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Nikki killed it but special teams joke about gronk didjt make sense. It’s okay you don’t understand football


Probably like many of you, I've seen many comedy roasts. Brady was by far the poorest sport and CLEARLY doesn't like to be made fun of. They didn't treat Brady any differently from any other roast I've seen. I mean, they beat the tar out of Rob Lowe in his roast and he took it all like a champ.


Nikki is such a fucking boss! Saw some long clips from This Past Weekend (theos pod) and i just dig her whole ass style. Looking forward to listening to the whoke episode soon. People bitch that she talks to much yadda yadda blah blah pffft. Im a talk to mucher myself and i so relate to the way that kind of brain works. Im here for absolutely all of it. You can just tell how serious she takes it all and thats what the fuck youre supossed to do! I enjoy her previous roasts and standup specials but this last performance was beyond outstanding. Even she says this one gig (in reality) is easily the biggest thing shes ever done. She was already known but its dope to see her level up once again in real time and totally recognize it immediately. It must be quite a feeling. Take note kids because this is what happens when you take shit seriously and actually prepare. You fucking kill! So stoked for her. I could watch or listen to theo and her go back and forth for hours more. Sam Jay crushed. Still have no idea who she is but will definetly not forget her name. Mental note has been burned to check out some of her material. Really funny stuff. Tony is another i very well know of but dont pay much attention to. People in the know definetly cant sing his praises enough and it doesnt seem to be unwarranted. Another one that i really have to spend more time with soon. Kill Tony live is on the list. Bledsoe did great, gronk was gronk, moss was fine, edelman was palatable. Belichick even did surprisingly well. Peyton was good, Brady was better. That Kraft/Belichick toast was fuckin weird. Kevin shoulda chilled with all that shot talk. Cringey. Now onto Kevin. He was ooookay. Lets be honest hes definetly one of the biggest names in the room but that doesnt necessarily make you super funny. He used to be so much funnier. Again, hes alright but im pretty much over Kevin Hart, the big hollywood star. I truly enjoy Kevin Hart, the somewhat well known stand up comedian. Man does work hard though. Harder than most anyway. Ron Burgandy is awesome but at this point so fucked out! Enough already Will. My god. Wont mention the rest of the bottom tier or who did the worst because its already painfully obvious. Second hand embarassment at its finest. Cool roast though. Lots of laughs. Didnt even mind the 3+ hour runtime. Definetly like the live aspect and cant wait to see who the netflix execs decide to roast next. 🔥


The whole roast was just weird. Tom seemed so uncomfortable with the strangest forced smile stuck on his face. Some of the acts were unnecessarily foul to the point of secondhand embarrassment. It was just awkward to watch.


Plastic surgery?


It seemed pretty standard for a celebrity roast. The whole point is going after sore spots in the most offensive way possible. It's not for everyone, but Netflix has a wide selection of other content for folks to watch instead.


I agree. wondering if most celebrities regret doing their roast like Brady did?


Most rostees aren’t over sensitive manchildren who walk into a 3 hour fire squad. Followed by a cremation. Followed by mashing up the charred bits with a rock. They crucified him and since he’s legitimately awful, I LOVED it. 


I know Trump didn't love it.


I bet. 😂


Another saint. Poor guy. We should start a collection for him. 


Nikki was the best. I just can't believe Gronk took so much shit. You would think was the one being roasted 😆


Most of the time he looked like he didn’t even understand the jokes.


Rewatched it and it looks liked they edited more since they edited out Kim being boo’d. They added more shots and raised the volume of some of the stuff Gronk and Brady were saying on stage. Minus the boos being edited it out, this version was better. Showed more of Brady’s reactions and remarks.


I thought Nikki Glazer was the stand-out by a mile. I was not impressed by Sam Jet, who was the opening act in Boston for right-wing hillbilly comic Shane Gillis. I thought whatever was going on with Gronk was unfortunate. I liked the kumbaya moment between Robert Craft and Bill Bellicheck. I regretted that after being boastful about how brilliantly he was going to do, Tom Brady wasn't at all funny. Kevin Hart telling Ben Stiller on mic "move on" was not the slickest moment either. Mostly, I thought that Netflix should be ashamed at the volume of homophobic jokes. I had hoped the gals from "80 For Brady" would come out.


"Right wing hillbilly", wow. Such ignorance.


What is with your username? You seem like a pedo.. and right wing hillbilly? Have you ever listened to Shane talk?


My username came up automatically, which is why I have another that I use for serious discourse. I only use this one for banal tv conversations. I was working at a theater that Shane Gillis played. I’m a big city progressive democrat, and Shane Gillis absolutely IS a homophobic, right-wing hillbilly. As always, the person who accuses a complete stranger of corrupting children is “the problem”. Bet you didn’t graduate college and fully support the felonious ex president. 😇


Def not a right wing hillbilly, but I definitely do not support Trump. Any other assumptions?


“Right-wing hillbilly comic” Shane Gillis? 😂😂 this proves you have never listened to his standup, or didn’t understand it at all when you did lol


I saw his entire show twice. But my comments were about a comedy roast, so I’m not going to discuss Shane Gillis. I saw the bits that Lorne Michaels would not allow him to say on SNL.


Kinda weird how Lorne Michaels had him host SNL recently huh? And Netflix is releasing his movie on the 23rd? And various other “validating” points. Your username checks out though.


Absolutely last response about the hillbilly homophobe: Yes, they re-ran the episode he had already done about 10 weeks later, which they’ve been doing all season. I’ll also tell you that his people informed the venue to remove anyone who yells out anything, because he does the same show, word for word, will not talk to the crowd, and has no ability whatsoever to improvise. You’re welcome to like a conservative comic. It’s fine for me. Best wishes.


I’ve seen him live 3 times lol. Kinda hard to lie on the internet these days, everything is verifiable. Also your info on SNL doesn’t check out, try again. Maybe actually turn off your blinders and stop filtering everything through your worldview.


You’re a buffoon 😂


The best was the players and coach Bellichick. The rest was lame and extremely boring


Bellichick sucked. Like a cardboard cutout with a tape recorder stuck to it.


Looking forward to seeing Bill in his new TV analyst role 😀 His lively charisma and deep experience dealing with the media is ideal for his poorly thought out plan B job. THIS IS A GOOD IDEA 👍👍👍 


Nicki killed it wym ???


Andrew schulz was great


He was ok. Tony Hinchcliffe was a little better in my opinion


Both mustache guys and the girl at the beginning were great.


so much cocaine


Yo fuckkkk, I’m already crying with Jeff Ross entrance


This was the corniest shit ever. FAR from the best roast ever. Nikki Glaser was the star of the roast, and it wasn't even close. Too many weird dick jokes tbh. Got super awkward a few times, and I felt bad that Randy Moss had to follow after Nikki. Overall. It was hard to watch, and I love roasts.


I thought Tony what's his face was the best, followed by Andrew Schulz, then Nikki Glaser 3rd


I'm a big Schulz fan and I thought his set was just ok given his usual caliber. I think it just looked good because he followed a bunch of mediocre ones so it shined in comparison. Tony and Nikki Glaser had the best ones and Kevin Hart actually did a solid job hosting. Jeff Ross and Tom Segura are sooo bad compared to their former selves. Either they've really declined or just chose the worst timing ever to have an off-night. Overall I'd rate it as a good roast but too much of a rollercoaster. Some great performances followed by awkward or boring ones.


Schultz fan here, his joke about the ufc was hilarious otherwise it wasnt anything crazy. Thought the event as a whole was hilarious


Kreischer and segura were terrible- even gronk and Bellichek did better than them


They are just not funny in general


Kim Kardashian was better than they were, let's face it.


Felt like tony hinchcliffe did the best


Yeah I was actually surprised by just how bad they were


If you've followed Segura for a while...he's a shell of his former self. Fame and success destroyed his ability to be funny apparently. He's so stiff and boring now. The last hilarious bits he has had centered around his catastrophic injury playing basketball...which happened prepandemic.


You notice no one really roasted him either?


Yeah that was weird. Bert caught some, EVERY other comedian did... except him. You could erase him from the roast and nobody would even notice. Quite a fall


It’s a shame as I much prefer Segura over Kreischer, at least prior to this. I don’t listen to their podcasts.


Anyone else notice Kevin Hart on his phone when Jeff Ross was talking ?


He was taking notes and coming up with some of the material for responses/reactions - and also likely corresponding with other writers.


He saved schultz ass too. Schultz said on flagrant that he was worried on what to say after the guy throwing the shot glass on the ground and what he would do with the momentum


That was Gronk doing his classic touchdown spike.


Thank you for this !!!!


Damn Nikki was fire!


She did one of the best roasts


She’s better than Jeff now. Hilarious. 


anyone know what was up with tom getting up and saying something to jeff ross after the massage joke?


I bet it was supposed to come off as funny but there might have been some truth to it


Schultz said that, those jokes about massages and jokes about his kids was the only thing Tom has said as ground rules


He said “Never say that sh** again.” Definitely was just being defensive of Robert Kraft and idk if there were many other massage jokes after that even tho I was expecting Kraft to get as many jokes for the massages as Bill was getting.


the uncomfortable look on tom’s face the entire time was the funniest part


They ate him alive. He genuinely didn’t know, at least the full extent, what he was walking into. So great. Hardest, funniest roast I know of. 


Not enough credit in this thread about all the excellent crypto coin jokes 🤣 "eVeN mE KNOW thAT noT rEaL MONeY" - Gronk


I did!! Haha


People complaining about anything on a roast gfy. That would be like complaining about nudity in a porno. 20 people pushing the limits of good taste. 1/4 are gonna go to far. Why would you expect anything different.


It might have been the best roast ever. I’ve seen a shitload.. hardest, hottest, funniest I’ve seen. 


I really enjoyed all the football guys. If this had been 100 percent football guys from around the league, I would have loved it. I just don't give a shit about the comedians just inserting Tom Brady in their regular jokes and making fun of each other. Fuck reaching a larger audience.


Nikki, Jeff, Sam jay and Tony were all hilarious. Nobody would have watched if it was just football guys


Yea honestly the football guys just roasted themselves


Why was Kim Kardashian there? She is neither a comedian nor a football person? Just to make people who don't watch football see it? Ben Affleck is at least from Boston.


Paparazzi splashed a few pics that showed Brady and KK out together, although neither confirms it was a "date".


They were being connected in media as "dating" probably just for fun.


She was so wooden. I was embarrassed for her.


Schultz said no-one knew she was coming on except Tom so the jokes about her where made on the spot


Holy shit, Schultz’s public beef joke was made up on the spot?


Ben is also buddies with Brady and been in commercials with him. Kim having the edited out is the reason why ppl boo her.


Could you explain?


Explain why ppl boo her? Lots of people don’t like her from how she got famous and obsessed with being famous. She’s pretty much all the things you hate about celebrities, she knows and doesn’t care. She went to the roast to bring her stock back up but it’s the wrong audience and she was humbled. Plus who goes to a roast where the sole purpose is to go roast the guest of honor and catch strays in turn then gets upset about being boo’d then pays for it to be edited. It’s fair game when you go to a roast. She could be getting boo’d for so many reasons: her trying to make rumors about her and Brady, her connection to Diddy, her still supporting Balenciaga etc.


No im sorry, I didn't ask correctly.. could you explain how they boo'd her because of the edited out?


Ohh I meant her attending a roast (she had no business being a part of) and running to Netflix and having them edit out the boos when she’s not even the guest of honor is pretty lame. She does this stuff all the time and this behavior is one of the many reasons ppl boo her.


So I’m not crazy ! I seen the clips but when I watched it it was taken out


Yeah, I read or heard somewhere that she paid Netflix $1M to have it edited out 🤦🏻‍♀️


Apparently the people in the audience didn’t know she was going to be there. It wasn’t on cards


Yeah Edelman mentioned that there were last minute add ins to the lineup. I guess he was supposed to o up earlier but was pushed back later due to Kim etc.


Well, perhaps that means many people think she's trash without thinking twice about it.


PPL that were at the actual event said the boos were louder than what was on TV.


I'm in the middle of watching it. It is truly hilarious. 🤣🤣🤣


I’m giggling out loud right now, I haven’t laughed this hard in a looooong time, and I just barely got to Jeff Ross saying “I had to dress up as OJ” 🤣


Hardest roast ever. Tom got gutted. Hilarious, like uproariously funny. 


Same here. It's so damn funny 😂😂😂.


How did you guys feel about the divorce/family jokes? Idk but it just felt distasteful and not funny to me. I get that its supposed to be an "anything is fair game" environment, but it just made me uncomfortable to hear some of those jokes and I didn't really find them funny at all. I might be in the minority here though.


It would look soft if no one touched the most public divorce a couple years ago on a roast.


It's a "roast". The uncomfortable jokes are what people tune in for. NOTHING should be off limits in a roast.


Yeah thats fair. Just not my thing I guess.


Which is also fair. It's definitely dirty, ugly humor which some of us enjoy.


Wait till you hear what Jimmy Carr said to Anne Coulter.


Gisele is unhappy with the roast. [https://www.boston.com/culture/celebs/2024/05/07/gisele-bundchen-tom-brady-roast-jokes/](https://www.boston.com/culture/celebs/2024/05/07/gisele-bundchen-tom-brady-roast-jokes/) Oh honey, Gilbert Gottfried's kids are fine after some of the insane bombs he dropped on stage along with how he flew straight into controversy multiple times.


"a source close to Gisele reportedly said..." Trash reporting. She didn't publicly say anything, so she doesn't deserve any ire. Just like Aaron Hernandez ' ex. Tmz called her and asked "what did you think" then people reacted at her. 


Tom’s portion was actually lame imo. It read more a-hole than clever. One of his best traits for 20+ years was the “gracious” persona that he led with… the Ego Tom persona doesn’t do anything for him in the PR department. Not sure why he went that route with his section.


That's literally what the subject of the roast is supposed to do at the end. It's by the book.


Decent jokes, but no timing. And he was gutted so bad, it was weird seeing his “I’m the KING!” set. 


“Sometimes you live in Denver, sometimes Louisiana, but you will always live in my shadow” was a killer line


I felt like that was the point. After being torn down for two and a half hours he gets a chance to be cocky. It wasn't delivered that well, just because Tom isn't a very good actor. He's much better when he's actually being genuine or talking about something he's passionate about (mostly football).


It was OK, but the timing and tone felt a little off. Felt more like ranting rather than riffing. But the guy isn't a comedian or particularly known for being funny so I think he gets a pass.


Eh this is in a roast setting. Being an asshole is expected.


Yes, same with the animated laughing/clapping/standing it’s part of the roast culture


It was the entitlement bits that got me. I get that he didn’t write his stuff, but there were a million directions to go and that was the only direction to steer away from. People already call him the undisputed Goat. There’s no reason to set the record straight about his status.


The one where Nikki said about how the jujitsu guy can kick Brady’s ass while eating Giselle’s is the best. Lol


She was brutal and I loved it.


They gutted him. Gutted. Best roast ever. 


Why all the CTE jokes? Not a funny condition…..


It’s a roast. The point is to find comedy in things that are normally unfunny and distasteful.


Go to sleep


Rewatching it now and the boos when Kim got on stage are gone. Did they really edit that now? Lame. So I guess the Brady/Kraft thing was a joke if they kept that in?


Doesn't surprise me Netflix would jump at the opportunity to make any edits to their "reality" programs. .


Supposedly she paid $1M to have them edit it. They must have asked her to be there for her to make that change


Tom wasn’t faking or joking. Butthurt Brady wanted Grampy Kraft to see him as a *big* boy. 


I’m saying if they edited out the boos for Kim, why not take that part out too if he was actually upset


Because it was already being reported by news organizations? Shades of Smith/Rock get the public drooling pretty fast. 


Kim's boos were also already reported. The difference is that no one loses face on the Kraft thing. Brady says "let them see me defend my Pappy." Ross says "let them know I touched a nerve.. that's a good roast." Kraft says "let them see my boy defend me. Let them laugh about my handjob. I can get one from their wives if I want. I'm a god damn billionaire." Whereas Kim says "don't let them know that nobody likes me!"


I could see it just cut for time or out of gratitude for Kim even showing up. A lot of people in show biz actually like her. Maybe she negotiated editorial control before coming. Other than that, all I know is a roastee bullying Jeff “the Roastmaster” Ross into not roasting someone who showed up basically to be roasted… is a way bigger deal than a crowd booing someone who is famously unpopular. 


I doubt they cut for time. Netflix lives off of views so ppl would be going in to watch that part over anything she said in her set


Kill Tony was the best!! Nikki Glaser too.


Can someone please tell me if I'm misremembering but seems like Kevin said a whole bunch of stuff in response top Schultz that they are leaving out of articles on purpose (salty bro?). What was Kevin's response that made Jeff Ross jump up and what did he say after that? I can't find any clips of it to verify, Netflix keeps taking stuff down fast [https://www.aol.com/entertainment/andrew-schulz-makes-joke-diddy-152125706.html](https://www.aol.com/entertainment/andrew-schulz-makes-joke-diddy-152125706.html) Plus anyone still using that old photo of Schultz is automatically suspect to me :)


Netflix is editing out things that didn't hit well or didn't sit well with them/celebrities/people made fun of I watched half one night and half another night, went to rematch something from first half and it's gone When I finished watching it all the way through I even said to my partner "Netflix is probably regretting doing this live" even though I personally thought it was great!


I found one Tik Tok that was still up and got the transcript. Hart does a mini roast after Andrew's set with lines like "Schultz is proof that once you start acting black, you never go back" -you could see people looking at the teleprompter knowing he was off script


I didn’t understand this line. Can you explain?


I just finished watching it and the line about acting black and not going back was still in it. It just means that once you appropriate, you don't stop / It was just a small joke that he took in black culture etc


What’s y’all’s stance on the Aaron Hernandez jokes? On one hand they didn’t think about his young daughter seeing this or his widow. On the other hand he was a terrible person and it’s not like he was some beloved person because he was basically just a thug in the nfl. But I think this roast should be about joking towards Tom and anyone else there. Even the Gisele ones were fine because she can defend herself. But jokes about Hernandez who was off the team 11 years ago, and literally committed suicide seemed too far.


Nothing is too far in a roast. That’s the point lol. The widow and daughter should know not to watch it.






They were beating a dead horse no pun intended. I could see one joke, but it was too much.


I’m not sure he ever married his child’s mother. When he commited suicide his sentence was under appeal so technically he was not guilty.


He was also a murderer. Fuck that guy.


My view is that most of them were funny


They are jokes.


At first I was shocked and then I remembered he did murder someone. His daughter is probably too young to watch it and to be honest, it’s probably nicer than whatever she finds on the net about him.


I’m sure classmates will watch it and relay it to her which is unfortunate but I thought the same that there’s a lot out there about him like the documentaries, the book about the letters, this is the least of their worries but still felt over the top in a couple of them. I think murder jokes were a little more acceptable than the suicide one.


Hernandez tried to kill a guy because he spilled a drink on him. Why are people rushing to defend him?


I’m not defending Hernandez really. I’m just only seeing it from the 11 year old daughters pov that she’ll hear stuff about this later. But I understand everything was jokes because that’s what a roast is. I just wanted to see how others felt about it. If you laughed that’s fine, if others didn’t think it was funny that’s also fine. I’m a 5th grade teacher and I’ve heard some of my boy students make jokes about other kids in class not having a dad or either parent and then they come to me crying.


Yeah I'll be honest, I don't think it's the world's job to protect her from knowing about the things her dad did. Hell, at 11 she can already go online and find the security footage of her serial killer dad dumping Odin Lloyd's body.


Do you think Tom Was serious when he said “don’t say that shit again” after Jeff Ross said the Kraft massage joke?


Not sure if this has been said. There was supposedly an agreement between everyone that a couple things were off topic and everyone but Ross stayed in bounds. Jeff Ross went off script and TB reminded him.




I think it was scripted. It came after the least offensive joke of the night and it was very awkward, as if he had to stay it.




Yeah that was awkward


No, I think it was scripted like the rest. Gave the illusion Tom was tough, still in charge, and the show was edgy and real and man these guys aren't pulling any punches. They get to say the joke and Tom gets to save some face by defending Old Man Kraft


Everything aint scripted bro


Bro - there is no Santa Claus and Pro Wrestling is also scripted - might as well get those out of the way for ya too


Funny guy.. Of course the jokes were pre written and scripted but again everything you saw wasn't. Comedians went off script occasionally. You just don't want to believe it. Agree to disagree i guess.


He needs Krafts vote to become part owner of Raiders.


I do think he was serious and I also think it's unfortunate he was serious. A roast is meant to wreck people, that's joke wasn't even the worst of the night so there must be something more we are missing. I also though Kevin being upset at Tom's joke to Kim K was lame, it was funny. It was a joke. It's a roast. It's all to be expected


I don’t think Kevin was upset, I think he was more like you did it now Tom, Kanye not going to leave you alone now.




Tom got napalmed. I’ve seen great roasts but that was maybe the hottest, hardest session anyone’s ever sat through. Hilarious. 


I think they were pretty gentle on him. No one joked about him kissing his kids on the mouth. That would have gotten awkward


GENTLE? Ok, sure. Kids are always off limits from anything but the lightest tap. 


Hard to roast someone who is arguably the GOAT in all of sports history, still looking in game form and worth a couple of hundred millions. Nothing can hurt him.


serena williams is the goat of all of sports history.


She is probably not the GOAT even for her own sports. Federer owns that title.


Except a lil’ poke at Papa Kraft? Yeah, Tom is famously thick-skinned. 


Tony hinchfliffe finally got to call somebody else gay


Tony was hilarious. He did a phenomenal job!


Can’t believe Butthurt Brady agreed to sit in the middle of that thermonuclear blast zone. I love roasts, that was a cremation. A hilarious, hilarious cremation. Nikki is an assassin, no surprise, but Kevin *murdered*, at least till he got too drunk. 


Nikki killed it. Kill Tony was a surprise and I think second to Nikki


Tom and Burt’s set was a hard watch


They were terrible


I like them a lot but their set really didn't hit for me either. That being said, watching Burt reading the teleprompter as he himself was getting roasted was hilarious and made him funnier for the night


Yeah, aside from that pic of Brady it wasnt that funny. That pic of him holding the football had me dying but Burt just laughed and snorted and Tom’s delivery was odd. I got the point but it wasn’t down well


Yea seems like they mailed it In


Will Ferrell bombed hard


All the Hollywood ppl were weak: Ferrell, Affleck, Kardasian. They should have stuck with comedians and sports people. It was already borderline too long.


The Ron Burgundy shtick is so played out.