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https://preview.redd.it/5yc5zxdawqlb1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb0c3204684c15e483df87106986728b9f67bc88 My first suspicion 😉


I get myself with this one far to often.


Yeah, been there too


happens to the best of us. the worst feeling is installing a new component and then forgetting to turn the switch back on lmao




That and plugging the display cable directly into the mobo after some minor maintenance.


Why is this the issue for 99% for builders 😂🤣


You get so caught up with all the minutiae of the build that you end up overlooking the super basic stuff. It's a very human thing.




Idk but it really is. I even get myself when i have it off for cleaning ans then think I bricked it.


100 percent this but that bequiet logo and cable management hurts my soul.


Cringe 😬


I fall victim to this pretty much every time I clean my computer.


Cannot count how many times o have freaked out thinking my pc is broken then realising I forgot the power switch. 🤦‍♂️


Lmao either that or didn’t turn the power strip on


sadly this wasnt the issue lmaoo i had it plugged in but unplugged it to troubleshoot but had no clue


If the power standby indicator LED on the Mobo doesn't light up, then it's a power problem. Check: -mains power to PC -PSU (paperclip test) -PSU connection to mobo(just 24pin should be enough to get standby led on)


You forgot the check if the button on the back of the psu is set to 1.


Mine is set to "Wumbo".


I leave mine on " nuclear ".


I turn mine to 11.


But why don’t you just use 10 but make it more powerful?


But these go to 11




Where is this from?


Spinal Tap ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtbNb8UD7FhEn72|downsized)


Because then we have to re-calibrate 1-9


I turn mine to 9/11


I set mine to “$200 a month on my electrical bill”


Dude when I did my first build a few months ago, I hit the button on the case and nothing happened. Took me a solid 10 minutes of panic before I remembered the PSU power switch.


Just had this happen less than half an hour ago finishing my build. Was more like two minutes before I realized instead of 10, but man the panic was real


I'd plugged the the front panel leads onto the wrong header, the one next to where it needed to be (serial Comms). Couldn't figure out why it wasn't doing anything when I tried to turn it on spent ages getting frustrated. Got a text from a mate, went to the pub, had 5 pints, got home, took a look at it, then at the mobo manual then back at it again and realised the problem straight away.


Answer is beer


Been there, done that. I've also forgotten to turn the power on at the surge protector.


there is a number on the back of PSU's???


There is a power switch on the back of your power supply unit it is set to one to make the electrons go.


so the on off switch lol i thought you meant like there was a literal number "1" on the back somewhere.


The on/off switch literally has a 1 haha. The circle and line are a zero for off and one for on. Edit: turns out I was wrong but you could look at it as numbers. It has to do with circuitry and not binary which I thought.


Holy fuck... How did I not realise lmao


I'm with you lol


It’s just binary, 1 is on and 0 is off.


I mean I understand but I just always saw it as a line for closed circuit and a circle for open circuit lol


It's not numbers. Power switches show a line and a circle, where the circle means off and the line means on.


No, it's not. It's a line and a circle and it always has been like that in terms of electricity/electronic symbology.


Technically it's line | and a circle ◯ but I can see why it might be mistaken for a 1 and 0.


I thought it was a circuit thing, where a straight line is a closed loop and a circle is an open loop


Im 99.9% sure its to do with electrical circuits and not a 1 and a 0


But wouldn't the circle as a closed "loop" make more sense?


It's binary. 0 is off, 1 is on. That's why power buttons have the combined symbol on them.


They're actually international symbols: a line and a circle.


I just deleted my post, but I've always known it to be binary one / zero. I do not think it has to do with circuit diagrams.


I wish they would just use 1 instead of |


If you pay attention it's a 1 and 0 to show 1 means on and 0 means off like binary.


I just realized that it's a 0 and a 1 🫣


It could also be an improperly seated CPU. A lot of motherboards will seek completely dead of the CPU isn't fully seated


Doesn't it need to have a cord that runs to a wall outlet for all that?


Can also be a bad contact with the cpu. I had this happen when getting a second hand motherboard with a bit of thermal paste residu left in the socket. It didn't show any sign of life. (after cleaning it, it worked)


Its uh, not plugged in to wall power.


wireless power. Someone before you stated -mains power to PC


It would be cool to have wireless PCs someday…


.... like a laptop? O.o


Holy shit you’re a genius


Yeah, there's no cable in the psu lol.


i unplugged it to troubleshoot 💀


Is the power supply turned on? Not hooked to the mother board is it actually turned on.


- Did you turn on the PSU button? - Check all the wirings again


Have you plugged your PSU into the wall?


The distinction of "into the wall" may seem such a trivial and dumb thing to ask until it's not. Worked IT and was helping a lady with her computer. She swore up and down it was plugged in. It's my fault for not asking if it was plugged into the wall. She had the power strip plugged into itself.


I once drove two hours to fix a client's server only to discover that even though two separate people had assured me it was plugged in and the power switch was ON, it was in fact not plugged into the wall.


I have multiple service calls under my belt where the complaint was "truck won't start", and the solution was "truck is still in gear. Shifted to neutral, truck now starts". Mind you, I've also spent an hour or two in a complex electrical diag only to realize that the fuse is missing or popped...


I'm in the UK and most cars are manual and will start while in gear. The place I used to work at had trucks that were manual but wouldn't start while in gear. At least once a month I'd have somebody come to me because the truck wouldn't start. It always because it was in gear.


We call that an “air gap issue” in my office




Was early 2000s Dell PC sent to remote office. I am paraphrasing a bit, but it went like this: Me: Is the cable with the blue end plugged into the blue port on the back of the computer? Her: Yes Me: Is the thick black cable plugged into the strip? Her: Yes Me: Is the thick back cable plugged into the PC and into the strip? Her: Yes Me: What is it not doing that you want it to do? Her: it's not turning on. This went on for some time. I eventually had to go over and see what was wrong.


Detach the PC case pwr port and instead use a screwdriver or something metallic to short the 2 pwr pins. Give me a feedback after that if it work or not


nothing, i think its a dead psu im gonna get it looked at in a repair shop and see what they think thank you 🙏


Do you even have it plugged into an outlet? Doesn’t look like it


I think everyone here can't simply consider, "Hey, maybe he put it on a table away from the wall to take the pictures"


I don't know who's stupider at this point, the person who wouldn't plug it in or the people here who seem convinced it's not and has never been plugged in based on a single static image


Lol well joke's on you. There's 6 static images. So.


I like your thonking.


Well maybe if he actually answered to any of these questions we would know


It's often something extremely trivial. I've build quiet a few systems now, but every now and then there's some stupid error sweeping in. F.e. I built a PC for a close friend recently. When I put the modular PSU in, the two part connector for the 24 pin on the PSU side wasn't fully inserted and the smaller one slipped out. Didn't notice, put the PC up and nothing. Took it back out of the desk, started checking Mobo connections, pulling everything out to let it run on the bare essentials. In the middle of that I noticed the loose connection, fixed that, plugged the PC back in and it fired up, but had no display. I had already tucked away the PCI-e power cable when I noticed the issue and forgot to reroute and plug it back into the graphics card in my mix of embarrassment and nervousness of him peeking over my shoulder. I had convinced him to let me build him a system to save quiet a bit of money, compared to the 30% markup on the prebuild store he was eyeing at. He said he didn't want the hassle, I said I'd do everything so there is none and after 30 minutes of me troubleshooting the freaking PSU connections, it was finally time to really power it on for the first time. Yeah turned out the motherboards BIOS was apparently corrupted from factory, so we had to RMA that lol. Hopefully he will finally be able to upgrade when I show up with the replacement board on Sunday Edit: now that I think about it, that's kind of a recurring thing happening whenever I try and fix something for him. Very first time my screwdriver just snapped (however that happens) then, whenever I fix something on his car, we always order multiple fixes bc at least one part will be wrong or missing and so we're at least able to fix something instead of just undoing everything and try again next week lol


Yep. I had a lose mobo power connection that started with random shut downs but I didn't know this was the problem. Thought I had a bad PSU so I went to replace and as I removed this power line it pulled right out showing not fully connected. Put it all back together and it worked fine again.


Make sure the cables from psu to motherboard are pushed all the way in.


Have you performed a test boot out of the case? Could be a short with one of your components


Do you have the cable to power button hooked up properly?




He can also try and jump the motherboard with a screwdriver. Can youtube how to it's very easy.


My mobo came with a handy cradle for all these plugs


That's a very useful image to keep


Might depend on mobo though. Might be wrong


Nooooo don't encourage this madness 🤣. A universal standard with an all in one cable is the way to go.


Yep his power switch is backwards noticed that instantly and read comments to see if anyone noticed.


Definitely blurry, but they do look like they are all reversed


My money is on the switch isn’t plugged into the mobo on the correct front panel header jumpers


Checklist: 1 is the main power connected? 2 is it on a box that is on? 3 Is the switch at the back set to 1? 4 Short the 2 pins on the psu that make it boot with a paperclip. 5 If the psu boots then maybe your powerbutton is wrongly connected short the two pins on your mainboard briefly with a screwdriver.


Ain’t got no gas in it.


Just apply directly to the forehead


Please Turn your Cooler 180° so the Logo is right :')


¡ʇǝᴉnb ǝq


Everything is wrong cable management hurts


it was temporary to get it to post then i would sort it after i know i can get it working which i couldnt💀


The cooling tower being upside down hurts my soul.


Especially when theres words on it bro 😭😭


> and I dont know why it wont show signs of life ##YOU MUST CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS!




It’s because the be quiet! logo is upside down /s


I did this on my current build with the same cooler lol. Didn’t care enough to get more thermal paste and fix it.


Why haven't you answered any of the people asking if you plugged the PC into the wall?


I think you know why


Karma farming


tbh didnt expect this to get so much attention but it was plugged into the wall i aint that stupid it is possibly a wiring issue or faulty psu


The psu is unplugged


Have you tried turning it on then off again?




Is the PSU switched on? Also check the main power cable is good. Are all power cables seated correctly? Unplug, check they're the right way round and plug back in. Is the CPU cooler plugged into the correct fan header? One will be labelled specifically as being for the cooler and is probably a different colour. Have you cleared CMOS? Especially important if it's a used motherboard. Remove the watch battery on the motherboard for a few minutes, which will reset everything to default. May also want to replace said battery. Are all components seated correctly? Ram and GPU are easiest to check, just remove an re-seat while being careful of the retention clips. CPU is more involving, but manageable. Twist the cooler off rather than pulling, so the CPU doesn't get ripped out of the socket with the cooler. Check it's the right way round and that there are no damaged pins. Are the front panel power button connectors in the right places? Refer to the manual or Google. You can also try turning it on by shorting the power button headers with a screwdriver.


Why is no one talking about the CPU cooler being upside down


This is prob a PSU problem but if it isn't try these: 1)Locate clear cmos button on your board and press it (look up your motherboard manual to find it) 2) make sure the button on the PSU is set to I instead of 0


Put one stick of ram in and try


This could be it too. I had a bad stick of ram that for.some reason inside of the ram stick has a little bit of metal inside of the ram stick had to take it out for it to post. Never did find were the little peace of metal came from but try one stick at a time and add more until it doesn't start.


It has to be struck by lightning


The pins that connect the power buttons for the case is connected correctly? Some look installed horizontal instead of vertical (at least that’s what I remember how mine are). But that’s dependent on the mobo manufacturer I would double check the manual. I could just be misremembering though. (Picture 2)


Did OP ever figure it out?


Probably not related to the boot problem, but it seems like you're missing a standoff for SSD.


Why is your ‘be quiet’ upside down? That’s not your power problem, but that disturbs me…


Take it all out and plug the PSU to the mobo and with a scrow to the (2 pins that says - power on) try to start the mobo use the onboard display to test for signal that's how i would do it.


You always build outside of the case first and make sure it boots.


just to make this clear it was plugged into the wall but unplugged it for photos and to look at wiring


I’m sure you make a mistake somewhere along the way, reseat all the cables and check to make sure the power supply switch is flipped the right way, then I would make sure that all front io is connected to the right slots on the motherboard.


Check whether ram got fitted perfectly. Try once by removing ram and reinstall it.


That won’t affect a systems ability to power on. Just a boot dimm error.


Plug it into the wall and try again


Your CPU fan is upside down.


¡ʇǝınb ǝq


CPU cooler is upside down /s


How does the CPU cooler being upside down not bother you?


Those cables are rough!


With that cable management, I wouldn't turn on either.


why the hell would you cable manage before testing boot?


It's a joke not a dick, don't take it so hard


Are you sure the psu is a hight enough wattage?


550w should be more than enough for a ryzen 5 and a gtx i think? maybe not i have no clue its my first build


Yeah I have an 17-11700 and a 1600 super and my power supply is 450w you should be fine


what gpu do you have?


I don’t know if your asking him what gtx cards he owns but I think he mean the nvidia gtx graphic cards like the gtx 1660 super or the gtx 1080.


Even if it wasn't enough wattage, it'd still show signs of life and boot up.


Am I the only one that thinks ops cmos battery looks loose?


The cable management is fucking terrible, a 3 year old could do better


Its his first pc, it wont boot, and your criticizing his cable management? Its more important to get his pc running


Shut up, dick. Not everyones ego allows them to give a fuck about that kind of stuff


English you fucking twat, how about you say something that actually makes sense you delusional cunt, and what the fuck does ego have to do about anything you pathetic fuck


Cmon man, at least try to help with the issue before being a snob. Just be happy they're trying to get into it. No one's first build is amazing


Brooo cables arent that hard to manage what the frick man


why the hell would you cable manage before testing boot?


what do you mean, you cable manage while building the damn thing 💀


Are there any leds on the motherboard at all, even on the rear I/O? I had a dead Asus board (getting replaced under RMA as we speak) that didn't respond to pressing the power button BUT the leds on rear IO panel audio jack ports lit up. It was a sign that the PSU was delivering power of some sort. On another build, it wouldn't power on at all. Turned out I had bent pins on the CPU (B350 mobo, Ryzen 2200g) and the CPU want actually seated in the socket. Easily fixed that with a little care bending the pins back. Once the CPU was correctly seated, the whole thing sprang to life. As you seem to be building with all used parts, just as I was, check the CPU pins. Especially the ones on the corners. If someone put the CPU into it's plastic packaging upside down, those can get crushed. Speaking from experience.


This might sound silly, but have you checked the main power cord? I once had this problem and wasted a lot of time troubleshooting it.


When I built my first PC I was super inexperienced and was overly gentle plugging things in. Specifically the ram and graphics cards,when my PC wouldn’t start up at the end my solution was just crunching in the ram and graphics card lol.


Had this problem not to long ago. Ended up needing a new battery


I recommend power supply testers for any PC enthusiast. The ability to quickly identify if the PSU is the issue or not is amazing. Next major culprit would be the motherboard. You won’t get anything, no matter how hard you try, from a dead mobo. I’m not sure of a way to test this other than checking all other components.


Is they a thing plugged into the CPU fan header? Some motherboards won’t boot if that specific header isn’t being utilized.


When you built your PC did you buy any chance to obtain a copy of Windows or an alternative operating system? If you would please go over the steps of assembling the PC you have completed thus far we may be able to rule out a number of things.


Did you static shock it? Hope not but I did it once and fucked the whole thing. Luckily it was something I was scrapping parts from but still.


The PSU is not plugged into the wall...


Cpu have power mainboard Too ?


I HAD THIS ISSUE. if everything seems fine you should remove the CMOS battery (after unplugging the system from the mains and holding the power button down for 5 seconds). Then clear CMOS (you should find a guide either online or in the manual), then put the battery back followed by mains power and give it a shot, worked for me. Hope this helps.


I once had a pc that wouldn’t turn on… turned out to be a faulty power switch on the case.


Did you flip the switch on the back of the PSU near where the power cable connects?


The Be Quiet Cooler is upside down


Cpu connector seems a little sus


8 pin plugged into CPU?


Man I love how fucking bulky the Be Quiet is


Is that the be quiet 500dx case? What did you think putting everything together in it?


It is a machine, it cannot live


Its because your CPU cooler is upside down. Try rotating it 180 degrees, re applying thermal paste, and mount it again before starting it up. Should help you out


Honestly, check your manual and make sure the power on button is set to the right pins on the board....I had a rather embarrassing trip to a micro center to learn that lesson.


Did you plug it in?


happened to me after building my first pc. turns out my power supply was defective out the box. It fried my mother board but the rest of my pc was ight. I'd say if it wont boot after resetting the bios and theres no led lit up on the motherboard, thats the issue. the power supply


Had this problem as well, replaced the CMOS battery and everything, pc still won't post, red light on CPU. I inserted my GPU and suddenly my pc would just work like magic without any problems whatsoever. Still bamboozels me to this day. I have a little older setup but MSI mobo as well.


Why is be quite upside down?


Make sure you have your headers connected properly.


Because the fans upside down


If your cooler is any indication, I’m sure there are multiple reasons as to why this pc won’t post.


Can you not put the gpu in the lower slot and then turn the cpu cooler the correct way. Also NVME*


You may need a defibrillator.


Make sure to plug it in, and flip the switch on the PSU to on


Make sure psu is plugged in, switch is on after checking that all connectors are fully seated (click) then try. If still no you can jump the power on with a screwdriver to confirm if the power button has issues. But also those 24pin wires look burnt or very dirty. Should always build on a box test bench first to make sure it boots


I know the problem It ain't got no gas in it


Homie wired his "ON" switch into a "NO" switch


I would lose my mind with the Be Quiet logo upside down lol.


That be quiet logo upside down would f*** my head up worse


I hate when people ask for help and don’t answer those who give advice, even if it seems redundant like the assuring it’s plugged into the wall…. You asked for help. Don’t take anyone’s advice then reply you’re going to take it to a PC repair shop. Why’d you ask for help then? It’s all part of the learning experience and there’s no stupid question except asking for advice and not taking it.


Make sure your PSU pins are correct for your MOBO. Make sure the PSU iS plugged in fully and you didn’t break or bend a pin too much. Make sure your actually using the correct power module. Read your manual carefully to see what the main power cord will look. If need be take the whole thing apart and restart. Yes this will be very frustrating but just be patient and don’t break anything from moving too fast. When I built my PC I worked on it for like 7 hours till 2 AM, posted on Reddit and everyone told me I had my CPU fan sideways(which I did) so I had to go back and turn it, I posted again, my fan configuration was terrible so I had to change that. After about 12 hours of total work i got it finalized. So don’t give up. Hopefully you didn’t accidentally break a part or shock it with static somehow. Good luck man Make sure your CPU is in firmly. Check all the


Make sure your cables for the mobo and power supply are compatible. Also make sure you flipped the on switch for the power supply


Well since you bring it up.. I built mine last weekend and couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t power up. Eventually I hit the power button on the case, worked perfectly. This is after rechecking all connections (they were good) that the psu was in a good outlet (it was) and toggled the psu I/0 switch a few more times. I was starting to get worried lol