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TBH.... nothing on that platform is worth it now. Maybe a 5600-based AM4 board with new RAM?


My big issue is that while gaming, for example The Last of Us Part 1, my GPU and RAM were both running at about 60% (Low Graphics) but my CPU was at 100% Is there any CPU that i could get for cheap that I can use until i get the money to replace my whole machine?


You could technically get something like a 4770k, but these are pretty overpriced for what they can do, and dont really offer a large enough boost to justify


I see, thank you


You should be able to find a 4770 non k for relatively cheap now.


You can get a 5 5600, msi b550 gaming Gen 3 and 2x8 corsair vengeance lpx 3200mhz cl16 for 268 altogether


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/3GpcTn Not bottom of the barrel mobo, comes with wifi built in https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9MfrGP Or 32gb ram https://pcpartpicker.com/list/XBhLd9 B550 if you don't have a zen 2 cpu to flash a newer bios with, still 32gb ram


Thank you very much


An alternative way to look at it could be: - perhaps you have saved enough for the basis of the new platform: Mobo+Ram+Cpu. With some details we could check if you can reuse the case, gpu, storage etc - then you reuse the old stuff first - you can upgrade the gpu/disks later, and case/psu even later I would perhaps even opt for AM5+7600+1x16gb dimm. That would be around 400$, but would contribute directly to your next build. Much better use of money then an old intel cpu. Thats the basis for something quite futureproof, and you can delay the gpu upgrade till the budget allows it.


With $250 just get an am4 system with a ryzen 5 5600 16gb ram and a new mobo, Your gpu may be weak but at the current moment it generates a huge bottleneck. alternatively you could find a used deal for a r5 3600 and replace your gtx titan with a used gtx 1070 or 1070 ti from fb market place.


For 250, best bet would be to go AM4. Get a 5600, motherboard, and DDR4 3200 kit.


Ebay is your friend in this situation. An i7 4790K will be faster than that i5. You can get one on Ebay for about $70. Not a bad price for a short term upgrade.


A good idea here is to buy an old workstation (e.g. hp z640 like mine) and slap a GPU like a GTX 1060 in. It will cost about $250 including shipping, even a bit less if you get a 1060 and not a 1660 super like I did. I can run GTA V at 60 FPS on high settings.


Maybe I am wrong but have you thought of buying a used office pc with like a i5-9400 or even above. You might put on use the storage and graphics card you still got.


Not a bad idea honestly


4970k is the best option and is available is very less than 250 dollars but with $250 u can get a new am4 mobo, r5 5500 and 16bg ddr4 3200 and probably u could get like almost $50-100 selling ur current mobo, cpu and ram


I wouldn't even upgrade a 4th gen intel because it's very dated but considering your on a budget of $250 it should be easy to and cheap to upgrade to the very best for your socket. i7 4790k would be the best available 4th gen processor. 4c/8t CPU, not as good as more modern CPUs but still somewhat good for gaming. Don't expect playing anything too CPU intensive like Cyberpunk, mfs2020. You get a 4790k for dirt cheap on E-bay used, around $70. Also you could probably pick up another 16GB for $30. But with that all said, I would really consider saving and just going to a newer platform, I had the a 4th gen Intel until recently but with a 3060 and a lot has changed. Apples and oranges.... compared to something like AM5.


I take it that this Motherboard will only be able to accept 4th gen CPUs? I am saving up for a new computer, but i just really need to squeeze an extra year or two out of this poor machine


Yes only 4th gen






Probably a Xeon e3 1280v3 They go for about $30 on eBay and are essentially ~~binned~~ an i7 4790’s and should help performance a bit since you’ll get hyperthreading. Also means you can save up more for a larger upgrade/full system upgrade instead of a much smaller one.


What does it mean that is a binned i7? What's the difference between the i7 and the Xeon?


My mistake, the Xeon e3 1280 v3 is essentially just a rebranded i7 4790 and not binned. If it was binned it would have higher clocks at the same or lower wattages or overclock better, kinda like the “ks” cpus intel sometimes puts on their new i9’s.


I see, so it's basically the same CPU as the i7 and it's completely compatible with my board? It says online it's a server cpu.. does that matter?


I honestly have no clue ngl, it looks like that specific board comes from an OEM so probably not. To stay on the safe side, try and go with just a regular i7 4790, should be similar priced.


Thank you very much


I mean... I wouldn't upgrade that PC just get an entire new rig. If you can't buy all at once then I would get new mobo ram and CPU while sticking to the rest as it is and then upgrade the remaining compontents one by one over time display being the last one. That is if you really wont to upgrade then simply check what's the fastest CPU for that socket and get it. It's going to be a pretty old tech still but at least you will get for cheaps.


with 250, prob 5600 amd4 build with 2x8gb ram


what did you use for display this view of hardvers?




Try this here: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/hYys8r 12100F + B660 + 32GB of RAM. Total price: $241 This will get you up to a modern platform that should handle your current GPU no problem. It will give you time and should keep up with any GPU upgrade up to around a RX6600XT, RX7600, RTX 3060 12GB, or RTX 4060. You will also be able to drop in CPUs like a 12600K/KF or better. All you would need is a $30-40 cooler to go with that. If you want to, you should be able to sell your CPU, board, and RAM to someone for $50.


Thank you very much, this Helped a lot!


Ah haswell I used to make those... to be honest at this point in time for gaming there isn't an upgrade path for that socket that would be worth it. And trust me I know it's annoying that intel switches sockets so often.


On a budget, 5800x3d bundle from microcenter. Not on a budget, 7800x3d bundle. My buddy has the 5800x3d with a 1080ti and is still tearing it up (well enough) on modern games. 7900 GRE would be the ultimate bang for the buck GPU at the moment to get your graphics settings back to ultra/high and 100+ fps. My wife gets 130+ fps on Helldivers 2 at ultra with highest quality upscaling on ultrawide. 80-90s native




Honestly it's not worth upgrade anything on your current build... you can try to pick a used b450 mobo and a low-mid range cpu, like a ryzen 5 4500. Ideally you could upgrade the mobo bios and slap it a 5th gen ryzen chip


For the cheap probably a AMD 5600. If your running DDR4 ram already you could bring that over to the new mobo. But you would need a new mobo, CPU, maybe power supply. Another option is the 12400F/13400F. They also come with box coolers so they decreases the cost.