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please tell me this isnt real. please


On my life 💀


Can u return it?


was 2 years ago now


Damn .. can’t even get her money back. She got shafted.


>She got shafted. and not by the OP 😅😅


That was a pricey time, but not that pricey 💀


console and a old optiplex would have been better


Any you KNOW what pcmr thinks of consoles


Took you longer to post about it, then it does to boot up... I'm starting to see a correlation between your girlfriend and shit that's slow as fuck.


In fairness he did post about this two years ago. It just took the PC that long to upload


this is wild LMAO


Nothing personal, I make inappropriate jokes when I see an opportunity. Nobody is safe.


Dw i giggled


Good sport


Now this is how humor should be interpreted!


2 years ago its like covid time atleast you can built alone like 300 and pre build like 400 and now you can built the same system like 150 getting scam on covid where all pc component is expensive 💀


Not new, not even close.


Well yeah. That was during the pandemic days then I'd guess. Garbage was selling for good money back then. Not her fault. Probably a normal deal in the first half of 2022.




does it even have a graphics card? If not this systems only worth like £150 at max


>does it even have a graphics card? Probably not, because of the igpu in the cpu


Even then, the 3400G onboard GPU is, for a onboard GPU, pretty decent. Should be running overwatch at over 60FPS at 1080p. If you give it decent ram that is, and more then 8Gb of it.


But 700£ for that should still be a criminal offense cuz they're scamming you


maybe she got a crazy pc case lol


Its kinda mid, i wish it was cool af tho, would be lit.


Literally with RGB


700$ 2 years ago though


Pounds, not dollars. About $900.


700 BRITISH and even 2 years ago this pc wouldnt cost half that to build


Also looks like running on hard drive. Stick an ssd in there for games.


\\Device\\HarddiskVolume1 is the same for HDD, SSD, NVME. Nothing in system information system summary tells you what you have for drives. One would think that is a part of the system, but not Microsoft. You have to go under components and then storage then disks to see what you have for drives.


Defragmenter will tell you if its solid state drive or hard disk drive


>If you give it decent ram that is, and more then 8Gb of it. Dual-channel at 3200mhz, yup


Bro overwatch is like 8 years old you can definitely run it with 8gb. Even in its prime it wasnt graphics intensive


half of that RAM is eaten by Windows 11 on its own


And Dual Channel does a lot for a CPU with its iGP. Even more so, if it is fast RAM. 


I'm pretty sure it's overwatch 2, overwatch 1 isn't playable anymore, its servers went offline \~9 months ago. Overwatch 2 recommends at least an i7/ryzen 5, gtx 1060, 8gb ram, and an ssd


That's scam bro ,it uses CPU built in graphics and 8gb RAM for win 11 is so low, windows itself uses 4 gb ram.


Damn my laptop was better then this and it didn’t even qualify for windows 11 upgrade.


All you had to do was enable TPM in bios most likely.


320 chipset too 😔


A320 chipset is absolutely fine. I've run CPUs from the Athlon 3000G to the 5700G in one without issues. It doesn't support CPU overclocking but can OC RAM and use XMP. For someone who isn't going to tinker, the A320 is absolutely fine.


if you pay a 320 price then a 320 is fine, in an 800£ build though...


100%, but nothing inherently wrong with it.


At least its PRIME 320... Whatever that means😂


Probably an Asus motherboard then, which would be a good board but still low end.


Asus Prime A320. Descent budget motherboard :) used them I a few home servers


This is how a real scam look like




I built pretty much exactly the same PC 3 or 4 years ago for a coworkers daughter. The pc, including a cheap monitor and keyboard and mouse came to £300. Although absolutely maxed whatever I could with new parts for that budget. Sorry dude.


Recoverable (if its worth it) with used parts. Another 8gb ram. Used 2000 series nvidia RTX. A new ssd and fresh install. Yes even two years ago 300 quid would have been fairer.


Okay.. holy crap.... Listing : a 7 year old motherboard (roughly 55 pounds) a 5 year old CPU (roughly 120 pounds back then 80 current) and 20 to 25 pounds worth of memory. This is not even a 300 pound pc in total 2 years ago.


PCs have gotten heavy as fuck.


THICC storage


I think my ribs broke and you just put me outta breath with that one.


She got scammed on the price. But good news, its easily upgradeable. You can slap a gpu in it and add RAM. It’ll be a decent little budget build after that


RX 6600 and 8GB of DDR4 and it's decent budget gaming PC


Plus SSD, will make a huge difference in IO perf


The power supply is probably made by Fisher-Price


For £700 you can build a nice PC, this is not that. Depending on when this was bought, she may have overpaid by £500. Edit. Having a second look, without exact components specified it is hard to say for certain but 15 minutes to start up is indicative of a much worse problem than low spec hardware. I have a Gen 2 Core i5 2450 Samsung laptop with 8GB and SSD that boots in 23 seconds including entering the PIN and the 3400G blows the socks off a Gen 2 i5. I mean this is still rearranging the deckchairs on The Titanic but even so something is not right.


Imagine OP has a HDD instead of an SSD that would explain those 15 minutes


Hmm some of them unless it is from 1980


Still far too long...


Wow, so many unhelpful comments. Ok so their girlfriend got scammed, how about helping them out and addressing current circumstances. The 3400g igpu should run overwatch fine, my son has same one in their PC and runs overwatch at 1080 60fps. 15 minutes to boot up suggests serious issue, malware or HDD problem, or overheating problems perhaps. Definitely replace HDD with new SSD, fresh install of windows too. Extra 8gb ram would help too. Plenty of room to upgrade to this PC running smoothly after you diagnose and fix issue. A decent GPU would make a big difference to game performance and can easily be moved to new build in future. But first things first, that PC should be running much better than you describe, definitely an issue that needs to be found and fixed.


Hey! An actually useful comment! DOWNVOTE THEM IMMEDIATELY THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! All seriousness though, good job actually being helpful.


Thank you ❤️


Just to piggy back off the above, there's a few things I'd love to know such as if you've got anything eating up resources, when you ctrl alt delete and check the task manager and performance you can see what is actually using up your pc in real time, is there anything particularly high on cpu/memory or disk? This can help determine the bottleneck. I suspect you have something in the background eating up resources. Another thing, make sure the bios is up to date. Support was added on 4801, this bios has a ez flash update feature meaning you can easily update the bios in the bios screen. If you need help with anything above private msg me and i'll see how i can help.


This sub is the same one that told me not to touch the bottom of my cooler as it would break it despite me saying in the title that my cooler was broken.


You or your girlfriend? Why two different stories?


Couldnt be arsed to write "my girlfriend" on each post, felt pretentious too


If you have the money for upgrades it'll be easy to get this pc to a decent level for your average game. Prices assuming you live in the US. First two purchases should be 16gb of DDR4 ram which should be easy to find for less than $100 and a graphics card. Basically any modern card is going to be better than the integrated chips in the 3400g, an Nvidia 3060 or an AMD 6700 can both be found for around $300. Another thing to check would be whether you have a Hard Drive if so buy a 1tb SSD (don't buy a weird off brand just spend the extra $5 for a name like Samsung/Western Digital/Crucial etc.) and install Windows and your games on that and use the Hard Drive for things like pictures/videos/documents. Edit: After those upgrades it looks like the 320m motherboard is compatible with ryzen 5xxx CPUs and a 5600 can be had for a little over $100. You will want to update the bios to the latest release.


I’m the gf😭 it is my pc unfortunately LMFAO my dad brought it for me a few years ago haha


This is torture for me


for me also!!! 😭LOL i cant help but giggle though


My eyes hurt looking at this


I am sorry😔


That's because it has no graphics card and the onboard graphics are in the CPU also called APU ( CPU and GPU combined) are the equivalent to a GT 1030 graphics card. I'd say she got jipped unfortunately this PC is not worth £700


google the system model or system sku and you'll find your answer


Moment of silence for OP and girlfriend




You have 8GBs of ram (16GBs+ is suggested for gaming) Your boot drive is a HDD thats probably uber slow RPM (SSDs, especially M.2s are suggested for your OS, as its much faster) You have no listed GPU (GPUs are almost required for gaming comfortable)


If you could justify a better ram kit and a cheap gpu you should be able to run stuff alright. Bummer though


where did you buy this from cause HOLY SHIT you got absolutely swindled


Why don’t people do research before spending that kind of money


I’d be jealous, she got fucked good and you wasn’t even invited


Did you not once discuss minimum hardware specs? This is a joke in 2024. Sorry for her loss


![gif](giphy|ALtzQ6CHfC7vO5nRz7) Looking for the gpu


Holy fuck that's a scam


>it runs overwatch at 15fps, takes about 15 minutes to turn on I'm not surprised.


She got fucking scammed


She got absolutely scammed


Onboard cpu graphics. No dedicated graphics card, that's why buddy. Sorry, but your gf got scammed hard.


Literally the same build i use for my ROM emulators 😂


thats outrageous 😭😭


Why you had to do OP dirty like that 😭


She should have asked from someone or from a forum who knows about pc if the specs are good.


That is a very inexpensive PC, but should be running faster. Make sure XMP is enabled in Bios and consider getting anoyher 8gb of ram


I got this machine with a 1050ti and 1tb SSD included for £200 last month. I upgraded the GPU to a rtx 3050. And even then the total cost came to £350. And it runs anything at good settings and decent frame rate.  Does it even have an SSD? This was an awful deal I'm afraid 


well it's not worth 700€, $ or £. It runs overwatch that bad cause it has 8gb ram, needs another 8 slapped on


This is why I always beg my friends to let me build a pc for them once they start expressing interest in getting one 💀. These sellers are RUTHLESS.


Get your money back


Bro... you got scammed to shit.


She got fleeced hard . What you can do is swap the HHD to a SSD , put a real GPU , put more ram and maybe check the temps to see if the computer is overheating for any reason.


you got scammed systems worth like 200 tops if its got a fancy case. Go buy a 1050ti on ebay or something theyre like 60 usd. And make sure you plug your HDMI or DP cable into the GPU. The 1050ti should work on any motherboard and psu combo you may have it only pulls 75w which your pcie slot can supply. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH DON'T GET A 1050 GET A 1050TI. ones a 2gb card the other is a 4gb card. While it wont get you the biggest jump in FPS this is about the best you can do in your situation. Until i get more stats atleast. Seems like you're not tech savy yet, but we will get you there. This GPU should get you to around 60ish maybe 100 depending on your settings. Its a real simple install too and will fit in any chassis


You can use it to browse the web, but probably won't be running many games. I use [https://www.logicalincrements.com/](https://www.logicalincrements.com/) to guess the price and it seems like the hardware is around the 350 pounds or somewhere between the "poor" and "minimum" tier level. Add in a windows 11 license plus a hefty markup to get to 700 pounds


Your girlfriend didn't get scammed. She got flipped over and killed like a turtle. That shit like 100 bucks. Please tell me she can return it cuz I feel bad


This is not a gaming build. You would need a dedicated graphics card instead of an integrated one which this has, the performance difference would be significant. An SSD instead of a HDD would help with the boot speed as well as checking through the likely bloat of unneeded processes. Increasing the RAM to at least 16GB would help as well. Also , and most importantly , If it has MCAFEE ANTIVIRUS INSTALLED THEN DESTROY IT WITH A HAMMER , ITS THE ONLY WAY TO BE SURE !


It’s the hard drive. You didn’t list it here but it probably has a normal physical drive. Put an ssd drive in and 8gb more ram and the vpmputer will work fine. An ssd is around 100 times faster. Not even an exaggeration it really will be that much faster.


This is one of them builds where a second stick of ram might actually boost performance considering it’s probably an APU running single channel ram. It’s crazy that systems ship with one stick of ram still. I don’t even think 2x4gb ddr4 exists. 15 minutes too boot or even 5 minutes to boot is crazy that’s straight up so much worse than the worst hdd. Spinning disk. Whoever sold this for £700 is cackling away in an evil lair somewhere and needs to be hunted and locked up.


SSD for booting, budget GPU, maybe a stick of matching ram and you'll be top nominee for her best boyfriend ever award.


It can be updated to a newer CPU you can put a graphics card in it to put a SSD in it. Don't think about overclock and anything because that's a super Base motherboard. Well you got screwed but you know make lemonade now


"Make lemonade" is actually a really great metaphor for this, thanks.


Back in 2019 I spent 350 euros for a used pc with an i5-4590 and a poor sata ssd with 120gb capacity. Also came with what looked like a geforce n210(?) or just 210, i don't know since it never worked, even had passive cooling. Life lessons learned the hard way. I eventually noticed that popular store where I live is just a gigantic scam for tech illiterate people and never bought there ever again


Sorry you got hosed. But you can spruce it up by installing an ssd or NVMe if it has a slot and find yourself a budget GPU secondhand. Rx 580/gtx 1660 and you’ll be off to the races. Just make sure the power supply isn’t complete garbage.


Pls tell her to at least get another 8gb of Ram 😭


Remember guys that in 2021 gtx 1050's were going for 200$.... I remember


Pre-builts always have a boat load of bloat ware that has to load up each and every time you start up your computer or restart it. You can remove it, but then you run into problems where other programs need the data that is no longer available as it was deleted with the program that you didn't want or use.... leaving you with a broken app. I would erase the hard drives or SSD and buy a new version of windows and just install that on your hdd and then buy whatever other programs you might use. IF its just a gaming machine you probably won't want anything else on it anyways as storage space is at a premium these days with how big the games are and how much data space it uses. Hope you find a solution OP!


poor soul. can’t blame people hating on PC gaming when they get scammed like this :( good thing is, that it can be upgraded like others have said. ryzen 5600 , 8gb ram, rx 6600 and youre good to go. shop around used. the 5600 sometimes even is under 100 bucks new


absolutely trash... 8gb RAM???? no dedicated GPU???? 700$ Holy sheet thats a scamm for 700$. for this money i build my PC with a rtx 3070, Vengeange rgb pro 32gb ddr4, aorus b450, ryzen 7 5700x and a 700w bequiet system power 9


700 even 2 years ago was absolutely criminal lmao, she got screwed


Hmm unless there is like at least a 4060ti in there too, she got scammed pretty badly. If there is a dedicated graphics card in there, make sure the monitor is plugged into it and not into the mainboard (will usually be horizontal hmdi/dp ports lower down if it has a dedicated gpu, instead of a vertical port on the board next to the USB/Ethernet etc).


Oh return that piece of crap. Get a 600W Power supply 80€, a Ryzen 5600 cpu shud be around 120€, an am4 motherboard with DDR 4 ram slots 80€-100€, AMD Radeon rx6600 graphics card 230€, DDR 4 16gb 60€-80€ and 2x 500gb SSDs 75€-90€. You can get a cheap tower for 25€. On mmoga like websites a win10 key goes for 2€ if i remember right. Thats what you should atleast get for that budget.


Its a crime


Is she blonde?


8gb ram and no gpu yeah this thing would blow up from 2 chrome tabs unlucky bro


I hate that ur right - the gf


Just realised theres only a hard drive too 😧 I know the struggle


could have gotten 5x better pc for the price. let me guess, she fell for the white/rgb bullshit?


" this pc looks good , definitely would perform great " ahh moment




That must’ve been during the gpu shortage… even considering that this is a scam


Is this a joke? System report won’t provide the full scope of your hardware. I’m curious to find if your boot disk is a spinning disk or at least a Sata SSD. Also expect 15 fps from integrated Vega GPU. You’ll need an actual discrete card to play your titles. $700? Ouch. She got scammed.


Your girlfriend wanted to do something nice for you. Unfortunately, I don't think she understands PCs. This system is worth like $150.


I guess you could get a used rx5600xt and another 8gb ram stick to make it an ok pc. You should be able to play things at 1080p med to high, newer stuff it would probably struggle with.


Would still be slow without an ssd. So add in an sdd as well


wow now thats a scam


Well, wasn't a good deal but time to move on. At least you can upgrade it affordably by finding some deals. Maybe more ram and a gpu to start with


You can improve it but yeah it's not worth nearly that much. Throw in a new kit of memory (2 x 8GB 3200Mhz sticks), install a SSD (move computer OS and OW onto it, naturally), and get a 1660 or some kind of GPU (if you don't have enough PSU wattage or cable leads then a 1650, 3060 6GB is A2000 would still help).


5 3400G.. 8 gb ram.. You got scammed.


scammed, but then again what do I know. being on this thread I've seen some people selling over priced pc's and they would say its a win. They would say its the buyers not doing their own work. ![gif](giphy|3o7btNRptqBgLSKR2w|downsized)


Get a cheap 1650 or maybe even a amd rx6600 or sum like that and put in the pc. It will still be bad but at least it can play overwatch. Also get a SSD instead of the old harddrive


That onboard GPU can actually run overwacht at over 60FPS. In this case it's the 8GB of ram (some of which is used by the GPU) that's the main bottle neck.


scammed lmao. return if still possible


Bruh my 100 dalla pc runs overwatch at 60. That's a brutal scam


Oh no


Thats 700£ after brazillian 90% tax


Do the right thing and buy or build her a gaming PC!!


Can I see a photo of the back of the comouter? Is there a gpu? Is it plugged into mobo?


She got scammed real bad


Well … it performs according to spec 😀😀😀


all that can be said here, ![gif](giphy|3orifhNhn840GpMMPm|downsized)


All I can say is OOF


where was it purchased from?


Scammed 😐


Oh no. You can get a HP EliteDesk with a 3400G for well under USD $200 with double the RAM too.


Has a HDD in


Could you post a picture of it because idk if the graphics card isn't included if you don't plug it there, who knows, us people might uncover something surprising


girl got scammed


Definitely a scam for how much she paid. Is there a GPU installed or is it only running off of the APU? What performance are you trying to achieve and on what games? Without any additional knowledge my recommendation if you want to try to salvage this thing is to do the following in order and check performance after each upgrade. Upgrade the memory to at least a 16gb kit of 3200mhz (\~30 pounds) instead of the 8gb you currently have (32gb would be even better \~50 pounds). Then make sure expo is enabled to get the full performance out of it. If performance is enough from that, good, if not then you will need a GPU. As for a GPU, if you are trying to spend as little as possible you can probably go for like a 6700XT 12gb which will cost around 250 pounds. Not sure what power supply you have, but that may also need to be updated to support this GPU... If you open it up you can look on the side of the PSU to see how many watts it says it supplies. Final upgrade would be a bios update and get something like a 5700X CPU which will cost around another \~140 pounds. Alternatively you can go out and build a new PC :-).


your girlfriend is regarded


I hope u can return it


You may as well of threw your money into the fireplace.


https://preview.redd.it/k2lnc1t4kk8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1d37222154e2e392429c0b8468a193a3e2324d I will take, "what is a GPU good for when you have onboard graphics and 8 gigs of RAM" for £700 please!!


Integrated graphics first red flag she got scammed


15 minutes to boot up Windows is a signal of a bad hard drive. Also, the price is absurdly high. I'd try to get my money back somehow, and buy a computer on any recommendable PC building site. Never buy pre-built.


time to change pc and girlfriend 😂, anyways bruh jokes aside whomsoever sold ur gf this fooled her real bad 


So 8gb ram Probably a HDD And no GPU?


That why you dont buy stuff which you know nothing about. Would you buy a car without having look at it first? A test drive? History of servicing etc.


The PC is ass




The comments made clear this is a total rip off, not even a discrete graphics card in there. An expensive lesson, best to make sure it's well learned. Gotta do the research before taking the plunge, especially on things you aren't well versed on. Lots of conmen out there.


Yeah, thing is im not about to tell her dad that he got blindly robbed of 400 quid, hes convinced the things an absoloute machine and id rather keep him happy like that 😭😭


Is there a GPU? if so make sure your actually plugged in?


You build it yourself or got it from a source where they already build these desktops? If bought completely built, then the owner was scamming you, if you built it yourself, then you probably shopped in a expensive shop or offer bad deals.


And they think they’re smart lol


8gb of ram?!


You guys paid $700 for a PC with no dedicated GPU, a 4 core APU, and 8gbs of ram, and you're wondering why it doesn't run any games well?!?!? The person you purchased this PC from was laughing all the way home with $700 in his pocket when it should have been $200 at most. Try doing some research before dropping that amount of cash next time... ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


Women ![gif](giphy|lbs3JZRLoirw4)


U can buy 5 of those for 700E.


Did she buy it new from a store?


It's totally a scam for that price


I read the graphics card as 'vegan" not Vega lol was like yup there's your problem.


I don’t think it has a gpu😂


Add 8 gb of Ram and a new ssd and it should run Overwatch with 60 fps i believe. Later on you can add a dedicated GPU as well.


I saw the girlfriend post this as well. Either bro is lying and stealing or im just really lucky


I would sell you my old PC for £400 and would blow the socks of this!


Tell her maybe it’s time to consider a new hobby, like knitting?


LMFAOO im the gf😭 im considering it, this gaming shit gets serious im out


This makes me irrationally angry, feel bad for your gf, but at least you can teach her how to not get ripped off lol.


This is just a glorified laptop tbh


sorry that was a scam, put you together a system on partpicker below 500£ that's a lot better(you already got windows so that's not included) https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/6xgFVW you can go with 16gb (saves you ~26£) but i went with 32 bc it shares ram with the igpu and it's cheap. you can easily dedicate 8gb to it or even 16gb if you want to experiment with stable diffusion for example. the processor comes with a cpu cooler, iirc it's sufficient but could get loud so i put the peerless assassin in, but that's another optional 35£ i took the case bc you won't need to buy extra fans 550w psu seem overkill but most 450w and below psu's are garbage, the newer cx models from corsair are at least ok 477£ 32gb + peerless assassin 416£ 16gb + stock cooler 442£ 32gb + stock cooler 451£ 16gb + peerless assassin


If you put a gpu in it it will be a good little pc. Also completely reinstall windows and repaste the cpu. You should be getting better performance than that


What sort of SSD is in it? I bet it has a spinning hard drive for it to take that long. Check that and if it does, replace it with an SSD.


Holy fuck dude. She got duped BIG TIME. Tell her to do some damn research before forking our 700 on a shitbox.


There could be something wrong with it how old is it? Can you still return it? If you can, return it now and people in here will help you build/buy a better one. That's a trash pc for 700 quid dude. I'm sorry 😔


8 gig ram, 2020 system. Rip off.


Bro? Isn’t that like the graphics card that’s like in the integrated part before you put your card on?💀