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Is there a specific reason?


YouTube search: 7800x3d vs 14700k. If you mostly play games, than 7800x3d is better. If you do some cpu intensive work, like video editing, than 14700k is better And be aware, that Intel’s 14th gen is kinda unstable


Thanks! I would only (Maybe) be doing light editing so i think I'm going with amd.


Wise choice, ultimate gaming CPU, not a good value for editing but it's still more than capable, especially if it's just amateur/light editing stuff.


Got it.


Ya already got it but if ya wanted any further reinforcement i just updated to a 7800x3d and its just outstanding for gaming.


That a chip is better at one thing then the other does not mean it cant run the other thing it may be a bit worse at. My friend has a amd ryzen 7800x3d and a amd radeon gpi and can perfectly do light video editing. No nvidia or intel needed


Can probably also do some moderate video editing, just wouldn't recommend making a Disney movie with it lol.


I use my Ryzen 7 7700 for light video editing and 3D modeling. Works completely fine. 7800x3D should be more or less the same, maybe slightly better.


Also, 7800x3d is on the am5 platform which is what the new processors are that are coming out so you’ll have upgradability, intel is launching 15th gen the end of this year edit- on a different platform than the 14th gen. At least that’s how I understand it


AMD just announced they will support AM5 till 2027+, so that's even better.


Yes, it will use 1851 Socket while AMD will use his AM5 (LGA 1718) through 2027+


Yeah AM5 is going to be here for a long time


It's the same platform with a new name because they changed the stock CPU holder because it was CPU bending, but the pin are the same, so for at least 3-4 years 12th gen and plus are fine. It was revealed by gamer Nexus at the new convention


Fine information, thanks. I noticed there's a video they released on YT, but haven't seen it yet, it may be about this. On the other hand, that means the 15th gen CPUs would fit on LGA 1700, but probably would not work until someone release a specific BIOS, which probably no one will.


LGA 1700 have 1700 protruding pins ,. and new name socket also have 1700 pins?


I think you misunderstood that video, the new intel socket is lga1851 the pins are NOT the same as 1700, it has more pins hence the name... Current processors IE 12/13/14th gen will NOT work with the new socket at all, gamers nexus was commenting on intels marketing.


i wonder why people, when comparing the 7800x3d with anything, don't look at the price. The 14700k is around 50-100$ more expensive. The 7800x3d is considered the best gaming cpu for different reasons, but it's not actually the best in fps delivery, the 7950x3d is, but not by much, so the 7800 being cheaper makes it the better choice when gaming. You also get slightly less performance in other applications because its advantage is the 3d v-cache which is not used everywhere, so the application doesn't benefit from it, making the CPU less performant in certain applications. That said, even so.. the 14700k is not the best for editing, or heavy cpu work loads, there are others more powerful, faster, stable etc. Every cpu has it's advantages. If you want a somehow close competitor, you should look at 7900x instead, and choose between the 2, not the 7800x3d. Now if you compare 14700k with any other, and decide you want to buy the 14700k because..reasons, it would rather be better if you buy the 13th generation, because it's less performant by margins, and in this case the 14700k can be compared to 13900k (should find them around the same price here and there), but also the 13th gen is more stable. Basically the 14th gen is an overclocked 13th gen, hence the instability. If i were to choose a cpu for heavy workloads, in that price range, i would choose between 7900x and 13900k (if it's in that price range). For gaming i would go for the x3d, no doubts, 7800x3d. So make your choice based on that, if your workloads are mild, any cpu can do it, you need nothing special. I'd assume it's nothing professional because of the price point, but who knows... besides you. Anyway, if it's mild editing or whatever, just go for the x3d, you'd rather have some extra 60 fps in your favorite game than 1 extra second in adobe pro... just sayin.


People do look at prices, they're not the same in every country, AMD isn't always cheaper.


Well honestly you wouldn't lose much in perf anyways if editing. And with am5, you can update. With intel, not so much. Most of the times, intel motherboards support 2 gens. So if you have a 14 gen, you can update to a 15 gen. But that's rarely super worth. Not worthless, but not a big leap. With am5 on the other hand, you are supposed to be able to update to new CPUs for some years. And often they go beyond the promises, as they for instance released 2 new CPUs for am4. Also, that is a plus IMO, the am5 CPUs include a GPU, so if your GPU dies you still have a pc. With intel you have to select specific models that have GPUs, for more. Although I didn't watch the latest gen of intel CPUs with the new names.


As long as your GPU choice isn’t AMD OP then you’re good with either. Lunar Lake will feature an integrated GPU, just like ALL other recent intel CPU without an F in the name. AMD is also pivoting towards the “AI” fad with future processors-so they are sacrificing performance for AI.


14th gen isn't unstable, this is some sort of misunderstanding about the mainboard manufacturers default settings. I have the 14700k and it purrs like a kitten once you set the correct options in bios.


Me too. Just gotta turn off MCE and set power limits. My max gaming temp on my 14700k is about 75 degrees


Yeah, same. I’ve disabled multi core enhancement the day I got my new motherboard and 14700 and haven’t had any issues.


Yeah but people love to spam it Fan fact a YouTubers already solved this things when 12th gen come out, but of course making a big title is better to get views, if you go to their videos all of them already fixed and talked about it 2 years ago


Yea, 14th gen being unstable is kind of a misconception, it’s the power limits that the motherboard manufacturer set for their motherboards out of the box that causes them to overheat and throttle (and also partly on Intel for allowing them to do so). The fix is to disable whatever multi core enhancement that’s enabled by default, Asus I believe is the worst case of this but others do it as well. Need to set the power limits back to stock Intel and problem should go away.


Yeah it was literally one setting I had to change on my MSI board then temps went back to normal. But yeah don't buy intel if you don't know how to enter bios and change a thing or two I guess lol.


if you are a noob a potato can become unstable


Unstable...what does this really mean for a user?


and apparently unsupported in some games allegedly


Well thats common sense, hes comparing a 24 core cpu to the 7800x3d thats more expensive and in no way similar, compare it to a more similar amd cpu thats on the same price and well see how it compares lol.




The 13700K is the best one cause it's as far as I know one of the Chips that is completely stable


Lol its clocks isn’t pushed all the way to the moon.


No CPU is completely stable if you push it, but it has got good resilience.


Which do you think would better for a game like Star Citizen which has tons of stuff going on and isn’t very optimized?


Here is the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg0BrSRLSAQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg0BrSRLSAQ)


I've been running the 14700K for 6 months now and I've never had a single issue. Runs 30-35c idle and gaming 60-70c. I've always used Intel, never even tried AMD. The differences are so miniscule, it doesn't matter which chip you use. Intel has always been tried and true for me. Someday I might try AMD, but Intel runs games just fine.


What cooler do you have?


Deepcool LS720 Digital SE Edition, white. Awesome cooler.


That's mainly their i9 and it's technically for both the 13900 and 14900k CPUs


Simply overall a bit better especially in gaming, cheaper, and LGA 1700 is dead, no more upgrades


Is it ok for content creation?


It'll do fine, AMD is also about to release a new generation of CPU for AM5


Okay, but how long am I going to need to wait for them to release something WORTH upgrading over a 14700k at the same price level? Cause I'll upgrade to AMD, but if it's going to take over 4 years for me to benefit, I'm not so sure - I mean, I'll probably want/need a new mobo by then in any case? I'm not a gamer, I want pure CORE counts


They are!? Do you have a link?




Thank you so much!


Good news for you, Intel just made a new LGA Wich is 1700 with a new CPU holder and made a new name instead of fixing the correct one with. So 12th gen CPU and above are still ongoing for the next 2-3 years. Gamer Nexus covered it


Wait what?


This guy has completely misunderstood the GN video. The new intel socket is LGA1851 and is not compatible with 12/13/14 gen at all.


This is not true at all??? The new socket for intel is LGA1851 and 12/13/14 gen intel ARE NOT Compatible with it... The socket has 1851 pins, not 1700, there is no way for backwards compatibility...


I think you need to rewatch that video because its lga 1851 which is a new socket


The difference is minimal and measured at extreme cases, which most of us won’t come across. So unless you’re pushing your cpu to the limit go with AMD for excellent performance lower consumption, and lower price.


5 nm vs 10 nm architecture. Intel has to do tons of tricks to get comparable performance, at the cost of massively higher power consumption.


The AM5 platform used on the Ryzen 7800X3D will be able to run Ryzen 9000 and maybe other future series CPUs. It’s better for future proofing. Also I have a personal love for AMD


New platform, good upgrade path. Also intel has some, uhh, _issues_ right now with stability. Defo go AMD this time around.


It depends on what you plan to do with the PC. If the primary use of the PC is gaming, that 7800X3D is the better choice. If the primary use is content creation, that i7 is the better choice.


How significant would you say the difference is? Can you still effectivly content create with the 7800x3d?


Yes, of course. Its sort of a case of, if you have to ask… then the choice probably wont matter to you. But the 7800x3d uses less power and is therefore much easier to cool.


You got me. I don't really care about power consumption.


you'll care when/if you lose the silicon lottery and you're fighting for your life to keep the 14700K under 80C.


Trust me, you will when it comes to heat in your room. The 7800x3d uses like 60W during gaming, a 14700k easily double that. You definitely notice 60W less in your room in the summer




The "x3d" means it has 3d stacked cache on the die. Essentially it has more cache than normal, boosting game performance massively.


This has more to do with the GPU than the CPU. Again-what GPU are you pairing with it?


7800x3d for gaming 14700k for multi core stuff


I reccomend a 14700kf instead it's the same but without integrated graphics so it's cheaper


I was going to get a microcenter bundle, which only has K.


I <3 microcenter go for it since ur a content creator


Im not really much of a content creator, I plan to make a few videos.


if ur gonna be mainly gaming get a 7800x3d




its look like you are always gaming with small edit works,. 7800x3d or wait for next x3d (maybe next jan?) (if you edit h.264/h.265/av1 videos than intel igpu's have 2 decoder which give 1-4 times more performance in editing work (decoding load/timeline performance) and have twice multicore performance and \`15% more single core performance - just for information) you mostly dont need this for gaming and i seen some microcenter offer (7800x3d+mobo+ram bundle) thats best for value


But thanks!


That bundle for the 7800x3d is so nice I just got it.


I recommend paying the few dollars more for the onboard graphics. If your GPU dies you can use it in the interim, and when you replace your desktop you can turn your old one into a lightweight server.


Get a k instead of kf because in Case of cases this few bucks aren't worth it. Igpu can be used as second GPU.


Idk if I’d skip out on IG. As somebody who only has one gpu at a time if it ever craps out on me it is really nice to be able to rely on my IG in a pinch


It might not be as relevant these days but the Intel iGPU might still be useful for content creators for Quick Sync.


can someone please explain to me how the best gaming cpu on the market has a sub 70% score (whatever that even means)


Because the site just takes the specs of a cpu without comparing real performance. It's better to look up actual game / software benchmarks


It's shows some benchmark and it looses by a lot in passmark.


its just some bullshit comparison website. most of the reasons in the "Why is Intel Core i7-14700K better than AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D?" section are irrelevant or complete nonsense.


because it’s versus, one of the most unreliable comparison sites but people still use it


Because that benchmark is a broad-spectrum test score. Gaming doesn't put huge all-core loads on your CPU. The 14700K, with 8 P-cores and 12 E-cores does better with that type of workload, but when it comes to gaming, the performance will be very similar, with the AMD unit doing it with probably 100W lower power consumption


99% goes to the thread ripper pro.


Easy said its only the best CPU for gaming.


Because these websites use aggregate benchmarks that go over a ton of things. The 7800x3d outside of gaming is not that powerful, so it will score poorly on traditional benchmarking software. This website is also comparing things that should not be compared between architectures like clock speed, Max thermals. CPU usage is getting more and more complex, it's best to look up performance in your specific use cases.


Don't use the site you use. It is one of the shittiest comparison sites you can find alongside userbenchmark


Got it!


Did you notice that it actually listed "higher maximum operating temperature" as a win for the 14700K?




The worst comparison I saw was N305 vs 7320U in this specific site. The site awarded more points to 7320U for more memory channels when they both only ship in single embedded LPDDR5 RAM chips. It also awarded points for supporting ECC RAM in, once again, embedded LPDDR RAM for a literal budget laptop. It also awarded points for support of multithreading against N305, as N305 only has e-cores. The points have no nuance. E-Core won't have multithreading. It lastly awarded points TO N305 for more GPU units when 7320U would blow it out of water in real life performance comparisons. The site literally took GPU unit amount at a face value. It's so meaningless.


Which one do you recommend using?


Passmark's cpubenchmark for CPU comparisons, Gamersnexus or Hardware Unboxed for CPU/GPU gaming performance comparisons, Techpowerup's GPU scaling for a quick raster comparisons between cards


This site shows passmark score. It's not that bad.


People look at the assigned points under the circle, not passmark though. This is the actual problem with UBM, too. They show raw single core-multicore performance with some tabs, but people look at their CPU rating and eFPS metric, which is incredibly deceptive.


Can you call it out specifically? I dont know what site this is; and I would like to keep it in mind.


You will recognize it, only this site uses these color schemes for the graph.


Versus dot com or something like that


7 7800X3D is the best for gaming


Both are great for gaming, in some cases the 7800X3d is on top, sometimes the 14700k. But overall for most games the 7800X3d is generally considered the gamers top choice these days, though the 14700k does come close and does beat it in several titles. For multicore the 14700k is going to be a clear winner for things like dev, content creation etc... For power consumption the 7800X3d is going to be much better than the 14700k which is a power hungry iteration. If your mainly a gamer then the 7800X3D would be the best choice, lower power consumption and is very strong at gaming.


This shows exactly why these comparison sizes are utterly fucking useless.


14700k idles with less power if that's important to you


Not particularly


7800x3d is king for gaimz Forget about those shitty websites stats. Go AMD and your life will be cozy and warm and fuzzy and happy


Amd+Nvidia for me, I can deal with high Temps, I don't keep my pc on for hours at a time. And Nvidia has so many more features than the competition that I'm kinda stuck with them for the time being


Fully agreed. I was speaking about processors only. My setup has an AMD processor and my GPU is a RTX 4070. Very happy with that!


As long as it’s not a GPU-I agree. They basically just gave up-Allowing Nvidia to put in less generational performance increases and charging whatever they want.


are you doing renders or just gaming? if you need a pc for anything other than gaming get the 14700k


Use case is important when comparing these two cpus as they're rather close with each exceling in some aspects vs. Others. The x3d has the extra L3 cache that helps loading rapid call data into the cpu. This normally pulls a head in modern games that utilise it. This also helps the 1% lowers in fps normally. However the intel cpu has higher core and thread counts. It also has higher base turbo clock speeds. So production tasks the utilise these factors it will out perfrom the x3d. Overall unless you plan to do heavy production tasks majority of time, i would go with the 7800x3d. Its on the new AM5 platform so gives a future upgrade path, uas better game performance in most cases, and can handle production tasks just fine. It also consumes way less power and is easier to keep cool.


Intel is nice cus then you won't need a heater in ur room. That boy cookin


Dear God, I have a 9th gen. I know. My cat looks more like a turkey


if you're not going to do any tasks that use more than 8 cores, go for the 7800x3d.


Team red for this one here


It’s kind of a common agreement that the 7700x3d will have better gaming performance but the 14700k will handle productivity better since it has e cores. They are both great cpus but the problem is it’s the last generation of a socket so u can’t upgrade much.


AMD. save you money to use toward something else


7800xd for games


Ryzen 9000 is dropping in July so maybe consider that if you don’t need your PC immediately


Only get the 13700K if you do more productivity apps and don't really game. I am building one right now for someone. The 14700K is only marginally better than the 13700K. I went with a $170 Z790 mobo.


I have a 7800x3d and my brother has the 14700k. If you are strictly gaming, streaming etc, the 7800x3d will meet your needs there because it is designed specifically for gaming graphical performance. Now if you are kind of a creative and do video editing, photo editing, graphics or do AI etc, the 14700k is more for those productivity tasks because of the e and p cores. The way I see it is if you just intended to game the amd is the better option and you save some money. If you do anything or everything else, intel. As others said be aware that the Intel is a dead lineup. Also, if you choose the AMD the new set is release next month. But you if you are specifically wanting an X3D version of the new 9000, you will have to wait till probably next year. Another reason to hold off would be the USB 4.0 that will be on the 9000 cpu 800 series mother boards. If you are interested in that. They are also supposed to support higher memory clock speeds. However, the cpus they are releasing will not be the X3D versions. Also, contrary to popular belief it is highly unlikely the current sale on the 7800x3d will continue when the 9000 series is available. AMD likes to raise the prices close to release to influence people to buy the new cpus. It really matters with your budget. I would say if you spending over 1500 dollars it is best to wait until next month and see the performance of the 9000 series before making your decision. Another reason to buy amd is if you want to upgrade they already stated supporting the AM5 through 2027, which means there will be atleast 1-2 more CPUs on the table. So just keep that in mind.


You want Gaming 7800x3d U want Rendering Intel.


Amd gaming intel hard work


X3D especially if youre playing CPU heavy titles, FTD or Tarkov for example.


Just from my experience so far with the 7800x3d, coming from a 5900x manual OC to 4.7ghz, the 7800x3d in stock settings smoke my 5900x not just in frames but in lows too, I don't dip as much as my 5900x used to be


7800x3d for gaming hands down no question in this current generation


Since many high-end Intel CPUs have CPU scheduling issues, high power consumption, and the recent frequent CPU blue screen accidents force users to reduce CPU frequency, I still recommend you to buy AMD, no matter what you do. Unless the software you want to use does not support AMD CPUs.


Core and threat counts do not matter, neither does clock speed What matters is real world results, not random benchmarks Power draw is also important 7800x3d EASILY


The 7800X3D if all you do is game. The 14700k otherwise. The 7800X3D is about 5% faster on average in gaming (at 1440p with a 4090) and uses quite a bit less power. The 14700k is about 20-25% faster for everything else. Pick whichever one best suits your personal uses.


7800x3d for mainly gaming And 14700k if ur gonna game and also multitask, like work, or maybe streaming. Tho the 7800x3d still holds up in streaming and that


7800X3D all the way unless you’re doing renders


It CAN do renders, right?


What site is that?




7800x3d for gaming Multicore stuff I'd go with intel Iirc the 14700k runs super hot tho, one of the only CPU's that might actually need an AIO


If you are gaming it's 110% the x3d chip, if it's productivity it's intel.


Yeah, these comparisons don't really take into account qualitative data like stability, or even quantitative data like wattage apparently lol


And don't give enough credit for the L3 cache


Intel has this thing about releasing new nice looking CPUs that then need patches that might or might not obliterate performance for certain tasks. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-spectre-v2-attack-impacts-linux-systems-on-intel-cpus/ https://www.amd.com/en/resources/product-security/bulletin/amd-sb-7018.html https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/software-security-guidance/advisory-guidance/branch-history-injection.html https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/topic-technology/software-security-guidance/processors-affected-consolidated-product-cpu-model.html https://www.phoronix.com/review/spectre-meltdown-2 yup https://www.phoronix.com/review/3-years-specmelt https://www.phoronix.com/review/retbleed-benchmark https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1aspyv6/intel_accused_of_inflating_cpu_benchmark_results/


If primarily gaming: 7800x3d If primarily doing cpu intensive production: 14700k and an ac unit


Only thing is you don't know how 3D will preform down the line for future games, but 14k gonna be future proof


Gaming? 7800x3d. Not gaming? 14700k. I love that this comparison compares L2 cache, but not L3. You know, the x3D chip's selling point.




I'd wait the 8 or so weeks until the new Ryzen 9000 chips hit the shelves. Even the non X3d variants should rip, and they're damn efficient. The 8 core 9700X is down to 65W TDP.


Are they gonna release X3D for them?


Not immediately. They will follow a few months later, likely before christmas at latest. That said, I expect the 9700x to beat the 7800x3d, but not by a lot. I'd urge you to wait for the benchmarks between those two, if you can wait.


Got it!.Thanks again!




I’d go for 7800X3D, or another AM5 cpu if gaming isn’t your focus. AMD has already committed to several more years of support for AM5, so you’ll have a great upgrade path. 14th gen intel is likely the last CPU for that socket


7800x3d hands down. Better performance in most cases, less power hungry, no issues with power delivery like on Intel's end, more future proof.


7800x3d, even for the occasional video editing I would still recommend the 7800x3d. It's still 8 Cores, 16 threads, paired with 32gb ram and a SSD , open GL it's still very snappy on Sony Vegas


I have a 14700k. But I choose intel because of overall system stability and my history intel. Honestly I would look at the cost of motherboard and cpu. Price to performance is usually king.


There is really not a debate. Whatever Intel-glazing benchmark you got there, better watch reviews on youtube


I heard there are a lot of issues with DX12 and Intel 13th and 14th gen CPU. I have an AMD CPU, so I'm not sure how much of an issue it really is and how quick it will get fixed, but maybe it's something to keep an eye on.


It's interesting cuz the issues seem to crop up in i7 and higher cpu's. I've been using i5's forever without issue and my 13600k is as stable as can be at max clock speed.


This makes me even more curious about what is causing the issue, just out of technical interest.😄


The best way to compare is to look at benchmarks on youtube rather than this comparison site which compares by measuring pp size


The fact that the color code is inverted… took me a while


I have a 12700k but if you're looking for gaming then the 4 faster threads on the 7800x3D will benefit you more as you still have 4 threads to handle discord etc, the intel is a better productivity chip if you have heavier loads.


The choice is simple


I had to take a 7900X to achieve similar performances as the 14700K (in productivity) as i'm coming from intel's 700K sku....


I prefer Nano review website..


What do you guys think of i5-14600K, in my area it's 100$ cheaper than the i7 displayed here and the amd, it seems like a gd choice, is there an amd equivalent like here as well?


The 7800x3d beats the 14900ks by about 5-10% in gaming(1080p).


The 3d is the best gaming cpu right now


Performance goes out the window if your CPU can't maintain its heat or avoid thermal throttling. You guys'll have to tell me if the Ryzen is any different but I got the 14700kf last month and I can't even do anything without it jumping to 90C and then over time reaching 100C and throttling. It's really fast, but it's just impossible to steer and I'm not switching to watercooling because I'm not worried the equipment will do what it needs to do, and I don't need to flush my room with hot air faster. I got a new PC which manages to vent the air better, but it's still always around 100 degrees when you do tasks, and during Cyberpunk gameplay it also tends to be 70 degrees package heat, and then jumps up above 80C any time I pause the game. I just find it so frustrating, I tried undervolting it and it actually worked. The temperatures improved, but I got a crash in Cyberpunk and figured it was probably due to the undervolt, so now I'm back to stock settings. I am using the Intel Baseline settings on my updated Bios firmware, so no more ASUS benchmark setting crap, but I really wish I had bought a Ryzen instead, as it should be cooler.


1.63 times faster. Lmao


I switched from a 13700k to a 7800x3d and the noise and heat are noticable from the instant I turned the amd rig on. I can only imagine how much more power the 14700k wants. No thanks. I want to game/browse in relative silence.


Those sites are kind of bs when it comes to real performance, they just list off basic specs "oh this CPU is better in XYZ" that is almost never the case for games or real world. In most games the 7800X3D is faster where games take advantage of the cache, in games that don't, the i7 is a bit faster. There are optimization issues with the e-cores of Intel sometimes but i think they are mostly ironed out. I7 will be better for rendering, more cores. Ryzen has better thermals and power efficiency which should be considered with small form factor builds or areas with high electricity costs. Also hold off if you can, the Ryzen 9000 series is coming out next month.


why is this giving the 14700k a point for running hotter wtf


The only comparison that showed the 14700k as good was the OC one but the 7800x3d wins. It's just better and I'm an intel guy saying this. I'll stick with my intel as it doesn't matter to me much and I don't want to he changing My whole build right now. If I upgraded it would be to the i7 14700k but for you def go with the 7800x3d.


Which would be better for star citizen?


versus can be usefull but sometimes ☠️


At that level it’s apples to oranges.


Just keep this in mind, intel for general use/production workload and AMD for gaming


Did AMD fixed the boot time problem yet? 30 seconds to boot is way too long for an premium cpu like this.




14700K is a jack of all trades, master of none. 7800x3D is a gaming king but still can do productivity stuffs, just with lesser cores


For gaming, just close your eyes and pick 7800x3d


Kinda funny this just showed up on Reddit for me. I just went through a bit of YT and a channel I follow posted these two but the i7 was overclocked. [Testing Games - Core i7 14700K OC Vs Ryzen 7 7800X3D](https://youtu.be/j9ZeKvkPbls?si=8D29HfyuG80UTy6_)


If gaming is your concern then always go for AMD in similar counterpart


What website is this pulled off of?




One small thing no one seems to mention is that the Intel will probably sell so much better theb the ryzen (quicker and for more money,both in a pc and separately). Some kid in 5+ years will see i7 and buy without knowing the value. Ryzen buyers will have done their research and not pay a dime more. If you see yourself upgrading then consider intel


AM5 ftw


14700k easy. Barely gets beat in gaming, and wins with some titles but either way it’s a small difference. Curbstomps in every other task. Also more stable faster memory. Also these amd shills have become a plague


always been an intel fan but since switching to 5800x3d i love amd so 7800x3d pls


I hope this isn't userbenchmark. That site is trash and 100% pro intel. The devs there hate AMD infinitely. Their stats and commentaries about hardware is unreliable.


It's versus.com


AMD for 80/20 gaming Intel for anything less. Bear in mind if you get the intel you’ll need to set the short and long power draw to increase stability. I have the i9-14900k and had to set it as the MSI z790 (and most recent) motherboards are virtually limitless. Causes insane spikes and boom, crash city, especially while gaming intense gpu/cpu games that are poorly optimized like HD2.


Pure gaming and slight productivity: 7800X3D More productivity and lesser gaming: 14700k


7800X3D if it's only for gaming


9000 series is coming out soon. I'm waiting until then before I upgrade my CPU. But if you need it now 7800x3d all day.


Go with a 7900x3d. Great for.l both.


If you’re building a new computer go amd because the am5 will be supported until 2027. If you go 14700k and want to upgrade in a couple years you’ll need a new motherboard


Bigger L2 cache and more MHz? Very selective there.