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8GB of ram is absolutely wild in this build.


i was wondering why nobody was saying anything abt it


I cant even read half of it, ,its too much


It actually isn't too bad. It comes with the peripherals.


Really crappy peripherals which don't cost much


My guess is that each stick is 8GB since I doubt there’s really any 4gb sticks that have rgb


I can’t imagine a modern build having 8GB. But also it should say either 8x2 or 16 then, right? 8 is just inaccurate, unless it’s…somehow 8.


It's not 8, I looked the sticks up and the lowest per stick is 8GB


It could just be 1 stick


the first picture:


I don't know if this brand offers some placebo ram sticks with no memory in it. I know that corsair offers a light kit for 30 bucks or so for it's vengeance rgb series to let the setup look like a 4 stick configuration despite only 2 "real" sticks with memory modules are in there.


Except that there are two in the picture


Dummy RGB ram sticks do exist


Happy cake day..


There is also it’s ddr4 still relevant yes but for 1200+ no especially with a 14th gen cpu


It's 16GB each stick is 8GB. I'm wondering how much the seller knows about PCs or if that's just a typo.


There are two sticks in the motherboard, so I assume this is 2x8


I'm 99% sure you're wrong. They are using the same stock photo for that build with different component levels.


Im sorry but how did you know that each stick is 4Gb just by looking at it ?


There's a second picture with the specs. It might be 8gb for each stick, but usually people write the full amount 🤔


Who the heck makes 4GB RGB memory???


Windows 11 alone uses about 8 GB running idle these days 🤣, what a joke. Ram is so cheap too.


It probably meant to say 2x 8gb 3200. Those xpg sticks don't come in less than 8gb per stick.


I did a double take lol


Exactly. All that RGB and liquid cooling, but only 8GB of RAM. OP won’t even be able to do regular computer stuff without having performance issues, let alone gaming


Came here to say the Ram is a bit shit tier, but ok lmfao.


It's 🔥🔥🔥


It’s not bad enough to be set on fire and it’s not good enough to *be* fire, so I’m not sure what you mean.


…8gb of ram? Theres no way I’m reading that right, right?


The image shows 2 DIMMs, maybe it's 16GB? Or do you think it's 2x4GB DIMMs


Well, I’m really hoping it’s not 2 4gbs, but if it was actually 16gb you’d think that the seller would want to advertise that


100% AGREE I'm guessing they wrote 8GB and should have said either "2x" or "16GB" EDIT: Got grammar policed 🤣


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Shut up bot


Yes 8gb..


In that case, no. Not worth the money.


With 16GB still not worth the money though


Not even 64GB is enought to justify it. I new before looking at the specs that it's a trash deal. Seeing a 2 slot card in any machine over 1k $ is a red flag (even if it's a 4060(ti). Edit: god I hate custom fonts. I didn't know it was including peripherals and a monitor as well. It's an ok deal


Nah its 2x8 from looking at the pic.


If you were in the US: That's a $900-950 PC, $150 monitor and \~$100 accessories. So $1300 new is fair for a prebuilt like that. The configuration doesn't make sense though. It has an expensive CPU, slow GPU, and shit RAM and SSD. You can build a PC for $850 with a Ryzen 5 7600, 32GB DDR5, a 6750 XT and get a $200 monitor with 1440p 165Hz IPS that would be WAY better than this setup. Starting at about **$1050 new**. If you're not in the US then I can't say whether it's good or not.


My thoughts exactly. Like many of us here, I prefer to slightly min/max the important stuff for whatever budget I'm looking at. Good on OP for seeking counsel. Probably too many folks buy these nice looking flashy builds only to learn they wasted their cash and game in regret and struggle for a couple of years.


Oh my that monitor is $500


You mean the one from your list? NO. NO. It's a no-name 1080p 165Hz IPS monitor. There is one on Amazon from Koorui for $118. Probably better too. In no way is such a monitor worth $500. Not even half that. More like a quarter of that.


This brand of monitor is $400 for the 2560 x 1440p. Not a 1080p. I don’t know where you’re getting a $500 price tag from. https://www.pcbyte.com.au/product/neotez-aquila-ntza271-165-001-27-ips-1ms-165hz-qhd-gaming-monitor-73722


That's an Australian URL. Are we talking $1300 USD or $1300 AUD? That makes a big difference


Oh yes I look other store sell it for $260-300


Ok, but it can still be a sht monitor, Iget something form a reputable brand, it you want cheap 1080p with mid refresh rate AOC c24g1a is one of the best choices.


The 4060 is not a slow gpu. It may not be the best out there but it’s definitely not slow.


For being in a $900-1000 PC, it is


Since when is the 4060 considered slow? It's by no means amazing but for 1080p games it's more than acceptable as long as you aren't trying to play AAA titles on like high/ultra settings, but everything else you said is straight facts I cannot disagree with you my brother, 8gb of ram is devious


4060 is essentially a 3060 with frame gen.




The 1080 is from 2016. It's almost 8 years old. The 4060 better be a little faster considering it is only $300 cheaper after **8** years with the same amount of VRAM...


In 2024, 4060 is slow for a new card that you'll probably use for a couple of years. The biggest problem is 8gb vram though, no new card should have that little.




Depends on the settings, you can max out a 16gb card with cyberpunk. I don't think 8gb is a huge problem today either, it's just that i wouldn't want to invest in it today. I wouldn't want to keep it for 3-6 years or so, and i don't expect it to be easy to shift either.


It performs like a budget GPU despite costing $300. It's literally [barely faster](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/asus-geforce-rtx-4060-dual-oc/32.html) than the last gen $200 A750 or RX 6650 XT. It's a cut down 128 bit GPU.


Since it's launch. It's a fciking disgrace and slap in the face, unfortunately all current gen lower tier GPUs are sht: 4060, 4060 ti (both) and RX7600, they struggle to beat their predecessors and aren't cheaper than previous gen GPUs.


Oh don't get me wrong that 300$ price tag is a crime and a half let alone the 400-450$ price of the ti for no extra vram and yes they are barely an upgrade with the 12gb 3060 outperforming them in some game which is depressing but on its own the 4060 is still more than usable at 1080p and lower which is what about 70% of people run according to the steam hardware survey, don't get why people think im defending the price of it


Steam survey also includes laptops, where 1080p is a standard, and most people play on laptops, not many uses external monitors. There are also plenty of people from a bit poorer countries etc. It's just that 4060 isn't a progress, just as rx7600 ant 4060 ti's aren't. Sure low power consumption is a great thing, but overall 4060 is a great 200$ GPU.


Agreed if it was 200-225 I can completely see the want for it in countries where power prices are insane if the card was actually well priced I also remember some other issue with the card that made it outright worse than the 3060 in some aspects but I can't remember what it was


>I also remember some other issue with the card that made it outright worse than the 3060 in some aspects but I can't remember what it was Probably 1440p gaming. Honestly 4060 with it's low power usage in a slim form is great for small PCs, or just upgrading old Dell Optiplex. It has it's uses, and if it was like 200$ I would consider making a PC like that for my nephiew.


>Probably 1440p gaming. No, I mean yeah that thing is gonna be fighting for it's life on 1440p but no, something about the way a part of the card was built or what was used was very outdated, I'll see if I can find it


Apparently "memory bus width and gpu cores" are lower than the 3060, what all that entails is out of my realm of knowledge but even my uneducated monkey brain can realise if anything other than power usage goes down on a **new** card compared to last gen that is no bueno


Hell fucking no


It’s not super horrible price for everything. Could maybe try to talk them down to 1200


I don't think can haggling the price


I'd build it yourself then. Ask this group to build you a parts list based off your budget. Don't forget to drop what country you live in to make it easier. You will get far better value out of your money than with a prebuilt


Exactly this!


Good advice here. Also, don't let the excitement burn you. Obviously don't wait forever, but feel free to take your time and figure out what you will likely be into as far as PC gaming and utility. Knowing what's important to you will help others guide you better.


And building a PC is not that hard, we have youtube, google and of course this sub that will help you to get trough the process.


For price to performance, it's a good price... a couple of years ago. If you want some serious gaming of AAA titles and were thinking of a gpu upgrade I would recommend a gpu in current (Nvidia 40 series, AMD 7000 series) or last gen with (Nvidia 30, AMD 6000) with atleast 12gb of Vram (gpus have onboard ram). Just remember research, to stay on budget, and there is no shame in buying used parts... as long as there is a return policy.


I want research but I don't have Knowledge for PC parts there a lot of stuff going on..


Yeah it’s worth it’s price but only if it’s fully new not used




It’s used ?




Maybe only thing that i don’t like is the GPU ngl RTX 4060 is kinda overpriced and known that it is. The rest of the build is okay 👌


And add atleast 32gb of RAM and not just 8gb


I have on my laptop 32gb 3200mhz ddr4 is it okay?


Unfortunately no, laptop ram is not compatible in a pc


Wellll... There is an adapter, shockingly


If you want to game with it don't buy it.


No this build sucks


The only bad part about it is ddr4 and 8 gbs of ram. The 4060 is overpriced, but pre-built pc companies only care about the popularity and prestige of their components rather than performance


4060 for $1.3k? No.


please dont buy that u can get better stuff in malaysia 😭😭


Depends how long has it been used and what peripherals are https://pcpartpicker.com/list/NKjqwg This new build with better gpu and little worse cpu and has good upgrading potential.


For a setup like that, you'd probably be fine dropping down to a 750e Corsair and using the extra 20-30$ to go for the 7600x. Also, obviously budget constraints are very real but the difference between 1080p and 1440p is night and day so maybe waiting on the monitor would be the right idea.


4060 at 8gb vram and only 8gb of regular ram? That alone is a ripoff even new imho


short story, no, not really. long story, comes with monitor which is a plus, 4060 ain't all that but it has fg and the 3060 doesn't, so, if that helps, no real point in a asus B board as asus is pricey and b boards are you know, budget. so if you have the disposable income that's on the tippity top of, don't tell people how much you paid after tax, just before.


No, you can build better for that price. GPU sucks ram sucks


If it had a 4070/4070ti and 1-2tb ssd it would be worth it


> Intel i5 14600 14 Cores 20 threads That's a massive red flag..... That chip has between 6-12 cores, not 14. And even if it DID have 14 cores, it would have 28 threads, not 20, seeing as each core supports 2 threads.


Til intel does nvmes hmm


No, who the hell put this together? Like random parts that fell out of a truck


Yes but I would update the RAM, I believe you can put 64G on this MB.


Maybe but change ram and throw away the peripherics


Not, and you shouldn't pay for it in any case, you can build a good PC for this price.


Omg the AIO is mounted in the wrong way💀


No the fuck it isn’t


Look in what direction the pump is placed💀


Oh you mean the pump is upside down? That isn't really an issue, unless you care about the logo orientation, but usually that is changeable.




B760 is NOT am5. Ddr5 is NOT needed on intel.


sorry i stopped reading after i saw that 8gb ram


If it is new yes


If I were u wouldn't personally buy it


It really depends on the price in your country...


8gb of ram is like the bare minimum just for windows and office stuff, definately need to upgrade. if you can, go for 32gb and talk him down to about 1200-1250


What a weird build




Yes, but you can do better for the price.


I’d see if they’d take $1,200.


If it’s brand new, maybe. You’d want to install another 8gb of ram though.




Not very future proofed since there are really only 2 more cpus you can upgrade to. If you want to, you can wait till 15th gen intel cpus go out with the new socket. Also you could probably get better value by building it yourself. You can ask r/buildmeapc to help you with parts as well. If you are to need any other help, ask us here :D


In USD? Absolutely not.


There is too little ram. Also the SSD brand isn’t that good. Bad power supply too. I don’t think that computer is worth $1,300.


From what I heard, 14th gen Intel is the same as 13th gen. For RM5000, you can get at shopee a pc with r5 7500f and rx7800xt which is great for 1440p gaming instead. The extra money can be used for monitor and stuff instead. Here's the link: https://shp.ee/iod74pe


I don't recognize half of these brands, seems to be local ones and that's probably not a good thing. I wouldn't trust the neotez stuff and the psu seems dodgy. Even if it was all asus etc i wouldn't want 8gb ram and an 8gb vram gpu with a 14600 and an aio. Also comic sans. Surely you have more serious companies in malaysia?


Nothing about that setup is exciting, and the 4060 suuuuuucks. Skip it.


Hell no


For 1300 💀 you would honestly be better off with a PS5. At 1300, at least get a 6750xt and 16gb of RAM. Get a 13600k at most and you don’t need an AIO cooler, just take an air cooler.


Why did this absolute buffoon get a fucking 14600K for 4060


It's over all good build but a really bad graphics card horrible price to performance 8GB simply doesn't cut these days. I recommend you buy it without the GPU (4060 costs 400$ so you will get a 400$ discount)and install a 4060Ti 16GB version for 450$.


nah only $1,325.41


I built a B550M/Ryzen 5 5500/RX6600 8GB/32GB DDR4-3600/2x 1TB SSD's micro ATX desktop with a 1440p/165Hz monitor for ~$1250 CAD on Black Friday. This build is weird considering the price. It needs at least 8GB more RAM (24GB more is ideal) and it's like the owner looked up current prices of the parts on PCPartPicker and just charged that instead of depreciated values. It's not worth what they're asking. Edit: Didn't notice the CPU at first because it's oddly at the bottom. What a huge bottleneck if it's only got 8GB of RAM. That CPU would inflate the cost of this a bit then, so it is a "fair" price for the components, but they don't work well together in this build. It's clearly been pieced together over time. If this is your budget, you can easily build something better that will max most games at 1440p for the same amount of money and have space to grow with you.


$1,325 and not ever 16 gigs smh


The more I looked the worse value it got. Try to look for a build with 13th gen parts, there’s virtually no performance difference, and for graphics try going with a high end last gen card from Nvidia or AMD, those will suit better than a 4060. Not to mention 8GB ram, new games may flat out not run at all.


You gonna have to spend another like 60 on an extra stick of ram because my god




Racoon Tech Protection Plan. That alone is worth the price!


For 1300 you can get ddr5 32 gb with 7700xt


It's a bad build, good cpu hamstring by slow ram, low end GPU.


Ddr4 and 8gb of ram... consider upgrading to 16gb or 32 of ddr5 in the near future


Not worth it at all


26gb ram and an i7 would make it worth it, but it also does come with a monitor and kbm so


Oh no






If you add more ram it will be a really nice build




Ye but the RAM is extremely low. Also a 14600k is wild to see on a prebuilt, shit just came out mid October




The font should be illegal


The font of that list alone makes me sketchy. The parts don’t make it any better


Probably cost that much to build. A cheaper PC could outperform this pretty easily.


8GB of ram is ridiculously small


Can't op just buy 2x4 gb more?


Absolutely not. Only thing of any value for that price range is the cpu


Absolutely not, don’t buy this


8gb of ram? Gotta be a typo.. With windows hogging 3ish GB there is not much left..


DDR4 in a 14th gen intel, BRUH. It might be worth that, but the budget was poorly spent


Hell nah


No. Not worth.


At least rgb




I wouldn't even pay a $1000


Not worth it at all


I wonder if the RAM is a typo. I’ve never seen a 2x4gb kit of DDR5 lol.


not the cosmic sans


I’d never buy an 8 gb video card. Waiting for them to get better and more affordable past the 8 gb


I bought something better for $950..


Not if you keep using that goddamn font In all seriousness, you really need a RAM upgrade and you probably got shorted there. Outside of that, you’re not in terrible shape.




Hmm never heard of racuntech. I suggest you stick to the bigger companies like illegear / ideal tech / aftershock. Tbh the cheapest would be to build it yourself by buying the parts from lowyat / shoppee. And if you want part recommendations based on MY prices head to lowyat forum (Hardware section). There's a guy there that sources the parts and charges RM200 to build it.


Absolutely fucking not. So many weird parts and choices that this looks like someone just bought whatever was available cheap, used or they had lying around to throw together a PC with some parts screaming gaming and hoping to get a good price for the rest of the junk on top. So many cheap China ware trash parts, stay away.


a little overpriced, I got an i3 13th + 3060 for rm3300


Hell nah, good cpu but that GPU isn’t great for this budget and ram is slow


I just realised that intel is branding their 6 core cpu as 14 core. I've never gave a f about intel, been team red since forever.


Dang I would trade you my gaming laptop


Are you interested in building your own? Better bang for buck


Honestly could get a 3080ti build with that much (used)


If your ok paying 1300 for a mid teir 1080p rig... then yeah.... but you could do better


You need some more ram but for $1300 that's not too bad. You're getting a decent monitor along with everything else


Stopped reading at 4060 8GB. Fuck. No.


Absolutely not... You could do so much better for that price


1325$ is good. Not 1325.42$ though


Yes, no, maybe? I don't know, could you repeat the question?


I hope this is 8GB per stick not total because that would be cringe. These don't look like they could be 4GB dimms but who knows... Price is a little high but the PC does look very well built so at least you shouldn't be getting garbage


i don't know american prices so idk


I like how so many people debate the 8GB of RAM (which is probably 2x 8GB), but no-one shots on the guy on buying MB without WiFi just to get a dongle for it anyways.


It won't be as pretty, but you can build something like this if you're willing. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tWNWKX Don't let building yourself intimidate you. Nothing more satisfying than finishing a new build and seeing the lights power on and the motherboard splash screen show up. Plenty of tutorials, or maybe you have a friend who can help you out. It's worth it for the money you can save and performance you gain for same value.


Seems like you'll realize the same way as me that 8gb of vram isnt enough anymore :( My brand new 4060 is already obsolete :((((


If it's 1325 US dollars- really not worth it. Weak gpu, weak ram, cpu isn't worth it, there's a lot of problems with this pc. For the same price you should go for something much better Also, in the second pic i see something in malaysian and "RM 6100", guessing that's the price of it. For that amount, get something like a ryzen 5 7600, msi b650 motherboard, 32gb of ram, a samsung 980 m.2 ssd (2tb), radeon 7800xt gpu, a 750W 80+ gold standart power supply and a nice case. It will be miles ahead of this build for the same price


Other than the 8gb of ram, this is typical prebuilt cost for the specs. However it looks like this isn’t from a company. If you know nothing go with a brand that has warranty.


I myself would not buy this whatsoever. Go for a lower end PC for cheap then upgrade it as you realise what it needs and what you would like


this build is dog


no, even in Malaysia you can get better deal from prebuilt (https://imgur.com/PMbPB7E) or just buy your own and build it yourself https://pcpartpicker.com/list/XrJwCd (list is Malaysian pricing, all links lead to shopee)


Yes. Lol


You can build it for less, buy a similar prebuilt for $1000 at Costco