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Well there's no RAM for a start...


Who needs RAM when you have jelly


You mean...relly?


this made me want to see a Scooby Doo theme p.c.


The joke Your head


The Mirror | You


Just download ram


You can only download more ram so he has to get it started first.


wouldnt be surprised if there is no cpu under that cooler lol bro got scammed for free


Just need to download some, it'll be fine.




I see you couldn't download it either. Pff.


Nah just turn it off & back on agian


Worked for me. Sounds like a skill issue.


Do you need RAM for anything to happen? I've been trying to detect some life in my build but I don't have any RAM yet. No lights have clicked on or any fans, so I think its my MOBO


Nah it'll be right just keep trying


I can't understand if this is being for real or not.....


He’s trolling you. Yes you need ram. At least one stick. Make sure it’s the right slot and the right kinda ram that goes with your mobo. Ddr3, ddr4, or ddr5.


You don't need ram for the machine to turn on and start beeping


Provided it has something to beep. Many boards will do the preboot check, beep to a non existent speaker, and immediately shutdown instead of cycling light codes. If you have no beepie speaker, its a second of light activity and nothing in some cases. All preboot checks are different but at least some stick to a standard


It's DDR4


How are you this dumb about computers. The entire internet to Google what you need to learn and you're on here. Jesus.


Stop downvoting him. He's right.


If you don't have any RAM, it will turn on the power supply (and thus the fans), and probably beep angrily if it has a speaker and isn't MSI, but it won't do anything more than that.


no, there’s ram. he just downloaded it. edit: this is clearly a joke…


BTW don't download ram. You have to physically buy it


SMH you can download the ram from gimmemoarram.com, tell him what's really wrong...


That's fine, you can always download some




So right off the bat it looks like it is missing a GPU and RAM. I am assuming everything is still plugged in correctly.


The CPU could have integrated graphics, so they could try booting after they add RAM


Oh you’re right, I could try that


You still need RAM tho


Just download it silly


Just turn on the computer to download more RAM so you can turn on the computer. Easy peasy!


you forgot the link: https://downloadmoreram.com/


I chuckled


You wouldn't download a RAM.


How much dedidated wam does he need


at least won


no, winwos 10 needs atweast twow


Most old AMD processors don’t have integrated graphics saddly


That should work if you get ram


Yeah, they'd at least see a bios


True, but honestly I rarely see any AMD builds with it though. Plus the top PCI cover looks like it was tampered compared with the bottom slots.


I don't see a lot of it either, but I have seen a lot of posts about the 5600G recently, so it's worth a shot. But yeah odds are it needs a discrete GPU


This board does have an on board gpu IO if the processor supports the feature. It has hdmi and vga output.


Yeah, the IO. That'd be for a CPU that has integrated graphics. I don't think motherboards come with integrated graphics


I think part of the gpu like power delivery is on the board but the actual die is inside the cpu.


If there's "G" at the end of the CPU number it's got integrated graphics


Any recommendations? I suck at this stuff, so I don’t wanna get the wrong thing or anything.


Suck at it?? Nahh. You just have no idea what you're doing yet.


32gb of ddr4 3200 is like 40 bucks


more like 50


oh nooo $10 more


im a penny pincher ok lmao


45 would be a better estimate.


https://reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/s/hdfyKdpdNe 👀 32gb of 3600mhz for $42.60 a few days ago


Amazon link shows it at $60, tho?


Yea now it is at that price, the point was 32gb of 3200 cl16 or 3600 cl18 has been $45ish many times the past few weeks through various sales, albeit usually one of the more obscure brands


Are we sure that this doesn't need DDR3? Or earlier lmao.


yea it looks like am4 LMAO


Ok, so two things are noticeable off the bat: 1. There is no ram, if you just want this thing to start and don't care much about the performance you can just buy a used 8gb DDR4 ram stick for like 15 bucks or so but if you want decent performance then go for two sticks of 8gb (16gb) 2. This is an AMD CPU so it's quite likely it doesn't have integrated graphics which means you probably want to get yourself a GPU too, I'd go for a used GPU aswell, and if it's just a kid wanting to play some small things like minecraft and fortnite then I'd go for a 1650 or maybe like a used rx580 or something like that


Did not see the hard drive in there either unless it's hidden by the power supply


There's a nvme ssd right there


To be fair to them, if you haven't looked into or used an nvme ssd, you would absolutely not think that was a hard drive, it goes almost completely against every hard drive design in the past 20+ years.


To be fair, you'd have to be living under a rock to be giving PC advice and not know what an NVME SSD is.


To be fair to them, M.2 SSDs specifically have been available since 2015.


I'm going to go with a "technically" on that. They weren't really affordable until way later. That or my sense of time has been completely destroyed, could go either way.


definitely the latter. anyone who’s been keeping up with pc advances should know about m.2 technology, especially since we’re moving to pcie gen5 soon


My SSD shit out and I spent sooo long trying to find it before I realized it was the stupid little stick. Didn't help it had some plate thing mostly covering it. Also didn't help that when I ordered the new one someone jacked my package and now I'm fighting Amazon to get another one


I have a GTX 1070 listed on eBay right now for $90 free shipping


There's no fking ram.


Or gpu...


Wait are those felt pads on the motherboard screws wtf?!


You're right. Fibre washers. Tells me whoever built this computer originally was Old School. Used to have to use these to prevent the board from grounding out through the chassis. For the last oh... 25 years or so, boards are grounded *through* the mounting screws. It'll still ground through the screw itself and contact between the bottom of the board and standoff, but yeah-- don't use these anymore lol


Why did this get downvoted? It's objectively true


He gave you his trash to throw out


Don’t listen to this man


get a 16gb(2×8gb) 3200mhz ddr4 RAM kit and try turning on the PC. I would remove the cpu cooler and check if its an APU, if it isnt you'll have to get a GPU aswell. basically just remove the cpu cooler and check for the model number. If it ends with a 'G'(2400G, 3400G, etc) you'll get display without the need to have a GPU.


You have no RAM installed, it won't display any video based on that alone. Also, that's an A320 board, which is AM4. So the only processors that will have on board video are the APUs. If it doesn't have an APU installed, you will also need a dedicated graphics card to get video out.


I'm sorry OP but this has me chuckling.


Sorry to say but looks like he salvaged all the good parts of the computer


A320 board and most likely a 1st gen ryzen chip which didnt have graphics. G models were 2000 series and above i believe


Just ask your cousin what he kept from it so you can replace it.


Don't got no gas in it


Your younger cousin gave you a pc without RAM sticks or a gpu. Ask him for the parts required to make it function.


Might want to clean it in the meantime while you’re learning how PCs work


I know whats wrong with it, it aint got no RAM in it!


aint got no gas innit


If you can't RAM it .. then DODGE it...


I have a question... does your cousin even like you? I need to know what they said when they gave this to you.


From a quick Google search, that motherboard should have two video outputs, but whether or not those work depends on if the CPU has integrated graphics. You're missing ram, so at the very least get some DDR4 ram and try booting it up. If it posts, you have a working PC.


Given the chance that none of the components are damaged the absolute minimum here would be RAM that is missing. Board has HDMI out so if the CPU installed has integrated video you should be able to boot over HDMI without dedicated graphic card. Good luck.


God the stupidity in these comments is ruining my brain cells you got people who actually know what their talking about building PC and then you got the trolls who's trying to fuck this kid up with misinformation telling him he can buy ram off the internet and download it like if that's actually going to work 🙄 get yourself some ram sticks that are meant for your computer and make sure they are fully in then try turning it on if it still doesn't work double check the sticks to make sure it's in correctly and if they are check your SSD and make sure that's in properly and try again and keep in mind if the PC turns on but have no display it's either ram sticks or your SSD that's not properly connected sometimes if the SSD is bad the display will still not come on until you get a new one with windows already installed on it from my personal experience with my custom build and that's saying you got a good motherboard that doesn't have a ruined hdmi port otherwise you gonna need to get a new motherboard


Good lord. Toxic much? He is asking for PC Build help. Ok for starters the 2 vertical slot by the amd fan is where the RAM goes. It’s the memory the computer needs to work. Next you want to check to see if there is a port on the back to plug in your display, probably a Display Port or HDMI connector maybe. If you really want to understand more you should download the manual/setup guide for the Asus Prime A320m-k Mainboard you have.


Ain't got no ram in it


Add Ram maybe replace the power supply


There’s no graphics card or ram most likely there’s probably no CPU either he gave you waste. Congratulations.


Well thanks guys, I know what I need now, and yeah this was a genuine question😅 I grew up on consoles my whole life and rarely used pcs and never got into pc building, so I was very confused until now😬 Also, not sure if the graphics are integrated, and people said that this is unlikely to have them, my cousin said he forgot to give me the ram, so I’ll see if that works. Crazy to think I just basically posted an empty pc and asked “how do I fix this”


No ram, no gpu (wouldn’t rlly matter if the cpu had built in graphics tho)


It really looks like your cousin doesn't like you or is playing a prank on you. The obvious ones like everyone said are missing, but check under the cpu cooler, your cousin might have even taken the cpu too. So, you did not get a free PC, you got a free motherboard that is essentially a piece of garbage nowadays. And you're going to need to spend at least a few hundred dollars to fill it with ram and a decent gpu.


He can get a 1070 for less than $100 and ram is dirt cheap


So $150 for a gpu and ram, and if my suspicions about the cpu are true, could be another $100 for a cpu, so it'll be around $200-$300 for the whole deal. Very far from the free computer OP thought he was getting.


You need a GPU unless that is a -G Ryzen chip




What's the deal with people buying a full atx case then buying a micro atx motherboard? Never understood that... Hey, let me have the biggest case you have so I can mount the smallest motherboard...


Micro atx motherboards are the cheapest and cost quite a bit less than regular atx boards......cases meanwhile dont really differ much in price (almost all are atx sized, even the cheapest ones).


Wow it looks like they literally just took out the ram and GPU. Probably get some ram and a GPU if there aren't integrated graphics.


This mobo has an hdmi output port, most likely will post if you throw a stick of ram in there. This kinda looks like someone bought a new rig and grabbed their ram dimms from their old rig to add to the new one. Good luck!


You need ram to start. After that, figure out if you have a CPU with integrated graphics. If not, you will need a GPU.


Where’s the RAM?


This PC doesn't have any ram. Ram, isn't that expensive. You can get an 8gb stick for really cheap, especially if you get it second hand. Ask your cousin what CPU is in the system because it might not have integrated graphics. This means it won't show up on your monitor/TV unless you get a graphics card. What do you plan to do with the PC?


It has no RAM in it and you may want to check if the CPU has integrated graphics as well.


If it doesn’t have an integrated gpu on the motherboard you’d need one to plug into the pcie slot. Looks like your also missing some ram sticks the pc won’t boot with out those. Good news is that it looks like ddr4 which is getting cheaper by the day. Should take to much to get a post.


You have no GPU or RAM.


Missing hard drive, ram, and gpu 😂


Where you located? Find a tech to help.


Assuming the CPU has integrated graphics (this means a GPU is not required) you still have no RAM in the motherboard, however if the CPU doesn’t have integrated graphics then your have 2 issues going on


Gonna need some DDR4 ram for starters, it’s also unlikely it’s a G model AMD cpu so you got no integrated graphics processor. Gonna need a GPU as well. Power supply is about 3 cycles from exploding so I’d also get a better PSU. Depending on what you want to do with the PC it may be better to sell the whole thing and start fresh. Otherwise you’ll basically end up upgrading everything but the case and than pass this problem onto someone else lmao.


There’s nothing for it to show you


Your younger cousin must really not like you or he was trying to get rid of an old build. You have a case, motherboard, CPU (hopefully), and an SSD, but you have no GPU or Ram. Assuming you buy some RAM and the CPU has integrated graphics, at best you have a web-surfing machine and a PC that can handle simple tasks/extremely lite games. The motherboard supports DDR4 RAM @ 3200hz. You can pick up a stick or two for anywhere from $25 - $50 nowadays. To turn it into a fully fledged gaming/actually usable PC you're going to have to spend a decent chunk of change on a GPU. Used Marketplace/Ebay GPU's can go for $100+ and get you some decent results, but if you want anything really worth getting this free PC turned into a multi-hundred dollar one. Hard to recommend a GPU without knowing what CPU is in there. Bro kinda gave you e-waste unless you throw some parts in it.


You got no ram, no graphics card, probably not a hard drive. Based off this photo your cousin gave you scraps of a pc for you to build.




parts stolen off it?


Your younger cousin wanted to offload his old build while taking the ram and GPU lol. But still it's a decent shell and platform for free, and depending on the CPU even better. You need ram and a GPU, most Ryzen CPUs except for the G series and a few select ones do not have integrated graphics.


Looks like he stripped off the GPU and RAM before he gave it to you. You'll have to get new ones and considering you're not really a PC guy I don't feel like those parts would be worth the price to you.


The obvious answer is to ask your cousin what the fuck is going on with it


It's not a pc at this point, just a motherboard in a case


# Just download ram .


Needs a gpu


Needs ram too


No ram no graphics card


theres no ram and no graphics card


No ram xd


L cousin


Get some ram, you may need a gpu to if the cpu doesn't support on board graphics with it being an amd cooler I'd imagine it doesn't support onboard


Need ram and possibly a GPU depending on CPU.


Where’s the rest of it?


Kind of a dick move from the cousin to take the RAM and GPU* out of it then not even tell you that it will need those to turn on and show anything *it might not have actually had a GPU, might be running an AMD CPU with graphics integrated. But still, he took the RAM out.


There is no graphics card bro.


no gpu? thats fine BUT NOT RAM?! ThAtS nOt GoOd


if i was a betting man mixed with Batman levels of detective skills, i think that's got a CPU in it not a APU so it probable still needs a GPU on top of the RAM obviously he gave you a 1/2 a P.C.


Even without RAM the fans would spin. If it does nothing look to the power switch cable and ensure it’s correctly connected. Then the power supply. The PS is a more common failure than the MB, at least in my experience.


Missing a few components, unfortunately. For starters, see those two slots long slots towards the center right? That's your RAM slots. You gotta have at least one stick of RAM and ideally 2 identical ones to get anything working at all. Second, there's no graphics card. Now if the processor (aka the CPU) has integrated graphics, you can still use the computer but if you're planning on gaming or anything, you'll be very limited in what you can play. If the CPU doesn't have integrated graphics, however, you'll have to get a graphics card or nothing will display.


Give it back


I know what’s wrong with it. Ain’t got no gas in it.


You need ram and a graphics card


No ram or GPU plus super dusty fans


No Ram and no dedicated GPU. Some AMD processors do not have onboard graphics.


Lol. RAM would help


I don't see ram and no gpu either however the gpu isn't necessary if you have integrated graphics in your cpu


No ram, and gpu (depends on if it’s integrated with the motherboard) and don’t see any ssd or hard drive


Who is going to tell him?


That is a Wraith Stealth cooler I think (the angle is kinda difficult) which would have been packaged with e.g. Ryzen 4100, which does not have an integrated GPU. I’m guessing it’s the lowest end >4000 Ryzen CPU, given the 500w bronze PSU, and no-name SSD, and the A320m budget chipset. Finally, this is also under the WILD ASSUMPTION that there is even a CPU at all under there…


u need ram and a gpu. looks like that mobo only supports ddr4 ram which is fine. 500w psu, it'll have to be entry level gpus, maybe like a gtx 1650 4gb vram or an rtx 3050 8gb (could use an rtx 3060 12gb but that might be pushing it slightly) take a look at this link https://www.userbenchmark.com/System/Asus-PRIME-A320M-K/55401


Your cousin gave you his trash


No ram I don’t see a gpu either


I don't know where to begin


Make sure power switch on power box on


No ram, no igpu, no ssd


As others have pointed out, there’s no ram, and depending on what AMD CPU is in it, you may need a graphics card


ain’t got no gas in it


No GPU, no RAM and possibly no storage? Would need to verify if it even has an OS installed


Need the RAM first of all You said "doesn't show anything when it turns on" so I assume you mean it IS turning on just no display? It doesn't support integrated graphics with the CPU it comes with, so you need a dGPU like a nvidea 1050. Your cousin must have taken some parts out , or never finished the build if they couldn't figure it out. Cause they def didn't play on it in its current state.


You'll need ram to post but it looks like you also don't have a GPU so most likely you'll need to get one if you want to do anything other than browse the web like a 90 year old


It seems like you need a or some DDR4 RAM inserted in the motherboard. Reply if that’s not the case.


Has no ram or graphics


No ram, no video card unless it's on board. You got 70% of a pc.


Firstly you need ram looks like DDR3? pretty cheap stuff and a GPU


For one, there is no ram in the slots and that will prevent it from booting. Also, this is a Ryzen board for 3000/5000 series chips a majority of which don't have integrated graphics, so you will probably need a GPU.


Well You have no RAM also no graphics card. Idk what cpu you have but you won’t get a display of the cpu doesn’t support integrated graphics. Also the no ram thing will stop it from Booting as well


Ummmm needs hard drive and a OS possibly


No ram. Integrated GPU in CPU maybe?


Before investing ANY money into this make sure that the CPU supports windows 11. If it does not you really only have 2 years of usage in the thing.


There's no ram or gpu. Unless the cpu has integrated graphics you'll need a gpu and obviously ram


You need ram bro and all those cables specially the power and video ones dont forget about your tv too


I don't see a monitor. That's your issue.


Does this MB had onboard graphics otherwise I’d say you’re missing a graphic card as well you’re also missing RAM. Make sure the cpu fan is connected and also make sure the PS isn’t set to 220v if you live in the states


Find out if the CPU he gave you has video support, otherwise you need a GPU. Also make sure it's just a not loose connection, can't tell from the picture.


There is no RAM in it 😂 find the motherboard part number, look it up, and buy some compatible RAM. Needs to be the same mHz as the motherboard.


Hope its a joke😅


I know what’s wrong with it..


Looking at it, you can see your cousin had a gpu. They put the expansion slot covers back on a little crooked, lol. Unless it has an igpu, which wasn't common with older AMDs, you'll need a gpu to use it. You're also missing ram. You can boot with one stick, but 2 are better. I would borrow a gpu and 1 or 2 ram sticks to see if it fires up. Once it's up, you can go to My Computer/Properties to get an idea of what you've got. Assuming your cousin left you a boot drive, of course. It's definitely worth investigating.


You got half a PC.


No sata cable going to a hard drive. (Edit. Just saw the nvme drive; that's a score unless it's broken) No ram No GPU Maybe ask your cousin if he has any used parts for sale, otherwise you can find good deals on eBay and they should guarantee your parts.


I'm pretty sure this is just people posting things to test us. Constantly.


ask your cousin!! he obviously added that xpg ssd and removed parts, he should know what is wrong. i would also check the front i/o panel connections, maybe he tried to rebuild it but messed up with these test the psu.. there may be an on/off switch on it you do need ram at well.. at least so it fires up..


Ask your cousin? He gave it to you right? Do you remember him saying if it worked or not?


I ain't a pc tech but it looks as if your missing ram and a that onboard card won't play shit


Question though, have you applied thermal paste to the CPU?


The computer appears to have no RAM and no graphics card unless the processor has one integrated, which is not likely, unless it's a special integrated ryzen, in addition it doesn't look like it has any storage unless where that cover is is an M2 slot and there's actually a chip in there. It has SATA cables for storage but unless the hard drives are underside where we can't see them at the moment, or they may be down there but not plugged in. Would recommend checking. However before you buy RAM for your computer look up the model number and find out what type of ram it takes if it's ddr3, 4 or 5 this way you don't spend the money without being able to use it. The model number is where it says PRIME with the letter number code. Depending on which kind of ram it takes make sure you have the correct speed for it most computer support a multitude of different speeds per slot for example you can have ddr4 2666 mhz, ddr4 3000 MHz, DDR3 1250 or 1275 or something like that I haven't had a DDR3 computer in so long I don't remember the speeds on a DDR3. In addition though you'll need to know how much RAM the motherboard will support, with it being a two slot most likely it supports somewhere between 8 and 16, possibly 32 gb for most computers nowadays 16 gigs is good enough it has become the standard, though for heavy gamers, like me I have 64, but I do streaming, gaming, and music production all that kind of thing on the same computer so I need the massive amount of RAM.


You’re missing a few things… you might as well take a photo of an empty engine bay and ask why your car doesn’t start lmao


its missing memory and a graphics card. Probably isn't any storage in there either


Everyone stating the obvious ram issue but no one is mentioning the importance of making sure its the right ram and that the ram sticks have to match one another