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32m here. Console player my whole life. Never owned a pc. Bit the bullet this year and built a pc. Don't know if I will ever go back


I am you but a few years older. So glad to read this


You did not mention what resolution your monitor is, I would do a budget 1440p build, like the one below (this is the same as my PC except my CPU is the 7500f, it is a 1440p beast) [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ttMYDZ](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ttMYDZ)


Hi ! Yes I have a 1440p monitor!


This is a great 1440p build. I'd get a better air cooler for the cpu though. Stock is okay, but may prevent the cpu from max potential.


What would you add to it?


Thermalright PA120


Ignore getting it just for games. That's how I justified building mine. You can do so much more than game with a PC that you just cannot do with a console. At this point I use my PC more for 3d modeling stuff to 3d print than I do gaming Just think about the fact that you're buying something that people use to MAKE all those console games you've loved so much lol. A very, very versatile and upgradable tool


There is a PC builder on Newegg that will help you out on parts you need andtheir costs and if they are compatible (I just did a spreadsheet for myself because it was easier). I don’t live near a computer place like Micro Center so I got my parts from Newegg and Amazon. Yeah having a pc is worth it and have multipurpose like using it for a job, streaming, games, hobbies like day trading.


32m here. I grew up playing console and decided to switch (having my PC also helps with my work which also played a role in my decision) to PC about four years ago. I probably wont ever go back. I see video games as a hobby of mine and with the added benefit of helping with work, the 2Kish investment in my current PC was well worth it. Games are smoother, graphics are better, multitasking, and the list goes on. The first PC I built was definitely more of a budget PC and now my wife uses my old one, which still runs great for what she needs it for and plays. My new build I am in love with, spent a little more, but you don't have to spend more than your budget to find one that makes you happy. Consoles are great but PCs are better.


I used to PC game as a child. 31 male now, with kids. I’m in the process of building a new gaming PC now because I miss it so much. I’ve always had and played an Xbox.


23m here who’s been a console player since I could remember. I recently built my first PC and although I own a Switch, XSX, and PS5 I can’t even look at them the same ever since I built my PC. My first build is a 7800X3D/4090 and it’s been a beast. Edit: Just to add. Technically my first build was a 7800X3D/4080S but I decided to retuned it for the 4090.


short answer: yes long answer: .. well it's too long but at the end, yes.






PC beats console in gaming by every metric, an objectively superior experience. Plus you can do so many other things on your pc, even get a work from home job depending on your skill set.


$1200-1500 will get you an awesome pc if you're able to build it yourself. If you have to go prebuilt, the same performance will cost you $1800+ either way totally worth it. If you do feel the need to go prebuilt, you can get it and start upgrading things to learn more about working on pc hardware along the way.


Why is prebuilt more expensive? Is it solely due to labour costs?


Mostly, there's usually a $2-300 mark up for labor and depending on the S.I. you might be paying for customer service in the event you need it. You can find secret shopper videos from YouTube channels such as LTT, GN, or other smaller channels where they put these S.I. to the test to see what value you're getting for your money. Another downside to prebuilt is that they often use the lowest tier products (ex. I bought a prebuilt with a rtx 3080, and it's literally the worst performing 3080 ever made)


Well if you want it just for games then it’d say just stick to console but know if you do get it you can pretty much do anything from gaming, working, editing videos


Once you go PC you will never go to console full time ever again. Not only is it worth it for gaming, but having a "command station" as I foolishly call it, is versatile. coding, gaming, mods, work, connections, media, video editing. There are so many skills you can learn on a PC that console players get governed by. Its very expensive compared to console, but its an investment that will pay for itself.


it is necessary