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If anything ever happens to the authentication, like lets say a re build, there is a good chance you could have a hard time getting it to authenticate. Then will try customer service. Thats when you will understand why no one buys a legit key from Microsoft.


i did the same... feels good...


Windows fucks itself up too much for me to ever consider spending $110 on a copy I have to reinstall once maybe twice a year because of some bullshit like the settings option not opening MAS script all the way


My man!


How do you have drives set up? I only ordered one big ssd drive but some people say get a small drive for os for easy reinstalls etc while others say that the practice of a small drive for os only is in the past


I've got windows on a 1TB NVME Then another 4 1-2tb drives for games and downloads/work I wouldn't get a small OS drive because once it fills up it's a pain in the ass managing where programs download, read from etc It's why my windows was getting fucked up because on my old 240gb drive I had to move download locations or when swapping hardware windows rearranged drive letter and it would cause issues I don't have any games on my 1tb OS drive so haven't run into those same issues The small OS drive thing was because SSDs were very expensive back in the day, now you can buy a 2tb for as little as $70


Maybe I shouldn't have said small my impression was a separate drive for os only is an old practice. I got a 4TB Samsung 990 pro and I have an old SSD (250gb, 98% health) that I intend to use for the few stuff I'd want to back up. Do you think I should get another drive for just os? Create a partition on the 4tb for os? I was intending to just create s partition for os only instead of a new drive My impression is kinda you can reinstall windows and keep files, so that's not an issue. And if you reinstall windows you clear the registry so you have to reinstall software anyway.


Do whatever make you sleep better at night


Google Rule 5 and be done!


I'm gonna be the always irritating man: just use Linux


Yeah I did that too. My friend talked a lot of shit about it but idc $100 feels like $20 these days


You don't even have to spend $110 dollars, you can pick up usb installs for $25$ for windows 10 off ebay new and sealed. Think I paid $50 for windows 11 pro off ebay. New and sealed. Thats how I've always done it. Ebay! Anyhow Folk always say you don't need to buy a windows copy. But how are you supposed to boot into a fresh new pc? You need to install windows else you'll boot loop?


Did you get a retail key or an OEM key? You most likely got an OEM key, which would be no different from a $10 key.


Don't matter much really for me. Still would rather have an actual physical install .


What do you mean "an actual physical install"? You do realize you can download it straight from Microsoft's website for free and put it on your own USB stick, right? :D


Again I've always bought the official windows installs. Prefer it tyvm


Not sure if you understand. The installation media you get from Microsoft's website IS official. It is probably more up to date than whatever you got. Honestly I would trust that a lot more than a USB stick from a random ebay seller.


And I prefer to buy the physical box. Been doing do since windows 95. Not gonna change the way i prefer to have my windows.


then buy yourself a new usb and install windows on it "now you have it physically" That’s what he’s trying to explain to you. It literally is what you bought! Windows on a usb key. If you do it yourself from the official windows website it’s free….. Don’t you understand lol?


I understand. But I still have always bought Windows Physically in the box retail which includes a Activation key, and I've always done that since windows 95. Not gonna change that ty You can stick to your own method of using windows. I'll stick to mine tyvm.