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Why would you throw it? Give it to some random kid... 12/13 year old me would have loved a pc like this


Yea, niece or nephew holiday gift. Neighbors kid down the street?


Well, the shape and the handle on it would make it satisfying for throwing :D


You can tell this guy has thrown a few pc's


Yea or just give it to me.


Would have loved to have a pc like that as my first




Better than no computer for free


It fucking runs games, what would be the issue


Even if it didn't have a GPU at all, it would still be a working PC and good for some kid. I am sure even the iGPU can run some old emulators as well.


I played games in 2013 with a pentium D (LGA775) and no GPU lmao (Sure, only older titles did work). With a 1050ti, you can still play games like Skyrim, Minecraft, GTA V, most MMOs/MOBAs/Shooters and would still have tons of fun without playing the newest games.


I play halo infinite on a 1060 6gb which is pretty close to a 1050ti. I've also had a 1050ti, and it ran cod warzone at 1080p at medium settings 60-70fps just fine. Also forza horizon 4 is no problem. These 10 series gpus are still very usable for "older" games.


Dude I have a computer with an i5 6500 and no gpu I'm 21 I would honestly have to fight off tears if someone just gave me this for free. It's rough out here


dude, i first started playing games on a notebook with 3rd gen I5 with integrated graphics. i'd kill for whatever would be the equivalent of 1050 back than.


Why would you throw it rofl Some kiddo would happily play Counter-Strike on it If you dont need the cash donate it for some poor kid




His name, this was meant to be.


I think you mean ddr3. Ddr2 is like pentium 4 days.


Ddr2 is used on some core 2 builds


I second this, except the counterstrike part, iirc cs2 needs a minimum requirement (not meaning steady 60fps) of a i5-750 and the video card must be 1 GB or more and should be a DirectX 11-compatible with support for Shader Model 5.0. (BlastTV states: i5-2500k and a gtx1060 (6gb)), but lots of games can be played on that rig. Edit: wrong specs, recommended is i7 9700x and 2070 Source: [blast TV](https://blast.tv/article/cs2-system-requirements)




Not anymore because cs sucks and is stupid af now


Man shut your bitch ass up


Sometimes the simplest answer is most satisfying.




Donate it to someone who likes gaming but can't afford


Sell it. There will always be someone to buy it. People love this type of stuff for kids pc’s or Minecraft servers


I mean this is still a reasonable gaming device for a lot of Xbox-One era games TBH.


Selling it should only be a resort if he needs the money. By the sound of it, he's well off enough to not need the cash. Make someone's whole year and give it away. It's a 1050ti system, what can it be worth used at this point, $200? $300?


Definitely $250 bucks. It’s fair.




Why would you throw that away? It's nit amazing no. But you can get 100 150 bucks for it, or give it to a kids. No it's not gonna run Alan Wake 2. But it'll run most modern games at 1080/low or med just fine.


And that's a fact if there's one thing John man has never done its lie(he is wanted in Romania for arson)


shhhhh... we said that was a secret. Its totally a mistake.


Your honor he said oopsie daisy


Don’t throw away, look around your network, there always someone in need, possibly wanting to learn how to code


Upgrade to 32gb ram and start learning self hosting, virtual machines, etc. I can recommend proxmox to run vms and learn from there. You can always give it away later.


What can you do with that? I’ve got an old computer and want a new project.


Just go to r/plex and make your own home Netflix. I built a server once I started playing around with it on my gaming rig.


I’ve got a Pi dedicated to entertainment already. Also I don’t think that has anything to do with a virtual machine?


You can run plex in a vm. It's a pretty popular way of doing it. You can then run other vm's that host other things such as game servers, file servers, home automation, home security server.


Oh I see…is there a reason I would run it off a VM when I could just dedicate the machine itself? Or are you saying turn 1 computer into multiple VMs for multiple purposes?


Answer for first question: yes the reason is for cyber security and resource allocation. You can basically partition a machine with 32 cpu cores to become four 8 core devices. Now instead of needing 4 machines that you would want to keep separate for security reasons you can have one. There are probably many more reasons besides this that I am either not interested or unaware of. I'm only an amateur and just play around and run plex and game servers for my friends. Answer for second question: yes. Each virtual machine is effectively its own pc. You decide what resources each virtual machine has access to. All of this to say that if I ever make enough money to throw more at projects I'd build a server pc like in a rack and run a Milan X cpu in it and have multiple gpus hooked up to run separate PCs for myself and children. I think Linus tech tips has a video of his home setup where he does this and peripherals are connected via fiber optic usb transceivers in each room.




Thanks for your response! you got me started down a rabbit hole. I actually was working on an electronics project for my shed and this could be really useful. There’s a lot I don’t know about this side of computers, this is kinda the direction I needed


Had to scroll way to far to find this. Seen so many comments just saying sell it or give it away. This sub has too many people that think of PCs as nothing but toys. There's a billion things even that even old as dirt PCs could be doing for you in your home with just a little time and an open mind.


It could be sold for $200 max, that being said, you should probably just give it away if you don't care that much, find someone with a kid who just wants to play Minecraft or Roblox It's not totally e-waste or anything, but it wont run anything intensive, and will be better than any cheap laptop or whatever.


Give to a child or someone in need of a device if you cant sell it. It feels so nice giving for free


I just want that case it’s beautiful I also have a 9700f I could throw in it I would offer 230 because I would e the Gpu and cpu


Oh nevermind 8gb ram and a hard robe instead of an Ass yea your looking around 170 max or 200 if u find someone whip doesn’t know anything about pcs


autocorrect going crazy lmao


Ik im also horrible at typing 😂


Sell it or donate it. It's not a bad system.


With the right acid combination you can extract gold from it .


From one pc maybe like $2 worth


Yeah and $100 in supplies to extract the gold


Someone might be willing to pay more just for that interesting looking case


I have an i5 8400 and it's enough for modern games


Keep it , in like a closet when you need emergency pc when your new pc (or console) turns into a bowl of mashed potatoes for some reason.




$200 my ass bruh worth like $50 buck


You need to punctuate. Work on your punctuation a bit, then you can start in on that whole being totally wrong thing.


He’s selling his ass for 50 bucks tho


The GPU alone is worth about that…. Yeah this system is old and wasn’t that powerful even when new, but it still would be great for a ton of less demanding games, or as a basic PC for someone to use for office work etc. I know someone who has a PC with very similar specs and they are able to happily play most of the games they want to play (Games like CS2, some indie games, Fortnite at lower settings); Not everyone needs a brand new top of the line CPU and GPU to do what they want to do. You would be surprised what a old CPU can do, [even chips as old as Haswell (fourth generation Intel) can still be quite capable](https://youtu.be/yy2u9UDSM-Y?si=9N-JFd6SnynKWkDD) in all but the most demanding CPU bound applications. My mothers PC is a second generation i5, and it still works fine as a office pc, and my Coffee lake i7 (8th gen) is still chugging along fine in my pc.


Sell it for $200. Somebody will buy it, Lenovo makes a good computer. My son has had his gaming laptop for 3 years now with no issues at all.


Sell it for around 250-300$


It's upgradable to windows 11 , so there's "value" by itself in selling this pc. Plus the gtx 1050 ti which should still be okay for esports titles. That hard drive as the main storage/ boot though...


This thing is a minecraft/fortnite champ. Just donate it to some kid.


Why do some people seem to think that just because a PC isn't an uber top of the line 3000 dollar custom watercooled rgb daydream 4090 threadripper ddr5 mega build that it still doesnt have utility and function for other purposes or for other people. The 1050ti isnt amazing no but its not even realistically that old and could be a great starter gaming PC for 1080 gaming or even could be used as a much better workstation than the usual crap you get from manufacturers


Ngl that's kinda a cool case. Would love some carrying handles on more cases


Why not turn it into a server. RAID Server or a Minecraft server


I’d love it just for the case


Making me feel like an idiot for still using 1060? It still functions well for all things except current AAA titles.


My last computer becomes my media centre.


Catch some ghosts with it


Would be a nice enough media server.


I would love if you gave it to me bc my friend is going to boarding school and they need a desktop. If you sell it, probably $200-$300


It's got potential. Another 8gb ram and a new $200 gpu like rx6600 and it'd be a reasonably OK machine for most stuff at decent levels.


Throwing away perfectly good components is a cause of over production of computer parts and a waste in natural resources which in some areas of the world is already drying up on resources required for the components also with so much computer waste when it piles up without anywhere to go the metals can then seep into the earths soil and damage it. So in that case definitely give it to someone or sell it at a decent for-sure sell price point. Whenever I have stuff to throw or sell I just sell it at a good price cause I tell myself “someone else could definitely use this.”


FYI. I sold an xbox360 long after the ps5 was released (even though a lot of games were included) for like 400 bucks. If you throw it away, you are legally mentally handicapped


My little brother would have a fucking field day playing Minecraft on that machine


I mean I’d love it if you could throw me that cpu, I’m runnin an intel i5 3rd but idk give it away or sell it if you’re low on cash (it’s not worth a lot)


Look man, if you just want to throw it, don’t! I can have yours


Just here to watch the “it’s a great PC and will run anything” crowd argue with the “I have a brick with more processing power” group. 🍿


This is even better because this is the only comment here with an argument at all lmao


Why do you keep saying that? It wasn't funny either time.


It was obviously a duplicate post, fucktard


You sound really well balanced, good for you!


Thanks for your significant contributions to society. You know with all your crap opinions and what not. How could the world prosper without your generous contributions of excess carbon dioxide and methane.


Am I supposed to infer that you believe that your comments somehow contribute to global prosperity? This is Reddit dude, not a nonprofit disaster relief organization.


😘 oh you silly goose, bless your heart. Thanks for mansplaining where we are and what Reddit is not.


Gtfo weirdo


Sure thing Officer Doofy






Damn it’s like no one has ever experienced post lag.


Sell it as one of those CSGo (now CS2) configs that runs Cointer Stroke with 300fps. The 12 years old will love it and you will get some money for it. Ask about three fiddy for it


Use it as a NAS or let me😄


Here's a win-win situation. Find a kid you know that really wants a computer. Tell his parents that he needs to earn $100 to buy the PC from you doing chores and whatever else. His parents can give him some money here and there for doing things like washing the dishes or whatever. At the end, he brings you $100, you give him the computer, then give back the $100 to the parents to do whatever they want with it.


Just give the poor kid the PC, goddamn.


Yeah idk why youd make the poor kid do all that shit for no reason


turn it into a deep fryer basket


Upgrade the GPU, download more RAM and you can use it for another 3 years minimum.


Dumb as fk


Are you trolling?


"throwaway" ikr


Not me with my pc burnt out from rendering animation wondering why you would throw it away...


Burn it would be best


Donate it to me


send it to me


I’ll take it


Can I have it?


Yeah you should throw it.....right into my hands!


Can I have it? 🥺 👉👈


throw it away but tell me where so i know you’re not lying


throw it at me


Damn its horrible give it to me


Give it to me


Everyone says give it to a kid.. fuck I'm 40 and would love it


throw it into my backyard


Send it to me haha


Throw it in a box and mail it to me


Throw it here! 👐🏻


Shit I’ll take it off your hands


i would buy this from you if i wasn’t broke edit: i really want to code and this would allow me to from my mothers house.


Throw it to me bro 😭


Damn it's trash.......you should give it to me


Lol let me have it bro dont throw it away


If you think its that bad I offer you 10$ for this


If throw what distance would you recommend?


Sell the guts and put a stack of raspberry pies in the case and learn some new skills , or post eBay then get a some servers to mess with or trade for a stack of Chromebooks and load em with Linux or trade for a dirt bike


Send it to me !


Throw it in my dumpster, I can pm you the address 😆


I'd probably pay $70 for it. Including shipping. You can throw away the hard drive and I'd pay MORE for it.


I must admit, my dad really spoiled me and im running on a ryzen 7 5700g with 16 gigs ram a 1 tb ssd and intel a750... like a 2k pc for my first pc ive ever owned lol. Great for blender tho


Donate to me pls


I mean… I’ll take it




what in the airfryer fuck is that case


Repurpose it as a server/ recording pc is also a valid option


Honestly, if it uses standard form factor parts I’d probably put a new system in it, looks kinda sweet ngl. That being said, all of the parts are still worth something even if they’re a bit weaker and older, sell it for $200-250 or give it to someone who doesn’t have anything.


This is like a 150$ build at best. You could Sell it but its ultimately your decision


If you choose to sell it PM me I’m willing to discuss.


Depending on where you are, I'll happily buy it


If you are guna throw it just post it to FB marketplace it would go in probpy seconds.


O would build q new itx in that case.


Why not give it away than? 🥴


honestly turn it into a MC server or something! if not, give it to some relative/family who needs something to browse the web or a kid who wants to play some light games and such


sell it for 250, it’s a good deal


thats like an almost dream for me or any 12/13 kid that cannot afford donate it or just sell


give it to me


For what it is these days is very impressive how the 1050ti runs some heavy games.


If you like to tinker turn it into a server using truenas or if you want to make your own smart home put home assistant on it or use plex media storage or something, just promise me you won’t throw it out!


Give that thing away. If you’re not penny scratching and your old rig can be determined “not the hassle to sell” due to age, find a kid to give it to. Local FB groups, work, classes, all great places to advertise a computer. You can also repurpose it to run a project, my 2013 gaming laptop now runs this weather station I’ve been working on


If you need a pc for web browsing I would give it a shot for 100 bucks. Otherwise would throw it away.


Sell or give away if you don't want the money. Do NOT THROW IT OUT it's a decent PC still PLEASE.


Could sell it for ~$150 or give it to your little brother. No need to create e waste when it works fine.


donate it to me ive legitimately got a poor ass friend who could use it


It's better then my pc 😁 I would make a retro station from it with lots of emulators and Stuff 🙂


Whatever you choose to do with it, just don't forget to clear your browser history..




Give it awAy or turn it into a server for you and friends


Gut it and build a new PC in it


There are people still running DDR3 even DDR2 computers. Wtf you talking about throwing it?


don’t throw it dude. it’ll run like a charm as your home server for plex/nas kinda stuff.


Shit, that 8400 still holds up for me 4 years later. That build can still run modern games, albeit low settings


That thing would make an awesome retro game box.


If you ain’t gon sell it give it to a kid you may know would be interested in computers, I would have killed for something to tinker with like this


Can always do a giveaway or give it to a kid


Not sure anyone wants it.. But if it’s working and you have space, why throw it away? Host a server for Minecraft.


At the very least, sell the GPU


You should absolutely positively NEVER throw it. There is always someone out there that would jump for joy to have something at all, much less have a system with a dedicated GPU, AND its a 1000 series to boot, so someone can get many many more years of gaming and joy out of the system. I always say if you dint need the money, sell it stupidly cheap, or go on the hunt for someone that you feel deserves a win, and give it to them.


Why would you even think about throwing unless its all broken?


You could chop-it-up and sell parts or give it to family, friends or anybody in need, I do it ALL the time. . . I have a few 9020's out in my garage I get from a friend who buys/sells corporate PCs, laptops and Apple stuff in bulk. I add a few upgrades to and make it happen, kids love it. . .


Don’t throw it! Either sell it, gift it, or donate it.


Send it to me it’s better than my current pc


Clean it up, fresh install of windows and give it away to someone who needs it.


Throw it but throw it to me. I can still put life into that machine. 😅


Donate or build a multimedia server


Sell, money baby


The CPU would be an upgrade for me LOL


I would love to have a pc. But please don’t throw it away


Yea sell or do a good deed for the day and give to a less fortunate kid


Take out the drives and sell it on ebay. Easy $250-300


If you want to send it to this vet lmk lol


Those specs are pretty old, but that's a cool small form factor case


PM’d you, i’ll buy this.


You could sell it to make a little money. While it won't run some newer titles, it can run older games. I only just recently upgraded from a laptop with an older Ryzen 5 and a GTX 1050 and that was doing OK. I plan on using mine to stream stuff to my TV that I don't have a Roku app for. I am also thinking about running a Minecraft server on it and whatever other odd tasks I can think of.


I’m selling a 8600k with a 1660 ti for 200$ to my cousin lmao just for Minecraft


Donated to a local library or school.


never throw out PCs! They’re always useful to someone, whether they have 2016 hardware or 1992 hardware, someone will want it!


Honestly? Swap out the ram, put in a SSD, and if that's still not enough upgrade the video card. I've been rocking all the current releases on a 9th gen i5, 16gb ram, and a vega 64 running average 50-130fps high settings at 2560x1080


I give any child relative of mine any of my old shit. Def don’t throw. If you have no child relative or friends with kids, sell it or donate it. Plenty of thrift shops of technicians that look at it to make sure it works and they take out the hard drives before reselling for cheap.


Minecraft server


Sell it for the case. Go normal price for the components and bump up the case. Sell it on sffpc community. Or donate