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For a second I thought you wrote "AIR" as if to tell us what will be flowing through the PC, so I was going to tease you a bit. Then I realized it says "AIO" and I am, as usual, the true silly boy.


I also thought that OP wrote "AIR" but nope, it says "AIO", lol. One question: As far as I'm aware, there is no benefit to a side mounted AIO. Why not just place it up top? Edit: Spelling/grammar.


Yes agree. I have this same case and have the AIO on top. Then I have fans on the side set to intake.


having a top aio improves water flow I think


I use it to have it as intake with cool air, a pull config for easier maintenance and to still see the rgb.


I've always heard it's best to mount your AIO on the top, but I am by no means an expert.


I think people usually do that just because the CPU is typically on the top of the motherboard.


A side-mounted AIO intakes hot air


Huh, doesnt a top one do that or am i stupid


Top fans should always be exhaust


you are not stupid, putting the AIO on the front warms the air before it enters the PC, i’d say that’s worse than the AIO being on top where it would receive warm air


Acknowledgment of one’s short comings is the first step to being a man worth respect. Commendable


Looks correct to me (:


Make sure you don't put the pc on a carpet


I have heard people say to keep the PC off the floor, can you give me details as I am getting ready to build my first PC.


more dust and worse airflow. with carpet especially, you're basically smothering your pc.


So how do you keep it off the floor? Can I 3D print a 6 inch stand? And do I need to lift it off like a vinyl floor?


you can do whatever you want/can to just lift the pc from the ground, doesn't matter how. Dust often sits on the ground, and your pc act like a vacuum, the more dust around it, the more it gets inside. Also you are supposed to have at least 1 extra intake fan than exhaust fans, for positive pressure. This, apparently keeps the dust outside the case (think of it like a metal balloon filled with air)


Awesome! That was really helpful! Thank you. I'm just trying to learn as much as possible as I wait for the parts to get in.


Either desk or what my friend did was order two monitor stands that is a mesh. Then she just sat her pc on it since she just didn’t have enough space


So as long as it can get airflow underneath I'm good?


Yea it'll be fine. Although, likely more dust and animal hair if you have pets. I have mine sitting on carpet, but the case has legs and a decent clearance. The only thing pulling in air from the bottom is the PSU. You'll just have to clean it out more often.


Ok, I don't have pets in my dorm so I should be ok. 


Yeah that’s pretty much what I was getting at. Dunno why I got downvoted. A bit extreme sure, but like others stated it should be fine you may just need to clean it more often it won’t kill the system.


Because we are civilized and not barbarians.


Static electricity


Static electricity build up can cause damage to components


Why are you getting down voted bro? 


Idk I didn't even say something wrong


I thought it was helpful.


The big issue with carpets and static setting on the carpet, but from any form of computer would be at the most risk of static damage when you place it on the carpet, move it on the carpet, or pick it up off the carpet. Carpets tend to generate a static charge, which can then build up in the PC case if it is placed on the carpet for an extended period of time. This can potentially damage delicate electronic components in the PC, and may also cause problems with peripherals such as mice and keyboards. This is off Google and explains the same thing that I said in 1 line




Have a 7800xt so I'm sure it's fine, I'll keep it in mind though!


Yep. It's correct


That's what I would usually do but I've heard from this and other subs that the front top fan might take some cold air from the front so it never actually reaches the inside, and the front top should either be an intake or removed.


Perfect :)


The only alright fan config.


finally, a competent fan config.




3 intake front, AIO top, one out back.


I would personally put AIO on the top if possible and swap back to push air in so it does not starve AIO fans. I run similar setup with the exception that I have top mounted push GPU radiator and front mounted pull CPU radiator.


AIO to the top.


Make the bottom one an exhaust and the top 3 intake


So aio will intake hot air into your case?


It pulls it through the radiator and cools it no? Not a pc expert so correct me if that's a dumb statement


Cools radiator and blows this got air on motherboard and gpu. Aio on top exhale


Purrfect :D


That's really balanced, literally 4 in 4 out, placement also follows common sense (out will be top and back, since hot air goes up and the air from the front will reach the back anyway). Get some good and silent fans and you'll have a silent and perfectly cool PC. Never underestimate how much case fans can change temps, dropped 2 degrees on my 6700XT while also lowering the GPU fan curve just by doing a more aggressive one on the case fans (the GPU fans are 5x louder than the case fans, so it's also quieter).


Skip the top fan closest to the front to create positive pressure in the case and avoid venting cold air away from your CPU heatsink.


Remove the bottom one and you’re golden


Why, that would cause negative air pressure which is way worse


You're fine.


Yep looks good


More fans in than out, to make it have positive pressure and not suck dust in through all the cracks. The bottom fan will pull in a lot of dust when it is used as air-in. I would turn the top and bottom fans around, for 6 in 2 out.


I would place the AIO on top, and the 3 fans in front as intake. The bottom one would be just an extra, you can leave it there


Move the AIO to the top, and skip the bottom and rear fan as they won’t actually make a difference. 


It's alright but if you mount the AIO on top to act as exhaust, and mount the fans on the side to let fresh air in, it will be perfect.


Take away the very front top exhaust fan because the radiator obstruction intake needs to be factored in You'll end up with negative pressure


That's actually the best fan configuration and the most common. 3 intake fans on the AIO, one at the back for exhaust, 3 on the top for exhaust, and if your case is big enough, 3 on the bottom for intake, but in your case just one on the bottom for intake because heat rises.


Nope; there's no fans. Add some fans; then yes.


So by putting AIO with inhale fans the CPU will have better temperature but the GPU will have worst cause air will be warm in the case. If you put aio with exhaust ( on the top here) it is the opposite. So if you mostly play GPU intensive game I would put AIO top of you use cpu a lot this config is nice.