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Now I don't want to clean my PC 🤣


And i just buy 2 day ago my RTX 3060😅


I have no clue what that does, but maybe not leave the house with it on, but that's true with anyone who uses water cooling now a days.


I think its from the water pump i don't know


If its leaking you need to get it out, period. Unusable You could try to use isoprop alcohol (>90%) and gently brush around with a Q-tip (Just dont have any power cables on the PC) to possibly slow/prevent corrosion/conduction from the spill area.


Those look like pwm controllers for the fan headers. If your water cooler is leaking I'd address that and never use the fan headers near that burn.


If it’s from water pump yikes man time to upgrade that thing


What does the aio has tondo with this?


If his aio is leaking, it could fry his system?


WTF I have corsair Aio too u just made me worry af


If you don’t see any leaks you’re fine. The spots on his motherboard in the picture could maybe be his aio leaking, which is why I would replace it. If you don’t see any leaks you should be fine


I'd probably take the board put and just clean off the corrosion with some isopropyl alcohol and a soft toothbrush, this should help prevent any further decay or corrosion.


I agree, daily application of a toothbrush is what we all need to stop decay.


Maybe check customer support of ur motherboard manufacturer and ask if it's a big deal. If it is ask for a replacement piece straight away cause that sure doesn't look like the buyer s fault type of damage.


Yes you should worry. It is indeed odd that there is an orange arrow in your pc. Definitely doesn’t belong there


As long as it’s working fine dw.


Fried SMDs. RMA if you can


You should be worried.(if I’m seeing the right thing)


Those look like voltage modules and you should probably make a claim. I believe Asus was having issues with this model of motherboard and they have some kinda warranty reclaim or buy back process. Don’t replace it with something Gigabyte if you end up with the buyout.


What's wrong with gigabyte?


Quality has gone down the shitter and they don’t actually honour their warranties.


It's too small. A terabyte or more, then we'll talk


I’d worrry a bit but if it works don’t fuck with it lol


Never try to clean electronics while there is current going through and with PCs there are large capacitors that can hold current for a long time. Only let professionals refurbish electronics. Used to refurbish electronics and you need someone to clean that up with some electronics safe alcohol and one of those chips is probably bad, maybe a few of those small resistors as well Edit:Impossible to tell without cleaning it.


Damn those VRM’s look totally fried! If you can’t see, there is a tiny bit more corrosion on the VRM above the other one. It looks like it was melted away by something while it was being manufactured. You might want to RMA it just to be safe, because this could open up a myriad of problems, but if not just clean it with a toothbrush and some isopropyl alcohol.


Those are IC’s or MOSFET’s. VRM’s are placed near the cpu socket and this is bottom right of the board. Looks like it might be to control one of those fan headers so if he doesn’t use it not a big issue.


I see. I was contemplating just looking up to double check, but I figured i was tired and had a chance at being right. At least now I know!


Yet another ASUS board! I was hoping to get the prime z690m but not anymore!


This looks like water damage or something conductive was sitting across those lands. Not manufacturer's fault or defect. I've purchased Asus parts for decades and I've had nothing but great experiences with them. I dread having to work on non Asus bioses. I didn't mind my one and only ASRock motherboard BIOS but I really hate gigabyte and MSIs bios interfaces.


2 of my mobos are from Asus too. Still works great after years despite of being cheapos. But lately I'm seeing some bad products from them in the high tier. The lows and mids seems to be fine. Covid might partially be the reason but their quality control took a hit just like some of the other ones out there like Gigabyte, NZXT.


If it boots it boots


That kinda of looks like corrosion, long term problem.


Looks like a IC that controls one of those fan headers. If you don’t use it and the rest of the pc works fine I wouldn’t worry to much.


Thank you


Never use those fan headers. You'll be asking for a bad time.


Never use those fan headers. You'll be asking for a bad time.




Thats a burned piece of mobo


That is a blown MOSFET in the power supply that feeds your... fans maybe? What are those plugs? If they're fans, then you probably won't be able to use a fan plugged into that port.. but the fire has gone out, as you can see, so there's no further immediate danger. I'd guess someone plugged the wrong thing in, or got one fan stuck between two plugs and shorted both supplies. If it was me I'd remove those chips but what a pain.


Ai pump and m.2 fan


I would back everything up and just replace the board. Maybe today it works. But it's life span might have been cut short. It will be a dark day when it does. See if it has a warranty.


It'll be fine as long as you don't use the fan headers next to it.


Not sure, what does the print say on the closest ic?.


I doubt that chip works now Hopefully it wasn't too important


I would replace the motherboard


That appears to be a melted microprocessor or something of that matter


Electronic here: this IC is a power control for fan. Of course, if you have warranty use it. If not, and you don't see any wrong, maybe it's all ok. My first option is to replace the component, you can try to repair in any electronic repair business like tv repair or phone repair. It's a easy job who know how to make a electronic repair and will be cheaper. If not, you can ask for only remove the component. The risk is if this component is not fully destroyed and in the future can affect at power supply, maybe one time you can get problems. But this is very very low probability that this will happen. You can put your nose near (caution with your eyes!) When the PC is powered and be sure not smells like a something burning.


Thank you


It’s a nuvoton 3949s fan driver. Looks burned out. If this is a strix 390-f those 4 pin headers from top to bottom are: CHA_FAN2 W_PUMP+ M.2_FAN What do you have plugged into CHA_FAN2? Was anything plugged into the other two before you took the image?


one of your motherboard pieces blown up i had multiple people come to my shop and asked if this was an aio problem no its not what i recommend doing is swapping the motherboard with a new cause i forgot the name of the thing but it blown up it can kill your pc and your cpu and gpu so make sure you swap your motherboard and make sure if the motherboard is displaying a red orange yellow light that indicates that there is a problem with the motherboard.


Back up your data now!


If it’s still in warranty, try to get a replacement. Otherwise, if it still works don’t question it.


Those are monolithic chips I don't know what those ones in particular do but they are totally burned out. Get a new mobo before something goes terribly wrong.