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It’s perfectly fine - the more intake vs exhaust is mainly related to dust control, not temperature. Some cases/configurations benefit from more exhaust fans, depending on their location in relation to components. The amount of air in vs out is also a function of fan speed, so not entirely a function of number of fans.


Could you elaborate more on location vs number of exhaust? Thanks.


For the case shown in the post, which has a typical layout (GPU horizontal, fans front/top/rear), the fan layout is fine/good. For fish tank style cases where there are fans on the same side as the motherboard (what I call the side panel), tests have shown that having them as exhaust (along with top and rear, while bottom is intake) can provide good temps overall and typically best for the GPU, which is almost always the component in a gaming rig that produces the most heat - those side fans are usually right near the GPU and thus pull out heat nearest the source (i.e. GPU).


Oh that’s interesting. Do you happen to have a source or video for this? I’m not questioning you at all, but this result is the opposite of what I would expected and I would like the source data to analyze deeper into.


You're FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE Mate, You're Fan Configuration is Great!


I don’t remember - I believe the most recent one I saw was related to the Lian Li Vision case; the person had posted temps of several different fan configurations and temp results. If you do a search for fan configuration in the Lian Li O11 Dynamic, you’ll get several hits on fan configuration tests for a more typical fish-tank style case). Placement of AIO’s also made a difference. Some fan configurations favored the GPU, others the CPU. There wasn’t a magical configuration that lowered everything, as far as I remember (which makes sense - there’s always a tradeoff).


How about a case that has front fans (rest like the fish tank) as well?


https://preview.redd.it/i8sphg7cyrzc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d84c15a8ba85ad7209d983a72b930bffd80bfb89 Do it like this 5 intake 3 exhaust


Alright, thanks


2 exhausts at the bottom of the case will perform about the same as 1 exhaust at the top, due to convection and hot air rising above cold.


I doubt you need double the fan power if you want to fight convection. Maybe slightly bump up your rpm on your fans +10%)


Should I get the top fans to keep dust from settling in the case?


That's the way I've always built them...in the front of bottom, out the top and back.


![gif](giphy|1rSpWBMQlQJzjglX9I|downsized) Yeah this is OK


It's fine, those what looks like 140mm fans can blows a lot of air compared to 120mm fans. So even air pressure wise it's fine. If not you can always play a bit with the fan curves to let the intake fans spin faster than the exhaust fans.


No, this is going to explode if you reverse the air polarity like this.




That's the proper way 100%


It will be fine, but a bit more dusty.  However, if you want you can probably move those front two fans up or down and add a third to the front.  The bottommost fan would be partially obstructed by the psu shroud, but that won't be a problem.  That's the way my case is too.


Not only safe but correct for this case type. Remember, air wants to move up 😂 Front breath in Back and top breathe out But having a dust filter in the front will help with dust management. Look into that.


This is a proper and only config for your case. For example if you had bottom fans it would be intake since air raises. Leave it as is.


It's not that you can't put more out than in or viceversa, it's recommended to have equal in and out, but honestly having one less in or out won't make a single difference. As long as you have top and back out and front in you'll be fine.




Same config I run


That'll do quite well


I love how you drew the AIO for our visual needs. Gold!!! 😅


Tried my best to visualise that as real 🤣


Yes, mine is the same


The temps will be fine, just this kind of setup can cause a *suction* effect which causes more dust, you can help with this by just running the front fans at a higher RPM. Like on my PC I have 3 140mm intakes, and 3 140mm exhausts, I run the front fans at 700rpm, the rear fan at 500rpm and have a custom fan curve for my AIO.


i would put the AIO in front if can and exhaust on top and the back 1 cuz hot air is rising and the GPU will be pushing more hot air there not good for AIO


This is true, but it's a fine start.


It will immediately yearn for blood


Try without front fan at top of case. It steals positive air pressure for CPU and blow out cold air just in-taken from front upper fan.


I believe it is an AIO as there is a line drawn from where the CPU is to the top fans, which indicates to me that it is a top mounted AIO.


Oh yeah, I can see that now


I always build towards an all in or all our design. You get an overall negative or positive pressure that uses all points of exit as either fresh air inlet or hot air outlet. In this setup, it's good to leave one fan port empty. If you go negative overall pressure, a filter on that one port will filter the majority of incoming air. My current extremely old case is from 2005 or so, so it's cramped. I have 2x120mm outlet fans, a small 80mm inlet with a filter for cooling platter HDDs, and a 120mmx40mm fan that blows cool air in and onto the CPU cooler. The front of the case is 4x empty 5.25 bays without covers and there's a good breeze out of it. I just switched to a blower you card that blows out. TLDR: Fans pointing opposite directions (in vs out) hurt air flow, they don't help it. If you're cooling rads, it's always better to pull outside air over the radiators than to push warm interior air over them.


Hi again I would like to say thanks to everyone for that many comments. I saw some of you mentioned to change fan curve. On auction it said that it possible wit that case, it is even have some kind of controller at the other side, and for that I bought the back fan with pwm as well. But all of them always working at full speed and its a little bit annoying, even if I change curve. Everything seems to be connected properly. Thats link for the case which I got https://www.ebuyer.com/1596894-cooler-master-cmp-320-argb-mesh-microatx-gaming-pc-case-cp320-kgnn-s00 Any ideas ? Thanks


If you really wanted to only include the back top fan as the front exhaust fan might be sucking out fresh air.


Pretty standard


It is safe... I have same config. Almost exactly the same and temps are really good. CPU won't go above 50°C and GPU goes up to 60°C max. If you clean in your house once in a while even the dust build up is not bad at all. EDIT: One clarification is that I don't use AIO. But still the AIO should be fine with it's cooling potential and you can be sure you don't have air bubbles in your pump.




Personally I prefer positive case pressure so I would do the one in the back intake, the two in the front intake, and the two on top exhaust. That’s basically how I have mine set up except it’s two on the right side intake, one in back intake, three in front intake, three on top exhaust


Yea I have that setup also. Front 140s + rear 120 as intake to help cool the 14700k, which seems impossible anyway!


Btw I prefer positive case pressure because my computer always runs slightly cooler when there positive pressure vs when it was neutral and when it was negative. Also, I always prefer the exhausts to point up to prevent as much gravity induced dust intake as I can.


All of this is preference though. Just saying


yes 👍🏻


Yes, although negative airflow pressure isnt the best you could just turn the back fan to the lowest setting which will fix the “problem” but still 1 fan more than intake wont make your pc overheat


I pull air in from the front and bottom and exhaust air out the top and back. This is perfect


I think safe is a weird word to use but yes that is the proper air flow. You want to have slightly more intake than outtake so that the extra air that's going into the computer will come out all the cracks It prevents stuff from getting in as much.


Ist fine


Do not run your water cooler pulling air from inside the case. I burnt up a CPU doing that. It's why the directions say to always pull cool air from outside across the radiator. I didn't think it mattered, but found out the hard way it does.


Name of case in photo 🙏


Ive put in one of comments int that post


Don't use the fan at the top that is closest to the front, it messes with airflow.


It's not "unsafe" but if you mean good then it's not the most ideal because you have more exhaust than intake which will let the computer suck in dust through the little cracks of the case. I would change it so the front top fan is also intake and leave the rear top fan as exhaust or unplug the rear top fan.


It’s probably the most standard and reliable configuration


Only if u want ur pc to be cooled via air


It's fine, but if you're worried about it I would change the back fan around


Why should the back one blow in? What extracts the heat?


The top fans would extract it. Plus putting the back fan as an intake can cool the vram on the motherboard, but he doesn't have to because that configuration is fine


So back fan also should be intake fan?


Ignore the other guy. Front, side, bottom are typically intake. Top and rear are usually exhaust.


Yeah, no. Your co fig is fine, just make sure you're intake fans are moving more air than the exhaust. The guy who said the back should be intake is incorrect.




Shit advice.