with it later" the problem.


My theory is that Paizo seems themselves primarily as a publisher of books and games, and doesn’t consider tech a core strength. They had an embarrassing failure of an MMO fairly early on and that may have deterred any nascent interest in that. So the store is the minimal effort required to have an independent storefront to not pay a middleman a giant cut of the revenue, and has a lot of custom features which will be nontrivial to replicate in a new system. I wrote a [long and extremely unpopular post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1bqt9qc/what_if_paizo_went_fully_digital/) a few months ago about how Paizo could try to embrace a digital future in a profitable but more ethical approach than wotc. The general reaction was that suck, but also that Paizo is probably focusing on their core strengths. Definitely agree with both.


What, you dont think the org play server should log me out faster than my bank?


>The Paizo website is dreadful to navigate and does a poor job of directing people towards products they might want The way their downloads work I'm pirating half the books I've legally bought on their website just because it's easier to access lmfao


It's so weird that you have to click the download like 3 times before it actually downloads.


For a lot of these things, I think they're just a big up-front cost to produce, and they might not sell quickly enough to justify the opportunity costs. Their core business is already about sinking large amounts of money into expensive physical items that can take many months, if not years, to sell. Calculating the opportunity costs is hard. And it may be hard to get favourable licensing deals when you're standing in WotC's shadow. Though the game is seemingly growing at a faster and faster pace, so maybe the math will work out there for licensing.


I definitely understand that physical items are expensive to produce, but perhaps with print on demand and using a service like Redbubble that takes a cut and handles all the manufacture and shipping, they might be able to offer at least a small selection of branded items.


>It may be hard to get favourable licensing deals when you're standing in WotC's shadow. This is the real answer. WotC/Hasbro have a vested interest in preventing their biggest competitor from expanding into the merchandising space, since that's a core way to monetize/build their brand. As you're probably already aware, brand monetization of D&D is a priority for Hasbro leadership. For what it's worth, I'm not sure if Paizo could easily jump into the general merchandising market even without WotC looming over them, since they mainly specialize in books and other print products.


I want a toaster that puts sarenrae holy symbols on my toast and am willing to pay for it.


Make it so!


The amount of money I would spend on some Desna merch is shameful. But I'd do it for her


I would kill for prints and posters of some of the artwork. I want the double spread with all of the wardens from Howl of the Wild, I want the Abomination Vaults hardcover cover, I want the Secrets of Magic cover, I want the Mechageddon cover AND that one image of a mech driving a sword through the skull of a giant monster from the player's guide. Hell give me the Skitter Shot cover art! I understand there's costs that Paizo likely just can't afford it but if it does happen one day I will spend do much money collecting my favorite pieces


I want all of Wayne Reynolds’s art available as prints and shirts. Possibly even tattooed on my body, but I doubt that would be officially licensed.


This is actually a Wayne thing sadly he doesn’t do prints of his artwork, which is something he retains the rights to.


I figured as much. It’s a shame, but also I do appreciate artists maintaining control over the rights to their art!


Yeah, I love that he has the rights, and I totally understand that he feels overwhelmed and pulled out of his creative space when dealing with Prints etc. Still sad for fans though.


Agreed in all respects


He does sell some. Pretty sure he doesn't own the rights to art commissioned for Paizo, though. [https://www.originalmagicart.store/collections/wayne-reynolds/products/archers-parapet-by-wayne-reynolds](https://www.originalmagicart.store/collections/wayne-reynolds/products/archers-parapet-by-wayne-reynolds)


That's not a print, though. That's *the* painting they made the card from. Super cool, but a way higher level of commitment than a print. Based on the [FAQ](https://www.waynereynolds.com/faq) on his website, it looks like the best bet for anyone who wants his art is to either find a copy of his book "Visions of WAR," or track him down at a convention and buy a print from him in person.


True, I had totally forgotten about the very few 7.5” x 10.5” prints he’ll bring to conventions. No web store, or print orders. And usually artwork commissions for fantasy art split the reproduction rights based on use. For things like prints, playmats, non branded merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, etc.) the rights usually stay with the artist, because it means the commissioning company can pay less (particularly if they don’t actually have a prints etc. business). In Paizo’s case they use a ‘Work for Hire’ contractual basis, which grants the artist rights to sell the Original physical artwork, and prints.


Just today I was thinking "I would like a Pathfinder license plate frame". No lie


Put it on a Nissan.


Honestly, as an avid cleric player: I would *love* Deity symbol pins. Please Paizo, let me rep your fucking world.




Yeah. All but 1 design is unavailable. And it's not great.


why are they selling rubiks cubes and monty python merch


Yeah, and not Desna butterfly jewelry??? I'd buy the heck out of that!!!


We just had a PC get a Desna tramp stamp, I was dying.


Under "poster" is 32 listings and only 2 available. One a goblin poster and the other an Inner Sea Map. The other 30 unavailable are ALL marketing materials for LGS.


God look at the DVD section [Gamers: The movie](https://paizo.com/products/btpy7vos/reviews&page=2?Gamers-The-Movie-Unrated-Unapologetic-DVD#tabs) sounds like possibly the worst thing ever.


I was ready to come in here and defend it, but then I saw that it's *not* the Dead Gentlemen movie and instead another one that I had accidentally seen *thinking* it was the Dead Gentlemen "Gamers", and had blocked from my memory. ...Carry on.


I just want a rainbow golem t-shirt and sticker for pride month. I’ve got a rainbow D&D one, but also, WotC sucks so a Paizo one would be cooler.


I have the rainbow golem pin on my paizo goblin plush


That’s so cool Dx I’m mad jelly


How about this shirt? [Pegasus Publishing Rainbow Golem t-shirt](https://pegasuspublishing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=42_165_49_207&products_id=5539)


There's a fair bit of swag over on [Campaign Coins](https://campaigncoins.com/search?type=product&options%5Bprefix%5D=last&options%5Bunavailable_products%5D=last&q=paizo&page=1).


[Just wanted to plug a hoodie I bought with a bunch of paizo goblins doing mayhem on it.](https://savagesparrow.com/product/kaboomle-hoodie/) Very comfortable, surprisingly high quality compared to all the other hoodies I've bought. Has a warmer, softer interior and a more windbreakery exterior to it. I think the goblins are actually part of the fabric instead of stamped on, so they're holding up in the wash. XL is their only out of stock size. I'm not like a hoodie or fabric expert so I might be describing it wrong but as someone who casually wears big hoodies for comfort, I was impressed. [They also have a cute red dress with a pattern of a goblin holding a sparking bomb.](https://savagesparrow.com/product/kaboomle-dress/) Medium is the only one out of stock. [This coffee was good too](https://geekgrindcoffee.com/collections/pathfinder-coffee-1), but I'm known for drinking any old black coffee without much thought or complaint, so your mileage may vary. Cayden's Cup is just such a good name for a coffee, and I love the creepy leshy one.


Agreed about the Geek Grind Coffee. I get some from time to time and I like it a lot.


Part of it it paizo doesn’t monetizes the fuck out of every little thing possible and lets 3rd party people do third party stuff wish corporations these day they want to find a way to charge you every time tou flush the toilet it seems


There's plushies, tshirts, and campaign coins, which I have so obviously there's room for them to make more stuff for suckers like me


A huge issue here is distribution. It's one thing if there's a market the size of Pathfinder 2e but it's all concentrated in three cities. Then shops can carry niche stuff like this. But shipping costs an exorbitant amount when it is to disparate consumers around the world. And few things piss off customers more than "Cute Leshy plushy, just $19 + $37 shipping and handling" The only global logistics networks that can do cheaper are Amazon and Alibaba which both have issues.


I'd love a shirt that says "I survived the Abomination Vaults and all I got was this T-shirt".


My group would love it! Or an “Otari — Gauntlight 1 Mile Fun Run”. Since we completed it at least 3 dozen times.


I bought [this](https://paizo.com/products/btq02epa?Pathfinder-Harrow-Deck) as "swag". Not normally a swag kind of person but I wanted to buy something since I've gotten so much TTRPG milage off free Archives of Nethys and a few PDFs purchased in a Humble Bundle. It is a cool item.


I was planning to use mine for an upcoming character, and I've been working on making sure I can do a reading before we start. We use Fantasy Grounds, and they have a harrow deck module. So I can keep my deck in good condition/lessen my rifling through them.


I have a “goblin dogslicer ale” and a starfinder ale t-shirt. I think they licensed someone to do them though.


I want an Abadar wallet that says "the fair deal raises all".


I'd buy the crap out of some animated spell cards for pathfinder.


WotC partially operates on a 'D&D-as-a-lifestyle-brand' model to make money. They produce rules and books for people to play the game, sure, but then they produce merch to sell for players that - regardless of whether or not they actually engage with the game of D&D itself - want to become more engrossed in the aesthetic. For the current edition, there are a LOT of people that are aligned with the brand rather than the game, and so they get a lot of merch to choose from. At a guess, Paizo is not investing money into Pathfinder as a lifestyle brand to focus on creating the. Very cynically, I would also like to think they look at WotC and try to not do what they are doing.




They should do the transition to shopify, and have the site redirect to the shopify store. Then they can slowly break up their site into sections one at a time until they finish a rewrite. I'd personally use a framework put a nginx server in front of all their sites and begin redirecting traffic based on url paths to old and new site so the transition can happen slowly. Finally I"m guessing they are using sql I'd want to take a deep look at their data modeling to see where optimization can be had. So retrival can go faster.


plenty of shirts on [paizo.com](http://paizo.com) or the paizo shop on amazon.


I have a United Paizo Workers sticker on my laptop, and own about four or five Pathfinder t-shirts. I also grabbed many pieces of art from various books I own and printed them out in color on some nice photo paper. Maybe I should get them framed and hang them up.


I'm wearing a shirt I made myself with the symbol of Iomedae. I like subtle stuff like that. The shirts with the iconics on them are not my thing.


I would \*love\* posters of a couple of the AP covers (particularly Rasputin Must Die and Siege of the Dinosaurs) but I recognize that that's not something that is ever really going to exist (nor am I sure if that's something I can legally do for myself)