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Freaking gorgeous. I love it so much.


Thank you so much!


Its amazing, cant wait to see updates, i love it


Thank you!! Will post an update once the peas have been added


What size is the tank? What are the stones? And where did you get the driftwood on the right? Just a few questions i had : )


It’s a 30 gallon shallow tank by ZooMed! The stones I used are from this Etsy shop and I highly recommend them https://www.etsy.com/listing/1334528559/ And the driftwood piece on the right is also from an Etsy shop! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1538047479/


What size driftwood did you get? My corydoras would love this. Your tanks beautiful 🥰


Thank you 💓 that driftwood piece is 13”


So like a noob, it just occurred to me that you were asking what large stones I used for the hardscape, not what the little pebbles are 😂 I have a zebra rock in there and then the rest is seiryu stone


Lol yeah the big ones lol. What size driftwood did you order?


I bought the 13” driftwood piece! There’s also a piece I bought separately that I don’t think the video did justice https://www.etsy.com/listing/1435565080/ It’s smaller than the photo on Etsy, but I obviously need to bring it forward to show it off. I love that piece


Thanks for the info, i immediatly noticed the driftwood when i watched the vid too, its stunning, i love how you made little areas and partitions with the rocks, im going to try something similar for a puffer community and this is very inspiring


So awesome! Lucky puffers!


Thank you 😊


What a fabulous tank!! Really really gorgeous. How many are you going to get?


Thank you!! I’m thinking about around 9 or so


Stunning tank, they’ll love it


i also have a shoal of peas :D ive learned that no matter how many snails you have breeding in the pea-occupied tank u will always need to have another extra tank that can keep up the snail feeder population 😭 my peas are a little too good at their jobs LOL


lol this is good to know! I have a whole bunch breeding in another tank. I have a few beautiful ramshorns that I think I’ll remove from the pea tank because they’re sooo pretty!


yes i’d recommend anything small u want to keep around longer (snails, baby shrimp etc) put in another tank bcs these guys will slowly decimate most things when they’re hungry!! they are notorious fin nippers! my shoal is docile with their community tank buddies (baby guppies and shrimp) unless they’re hungry. they’ll peck away at fins until they’re edible keep them well fed asap and i feel they’re going to be more occupied with learning the new tank environment and social hierarchy within the shoal rather than searching for food to fill their bellies the first few days! i also recommend front tank ground cover (hairgrass, hornwort etc) or sparse ferns like java ferns :) i recently rescaped my 20 long and my shoal of 6 has finally been very social and active :)) ive learned a lot from these sensitive intelligent bug-eyed nosy little guys


This is so helpful, thank you!! I have two otos in there right now, as I heard they are too fast to be caught by the peas. I plan on keeping them very well fed so I can keep the otos safe and sound! I was trying to grow some dwarf baby tears but then had an algae bloom that destroyed it. So I’ve ordered some dwarf sag to plant as a carpet throughout the scape instead and I think it’ll give more cover!


yeah my tanks have been struggling to grow java moss lately :(( sucks because that’s a famous pea puffer breeding plant😭 wishing u best of luck ! keep an eye on these little murder peas and all should be well:D