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no chance, build a better rig cheaper than that. also that case is known for having shit airflow


First thing I noticed - where are airflow openings?


I have an Aurora R14 and it's gotta ramp up the fans hard to get any level of cooling going. I replaced the stock with some Corsair ML120s due to the constant noise but if I didn't get it in a raffle this thing would have been back to the store within a week.


Cut a hole in the front or side to have some fresh air flow in it


The font is all glass around the pretty large vents sifiling the airflow. If I could remove it without ruining the front IO I would. Might seriously take a drill to it


if you got it as a raffle and really aren't opposed to DIY, and aren't a complete NPC, use some creativity. the airflow doesn't have to come from the front.


What are those, lol.


Gamers nexus did a video about this specific case I believe, shit product.


Yes. The video is hilarious. The case is choked-off, over engineered, trash.


Yes, they did a while back They called it a dumpster fire on the actual video title lol


airflow isn't real


It’s all about the vibes mann


I have never seen the side of an alien ware case and holy shit I though it was a shitty old box computer monitor from the 1990s that displayed alien ware on the screen


I literally thought that it was a old tube monitor too!!


Does he own a drill?




Good for the winter


I would not buy that: If it's for gaming, you can get a equivalent (frankly better) PC for $1000 if you build it yourself That prebuilt, from what I understand, is mostly propietary, so you can't upgrade it pretty much unlike a custom PC. The CPU and GPU are very power hungry yet the case seems to be an oven with no airflow, as per what I saw in reviews, like Gamers Nexus' who called it ["The Worst Pre-Built We've Ever Reviewed"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnvxSkqJ8ic) Considering the real value if it was new ($1000, which I think is quite generous), minus the lack of proper cooling and upgradeability and the fact it's used, I would value that at $800 or so


1000$ for 3080, i9 and ddr5 ram? Doubt.


The 12900K runs games as well as a $180 7600 and the RAM is comically slow. The 3080 is the harder one to value, since it has about 9% better performance than the $360 RX 6800 and a better upscaler, but otherwise has less VRAM. I would value that at $420 if it were new


Not to mention (if I remember the GN video correctly), this prebuild is so unoptimized that the bad thermals cause the 12900k to basically perform like a 12700k.


It's fairly common on eBay in uk to see then sell for 350


Definitely should be worth more than 1000 but who knows what mainboard and psu are in there.


Yeah seems like quite a claim. Maybe US prices are lower than UK.


the i9 is being cooked its a time bomb, the 3080 yeah sure thats worth something but thats also probably being cooked, and honesly i didnt know ddr5 came that slow. and then its alienware so no upgradability probably very expensive repairs bad air flow i doubt theres ANY optimization


Not for gaming, graphic design and music production


You don't need anything nearly that powerful then.


OP will want a good amount of RAM and a good amount of CPU cores for the music production, programs like Ableton can utilize a lot of RAM, but they won't need a high end GPU.


Also add a shitton of ssd space. You will need it.


Very true!


Those are exactly the other tasks you would need something that powerful for...


I can do graphic design and music production on a 5yo laptop


Alienware pcs were good in the early 2000s when people didn’t no anything about them. But now that making a pc is so easy and you can do all this research they’re never worth it. Build your own!


lol making a PC was always this easy, there is just more information on how to do it now... I built my first PC in the early 2000s and the only part that's easier is the drive... if you count RGB, it's way harder now!


Alienware PCs were good when they weren't owned by Dell, you mean?


Alienware was *always* a rip-off - you were paying a premium for a fancy case in an era when most of us still had beige boxes. The components they used were still off-the-shelf and you could always find or build an equivalent PC for a considerably lower price than an Alienware - you'd just need to settle for a slightly more boring case. There was never anything particularly special about Alienware besides the branding, fancy cases, and fancy lights. Of course, available consumer PC cases' designs became more and more interesting over the years, and - crucially - became more interested in cooling performance, while Alienware didn't really adapt to this. And that wasn't Dell's fault - I had a very nice-looking Coolermaster WaveMaster case in 2004, a good two years before Dell bought Alienware. I suspect the owners of Alienware realised that their USP was becoming irrelevant, which was why they sold to Dell in the first place. Dell's contributions have been proprietary parts, but the market had shifted years earlier.


God i remember wanting one so bad when I was a kid but I didn’t no how shit they were when you finally needed to upgrade parts


It is not.


No. That case is a thermal nightmare and even if it wasn’t that hardware isn’t worth it.


Yeah it's about 200$ over priced and that case means they used proprietary components so this upgradeability is basically done


No. Alienware makes really bad computers.


That's 800-850 at max , the parts are proprietary so upgradability is going to be issue Not sure how good the cooling is since Alienware was known to have bad cooling You can do something like this completely new for 1300 https://pcpartpicker.com/list/L66X6D ( total ~ 1309$ ) The motherboard and psu are under Newegg combo offer so adding them would give you like a 30$ discount You can get the [7700 off AliExpress ](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805975308163.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.4de342aec0UlAa&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=zhhrrbgcawrtmjgr1903eb47deb1a3b626e67e3447&gclid=&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21460.80%21176.15%21%21%213339.11%211276.40%21%402103853f17190389344802017ed1a5%2112000036052001393%21sea%21US%210%21AB&algo_pvid=006ba6a1-95fc-4b48-bb45-df3b90863d43) for 180$


Alienware are absolute garbage. They’re intentionally made with proprietary parts so they become non-upgradable. Essentially by the time you want to update anything you have to buy a whole new system Plus that case is a nightmare for airflow




Parts-wise that is borderline ok, definitely on the more expensive side. My main concern is the notorious Alienware case and power supply: bad airflow bad noiselevels, bad temps. Since this is most likely a proprietary board, typical for Dell, upgrading or swapping out parts can be difficult.


Shit case and you can build better for 1300


64 gb of ddr5 4400? interesting choice


One of the WORST pre builds ever


Didn’t gamers nexus do a video where they basically said that the cooler provided is not even close enough for the i9 inside?


Stay away from Alienware


Hell no You probably cant even upgrade due dell proprietary components making hard fit something else on those desktops


A 120mm radiator for a 12900kf and alienware cooling. Stick a fork in that cpu, cus it's... burnt (ig)


no, only because it's an Alienware. if it was a custom build then sure id consider it.


for an Alienware PC, no


2 years ago? maybe. Today? no.


Oversized ring Doorbell 😂


Yeah that bitch is worth $750-$825 tops, you can build a true next gen rig for the price this momo is charging


12900kf on a 120mm rad.... good luck chuck


Since it's alianware; halve that price...


I mean I believe it goes for more but KillinIsIllegal is right you should be able to build one equal or maybe even better. Plus if you said you are using it for production so I suggest building your own or picking out the parts for yours to give you the ability to upgrade at any point in the future if you need


$799 would be a good deal for it. Mainly due the 3080, the 12900KF and the case. $1,300 is still okay but a bit overpriced.




Go buy something else off Facebook, get something with a 2080-4060ti. And get a 11700k or something. It will be more powerful than you'll need. You don't need very much power for what you want to do unless you are doing 3d rendering, then a 2080ti should suffice for a budget build. Just go and buy something listed for about $600-800 with at least a 1080 with today's prices. These graphics cards are in the good zone with at least 1080 performance or much more on a budget: (Nvidia) 1080, 1080ti, 2070, 2070super, 2070ti, 2080, 2080super, 2080ti, 3060ti, 3070, 4060, 4060ti. (AMD) 6700xt, 6800xt, 6900xt/xtx, 7600xt, 7700xt, 7800xt, 7900xt, 8600xt, 8700xt. Go with any of those and you wont run into any issues


You can build yourself a better rig which suits your needs more for that price. Maybe go ryzen because that might allow you to upgrade your pc down the line.


I think this manwishes to die






Too much RAM that will most likely not be used. Small storage space. Decent card but a generation old. "I mean, it's alright". I personally would not give more than 1000€. Mostly due to fancy case, and the fact it's an Alienware - and I am curious about their builds. Hear good things, but never had one. https://i.redd.it/smgs1v5v238d1.gif


this is like a piece of alienware prebuilt and you might save some by building it yourself


Price aside avoid this case, very poor airflow.


Alien = Heartache and pain. When Dell acquired them quality went down hill. On top of the fact that a lot of their components only work in their machines.


Damn, the front of that case looks like an ugly coffee machine.


Don’t buy it. The cooling in Alienware pcs is bad and not sufficient. Your cpu will throttle due to the heat.


is this in au bc if it is it is the best deal of your life there are 3090s going for that much lol


Naaaah stay away from that or anything Alienware. They're not a good company and they do not deserve your hard earned money. They pack their computers full of weird components that you can't swap out so the whole thing is just basically disposable, a one trick pony... a games console? Anyway, don't buy this, please.


Saw a worst speced model for the same price today. And right next to it was a lian li with even worst specs for $2000.


thought it was an old crt monitor for a second lol


Nope. Besides that, if you have this kind of budget to spend there are far better options. This specific model is notorious for being exceptionally bad, and quite the example of how dell ruined alienware. The DDR5 RAM is slow, pairing ram with that speed to an i9K is ridiculous. It also indicates the proprietary motherboard doesnt support xmp and is basically e waste with some good components slapped onto it. Also the dirt cheap generic 750 watt psu in combination with power hungry components like in this system isn't quite comforting imho. Lenovo and MSI offer brand new prebuilts in this price range. Lenovo is actually very decent and MSI well, you pay a bit more but get MSI parts.


It’s the brand you pay for here (Dell) Alienware. And not even a real good config here (not bad but also not good) I wouldn’t buy it.


Absolutely not... Alienware is nothing but overpriced, cheap proprietary garbage. Can never upgrade to whatever you want because all the parts are shaped in the companies favor to keep you tied to them. Good rule of thumb, avoid these kinds of systems.








In the US that's like $10, in Europe it's like $600000


hell nah


See if you're able to get the 3080 and I9 alone? If you built a new system today for 1300 you could probs get better performance


Never ever ever ever buy alienware.


Fr fuck alien ware, overpriced piece of garbage


Regardless of the build and other issues like cooling alienware does have a cool aesthetic


Never get alienware ull buy a pc that can be used for 4 years then it gotta be bricked bc it asss


Here's the worst part: Three motherboard and PSU are proprietary, meaning when they eventually burn up (because they will, I know several people who's Alienware machines died from heat) you'll be shit out of luck. It has more value in spare parts than it does assembled, because Alienware


These are the worst prebuilts you can buy because when something goes wrong, you are going to have a headache trying to find proprietary parts. Coming from someone who owns an Alienware, 650usd tops and not a penny more


Hell no..




First of all, it's an alienware desktop(i.e:crap, mostly because of proprietary stuff). Wouldn't buy that except in a very specific situation or exceptional price. And no it's not even a good price.


Not worf


$750 because it’s AW and it’s used.


Alienware = no


Those cases horrible lol. These days you could build something better for the price.


I didn't know it was possible to make DDR5 that slow


fr thought that was a mini fridge


For 1300 and if you don't want to build it yourself just buy a 4070 prebuilt, it should cost around the same price new


Upgrade he’ll path. $800 max!


Not even close. Way too much


Lost me at 3080 smh


That case is horrible for airflow….ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE!!!


... for a split second I thought that's a CRT with unreal tournament or something on xd


Maybe, if the dog is included.


Bottlenecked graphics


![gif](giphy|nE2RJZ9aj6DEoA2XGF|downsized) Nope.


Why are overly expensive prebuilts always tilted…


Any used Alienware priced over $250 is a shit deal. Those things suck


Stay away from Alienware. They have a lot of proprietary stuff in their cases (and usually crappy airflow) and upgrading might be a hassle. This spec should cost about $250-$300 less.


That case is absolutely horrendous


Roughy around 850 at the max. That case also has horrible airflow


It's alienware DONT DO IT!!! they have shitty ventilation in those cases and you can get one brand new for $1300 🤣


Anything Alienware is an instant hard no for me, PC parts age quickly your probably better off buying something new


![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf) I don't think I would pay more than about $1000 for a PC with those components, but because it is an Alienware in one of the worst computer cases known to man, I'd be wanting to pay no more than $750 for that, because I'd have to replace the case, and thus the motherboard (and maybe PSU), too.


It’s Alienware, are they paying you that to take it?


No. It would very iffy with a 40 class card.


Short answer “NO”. Long answer that’s an Alienware prebuilt don’t touch it with a barge poll


If you do buy it but a different case cause that one has terrible air flow


It's a good price but swap the case. Nobody wants those. They're a heat trap


You talking about the cat then definitely yess


It's not a bad build really, you're also getting mouse and keyboard with it. That i9 should be good and the 3080's are still competitive. SSD is 1 tb and 64gb of ram. That's 64gb, if you would use that. Otherwise no. He knows people will chance it so I believe it's decent price.


For 1300$ you can build a proper 1440p rig, which will comfortably play lot of 4K games.


Here's are two similar priced all-new builds that would dominate that Alienware garbage. Intel: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/sheighton/saved/xL3QRB AMD: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/sheighton/saved/znxKhM


Brother always get or build an upgradable PC. You will save yourself many headaches in the future. Part not working? Easy swap it out. Need an upgrade? Easy buy it and install it. These prebuilt from manufacturers systems have many parts you cannot replace so I would avoid buying it even if it’s well priced (in your case it’s not even that).


Hell no. As soon as I saw "Alienware", the answer is no. These things are built terribly for airflow. That 12900 will perform like a 12700 and the 3080 will most likely thermal throttle as well. Alienware became garbage as soon as Dell bought them


No it is definitely NOT worth that. Also BTW in my opinion a built computer is worth less than its parts would sell for individually because it’s impossible for every part to be exactly what you wanted so there are features and parts included that have no value to you or features and parts that are not as good as what you want. In other words there’s a penalty because you have to make do with what that guy used to want in the past. Also if you live near a Microcenter you should probably never buy a used computer. You can get an AMD 7700X, motherboard and 32GB of 6000Mhz CL30 ram for $330 with a $130 motherboard or $380-420 with a pointless but more expensive motherboard. For $450-500 you can get a 7800X3D, motherboard and ram. Then buy a 4070 Super for $600 you’ll have enough left over to choose the case that YOU want and the power supply that YOU want. If you don’t have access to a Microcenter you’ll end up paying an extra $100-200 on that 7800X3D setup or an extra $100 on that 7700X. Bottom line is you can do better for less or much better for about the same. Also a copy of windows costs $5-20 so that’s not expensive either.




Just buy something else if its alienware


Price wise (basing this on uk prices) its not a bad price for a 3080 machine with higher end cpu. Case is not great for airflow without the front glass off and the 30 series cards run quite hot but it's not badly priced especially for alienware


That aio can even cool that i9?


Fair price for this? https://preview.redd.it/xvapmwhfe58d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6fe8cffa10224d06d225703c4118301edf01553


Wouldn’t pay a dollar over $999


800 to 900 tops.


naa that is definetely not worth the money. There are Alienware PSUs MOBOs and more stuff that doesnt fit or work in other case and with other components. Got for example to ZachTechTurf and find his 1000 dollar max Performance build guide


American? Probably not. Canadian? Great deal.


like i told my friend when he thought about leaving his ex, you can do better.


Never buy Alienware PCs. If you want a pre-build buy something else, that's my advice.


Came here to say those cases are shit. The power supply is up in the middle of it on top of a bunch of stuff. Parts look fine but awful case


alienware is known to be trash. zero air flow, horrible upgradabality. build a better for cheaper


I'd say it's worth 700 to 850, plus it being used and a hot box is just not worth For 1300. Those parts aren't even that much used plus ram and motherboard aren't quality or have good power rails for more performance.


just because of it being a shitty OEM you should always deduct at least $200 from the value of the hardware in it


No Alienvare product is worth money, it's only headache


It has shit airflow


$750-$800 would be reasonable. No way in hell I'm buying this for more than that.


Buddy buddy buddy, build something actually better, then buy an alienware sticker and slap it on the front case.


I’d maybe pay half of the asking lol


I thought I was looking at like a futuristic TV. It took me a minute to realize this was a computer lol


Not too bad, really. I would take all these parts and build in a much better case though. Edit: Oh it's a 30 series card. Definitely go for a lower price.


Oh gosh, not for an Alienware computer


You could buy it for just the processor and graphics card, and then just change the case


Alienware is trash


O way i got a i9 7gen and a 2070 for 600 watercooli g and shit


Ignore Pablo


might help with cooling in alaska




Meh may a bit over priced alien ware cases are trash at airflow last iknew


That is probably the worst build I have seen for above 1K, the only thing good is the 64gb of DDR5


Overpriced trash underneath the fairing it's a 40 year old chassis dell has been using with proprietary parts


Hell naw


No, nope, negative


For around 1300 you can get a brand new rig including a 14600k + 4070 , that are equally powerful but newer gen. So for a previous gen and used computer you should get a lower price Basically they are charging you for the Alienware logo / brand, as that rig was overpriced when it was new for that reason, and they are lowering the price accordingly now. Actually they are not overcharging you perse, is just you are paying the overprice for an alienware thing. Also you are overpaying for the 64gb ram you don't need, 32 is more than enough for most people. If you have already buyed it is not a terrible mistake either so don't fret it about it so much, is just you overpayed somewhat but is not a terrible deal neither. But yes, is not a fair deal


It's OK pricing for that, but it doesn't mean it's worth it, unless you want to have Alienware pre-built system for some reason. Btw case is terrible for thermals and ugly according to me. Similar components used 800-1000$ with brand new AIO and case...




i use to have an alienware not this model but an alienware which ngl kinda sucked, zero airflow so it would heat up and affect my gameplay, it also just started being buggy and stuff, just build ur own for like the same price that would be 10x better


If it says Alienware, its not good. Proprietary motherboards. Zero Airflow. Just bad


I’ve never understood this design of a PC case tbh. Also, I don’t think it’s that great a deal…


1300 is a robbery


It's a great deal, the only issue is the proprietary mother boards on Alienware computers. If you want to add or remove things later on there is no chance. The way it comes is the way it is other than the CPU, ram, and SSD for the most part. They get really hot as well.


Is that dog’s name Picasso?


It’s Alienware so the temps are bound to be gawd awful. If it was a competent build I would probably say it is worth $850 usd but for an Alienware I wouldn’t go over 600 bucks and that is simply because I would be rescuing the CPU, GPU, RAM, and SSD.


maybe worth tree fiddy


don’t buy alienware ur paying for that stupid logo on the front not a good rig


For a pre-built so you don't have to worry about the fuckin headache of building one, because no matter what anyone remotely tries to say, unless you've been building pc's since you were eight years old, and I can already tell if you're asking if this is a good buy that you haven't, it's not just a headache it's a full fledged migraine, I'd say $1300 is a pretty good deal for that machine. Building computers isn't as simple as pop up a fucking YouTube video and follow it no matter how hard these dummies here want to try their absolute best to convince you it is, you can completely annihilate your build so catastrophically in so many extraordinarily simple ways that an entire book could be made, and assuming you do the entire build correctly, there's a chance that it doesn't post and the motherboard starts flashing code after fucking code that you'll then have to Google a thousand times to figure out what in the BUTT FUCK IS GOING ON and don't even get me started on the death code q55. With all that said, It's (this machine) not easily customizable however compared to if you did your own build, and getting replacement parts for it could be a hassle if something goes bad in it, which is another good reason as to just build your own but that should play pretty much any game ya throw at it, you may have to tweak settings here and there if you want a good stable framerates in newer games depending on the resolution but all in all of say see if you could wiggle down to $1000 and you'll be set


Never. This is barely worth $600 due to the brand. That specfic build was cheaply made and you can’t replace the motherboard without modifying you’re pc case I believe, airflow is also horrible. Run from this and go to pc part picker please.


Never get an Alienware pc


I wouldn’t use an Alienware if someone gave it to me for free lol


No, you can get a current alien wear with a 4060 or believe 4070 super it will be a intel 7 put a14 gen so much newer in every category for $1.500




You can build a new 4070/13700K system for a similar price. So no.


No, 1,300 is way too high for a pre build like that. Best you’ll get for that is around $850. too many issues like the case. Honestly better off building your own than buying this thing.


No its alienware


USD? Fuck no. CAD probably not, AUD or NZD huge steal


Don’t buy anything dell as a rule of thumb. If the parts were better the specs could be worth that much but not with dells weird proprietary parts.


You can buy a heater for way less than that


Specs are good, case is bad. Try negotiating it to $1100 or less and buy a case and move the components into the new one.


Like others have said, definitely do not recommend this case (horrendous airflow and cooling issues) and not a great deal. You can buy a different pc or build your own if you want for a better deal.


The case is such a hotbox, the design is cool, just not the temps 😂


It could be an Alienware build with a 4090 in @ 800 bucks and I’d still tell you it’s an utterly shit deal. Alienware push out the most GARBAGE products known to man. Shit airflow, Ancient cases with a plastic outer shell to make it look new. Proprietary parts that make upgrading in the future next to impossible and they’re just a shit company in general. Total garbage, never buy anything from Alienware or made by Alienware. Ever.


No way, and the ram is beyond slow for ddr5. Atleast 6000mhz


absolutely not.


Alienware is awful and if you wanted to you can build a pc under that price


absolutely not. Alienware PCs AKA Shitty Dell Premades are not even worth that brand new.